广东省茂名市2022届高三下学期第二模拟考试(二模) 英语 试题(含解析).doc

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1、2022年茂名市高三级第二次综合测试英语试卷本试题卷共8页。全卷满分120分,考试用时120分钟。注意事项:1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、考号等填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。2.选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。3.非选择题的作答:用签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。4.考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)阅读下列短文,从

2、每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AAll dogs can benefit from training throughout their lives. But where to begin the process? Thus, we have consulted some experts on where to start. Heres what they say. Identify your training goalsThere are two levels of dog training. If youre interested in skill training, or

3、 basic manners, such as teaching your dog to sit, stay and lie down, thats the field of a dog trainer. If your dog hasa behavior problemanxiety, aggressiveness, fearfulnessthen what you need is a dog behavioralconsultant. Be realisticYour dog may bark at your guests, which might be a kind of dog tha

4、t has been selected forhundreds of years to defend against people walking in your front door. Since you cant change a German shepherds genetic impulse(基因冲动) to defend its territory, you may need to change yourexpectations, instead. Decide how youd like to train your dogWhen it comes to training meth

5、ods, you have a few options. Group classes are cheaper but lesspersonalized, while board and training facilities are more expensive and riskier. Your choice willdepend on your budget and your training goals. If you dont want to pay a lot of money for dog training, you can choose free or low-cost res

6、ources you can find online. Understand the methodsGenerally speaking, many trainers fall into two broad categories: The first is positive reinforcement(强化)trainers,which means giving your dog something good to train. The second is balancedtrainers who are willing to make incorporate corrections, whi

7、ch means using positive reinforcementmethods. Click here to get more information to train your dogs. 21. Who should you ask if your dogs are aggressive?A. A dog behavioral trainer. B. A dog behavioral consultant. C. A reinforcement trainer. D. A balanced trainer. 22. Whats the benefit if your dog at

8、tends the group classes?A. It can socialize better. B. It can learn more skills. C. You can save money. D. You can build stronger bonds with it. 23. Where does the text most likely appear?A. On a website. B. In a story book. C. In a pet brochure. D. In a biological study. BMany have had the same tho

9、ught as Shannon St. Onge when looking at the approach of snow ona weather forecastthat they have time to finish their jobs. As the director of finance at the FirstNations University of Canada, she had to drive 25 kilometers from her home to the city of Regina toattend an important meeting. As she wa

10、s leaving, the winter snow began to fall. Taking a dirt road for better traction(牵引)on her tires, she quickly became lost, with no ability to see the edge of the road from a rolled-downwindow. After a while she stopped and called 911. “The operator took my information and told me to wait out the sto

11、rm as my tank was full and Iwas warm. I waited almost 14 hours and nobody has called me yet to check in,” she wrote in a Face-book post. “Would the gas tank last until morning? What if I was hit by another vehicle? What if I didntmake it home at all?” St. Onge wondered. Determined to ensure the safe

12、st end, she went out in the storm and discovered her location on aroad sign, and then found a neighborhood Facebook group for the area she was passing throughwarning others of her plight through a Google Maps pin. That was when 80-year-old Andre Bouvier Sr., a retired rescuer, got a call about St. O

13、ngessituation. He went out to find her, on foot, since he couldnt manage to start his tractor. On the way he found three other stranded(被困) vehicles. He walked the quarter mile thereand back, and led the helpless cars one by one to his home. Bouvier let the survivors sleep at hishouse, where they at

14、e and laughed, and departed the next morning after he had cleaned the driveway.24. Why did St. Onge take a dirt road?A. She was familiar with it. B. She could refuel on the road. C. She took the dirt road to save time. D. She thought dirt road could increase traction. 25. What did the operator advis

15、e St. Onge to do?A. Wait out the storm. B. Find a warm place. C. Ask Bouvier for help. D. Write her condition in a Facebook post. 26. What does the underlined word “plight” in Paragraph 5 mean?A. Wrong turn. B. Poor sense of direction. C. Difficult situation. D. Bad weather. 27. Which of the followi

16、ng can best describe Bouvier?A. Patient and gifted. B. Brave and selfless. C. Proud and determined. D. Adventurous and ambitious. CIf having to make a choice between reading an e-book and a printed book, which would mostpeople choose? Some would go for an e-book while some still prefer the hard-prin

17、ted book. Undoubtedly, e-books do have benefits. Firstly, changes to an electronic publication are relatively easy to make. They are quicker to obtain. E-books are more easily updated. The printed bookson many subjects can become outdated very quickly. Secondly, e-books can be easily and quicklykept

18、 up to date. You usually get far more than just the e-books. Most e-books are sold with bonusesand related information that usually do not come with the purchase of a printed book. Moreover, theytake up less space. Instead of a big library, you can fit literally thousands of books on your computer.

