Unit 5 单词详解 ppt课件-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册高一下学期 .pptx

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1、 人人教版教版(2019)新教材高中英语选择性必修第一册新教材高中英语选择性必修第一册 UNIT 5 Work the Land 耕种土地耕种土地 Words and Expressions1、devote vt. 把献给;把专用于;专心于 devoted adj. 忠实的,深爱的 devotion n. 深爱,热爱,献身2、convince vt. 使相信;使确信;说服 convincing adj. 令人信服的 convinced adj. 确信的,深信的,坚信的3、characteristic n. 特征,特点,品质 adj. 典型的,独特的 character n.品质,人物角色,文字

2、4、attain vt. 通常经过努力获得,得到 attainment n. 达到 attainable adj. 可达到的,可实现的5、conventional adj. 传统的,习惯的 convention n. 习俗,常规,惯例6、assumption n.假定,设定,责任的承担,权利的获得 assume vt. 以为,假设7、intense adj. 热切的,十分强烈的,激烈的 intensely adj. 强烈地,激烈地 8、expand vt./vi. 扩大,增加 vt. 扩展,发展业务 expansion n. 扩张,扩大,膨胀9、generate vt. 产生,引起 gener

3、ation n. 产生,一代10、reality n. 现实,实际情况,事实 real adj. 真的,真实的 really adv. 真正地 11、nutritional adj. 营养物的 nutrition n. 营养,滋养 nutritious adj. 有营养的,营养丰富的12、alleviate vt. 减轻,缓解 alleviation n. 减轻,缓解13、digest vt./vi. 消化 vt. 领会,领悟 n. 摘要,文摘 digestive adj. 消化的 digestion n. 消化,消化能力14、depth n. 深度, 向下的距离 deep adj. 深的15

4、、root n. 根,根茎,根部,根源 rooted adj. 根源于16、entirely adv. 全部地,完整地,完全地 entire adj. 全部的,整个的,完全的1. devote vt. 把把献献(给给); 把把专用于专用于; 专心专心于于 devote.to. 把把用于用于; 献身献身; 致力致力; 专心专心devote oneself to=be devoted to 致力于致力于,献身于献身于 devoted adj. 忠实的,深爱的忠实的,深爱的 a devoted son 孝子孝子 a devoted friend 忠诚的朋友忠诚的朋友 be devoted to sb

5、. 深爱某人深爱某人 devotion n. 奉献奉献; 忠诚忠诚; 专专心心;深爱深爱;热爱热爱;献身献身注:注:devote A to B 专心于专心于; 献身于献身于; 把把.用于用于. A:ones life /energy/time/money/attention B:名词:名词/代词代词/动名词动名词/ 1)He has devoted his life to millions of Chinese farmers .2)She decided to devote the rest of her life to the scientific research.3)The woman

6、 devoted herself to her career.4)They have devoted themselves to fighting poverty(贫困贫困).5)I can only devote three hours a day to the work.2. shortage n. 不足不足; 缺少缺少; 短短缺缺 a shortage of 的短缺,缺乏的短缺,缺乏 a severe/serious shortage 严重不足严重不足 a water/food/housing shortage 水资源水资源/食物食物/住房的缺乏住房的缺乏short adj. 短的短的;

7、 矮的矮的;缺乏的缺乏的; 短缺短缺的的1)Brazil experienced a foreign currency shortage for several months.2)There is a shortage of fresh water on the island.3)Many people are dying because of shortage of medicine.4)Some countries in Africa are suffering from food shortage.3. tackle: vt. 解决解决(难题难题); 应应付付(局面局面); 处处理理 t

8、ackle the problem 处理这个问题处理这个问题 v. 与某人交涉,向某人提起与某人交涉,向某人提起问题或困问题或困 难情况难情况 tackle sb. about sth. 与某人交涉某事与某人交涉某事4. boost: vt. 使增长使增长; 使兴旺使兴旺 n. 增长增长; 提高提高; 激励激励 boost sbs confidence/morale 增强某人的信心增强某人的信心/士气士气5. yield: n. 产量产量; 产出产出 vt. 出产出产(作物作物); 产生产生(收益、效益等收益、效益等) vi. 屈服屈服; 让让步步yield to sth./sb. 向向屈服屈

9、服/让步让步1)This years yield of rice is higher than ever before. 2)They will not yield to the American soldiers. 3)The farm yielded a good wheat crop. 4)The talks with India failed to yield any results. 6. characteristic: n. 特征特征; 特点特点; 品质品质 adj. 典型的典型的; 独特的独特的 be characteristic of 具有具有的特征的特征 character

