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1、2018下半年福建教师资格高中英语学科知识与教学能力真题及答案一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分。共60分)1. The difference between/and/lies in_A. the place of articulationB. the manner of articulationC. sound durationD. voicing参考答案:D。参考解析:本题考查辅音的发音。按照发音部位划分,/和/都属于齿龈后音;按照发音方式划分,/和/都属于擦音;sound duration为“音的长短”,属于元音的分类范畴;按照带声性划分,/为清辅音(voiceless),/为

2、浊辅音(voiced ) D项符合题意。2. Which of the following shows the general intonation pattern of a coordinate sentence?A. You train the troops for six months and you send them abroad.B. You train the troops for six months and you send them abroad.C. You train the troops for six months and you send them abroad.

3、D. You train the troops for six months and you send them abroad.参考答案:A。参考解析:本题考查语调。该句意为“你将这支队伍训练六个月,然后把他们送往国外”。在并列句中,如果前后两个分句关系紧密,有逻辑上的顺承关系,则一般前一个分句用升调,后一个分句用降调。如果并列句中的前后两个分句同等重要,或两个分句的联系不紧密,则两个并列的分句都用降调。故本题选A。3. That famous scientist had a very_mind as a child and at the age of ten heperformed his

4、first experiment.A. mechanicalB. consciousC. impressionableD. inquisitive参考答案:D。参考解析:本题考查形容词辨析。mechanical“机械的,呆头呆脑的”,conscious“有意识的,意识到的”,impressionable“(年轻人)无主见的,易受影响的”,inquisitive“好学的,好奇的”。句意为“那个著名的科学家在儿童时期就有强烈的好奇心,他在十岁时进行了第一次实验”。故本题选D。4. To get drugs from the pharmacy, you need a(n)_A. inscriptio

5、nB. recipeC. prescriptionD. remedy参考答案:C。参考解析:本题考查名词辨析。句意为“(如果要)从药房取药,你需要一个处方”。inscription“题词,碑文”,recipe“秘诀,食谱”,prescription“处方,药方”,remedy“治疗,药品”。C项符合题意。5. Detect is formed by deleting an imagined affix from detective. This process ofword-format/on is called_A. inflectionB. derivationC. compoundingD

6、. back-format/on参考答案:D。参考解析:本题考查构词法。inflection“屈折变化”,指通过添加屈折词缀来表现词的语法关系的方法,如名词的单数变复数,动词的时态、语态变化等;derivation“派生法”,指通过词缀与词根的结合构成单词的方法;compoundin9“复合法”,指把两个自由语素或两个独立的词结合在一起构成新词的方法;backformation“逆构词法”,指去掉假定后缀构成新词的方法,如televise由television去掉后缀ion逆生而成。detect是把detective的假定后缀去掉得来的,属于逆构词法。故本题选D。6. Having been

7、made speechless, he felt_a fool than he had expected.A. likeB. asC. more ofD. much of参考答案:C。参考解析:本题考查比较级。句意为“已经无话可说了,他感觉这远比他预想的更像个傻瓜”。根据句意及关键词than可知,句中构成了比较级,much用来修饰比较级,并不构成比较级,故排除A、B、D。more of sththan为固定搭配,此处指比想象中更傻。7. What is the chance of_another typhoon in this area this summer?A. there beingB.

8、 there to beC. there beD. there going to be参考答案:A。参考解析:本题考查动名词的复合结构。句意为“该地区今年夏天再次发生台风的可能性有多大?”此处there be句型作介词of的宾语,因此be动词用动名词形式。故本题选A。8._they to cut down the cost of advertising, the cost of production significantlyfall.A. Are; willB. Were; shallC. Are; shouldD. Were; would参考答案:D。参考解析:本题考查虚拟语气。句意为“如

9、果他们降低广告成本,生产成本就会明显下降”。表示与现在事实相反的情况,虚拟条件从句谓语动词用过去式(be用were),主句谓语用wouldshouldcouldmight+动词原形;虚拟条件从句中含有were时,可省略if,并把were移至主语之前。该从句的正常语序是If they were to cut down the cost of advertising。故本题选D。9. How many morphemes are there in the word impassable ?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.参考答案:B。参考解析:本题考查形态学。词素是

10、最小的有意义的语言单位。impassable由im一+-一pass一+一able三个词素构成。故本题选B。10. Which of the following is used to describe the speech errors induced by the transposition oftwo sounds as in tons of soil and sons of toil ?A. Alliteration.B. Spoonerism.C. Elision.D. Liaison.参考答案:B。参考解析:本题考查语音现象。alliteration“头韵”,指频繁地重复相同的发音,通

