Unit2 Reading and thinkingppt课件-(2021新)人教版高中英语高一必修第三册.pptx

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1、Unit2 Morals and VirtuesBy the end of this period, you will be able toBy the end of this period, you will be able to Figure out the main structure and the text type of the passage through the textual pattern analysis; Identify the characteristics of biography; Make reasonable inferences(推断) and abou

2、t the characters personality and quality u What are some important life choices in your life?u Would you like to share your experience?Lead-inSong Qingling, China(宋庆龄)(宋庆龄) 伟大的爱国主义、民主主义、国际主义伟大的爱国主义、民主主义、国际主义和共产主义战士,举世闻名的二十世纪和共产主义战士,举世闻名的二十世纪的伟大女性。的伟大女性。Song Ching Ling - the great patriotism, nationa

3、lism, internationalism and communist fighter, the world-famous 20th centurys great female.Jane Goodall, Britain 珍妮珍妮 古道尔古道尔长期致力于黑猩猩的野外研究,并取得丰长期致力于黑猩猩的野外研究,并取得丰硕成果,揭示了许多黑猩猩社群中鲜为人硕成果,揭示了许多黑猩猩社群中鲜为人知的秘密,获得大英帝国勋章中的爵级司知的秘密,获得大英帝国勋章中的爵级司令勋章及联合国和平使者。令勋章及联合国和平使者。Jane Goodall,who was born on 3 April 1934 is

4、a British primatologist, ethologist, and UN Messenger of Peace.Jody Williams, America 乔迪乔迪 威廉姆斯威廉姆斯乔迪乔迪威廉姆斯(威廉姆斯(Jody WilliamsJody Williams),女,生于),女,生于19501950年年1010月月9 9日,由于身心有障碍的哥哥经常遭受日,由于身心有障碍的哥哥经常遭受同学欺负和社会歧视,她自小就对不公正的社会同学欺负和社会歧视,她自小就对不公正的社会事物有着强烈的憎恶,长大后她当上了教师,并事物有着强烈的憎恶,长大后她当上了教师,并积极投身于国际社会事业中。积

5、极投身于国际社会事业中。19971997年她因为推动年她因为推动国际禁止地雷运动(国际禁止地雷运动(International Campaign International Campaign to Ban Landmines to Ban Landmines 、ICBL)ICBL)而获得了诺贝尔和平而获得了诺贝尔和平奖。奖。Joan of Arc, France 圣女贞德圣女贞德 法国的民族英雄、军事家,法国的民族英雄、军事家,天主教会的圣女,法国人心中的天主教会的圣女,法国人心中的自由女神。自由女神。13371337年年1111月,英王爱月,英王爱德华三世率军进攻法国,英法百德华三世率军进攻

6、法国,英法百年战争拉开序幕。贞德自称在年战争拉开序幕。贞德自称在14241424年遇见过神迹,并成功预言年遇见过神迹,并成功预言鲱鱼战役结果,之后她几次带领鲱鱼战役结果,之后她几次带领法国军队对抗英军的入侵,并支法国军队对抗英军的入侵,并支持法国国王查理七世加冕,为法持法国国王查理七世加冕,为法国胜利做出了贡献。但她最终被国胜利做出了贡献。但她最终被俘,被处以火刑。俘,被处以火刑。 Lin Qiaozhi, China 林巧稚林巧稚 林巧稚,出生于福建,毕业于协和医科林巧稚,出生于福建,毕业于协和医科大学大学( (今北京协和医学院今北京协和医学院) ),医学家、中国妇,医学家、中国妇产科的主要

7、开拓者之一,被尊称为产科的主要开拓者之一,被尊称为“万婴之万婴之母母”“”“生命天使生命天使”“”“中国医学圣母中国医学圣母”,与梁,与梁毅文被合称为毅文被合称为“南梁北林南梁北林”。 林巧稚是北京协和医院第一位中国籍妇林巧稚是北京协和医院第一位中国籍妇产科主任及首届中国科学院唯一的女学部委产科主任及首届中国科学院唯一的女学部委员员( (院士院士) ),在胎儿宫内呼吸、女性盆腔疾病、,在胎儿宫内呼吸、女性盆腔疾病、妇科肿瘤、新生儿溶血症等方面的研究做出妇科肿瘤、新生儿溶血症等方面的研究做出了贡献。了贡献。19831983年年4 4月月2222日,林巧稚因病去世。日,林巧稚因病去世。Song Q

8、ingling, China Jane Goodall, Britain Jody Williams, America Joan of Arc, France Lin Qiaozhi, China What do they have in commom?They are great women full of love for _,and they all brave to _ the difficulties,and do their best to get what they want. They also made the world _.peacefight withbetterPre

9、view & PredictLin Qiaozhi (1901-1983)From the title and the pictures, we can know that the passage might be about _a female doctor who delivered a lot of babies. ListeningPara. 1Para. 2Para. 3Para. 4Para. 5Para. 6A. Summary of Lin Qiaozhis life and achievement.B. The role Lin played in new China.C.