10、: n. 特性特性; 特点特点; 特色特色7. convince: vt. 使相信使相信; 使确信使确信; 说说服服 convince sb to do.: 说服某人做什么说服某人做什么 convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事使某人相信某事 convince that 使某人相信使某人相信convinced: adj. 坚信坚信; 深信深信; 确确信信 be convinced of: 相信相信convincing: adj. 令人信服的令人信服的; 有说服力有说服力的的拓展:拓展:persuade sb to do 说说服某人做什么服某人做什么 = persuade/tal

11、k/reason sb into doing persuade sb not to do说服某人不做什么说服某人不做什么 = persuade/talk/reason sb out of doing 8. attain vt. (通常经过努力通常经过努力)获得获得;得得到到; 达到达到 (某年某年龄龄/水平水平/状状况况) attainment n. 达到,获得达到,获得 attainable adj.可达到的,可实现的可达到的,可实现的 attainable goals/targets 可实现的目标可实现的目标9. conventional adj.传统的传统的;习惯的习惯的 convent

12、ional methods 传统方法传统方法 convention n.习惯习惯;常规常规;惯例惯例 by convention 按惯例按惯例 social conventions 社会习俗社会习俗 10. assumption n. 假定假定; 设定设定; (责任的责任的)承担承担; (权利的权利的)获获得得 on the assumption of 假设假设 make the assumption that 假设假设 make assumptions about 对对做出假设做出假设assume v. 以为以为;假假设设; 获得获得; 承承担担 assume that 以为以为 it is

13、 reasonable to assume that 认为认为是有道理的是有道理的 assuming that 假定假定 11. intense adj. 热切的热切的; 十分强烈的十分强烈的; 激烈的激烈的 be intense about 对对热心热心 intensely adv. 强烈地,激烈地强烈地,激烈地 intense heat/pain 酷热酷热/剧痛剧痛 eg. Hes very intense about everything.12. overcome vt. 克服克服; 解决解决; 战胜战胜 over difficulties/bad habits 克服困难克服困难/改掉恶

14、习改掉恶习 over the fear 克服恐惧克服恐惧 over obstacles 克服障碍克服障碍 over the enemy 战胜敌人战胜敌人 be overcome by sth. 某种情绪某种情绪控制控制 对对产生极大影响产生极大影响 be overcome with emotion/excitement/horror 因情感因情感/兴奋兴奋/恐怖而不能自持恐怖而不能自持 get over: 克服克服; 解决解决; 战胜战胜1)Something gave us the strength to overcome the difficulty.2)She overcame inju

15、ry to win the Olympic gold medal.3)In the final game China easily overcame Brazil. 13. expand: v. 扩大扩大; 增加增加; 扩展扩展; 发展发展(业务业务) expand the influence 扩大影响扩大影响 expand the market 扩大市场扩大市场 expand production 扩大生产扩大生产 expand the business 扩展业务扩展业务 expand on/upon 详述详述/进一步说明进一步说明expansion: n. 扩张扩张; 扩展扩展; 扩大扩大

16、; 膨胀膨胀 1)There are no plans to expand the local airport. 2)Your vocabulary will expand through reading. 3)He has expanded the business by opening four more shops14. output n. 产量产量; 输出输出; 输出输出量量 vt. 输出输出input n. 输入输入; 投投入入 v. 输入输入15. estimate: vt./n. 估计估计; 估价估价; 估算估算 establish: v. 建立建立; 创立创立; 设立设立 as

17、sess: v. 评估评估; 评定评定; 估算估算; 估定估定 evaluate: v. 估计估计; 评价评价; 评估评估1)I estimate (that) it will cost about 7,000 pounds.2)It is hard to estimate how many children will take part in the activity.3)It is estimated the project will last five years.4)Its very difficult to give a reliable estimate.16. consumpti

18、on n. 消耗消耗; 消耗量消耗量; 消费消费 consume v. 消耗消耗; 吃吃; 饮饮; 喝喝; 烧毁烧毁1)Gas and oil consumption always increases in winter.2)In some developing countries cigarette consumption is increasing.3)The food is not fit for human consumption. 17. be comprised of 包括包括,包含包含,由由组成组成 comprise: vt. 包括包括; 包包含含; 由由组组成成不用进行时态不用

19、进行时态拓展:拓展: be comprised of=consist of =be made up of= be composed of include: v. 包含包含; 包括包括 including: prep. 包括包括 contain: v. 含有含有; 包含包含; 容纳容纳; 控控制制 consist of sb/sth/doing.由由组成组成/构成构成 (常用常用)be made up of sb/sth 由由组成组成/构成构成 (常用常用)be comprised of sb/sth 由由组成组成/构成构成 (正式正式)1)The study group comprises s