11、常是首字母的辅音。spoonerism“斯普纳现象,首音误置”,指将两个或两个以上单词的首音位置互换,这种置换可能是有意的,但也可能是无意的。将“tons of soil”读成“sons of toil”属于首音误置。elision“省音”,指省略部分读音,如we will变成well,let Its变成lets liaison“连读”,指在同一个意群中,如果相邻两个单词的前者以辅音音素结尾,后者以元音音素开头,则将该辅音和元音拼读成一个音节。11. When a teacher asks students to brainstorm what they will write about an

12、 unforgettable trip,he/she mainly focuses on_A. ideasB. layoutC. styleD. feedback参考答案:A。参考解析:本题考查写作教学。题干:在进行“难忘的旅途”写作前,教师要求学生进行头脑风暴,该教师主要关注的是。ideas“思想,想法”,layout“布局”,style“风格”,feedback“反馈”。“头脑风暴”一般在写前进行,用于帮助学生收集想法,使学生产生思路。故本题选A。12. Which of the following is a communicative task?A. Reading aloud the

13、dialogue on page 24.B. Writing a party invitation to your friends.C. Translating the first paragraph into Chinese.D. Making sentences with the expressions given.参考答案:B。参考解析:本题考查课堂活动。题干:以下哪个选项属于交际性任务?A项“朗读第24页的对话”,B项“给你的朋友写一封聚会邀请函”,C项“将第一段翻译成汉语”,D项“用所给短语造句”。communicative task是指在各种形式的交际性活动中学生完成的目标任务,即

14、真实的交际性任务,以实现真正运用语言。A、C、D三项的任务都没有放在真实的交际语境中,故本题选B。13. What is being practised ifa teacher asks students to read words like cot, hot and dog, log ?A. Spelling and structure.B. Stress and sound.C. Minimal pairs.D. Phonetic symbols.参考答案:C。参考解析:本题考查语音教学。最小对立体,也称最小对立对,指除了出现在同一个位置上的一个音之外其余都相同的两个语音组合。题目中的co

15、t与hot,dog与log两组词都只有一个音素的差别,因此该教师让学生练习的是最小对立体。故本题选C。14. What teaching method is used by the teacher if much of his/her class time is spent ondrilling sentence patterns followed by exercises like repetition, memorization, mimicry, etc?A. The Natural Approach.B. The Communicative Approach.C. The Audio-

16、lingual Method.D. The Grammar-translation Method.参考答案:C。参考解析:本题考查教学方法。题干:如果一节课的大部分时间都是在练习句型,并且配有重复、记忆和模仿等练习,那么教师运用的是什么教学方法?A项“自然法”是一种在单词和短语同事物之间建立直接联系的教学方法,旨在把抽象的意义还原为形象具体的现实。B项“交际法”是以语言功能项目为纲,培养在特定的社会语境中运用语言进行交际的能力的一种教学法体系,旨在培养交际能力。C项“听说法”以句型为中心,强调反复操练,以模仿、重复和记忆的方式学习。D项“语法翻译法”以培养学生的阅读能力为主要的教学目的,强调阅

17、读原著和名著,不注重口语。故本题选C。15. According to the affective-filter hypothesis,_is NOT an affective factorinfluencing language learning.A. attitudeB. motivationC. interestD. intelligence参考答案:D。参考解析:本题考查二语习得。题干:根据情感过滤假说,不是影响语言学习的有效因素。根据克拉申的情感过滤假说语言学习的好坏因人而异,差别主要产生于心理方面的因素。因学习者在学习动机、态度、信心等情感方面的强度不同,形成强弱不同的心理障碍。第

18、二语言习得的过程受到许多情感因素的影响。语言输入必须通过情感过滤才有可能变成语言“吸收”。态度、动力和兴趣都属于情感的范畴。intelligence“智力”不属于该范畴。故本题选D。16. What does his/her feedback focus on if a teachers comment is John, it would be muchbetter if you have given more details,t ?A. Content.B. Language.C. Attitude.D. Aptitude.参考答案:A。参考解析:本题考查教学实施和评价。题干:如果一位教师这

19、样评论学生“约翰,如果你能给出更多的细节信息,那就更好了”,那么该教师的反馈主要关注什么?A项“内容”,B项“语言”,C项“态度”,D项“天赋,能力”。教师的反馈是希望学生给出更多信息,所以教师的反馈关注内容。故本题选A。17. Which of the following is a referential question?A. Where was Yang Liwei born?B. Who is the first Chinese astronaut?C. Why do you think Yang Liwei is a great astronaut?D. When did Yang

