
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:2672509 上传时间:2022-05-17 格式:PPT 页数:31 大小:313KB
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1、Get Rich Quick , Marry in MayUnit 71. Pre-reading Activity2. While-reading Activity3. Post-reading Activity1. Pre-reading ActivityBackgroundLead-in ActivityTopic 1、 What is your lucky number? 2、 What is your luck day? 3、Do you think your birthday is a lucky day? Why? 4、In Chinese culture what does “

2、9 ”usually mean? And “7”? 5、 What even numbers do you prefer? And odd numbers?Background Information “13” 西方人极端厌恶西方人极端厌恶“13”这个数字,在任何场合都尽量避这个数字,在任何场合都尽量避开它,如高楼的开它,如高楼的12层之上便是层之上便是14层楼,宴会厅的餐桌层楼,宴会厅的餐桌14号紧接着号紧接着12号等。有些人甚至对每个月的号等。有些人甚至对每个月的13日这一日这一天也感到惴惴不安。这是因为西方人认为天也感到惴惴不安。这是因为西方人认为“13”是个不是个不幸的、凶险的数字。原

3、因来自意大利著名画家达幸的、凶险的数字。原因来自意大利著名画家达芬奇创芬奇创作的最后的晚餐,基督耶稣和弟子们一起吃饭,参加作的最后的晚餐,基督耶稣和弟子们一起吃饭,参加晚餐的第晚餐的第13个人是犹大。犹大为了贪图个人是犹大。犹大为了贪图30枚银币,将耶枚银币,将耶稣出卖给犹太教当权者,并为捉拿耶稣的人带路,使耶稣稣出卖给犹太教当权者,并为捉拿耶稣的人带路,使耶稣于于13号星期五被钉在十字架上。西方人憎恨犹大,也把号星期五被钉在十字架上。西方人憎恨犹大,也把“13”这个数字当作不幸的象征这个数字当作不幸的象征。 但是重大活动不安排在13号,请客避免13人入席,电影院里没有第13排和13号座位 T

4、he point: There are a lot of rituals and superstitions at weddings. (P2-6) A: Kerry in the USA(P3) B: Greek and Roman customs (P4) C: Wei Yashu in China(P5-6)Joking about“who will get rich”?(p7)Introduction:Two bride-to-be are planning their weddings in different ways.(P1)Text structure: Introductio

5、n (Para.1) rituals and superstitions at weddings(Para 2-6)joking(Para.7) 2. While-reading ActivityNew Words and Phrases 例:例:1. Make more money ,buy the watch 2. Save your time ,take a taxi 1. Get rich quick, Marry in May 例:例:1. 同时同时 于此同时于此同时Mother was cleaning the room, and meanwhile ,father was wat

6、ching TV.2. 在间隔时间内,在此期间在间隔时间内,在此期间I will talk to you tomorrow; meanwhile, have a good dream。2. meanwhile妈妈正在打扫屋子,与此同时,爸爸在看电视。 hairdresser the hairdressers=the hairdressers shop 理发店【通常为女人开的理发店【通常为女人开的】 The tailors The chemists The barbers理发店【通常为男人开的理发店【通常为男人开的】 Bride 新娘新娘 Bridegroom 新郎新郎 Bridemaid 伴娘

7、伴娘 event1、事件、事件The big eventIt is easy to be wise after the event。事后聪明不难。做事后诸葛亮。事后聪明不难。做事后诸葛亮容易。容易。2、运动项目、运动项目 Each students can take part inThree events.Emotion1激情激情 情绪情绪He tried hard to deal with his emotions。2 激动激动 感动感动His hands shook with emotion。Without emotion 他努力控制着自己的情绪Emotional1、情绪激动的、情绪激动的

8、 易动感情的易动感情的Women are likely to get emotional。2、感情冲动的、感情冲动的 凭感情的凭感情的The boy is having some emotional problemsRitual 仪式例行习惯仪式例行习惯她出门前按习惯要化化妆她出门前按习惯要化化妆She will go through her usual ritual of making up before going out。Superstition 迷信迷信It is a common that black cat is unluckySuperstitious 迷信的迷信的Some pe

9、ople believe in ghostCeremony1、仪式、仪式 典礼典礼The opening ceremony will begin soon.Graduation ceremony 2、礼节、礼节 礼仪礼仪He is a man without Please do not stand on 别那么客套别那么客套 protect To protect his eyes , he never reads in the sun. from 保护免受保护免受 免遭免遭 In northern China, houses have thick windows to people from

10、the cold。 Couple 1、夫妇、夫妇 同居男女同居男女 A happy The young loves each other。 2、一对、一对 一双一双 A of socks A of gloves 3、一些、一些 几个几个 (非正式)(非正式) She will be back in a of days。 Veil 面纱面纱 戴面纱戴面纱 Under the veil of Draw a over something Greek 1、希腊语、希腊语 2、难懂的、难懂的 to sbscare 1、恐吓,使惊恐、恐吓,使惊恐 Be to death 洗的要死洗的要死 The dog

11、the thief off。 2 惊恐惊恐 恐吓恐吓 You really gave me a The parents got a seeing their baby climbing out of the window。 3、away 吓走吓走 吓跑吓跑 Dont speak rudely, or you will the customers away。 Consult 1、 查阅查阅 咨询咨询 a dictionary I sometimes my neighbor about my English 2、交换意见、交换意见 with We have to consult with them

12、 before we change the plan. Economic1、赚钱的、赚钱的 核算的核算的Doing this business is not economic.We will sell our old house at an price.2、经济上的、经济上的This growth this year will be much slowerHis family is in a bad state Reception 1、(正式而大规模的)招待会、(正式而大规模的)招待会 欢迎会欢迎会The school held a to welcome the new students2、

13、欢迎欢迎 招待招待Give a to 招待某人招待某人 欢迎某人欢迎某人We were given a cool They gave the visitors a friendly Own 1、n.自己的事物;自己的事物; 自己人自己人 You see, we have a problem of our own. 你知道,我们也有自己的你知道,我们也有自己的问题。问题。 2、vt.拥有;拥有; 承认承认 His father owns a local pub. 3、adj.自己的;自己的; 特有的特有的 My wife decided I should have my own shop Own

14、er主人主人 拥有者拥有者 The of the book Book Reserve 预定预定 seats on a plane On the other side 1、彼岸、彼岸 另一边另一边 I live of the city 2、 反面反面 另一面另一面 He always argues with us . of things, your work still needs some improvement . Check off 清点清点 清查清查 I checked off the items on the shopping list。 Gather around/ round 聚集

15、聚集 回合回合The club members gather around,exchanging ideas and information。Prepare for 为为 做准备做准备We study to prepare ourselves for the future。Sound close to 听上去差不多听上去差不多These two words sound close to each other. The government is going to put up a new shopping center in the neighborhood. One foolish mistake can involve you in a good deal of trouble. He knew the importance of learning from mistakes Success can not be measured in terms of money 1、在某些国家,年夜是一年中最重要的节日,但是在美国或者欧洲则不尽然。 2、许多人对于这个节日的重视程度甚至超过了东亚人对春节的重视程度。 3、在美国,最大,最热闹的聚会在纽约的时代广场举行。 4.午夜,人们停止谈话、跳舞,收看来自纽约的电视实况报道。


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