北京市门头沟区2022届高考一模考试 英语 试题(含答案).doc

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1、门头沟区2022年高三年级综合练习(一)英语试卷第一部分:知识运用(共两节,30分)第一节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A few weeks ago, I received a package containing seeds from my friend. When I asked her what they would _1_ into, a smile crossed her face. “Just plant them and be patient. Youll see

2、for yourself _2_!” she said.I sowed the seeds in a flowerpot. In the first few days, I was very excited to search for the slightest signs, but _3_ happened. With heavy loads of homework, I began to feel sad and _4_. How much I longed for the color in my fast-paced life.I watered the plants in dry pe

3、riods. On the eighth day, to my great _5_, a few light green sprouts (新芽) appeared. Bending down and studying the plants, I could almost hear them growing. More days passed, and the flowerpot soon became _6_ with coriander (香菜) plants. Now they are taller than the edge of the pot, constantly shaking

4、 their leaves in the gentle wind, as if they were merrily singing a song of _7_.I am certain that after a few more days, my plants will be ready for_8_. These plants have played an important part in _9_ up my everyday life. They may not be a main dish on our table, but using some will surely make ou

5、r dishes delicious.Let us all slow our pace down and be patient. So long as we take steps to set our hearts free, time and patience will _10_ us with the pure pleasure of being alive in this lovely world.1. A. growB. runC. lookD. break2. A. immediatelyB. finallyC. quicklyD. regularly3. A. anythingB.

6、 everythingC. somethingD. nothing4. A. shockedB. disappointedC. embarrassedD. scared5. A. surpriseB. pityC. shameD. anxiety6. A. packedB. linedC. crowdedD. piled7. A. courageB. freedomC. interestD. relief8. A. harvestB. lossC. sightsD. rest9. A. pickingB. endingC. brighteningD. taking10. A. impressB

7、. assistC. surroundD. reward【110题答案】【答案】1. A 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. D第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)A阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写一个恰当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。A hunting dog, who had been an excellent one in his time and done good service to his master, finally became worn out becaus

8、e of his old age. One day, when _11_ (hunt) a wild pig, he seized the creature by the ear, but his teeth gave way. He _12_ (force) to let go his hold, and the pig escaped. His master _13_ (severe) scolded him. But the weak dog replied: “Spare your old servant! Remember what I was rather than abuse m

9、e for what I am.”【1113题答案】【答案】11. hunting 12. was forced 13. severelyB阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写一个恰当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。A group doctors, _14_ had been specially trained in skiing skills in China over the last four years, provided medical treatment during the Winter Olympics. In the field

10、, if there was an accident, the ski doctors had to be on the scene in four minutes _15_ a 10-kilo medical bag and had to deal with the injuries and remove the _16_ (injure) athlete from the track in just 15 minutes.【1416题答案】【答案】14. who 15. with 16. injuredC阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写一个恰当的单词,在给出提示词

11、的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。A housewarming party is a special party to be held when someone buys or moves into a new apartment or house. The person who has bought or moved into the house is the one who _17_ (throw) the party. The party is a chance for close friends and family members _18_ (congratulate) the

12、person on the new home. It also gives people a chance to see _19_ the new home looks like. And it is a good time to fill the new space with love and _20_ (present) hopefully.【1720题答案】【答案】17. throws 18. to congratulate 19. what 20. presents第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,38分)第一节(共14小题;每小题2分,共28分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个

13、选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ATips on How to Use Body Language in InterviewsWhen was the last time you went to an interview? How did it go? There are lots of things to remember and prepare. However, one important thing to think about is your body language as it can really help you get the job. With a good

14、 understanding of body language in interviews, you can communicate the right messages, and even understand what the interviewer is saying or thinking. Here are some really useful things you need to know about body language in interviews.GreetingsWhen greeting the interviewer, smile, look him in the

15、eye and introduce yourself in a strong and confident voice. Also, remember that in most English-speaking countries (the UK, the USA, Australia, Canada, etc.), a firm handshake is seen as a sign of trust; and a limp handshake could make you appear weak or disinterested. Experts recommend waiting for

16、the interviewer to extend his hand first.Palms (手掌)When possible, keep your palms facing up to show that youre open, trustworthy and interested. Research has shown that if we cant see the other persons open palms, we subconsciously become suspicious of them.MirroringMirroring involves copying what s