20、Liwei begin his historic space travel?参考答案:C。参考解析:本题考查课堂提问。题干:下面哪一个是参考性问题?课堂问题可分为展示性问题(display questions)和参考性问题(referential questions)。展示性问题是指教师已经知道答案或者答案能在相关工具书中找到,提问只是为了考查学生对语言知识的掌握情况的问题。参考性问题是指教师所提的问题没有预设的答案,提问的目的在于使学生发散思维寻求信息的问题。A、B、D三项都是展示性问题,答案具有固定性。故本题选C。18. Having lived in China for a long t

21、ime, John could fully understand the cultural shocksexperienced by his Chinese students. Which of the following traits does John have in this instance?A. Avoidance.B. Empathy.C. Extroversion.D. Introversion.参考答案:B。参考解析:本题考查跨文化交际。题干:在中国居住很长时间后,约翰完全能理解他的中国学生经历的文化冲击。在这个事例中约翰有以下哪一种特质?A项“规避”,B项“共情,共鸣”,C项

22、“外向型”D项“内向型”。共情又称同理心、同感等,它是指教师要借助知识、经验、技巧和学生的言行,深入学生内心去体验他的情感、思维,去真正地理解学生。约翰在中国居住很长时间之后,能完全理解中国学生经历的文化冲击,体现出约翰对中国学生产生了共情。故本题选B。19. When the teacher asks students to read a text for the main idea, he/she intends todevelop students skill of_A retellingB. predictingC. skimmingD. scanning参考答案:C。参考解析:本题考

23、查阅读技能。题干:教师让学生读文章获取大意,目的是训练学生的什么能力?A项“复述”,B项“预测”,C项“略读”,D项“寻读”。略读是一种快速浏览的阅读方式,其目的是了解文章的大意。故本题选C。20. Which of the following is based on the communicative view of language?A. Structural syllabus.B. Skill-based syllabus.C. Genre-based syllabus.D. Functional-notional syllabus.参考答案:D。参考解析:本题考查英语教学大纲。题干:下

24、列哪一项是基于交际性语言观产生的?A项“结构型教学大纲”,B项“技能型教学大纲”,C项“体裁型教学大纲”,D项“功能一意念型教学大纲”。功能一意念型教学大纲是把学习者运用语言的需要作为出发点,以交际为基础的大纲模式,它所教授的语言需要表达和理解各种功能,并强调交际过程。故本题选D。请阅读Passage 1,完成第21-25小题。Passage 1When it comes to airline travel, perhaps nothing has revolutionized the passenger experiencemore than airline apps. Indeed, th

25、eyre becoming so ubiquitous that more than 50 percent of U.Stravelers have at least one airline app installed on their smart device, according to travel industryresearch firm Phocuswright.Maybe thats because apps make travel easier, and often are more functional than a kiosk or even anairlines own w

26、ebsite. Passengers report that theyre often more quickly informed of a flight cancellationor gate change than an airline employee. Not all airline apps are created equal, but in general you canuse an app to check in for a flight, change seats, and request and pay for an upgrade. Road warriors inpart

27、icular appreciate mobile boarding passes and the ability to track their flights. Many airlines nowoffer free onboard streaming entertainment via apps. The Delta Air Lines app even allows users to tracktheir bags, from check-in to carousel, while the Air France app lets passengers download magazines

28、andnewspapers from the airlines library 30 hours prior to departure.But what if you are traveling extensively on more than one airline? Global airline allianceshave their own apps that allow you to view flights for all member airlines and their affiliates,including code share flights. In general, yo

29、u can find flight schedules for all member airlines andtrack member airline flights. Airport information is available, as are details about local weather atthe destination. Wheres the nearest airport lounge? The app will locate it for you.The SkyTeam airline alliance app goes a step further by letti

30、ng its SkyPriority members(SkyTeam Elite Plus members and customers with first and business-class tickets) find out exactlywhich SkyPriority services-including priority check in and baggage drop off, as well as access topriority security lanes and boarding lanes-are available at individual airports.

31、Youll find that some alliance app features are available through multiple channels ofcommunication. For example, SkyTeam members have formed their own online community bysharing traveler tricks and airport tips accessible through a variety of channels, including the app,SkyTeams website, Facebook pa

32、ge and a dedicated tips site. SkyTeams YouTube page featurestravel tips from regional celebrities.Just as airlines seem to have conquered social media, another method of communicating withtravelers has just arrived. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines is the first carrier to sign up for FacebooksMessenger chat

33、 app. KLM flyers can automatically receive itineraries, flight updates, check-in notifications, boarding passes and rebook flights and communicate with customer service, allfrom Facebook Messenger. Messenger for Business was launched so that customers-in this case,passengers-can transact business ov

34、er the messaging app in a single communication thread.Roughly 80 percent of passengers on planes traveling within the U.S. have the Messenger appinstalled on their smartphones, according to Facebook.Clearly, mobile apps and social media have transformed our digital lives. Airlines favor appsand othe

