1、Dinner for a Dragon 教学设计教学目标 在本课学习结束时,学生能够1. 能够理解故事大意,如主要角色、事件、故事的背景、情节发展等,感受故事阅读的乐趣;2. 通过看故事封面、看图预测故事、推测故事活动发展简单的阅读技能;3. 分析和评价故事中dragons和people的行为和情感态度的转变,表达对故事的不同看法,逐渐养成爱思考、敢质疑的思维习惯;4. 通过小组合作表演故事的高潮环节,感受绘本阅读的乐趣。教学重难点教学重点:1. 能够读懂并理解故事大意。2. 能在图片的引导下用自己的语言预测故事的发展。教学难点:1. 能够在理解故事的基础上,用自己的语言对故事进行预测,对龙和
2、人类的情感变化和内心活动进行揣测,以及对故事提出自己的评价和看法。2. 在原有故事的基础上,续编故事。教学用具PPT、电子绘本、音频教学过程教学活动设计意图Pre-reading读前活动活动1:Lead-in 激活学生与主题相关的知识和经验Group work: Ss share their information about dragons in groups. The leaders of each group take some notes, then share in class.通过小组讨论和汇报,激活学生对于dragon的已有知识,进而引入到此绘本的主题“Dinner for a
3、Dragon”。While-reading读中活动活动2:Cover reading 阅读封面,观察图片,预测故事 1. 扉页阅读Ss guess the relationship of two dragons.2. 封面图片预测T: What else can you find in the town?3. 呈现标题和作者T: What do you want to know about the story?活动3:First reading1. Read Page 2-7 fast.T: Why are they in the town?Ss: Because the baby drago
4、n is hungry.T: If you are hungry, how can you get food?Ss: 2. 分段阅读,图片环游,了解故事发展的主要情节。(1) Read Page 3-7 carefully, finish the worksheet in groups.T: How do they get food?(2) T presents Page 7 again. Ss guess.T: What will happen in the town?(3) Read Page 8-13 silently. Ss know about the text generally.
5、T: What will happen in the town?(4) T takes Ss to analyze the plot page by page.Q1: Where are the dragons now?Q2: What are people doing?Q3: When mum and son see the dragons, what will they say to dragons?Q4: When the dragons see people, what will they say? Q5: What are the dragons going to eat? Gues
6、s. Q6: When dad flaps his wings, how do mum and son feel? How about the dragons? Q7: When people throw food at the dragons, how do mum and son feel? How about the dragons?通过引导学生对封面的观察,激发学生的好奇心,让学生对绘本进行预测和提问。通过第一部分的阅读,了解故事的起因。老师带着学生观察图片,引导学生图文结合获取信息。通过自主阅读与提问,培养学生的观察力和想象力。通过图片环游,引导学生了解故事的主要内容。老师通过引导学
7、生观察龙爸爸和龙宝宝在不同情境下的动作和心情变化,进而去揣摩各种角色的内心活动和语言,让学生更深刻地去体验这个故事的发展情节,从而自主地从中生成情感意识的体验。(5) 对比人物前后的情感变化Teacher presents these characters again, Ss tell from the changes among them. Then guess what happened.T: Why are they happy finally? What happened?Mum and son:Curious-scared-angry & worried-happyDad and s
8、on:Happy-excited-angry & scared-happy (6) Read Page 14-15 T: What happens in the end?通过教师的提问,引导学生对故事进行更加深入的思考,不仅要关注故事内容,更要关注龙和人类的心理和情感变化。Post-reading读后活动活动4:Listen and enjoy the story.活动5:表演故事的高潮部分。引导学生把自己想象故事中的龙和人类,真正把学生带入故事情景,运用语言,体验角色情感的变化。Home-work家庭作业1. Share the story with your family.2. Read a new story about dragons.4