17、omeone does with their body. For example, if the interviewer places a hand on their leg, you should do the same, but not too obviously. Experts have shown that mirroring someone can make him like you, or even think that youre more honest and trustworthy. However, be carefulif the other person knows

18、about this technique, he might notice you doing it.Sitting positionWhen sitting, if you lean back, you could appear lazy or arrogant; and if you lean forward too much, you might appear aggressive. The ideal posture is to sit with your back straight and your shoulders back a bit, leaning in very slig

19、htly. Sit with your legs slightly apart to give the impression of self-confidence and try to angle your knees and feet so theyre pointing towards the interviewer.21. A good understanding of body language can help you _.A. succeed in getting the jobB. express the correct messagesC. know more about th

20、e interviewerD. perform better than other interviewees22. When being interviewed, you should _.A. extend your hand firstB. sit with your legs apartC. keep your palms facing downD. copy what the interviewer does23. Which column of a magazine is the article probably from?A. Adventure.B. Entertainment.

21、C. Life.D. Profile.【2123题答案】【答案】21. B 22. D 23. CBElvis Presley was one of the greatest musicians in rock and roll history who changed the way people enjoyed music. Born on January 8, 1935, Presley was raised by loving working-class parents. He received his first guitar as a gift on his 11th birthda

22、y and had his first taste of musical success a few years later when he won a talent show at his high school. After graduating in 1953, h did a number of jobs while pursuing his musical dream.In 1955, Presley began to develop a following for his unusual musical style and good looks. That same year, h

23、e signed with RCA. After that, Presley was on a roll, scoring with his first No.1 single as well as his first No.1 album, and signing a movie contractall in 1956. From very humble (卑微的) beginnings, he grew into one of the biggest names in rock and roll.Presley was hugely popular, releasing album aft

24、er album of perfectly written and performed songs and creating a huge body of work that was the envy of anyone during the rock era. He was also a big influence in the Civil Rights Movement at the moment when black music was becoming popular. His home, Graceland, also became a landmark. After his dea

25、th, countless fans from around the world visit the famous residence every year.Figures like Presley helped create the image of the “rock star” as a cultural icon in America. In the mid-20th century, singers and musicians became superstars due to the wider distribution of music and the post-war econo

26、mic growth, which led to much more free time and income for American families. The rebellious (叛逆的) rock stars inspired them to create their own, more liberated identity outside the cultural norms (准则) in the 1950s. Colorful figures like Presley influenced an entire generation of Americans.24. What

27、do we know about Presley as a young boy?A. He had a gift for music.B. His family was rich.C. He received a guitar in 1953.D. His family didnt support his dream.25. What does the underlined phrase “on a roll” in Paragraph 2 mean?A. Busy with work.B. Successful in career.C. Attractive to fans.D. Inclu

28、ded in a ranking list.26. What did figures like Presley bring in the 1950s?A. A loss of identity.B. The growth of economy.C. A challenge to standards.D. A change in social status.27. What is the best title for the text?A. Rock and Roll and Its Origin.B. Elvis Presley and His Influence.C. The Influen

29、tial Figures in Rock and Roll.D. The Ups and Downs of Elvis Presleys Life.【2427题答案】【答案】24. A 25. B 26. C 27. BCFarmed fish should have the same legal protection as other farmed animals, according to an animal welfare group. The Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation, which has Carrie Johnson as a su

30、pporter, says fish deserve to be treated with the same care as cows, pigs, sheep and other livestock because they experience stress and pain.The foundation is focusing on improving fish welfare during slaughter (屠宰) because that is where the biggest differences in protection lie.Slaughterhouses for

31、land animals are required to have a vet on site and must have closed-circuit television in all areas where animals are handled, stunned and killed, with footage stored for independent inspection. Such legal requirements do not apply to fish slaughter facilities, which are not subject to routine welf

32、are inspections by public bodies.The UK industry, which rears up to 80 million fish a year, has instead adopted voluntary codes of practice. A report by the foundation cites evidence of abuses of fish revealed last year by The Times. A stunning machine at the firms plant at Arnish on the Isle of Lew