10、Lin opened a private clinic to help the people .D. Lin Qiaozhis learning experience.E. Lead in the passage using Lin Qiaozhis words .F. Lin chose to study medicine.Lin Qiaozhi (1901-1983)What kind of text is it ?A. argumentation 议论文 B. exposition 说明文 C. biography 传记D. autobiography 自传 Fast readingPa

11、ra.1: The principle carried Dr Lin through a life of _.Para.2: The life as a _.Para.3-6: The life as a _.physician studenthard choicesTimeImportant eventsHer choiceResults19011906At age 18At age 26From age 26 to age 27In 1939In 1941During the warFrom 1954 to 198322 April 1983During her lifetimeTimeI

12、mportant eventsHer choiceResults19011906At age 18At age 26She was born.Her mother died.She took the entrance exam and entered Peking Union Medical College.She chose to study medicine instead of finding a husband.She graduated from Peking Union Medical College with the Wenhai Scholarship.n. 奖学金奖学金Tim

13、eImportant eventsHer choiceResultsFrom age 26 to age 27In 1939In 1941She was named a chief resident physician.She was sent to study in Europe.She was sent to study in the US.She rejected the offer to stay in the US.She went back to China to serve the women and children.She became the first Chinese w

14、oman to be appointed director of the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital.vt. 拒绝接受;不录用拒绝接受;不录用vt. 任命;委派任命;委派TimeImportant eventsHer choiceResultsDuring the warFrom 1954 to 1983Her department was closed.She opened a private clinic.She continued to provide medical care for the people in need of help

15、, especially the poor patients.She was elected to the first National Peoples Congress. She held many important positions.She was more interested in tending patients, publishing medical research on care for women and children, and training new doctors.She tended patients, published medical research o

16、n care for women and children, and trained new doctors.n. 诊所诊所TimeImportant eventsHer choiceResults22 April 1983During her lifetimeShe died.She left her savings to a kindergarten and a fund for new doctors.She chose not to marry.She devoted all her life to work and delivered over 50,000 babies.n. 学前

17、班;幼儿园学前班;幼儿园discuss the morals and virtues of Lin Qiaozhi.kind, considerate, responsiblegenerous selflessdevoted, hard-workingdeterminedpatrioticGroup workgenerous selflesspatriotickind, considerate, responsibledevoted, hard-workingDr. Lin devoted all her life to the people selflessly. She was a loy

18、al patriot (爱国者), a scientist of the people, a model of the medical profession, a good daughter of the Chinese nation and an outstanding representative of contemporary(当代的) women.What does the author want to illustrate by mentioning Dr Lins life choices?The author wants to illustrate what it means t

19、o live a selfless life, caring for others.1. Since the outbreak(爆发)(爆发)of novel coronavirus in Wuhan in December, 2019, we had to stay at home. But so many doctors and nurses fought against the virus in spite of danger. Many even lost their lives. They are heroes just like Dr. Lin. What would you sa

20、y to them? 2. Make a summary of the text according to the following numbers.Homework 5 18 8 1939 1941 1954 1983 50,000 In this epidemic, it is you who, despite the lack of equipment and the potential of infection, desperately rescue those infected but struggling for life. It is also you who have a n

21、ew understanding of the virus with expertise to build up our confidence to defeat it. It is you who deserve all the admiration and love! I can never express our gratitude too much for your selfless contribution. Its widely believed that our joint efforts China will win the battle and make a quick re

22、covery.“the backbone of China”“the young backbones of the times” 核心素养专练核心素养专练 你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以身边值得尊敬和爱戴的人为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:1. 人物简介;2. 尊敬和爱戴的原因。(2020全国卷I) The person I respect We have a lot of respectable people around us. They may be our teachers, parents or one of our elders. As for me, my father is t

23、he person I respect most. My father is a teacher who loves his work and his students very much. He works very hard every day but he also spares some time to accompany me and share many funny things with me about his work. When I come across problems in my study, my father will listen to me patiently and encourage me to overcome the difficulties bravely. He achieved a lot in his work and respected by his students. Therefore, in my mind my father is the person I respect most and I love him deeply.谢谢大家


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