20、ix students.2)The study group is comprised of six students.3)The study group is made up of six students.4)The study group consists of six students.5)Six students make up/comprise the study group. 18. generate vt. 产产生生; 引引起起 generate/produce/make electricity 发电发电 generate heat/power 产生热产生热/动力动力 gener

21、ate interest 引起兴趣引起兴趣 generate income/profit/wealth 产生收益产生收益/利润利润/财富财富 generation n. 产生,一代产生,一代 the younger/older generation 年轻年轻/年老一代年老一代1)We need some experts to generate new ideas.2)The proposal has generated a lot of interest.3)The minister said the reforms would generate new jobs.4)This book wi

22、ll continue to generate excitement for a long time.19. leisure: n . 闲暇闲暇; 休闲休闲; 空闲空闲 at leisure: 闲散闲散; 悠闲悠闲; 不慌不忙不慌不忙; 从容从容 at ones leisure: 有空时有空时; 空闲时空闲时; 方便方便时时20. deep down 在内心深处在内心深处; 本质上本质上; 实际上实际上 go/run deep 情感情感/信仰信仰强烈,深厚,深入内心强烈,深厚,深入内心1)Deep down, Yuan is still very much a farmer at heart.

23、2)Deep down, I think they are still afraid of you. 3)We know deep down that we will make it.4)He is only a boy deep down.21. celebrity: n. 名望名望; 名誉名誉; 名名人人; 名名流流 care little for celebrity or money不计名利不计名利 celebrate: v. 庆祝庆祝; 庆贺庆贺; 歌颂歌颂 22. envision: vt. 展望展望; 想象想象 envision doing. 想象做什么想象做什么1)We didn

24、t envision any problems with the new bridge. 2)Go your own road, do what you love and live the life you envision. 3)No one in1978 could have envisioned this result.4)I dont envision working with him again.23. vision n. 想象想象; 视力视力; 视野视野; 影影像像 have good/perfect/poor/normal vision 视视力好力好/极好极好/差差/正正常常1)

25、He has a vision of a world in which there will be no wars.2)Cats have good night vision.3)Ten minutes later, the car moved outside her field of vision.4)We apologize for the loss of vision.24. reality: n. 现实现实; 实际情况实际情况; 事实事实 in reality 事实上事实上, 实际上实际上 escape from reality 逃避现实逃避现实 bringback to realit

26、y 使使面对现实面对现实real: adj. 真的真的; 真正的真正的; 真实的真实的; 实在的实在的really: adv. 真实地真实地; 真正地真正地; 事实上事实上1)The girl refuses to face reality.2)Youre out of touch with reality.3)The reality is that they are very poor.4)Will time travel ever become a reality ?5)It is difficult to distinguish between imagination and reali

27、ty.25. urban: adj. 城市的城市的; 都都市的市的; 城镇的城镇的rural: adj. 乡村的乡村的; 农农村的村的1)Most of the population is an urban population. 2)Traffic is a major urban problem. 3)The factory will surely do damage to both urban and rural environments.26. bomb: n. 炸弹炸弹 v. 轰炸轰炸; 对对投炸弹投炸弹 a time/nuclear bomb: 定时定时/核炸弹核炸弹 set of

28、f a bomb: 引爆炸弹引爆炸弹 go off = explode = blow up: 爆炸爆炸1)Thousands of bombs were dropped on the city of Chongqing in the late 1930s and in the early 1940s.2)Bombs went off/exploded/blew up at two London railway stations.3)The city was heavily bombed in the Second World War.27. tunnel: n. 地下通道地下通道; 地道地道;

29、 隧道隧道 drive a tunnel 开凿隧道开凿隧道They drove a tunnel through the solid rock. 28. extension n. 扩建部分扩建部分; 扩扩大大; 电话分机电话分机extend v.伸伸长长; 扩大扩大; 扩展扩展; 延长延长 1)We have an extension in the bedroom.2)Our extension is nearly finished.3)He built an extension onto his house.29. chemical adj. 与化学有关的与化学有关的; 化学的化学的 n.化

30、学制品化学制品; 化学品化学品chemist n. 化学家化学家; 药剂师药剂师chemistry n. 化学化学 30. wheat: n. 小麦小麦; 小麦籽小麦籽 steamed bun/bread: 馒馒头头 steamed stuffed bun: 包子包子31. nutritional adj. 营养营养(物物)的的 nutritious adj. 有营养的有营养的; 营养丰富的营养丰富的 nutrition n. 营养营养; 滋养滋养 be in nutrition 富有营养富有营养1)Fresh vegetables are very nutritious.2)Cooking