33、is failed to make them unconscious and workers used their fingers to tear the gills (鳃) and struggled to keep up with the volume of fish wriggling on the unit. Fish were thrown and kicked as they struggled on the ground in 2020 at Test Valley Trout Farming in Hampshire, which supplied the Ritz and H

34、arrods. Fish considered unprofitable were dropped on the floor and left to die. The company said the treatment of the fish was unacceptable and it operated under “the best industry standards available”. The foundations report refers to the findings of the governments Farm Animal Welfare committee, w

35、hich said in a 2014 opinion on fish welfare that “at least some species, including trout, have a sensory experience of pain” as well as “a degree of sense”.Studies have shown that fish feel pain and change their behaviour to avoid it. In one study, goldfish were given an electric shock in an area of

36、 a tank where they received food. They avoided that area for three days before hunger overcame their fear.The foundation report states that the UK government is failing aquatic animals dismally and calls for unannounced welfare inspections of fish slaughterhouses and says they should be required to

37、install closed-circuit television, with footage reviewed by public bodies.28. What can we provide for the farmed fish?A. Comfortable place.B. Less pain.C. Enough food.D. Gentle love.29. As for the situation of the farmed fish, the foundation is _.A. concernedB. puzzledC. surprisedD. scared30. Whats

38、the purpose of this article?A. To encourage people to treat fish kindly.B. To reveal the evidence of abuses of fish.C. To appeal for the improvement of fish welfare.D. To explain how fish experience pain during slaughter.【2830题答案】【答案】28. B 29. A 30. CD“After 30 years of reading cardiograms (心电图), I

39、can never tell whether its from a man or woman, or the age of the person,” said Eric Topol, a cardiologist from Scripps Research in La Jolla, California. “A machine can detect if a person has anaemia (贫血) or other difficult diagnoses (诊断).” Topol is excited not only about how machines are already be

40、tter than experts at spotting problems, but how they can discover patterns that experts wouldnt even notice. “In Japan, doctors are using machine vision to pick up polyps (息肉) in real time, and detecting whether or not they could be cancerous and whether they should have a biopsy,” he said. “Machine

41、s will not replace physiciansbut physicians making use of AI will soon replace those not using it.” Still, these are early days for the application of AI in healthcare. Pearse Keane, a consultant doctor at Moorrelds Eye Hospital, has been leading a collaboration between Moor fields and Googles Deep

42、Mind Health. In 2018, he famously published a proof-of-concept paper in Nature showing the erst successful AI diagnosis for eye disease. “The algorithm that weve developed isnt in clinical use at the minute, so were trying to implement this now,” Keane said. Keane mentioned the INSIGHT study, which

43、is looking into eye disease and its link to other conditions such as diabetes (糖尿病). “We are using the eye as a window to the rest of the body. With deep learning, we can now look at a retinal (视网膜)photograph and say: This is a woman, shes 58 years old, shes not a smoker or a diabetic, her BMI is ar

44、ound 25, and her blood pressure is around 150 over 85. Now, to me, thats staggering.” Keane said. The INSIGHT study is analysing more than three million OCT scans from around 300,000 patients. “We now know, for every person having had a retinal scan here, whos gone on to develop a heart attack or di

45、abetes,” he said. “The reason why were excited is that we think that if we can get the appropriate data sets and learn them deeply, we can find much more in the back of the eye about the health of the rest of the body.”“The application of AI for healthcare and medicine is about precision and accurac

46、y, but thats not all,” said Topol. The most important aspect is how AI can promote a stronger human connection between doctor and patient. “We see patients in single digit numbers of minutes. And thats not enough, you need the gift of time, which AI can give back,” he said. “Next year this will be t

47、he standard,” he believes. “Rather than doctors being data clerks, they will be making eye contact with patients. Theres no algorithm for empathy. Thats a human characteristic that we have to develop and get back in the way it used to be.”31. According to Topol, machines in healthcare _.A. can pick

48、up polypsB. will replace doctorsC. are already better than expertsD. can discover if a patient has diseases32. In paragraph 4, Keane mentioned a retinal photograph of a patient mainly to _.A. evaluate the effects of AI in healthcareB. introduce a patients personal informationC. explain how deep learning detects diseasesD. show the present outcome of AIs appli


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