35、r technologies because they get customers out of airport lines and off phone lines. Throughtheir smart devices, travelers now have untethered access to travel information. A few quick tapscan supply individuals with information never dreamed possible even a decade ago. And withmore people using smar

36、tphones as their primary computing device, and as more people own cellphones globally, people expect technology-driven methods of communication and convenience toaccelerate. Whether youre high-tech or not, you must admit that having immediate access to theinformation you need sure beats getting a bu

37、sy signal on a toll-free phone line.21. Which of the following reflects what the author intends to convey?A. Airline apps have made airline competitions fiercer than ever.B. Airline apps have immensely transformed travelers digital lives.C. Airline apps will probably replace airline staff in the nea

38、r future.D. Airline apps have provided magazines and newspaper for travelers.参考答案:B。参考解析:主旨题。文章主要讲述了航空公司的应用程序给人们带来的种种便捷,最后一段第一句“Clearly,mobile apps and social media have transformed our digital lives”总结了前文内容,后面的内容都是对这句话的展开说明。A、C两项文章均未提及。D项内容为文章中的细节信息,并不能概括全文意思。故本题选B。22. According to this passage, wh

39、ich of the following apps provides priority servicesinformation for priority members?A. The SkyTeam airline alliance app.B. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines app.C. Global airline alliance app.D. The Delta Air Lines app.参考答案:A。参考解析:细节题。根据题干定位到第四段。由该段内容可知The SkyTeam airline alliance app允许头等舱和商务舱的乘客优先登机及进行行李托运

40、,甚至还为他们提供优先安全通道和登机通道等。所以能为具有优先权的乘客提供优先服务信息的应用程序是The SkyTeam airline alliance app。故本题选A。23. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word untethered in thelast paragraph?A. Unlimited.B. Easy.C. Immediate.D. Direct.参考答案:A。参考解析:词汇题。画线单词所在句为“Airlines favor apps and other technologi

41、es because they get customers out of airport lines and off phone linesThrough their smart devices,travelers now haveuntethered access to travel information”,这句话是说航空公司喜欢应用程序和其他技术是因为它们能够让客户摆脱机场线和电话线;通过他们的智能设备,旅客们现在可以获取旅行信息。前面作者强调的是应用程序及其他技术使人们摆脱了对机场线和电话线的依赖,也就是说打破了这种限制,因此这里的untethered应该是无限制的意思。故本题选A。2

42、4. What makes mobile apps appealing to travelers according to the last paragraph?A. Realization of their unfulfilled dreams.B. A better service via computing devices.C. An unoccupied signal on the phone line.D. Immediate access to the needed information.参考答案:D。参考解析:细节题。最后一段前半部分介绍了手机应用程序能够为乘客获取信息提供较多

43、的无限制的渠道,强调人们只通过简单的操作就能获取即时信息;而且根据最后一句“Whether youre hightech or not,you must admit that having immediate access to the information you need sure beats getting a busy signal on a tollflee phone line”也可得知本题选D。A、B两项并不是最后一段强调的重点,C项文章并未提及。故本题选D。25. Which word below best describes the authors stance?A. Bi

44、ased.B. Neutral.C. Critical.D. Radical.参考答案:B。参考解析:态度题。作者在一开始提到的是航空应用程序带来的革命性变化,随后列举了一些应用程序及相关功能论证它们带来的便利,紧接着开始讲述航空应用程序与一些社交媒体相结合,最后又论述了航空应用程序能够吸引乘客的原因。全文的论述都是建立在客观事实之上的,作者并未掺杂自己的观点。A项“有偏见的”,B项“中立的”,C项“批判的”,D项“激进的”。故本题选B。请阅读Passage 2,完成第2630;小题。Passage 2Everyone knows that English departments are in

45、 trouble, but you cant appreciate just howmuch trouble until you read the new report from the Modern Language Association. The report isabout Ph.D. programs, which have been in decline since 2008. These programs have gotten bothmore difficult and less rewarding: today, it can take almost a decade to

46、 get a doctorate, and, at theend of your program, youre unlikely to find a tenure-track job.The core of the problem is, of course, the job market. The M.L.A. report estimates that onlysixty per cent of newly-minted Ph.D.s will find tenure-track jobs after graduation. If anything,thats wildly optimis

47、tic: the M.L.A. got to that figure by comparing the number of tenure-track jobson its job list (around six hundred) with the number of new graduates (about a thousand). But thatleaves out the thousands of unemployed graduates from past years who are still job-hunting-notto mention the older professors who didnt receive tenure, and who now find themselves competingwith their former students. In all likelihood, the number of jobs per candidate is much smaller thanthe report suggests. Thats why the mood is so dire-why even


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