19、It also makes it easier to share this information with families and friends. For nearly twenty years, additionally, futurists have been predicting the development of printedbooks. The conventional view has been that digital e-books are on the verge of replacing paper books. However, this has not bee

20、n the case. A printed book has its advantages too. Firstly, it is an objectthat can be carried and used alone. It needs no electric outlet (插座),no batteries,nothing. Secondly, e-books will always require some forms of support that the printed book does not need. I believe that the online publishing

21、has not taken off because people want real books. What isbeing published online more and more are pamphlets (小册子) and things that really do not need tobe in print. These are stuff that people throw away afterward. More often, people do not want to reada book on the computer. What could be better tha

22、n a paper book? It lasts a long time. These booksare designed to last a long time without disappearing. To sum up, there is no denying that the printed book is still very much preferred over its digitalcousins. Reading electronic publications is just not the same when it comes to books. People are s

23、tillvery interested in real books and notebooks. 28. What can we know about an e-book?A. It will never be out of date. B. It always gives you an added bonus. C. It can deliver information quickly. D. It has taken the place of printed books. 29. Which statement would futurists probably agree with?A.

24、Printed books will disappear. B. Printed books can be used alone. C. E-books have many restrictions. D. E-books have no drawbacks. 30. What is one cause of the failed online publishing?A. The low demand for book industry. B. The expectations from people. C. The guidance of policy. D. The desire for

25、the printed books. 31. What does the author think of the future of the printed book?A. Hopeless. B. Unpredictable. C. Costly. D. Promising. DUsing the power of artificial intelligence (AI), scientists have revealed new insights into the creation and destruction of mass extinction. Contrary to conven

26、tional knowledge, their study suggests thatlarger extinctions are not always a form of “creative destruction” that allows new organisms (生物体) to radiate and evolve. Instead, it suggests that mass extinction is rarely associated with new species ofradiation. Dr. Hoyal Cuthill, the lead study author f

27、rom the University of Essex in the UK and the TokyoInstitute of Technology, said in a statement, “Some of the most challenging things to understand thehistory of life are the vast timelines involved and the number of species. New machine learning applications can help us understand this information

28、in human-readable form. This means that we can, soto speak, hold the evolution of half a billion years in the palm of our hand and gain new insights fromwhat we see.”They concluded that mass extinction and later radiation were not connected as previouslythought. Within 5 percent of the most signific

29、ant periods of disruption (中断), AI detected “bigfive”mass extinctions, seven more mass extinctions, two mass extinction-radiation events, and 15mass radiations. Most importantly, it discovers that massive radiation and extinction rarely occurredwith each other, changing the view that greater extinct

30、ion leads to a kind of deep cycle-like speciesradiation of nature. It appears that larger extinctions are certainly not the engine of evolutionary radiation. Take the Cambrian eruption for example and it was about 41 million years ago when a largegroup of animals first appeared on the record of the

31、first fossil record and the dawn of a high mobileanimal equipped with modern physical features. This new study found that a handful of other notable explosions of biodiversity, including theCambrian eruption, usually occurred at a time when they were largely isolated (隔离) from extinction. Dr. Nichol

32、as Guttenberg, a study co-author from the Tokyo Institute of Technology explained, “Ecosystems are dynamic and you dont need anything to exist to allow something new to appear.”32. What does the first paragraph serve as?A. An explanation of artificial intelligence. B. A background of researchers stu

33、dy. C. The reasons for creative destruction. D. The result of researchers new study. 33. What can we infer from Dr.Hoyal Cuthills words?A. AI contributes a lot to the study of evolution. B. Understanding the history of life is very difficult. C. New AI machines learn applications better. D. The resu

