最新2022-2023年外研版六年级英语下册《Module 4》测试卷及答案(三起).docx

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1、2022年外研版六年级英语下册Module 4测试卷及答案(三起)一、单项选择( )1.-_?-Shes in the library.A.Whats his nameB.Wheres KateC.Whats up( )2.-Its for you,Tom.-_.A. Thank you.B. Sorry.C.Yes, you are.( )3.-_?-Yes,I am.A.Is he leaving for BeijingB. Are you going to NanjingC.Do you have a car( )4.These balloons are flying_.A.intoB.

2、withC.away( )5.She can_them with their English.A.helpB.helpsC.helping( )6.-_?-Im making some dumplings.A.Where are youB.How are youC.What are you doing( )7.What_mess!A.anB.aC.the( )8.The bag is heavy. I _carry it.A.canB.couldC.cant( )9.Who can help_? We are lost.A.myB.usC.we( )10.Hes buying some thi

3、ngs_your birthday.A.withB.inC. for二、选出每组中不同类的一项( )1.A.bananaB. pearC. cake( )2.A.FridayB.birthdayC.Monday( )3.A.runningB.comingC.take( )4.A.meB.herC.we( )5.A.puttingB.danceC.sing三、翻译下列短语1.在超市_2.给买_3.举行生日聚会_4.小心_5.在打电话_6.飘走,飞走_四、选词填空1.My father is _(in/ on) the phone.2.Look!The picture _(says/talks),

4、“Dont walk on the grass!3.The bus is coming.Lets_(get on/get off) the bus.4.Can you_(to help/help)Kate?5.Im_(putting/put)my book s on the desk.五、连词成句1.help/ can/ you /I (.)_2.stairs/ The /falling/ apples /down/ are/ the (.)_3.the/ He/ up/ oranges/ pick /will (.)_4.trying/bus/ Hes/ to /off /the/ get

5、(.)_5.them/ carry /cant /I /all. (.)_六、选择合适的选项补全对话A.Sorry, I cant.B.Thank you, Grandma.C.Can you help me, Mum?D.Who can help me?E.Im cleaning the room.Linda: Its raining. But I cant find my umbrella.1._Mum:Sorry, I cant. 2._Linda: Can you help me, Dad?Dad:3._Im watering the flowers.Linda: 4._Grandma

6、:I can help you. Look,Linda.Its under the desk.Linda:5._参考答案一、单项选择B A B C AC B C B C二、选出每组中不同类的一项C B C C A三、翻译下列短语1.at the supermarket 2.buy. for.3.have a birthday party 4.be careful5.on the phone 6.fly away四、选词填空1.on 2.says 3.get on 4.help 5.putting五、连词成句1.I can help you.2.The apples are falling down the stairs.3.He will pick up the oranges.4.Hes trying to get off the bus.5.I cant carry them all.六、选择合适的选项补全对话C E A D B


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