31、vegetables reduces theirnutritional value. 3)Last and most important, chicken has a high nutritional value32. alleviate vt. 减轻减轻; 缓缓解解 alleviate pain alleviate n. 减轻,缓解减轻,缓解 the alleviate of poverty 扶贫工作扶贫工作1)A number of measures will be taken to alleviate the problem.2)The organization works to all

32、eviate world hunger and disease.33. poverty n. 贫穷贫穷; 贫困贫困poor adj. 贫穷的贫穷的; 贫瘠的贫瘠的;可怜的可怜的; 粗劣的粗劣的 live in poverty: 生活在贫困中生活在贫困中1)The book is an analysis of poverty and its causes.2)Unemployment is the chief cause of poverty.3)60% of the population is living at or below the poverty line.4)The old woma

33、n ended her days in poverty. 34. widespread adj. 分布广的分布广的; 普遍的普遍的; 广泛的广泛的1)Chemical pesticides and artificial fertilisers have been in widespread use in farming since the middle of the 20th century.2)The plan received widespread support throughout the country.3)This war has caused widespread human s

34、uffering. 35. in turn: 相应地相应地; 转而转而; 依次依次; 轮流轮流 in return for 回回报报1)We look after our parents in turn.2)These exercises in turn positively influence brain development.3)He will buy you a gift in return for your help.36. digest vt./vi. 消化消化; 领会领会; 领悟领悟 n. 摘要摘要; 文摘文摘 digest ill 难消化难消化-digest well/easi

35、ly 易消化易消化 digestion n. 消化,消化能力消化,消化能力 have a good/poor digestion 消化能力强消化能力强/弱弱 digesvive adj. 消化的消化的37. essential adj. 完全必要的完全必要的; 极其重要极其重要的的 be essential to/for sth. 对某物来说极其重要对某物来说极其重要 it is essential to do sth. 做某事使完全有必要的做某事使完全有必要的 it is essential that 完全有必要完全有必要1)Money is not essential to happine

36、ss.2)Experience is essential for this job.3)It is essential that you have some work experience.38. alternative n. 可供选择的事物可供选择的事物 adj. 可供替代的可供替代的; 非传统的非传统的 an alternative to 的替代品的替代品 have no alternative/choice but to do sth. 除了做某事之外别无选择除了做某事之外别无选择1)We have no alternative/chioce but to fire David.2)Yo

37、u can pay in cash or by check. Those are the two alternatives.3)Do you have an alternative solution?39. instance n. 例子例子; 实例实例; 事例事例 for instance 例如,比如例如,比如 in this instance 在这种情况下,在这一点上在这种情况下,在这一点上 in the first instance/place 第一第一; 首先首先set an example to/for sb: 为为树立榜样树立榜样take for example: 以以为例为例tak

38、e as an example: 以以为例为例40. depth n. 向下向下(或向里或向里)的距离的距离; 深深(度度) at the depth of 在在的深度的深度 to/at a depth of sth. 深达深达 in depth 全面,深入,详细全面,深入,详细 be out of ones depth 非某人所能理解;非某人所能理解; 为某人力所不能及为某人力所不能及deep: adj. 深的深的; 纵深的纵深的deeply: adv. 非常非常; 深深地深深地deepen: v. (使使)变深变深; 加加深深41. root n. 根,根茎,根部,根源根,根茎,根部,根源

39、 v. 扎根于扎根于 root in 扎根于扎根于 have ones root in 根植于根植于 have ones roots in 起源于起源于 be/lie at the root in 起因于起因于 take root 扎根扎根 tree roots 树根树根 rooted adj. 根源在于根源在于 be rooted in 根植于根植于 【常考词组常考词组】42. entirely adv. 全部地全部地; 完整地完整地; 完全完全地地 entirely different 完全不同完全不同 entirely agree with sb.完全同意某人完全同意某人entire:

40、adj. 全全部的部的; 整个的整个的; 完全完全的的 ones entire life 某人的一生某人的一生 an entire day 整整一天整整一天 the entire = the whole 整个整个1)I entirely/completely agree with you.2)She is not entirely happy about the proposal.3)They communicated entirely by gesture.43. nowhere near 完全没有,远不及完全没有,远不及 nowhere to be seen/found 到处都看不到到处都

41、看不到/找不到找不到【nowhere是否定副词,位于句首时,句子要用部分倒装是否定副词,位于句首时,句子要用部分倒装 语序,即把助动词、情态动词或系动词语序,即把助动词、情态动词或系动词be提到主语前提到主语前】44. aspect n. 方面方面; 层面层面 in this/that aspect/respect: 在在这这/那方那方面面 from every aspect 从各个方面从各个方面2)Weather affect every aspect of our lives .3)The child has made great progress in every aspect. 4)However, there are a few differences from a technical aspect.


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