34、lt of researchers new study. 34. What is the researchers discovery?A. Mass extinction is unlikely to cause evolutionary radiation. B. The first animal with modern features occurred during eruption. C. The volcanic eruption led to a mass extinction and radiation. D. The idea of deep cycle-like specie

35、s radiation has turned out true. 35. What is the text mainly about?A. New processes ofbiological evolution. B. New view of radiation from natural species. C. New understanding of mass extinction. D. New outbreaks of biological populations. 第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中

36、有两项为多余选项。Exams are an important type of assessment almost all students will need to undertake. The bestway tostudy is not to recite it all in hours or minutes before an exam. Exam stress affects moststudents in various ways. 36How do you face such an important day? If you have not been able to study

37、 the complete contentstill now, dont long to finish it all. 37In your bag, collect all your supplies such as pencils, several pens and other important writing materials. Put the bag and everything else that you mightneed in one place. This will help to reduce your worries in the morning.When you arr

38、ive at the hall, surround yourself with friends who are supportive or just go throughyour notes quietly. Always make it a point to study the subjects which you find easier to learn first. 38Therefore, do not go round asking crazily for the answer. This will just upset you and sendyou into panic mode

39、. 39Before the examination starts, make sure your question paper is complete. Read theinstructions carefully. Settle the easy questions first. Divide your time carefully for each question andmove on to the next question even if you have not finished the first. Finally, after each paper, go home and

40、rest. Do not worry about what you could have done orhavent done. Try not to discuss the answers with your friends.40A. Try to relax and remember to fill the answer. B. When you are in the examination room, follow these steps. C. Youll be affected if you do not know the answer to any topic. D. Firstl

41、y, prepare a test kit for the duration of your examination. E. You should not allow anything to upset the rest of the examination. F. Many students are nervous when they are facing their first examination. G. It is important to manage this stress and find ways of helping to reduce it. 第三部分语言运用(共两节,满

42、分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Its often the simple things in life that make the most significant impact on us. It was late oneafternoon in mid-September. My three-month-old son was napping in his41.As I wanderedthrough our living room, I happened to42my balcony w

43、indow.Puddles (水坑) had43the ground and the rain had slowed.Down below44a boy of about four. Filled with a mixture of fascination and happiness, hestomped (踩) through the puddle, mud and45flying. He walked, stomped, splashed throughthat puddle46, happily enjoying what mother nature had left for him.

44、Not more than ten feet away stood his mother. She didnt scold him.47,she watched witha pleasant smile on her face and stood48.As for me, it was a(n)49moment that changedthe way I will forever view my role as a mother. The little boy probably will50each afternoon that his mother takes him outside, as

45、 he51.He may not remember each little thing that happens each time his mother lets him52his world. But he will remember that his mother53him and he will know that she helps him tolearn and grow in a pleasant and fun environment. Maybe we can all learn from the innocence of54that views a rainstorm no

46、t as something torun through or to avoid, but something meant to explore, to55and to love. 41. A. deskB. bedC. toyD. chair42. A. jump atB. turn aroundC. look out ofD. stare at43. A. formedB. leftC. savedD. collected44. A. wavedB. trembledC. stoodD. slid45. A. birdsB. carsC. ashD. water46. A. by and

47、byB. up and downC. now and thenD. over and over47. A. InsteadB. HoweverC. ThereforeD. Also48. A. stillB. hesitantlyC. anxiouslyD. close49. A. embarrassingB. confusingC. touchingD. exhausting50. A. experienceB. rememberC. forgetD. recall51. A. grows upB. loses heartC. turns inD. cries out52. A. visit

48、B. exploreC. findD. understand53. A. lovesB. helpsC. scoldsD. kisses54. A. youthB. childhoodC. adolescenceD. adulthood55. A. enjoyB. shareC. stopD. await第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。On June 18, Qiyun Mountain Customs Exhibition was displayed in the Water Cube in Beijing. This exhibition is56important part of “Search for Taoist Mountains (道教山)”,the 2nd customs exhibition of “Wild China & Beautiful Land”, 57was sponsored by the China Landscapeand Histo


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