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1、广东商学院硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试年度:2013年 考试科目代码及名称:F-518英语综合能力测试适用专业:050201-英语语言文学 试卷编号:A友情提醒:请在考场提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!I. Translate the following into Chinese(30 points)1. The Greeks assumed that the structure of language had some connection with the process of thought, which took root in Europe long before pe

2、ople realized how diverse languages could be.(3 points)2. A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men.(3 points)3. To go

3、into solitude, a man needs to retire as much from his chamber as from society. I am not solitary whilst I read and write, though nobody is with me.(3 points)4. In every poem or work of genius they may see faults and beauties. In almost every face & very person, they may discover fine feature & defec

4、ts, good & bad qualities.(3 points)5. Women, in my observation, have little or no difference in them, but as they are or are not distinguished by education. Tempers, indeed, may in some degree influence them, but the main distinguishing part is their education.(3 points)6. The Englishman appears to

5、be cold and unemotional because he is really slow. When an event happens, he may understand it quickly enough with his mind, but he takes quite a while to feel it. Once upon a time a coach, containing some Englishmen and some Frenchmen, was driving over the Alps. The horses ran away, and as they wer

6、e dashing across a bridge the coach caught on the stonework, tottered, and nearly fell into the ravine below. The Frenchmen were frantic with terror: they screamed and gesticulated and flung themselves about and gesticulated and flung themselves about, as Frenchmen would. The Englishmen sat quite ca

7、lm. An hour later the coach drew up at an inn to change horses, and by that time the situations were exactly reversed. The Frenchmen had forgotten all about the danger, and were chattering gaily; the Englishmen had just begun to feel it, and one had a nervous breakdown and was obliged to go to bed.

8、We have here a clear physical difference between the two racesa difference that goes deep into character. The Frenchmen responded at once; the Englishmen responded in time. (15 points)II. Translate the following into English (30 points)1. 中国一直有重视教育的传统,尤其是儿童的教育。许多家长让孩子参加各种培训班,以增加被理想学校录取的可能性。(3分)2. 在现

9、实生活中,保持心态平衡十分必要。生活中心态失衡,既无法很好的工作,身心也不能得到全面的发展。(3分)3. 有些人认为考试中应采取客观题,如多项选择;也有人不同意这种观点,认为这种考试会对学生的学习产生不良的影响。(3分)4. 计算机被认为是有史以来对人类生活影响最大的发明。它的神奇之处在于其运算速度和准确性优于人类。计算机能在几秒钟内完成几十年前可能需要数天才能完成的事。(3分)5. 人人都有追求幸福的权利,但对幸福的定义却因人而异。绝大多数人认为幸福来自于健康的身体、愿望的实现和事业有成。正如经常发生的那样,许多人在遇到痛苦时才意识到幸福的真正含义。(3分)6. 我对读者的好感始于她的良好口

10、碑。从前我可以说每期必买,但仅限于翻翻。然而后来却大有不同,我对它越来越依赖,甚至到了不可或缺的地步。几年前,我读了里面的一篇文章,题目我不记得了,但内容我记得非常清楚。文中有一段非常经典的内容,大意是,当一个人身处逆境时,要学会想一二,不思八九。文章说,人生在世,如意的事不足一二,不如意的是常有八九。文章还举了令人心悦诚服的例子,告诉人们遭遇逆境时应当如何面对现实。读了这篇文章后,我仿佛一下明白了人生原来是如此多灾多难啊!每当我遇到挫折时,都会用“常想一二,不思八九”来激励自己、面对未来。(15 分)IIIWriting (40 points)Write a composition of a

11、bout 300 words on the following News:Gay marriage around the worldMPs have backed a bill to allow same-sex couples to get married in England and Wales, while the French National Assembly last week approved the most important article of a bill to legalise same-sex marriage.But where in the world can

12、same-sex couples already get married?Just after midnight on 1 April 2001, four couples - Anne-Marie Thus and Helene Faasen, and three male couples - were married by the mayor of Amsterdam, Job Cohen, in the first legal gay marriage ceremony in the world.We are so ordinary, if you saw us on the stree

13、t youd just walk right past us, said Anne-Marie Thus of the fuss over the televised City Hall ceremony.The only thing thats going to take some getting used to is calling her my spouse.Denmark was the first country to introduce civil partnerships for same-sex couples, in 1989, but it stopped short of

14、 allowing church weddings. Countries including Norway, Outright bans A few weeks after Belgium followed the Netherlands example in June 2003, the Vatican launched a global campaign against gay marriage. In a strongly-worded 12-page document, Pope John Paul IIs chief theological adviser Cardinal Jose

15、ph Ratzinger warned that homosexual unions were immoral, unnatural and harmful.Same-sex marriage is now allowed in nine American states as well as the District of Columbia. Court rulingSouth Africa, in November 2006, became the first African country to bring in marriage for gay couples - despite hom

16、osexuality remaining taboo in large parts of the continent. Divorced mothers Teresa Pires and Helena Paixao became the first in Portugal, in June 2010. Later that month, Icelands prime minister Johanna Sigurdardottir married her partner, writer Jonina Leosdottir, on the day the countrys gay marriage

17、 law came into force. In July 2010, meanwhile, Argentina became the first country in Latin America to legalise gay marriage. And, in June last year, Denmark became the 11th country to approve same-sex marriage - 23 years after it became the first country in the world to recognise gay civil partnerships. You should supply an appropriate title for your composition.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.3


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