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1、2022-5-19冀教版八年级英语上册冀教版八年级英语上册Lesson44GeorgiaPlaysBasketball课件课件Think about it! 1. Do you enjoy playing basketball? Why or why not?2. Who is the most famous Chinese basketball player?3. Can you think of any famous basketball players from other places in the world?Look at the picture and say 1. What c

2、an you see in the picture? 2. Who is the girl? 3. Where does she come from? Make a guess. 4. Whats her main talent? Make a guess. 5. Whats her ambition? Can you make a guess?Georgia.ListeningListen and answer the following questions:1. What makes Georgia unique?2. What is her ambition?She comes from

3、 Greece. Nobody else in her school comes from Greece.Her ambition is to play basketball in the Olympics. Read quickly and try to catch the main idea of the passage. Read and get the main idea of each paragraph:Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Paragraphs 4-6Paragraph 7 Introduce herself.What makes he

4、r unique? Introduce her family.Her main talent.Her ambition.Read carefully and answer the questions: 1. Can you tell us something about Georgia? 2. What makes her unique? 3. Can you tell us something about her family? 4. Whats her main talent? 5. What team did she play on when she was in Grade Six?

5、5. How was Georgias basketball team? 6. How did she win for their school? 7. What does Georgia mean by “the game was almost over”? 8. Whats her ambition? 9. What would she like to do in the future?be bornreturngo to universityOlympicsGreecescoreGreek A task: Think about yourself! 1. Do your classmat

6、es like you?2. Why do they like you?3. How do you know they like you?4. What makes you a good student? 5. Are there any special things you do?6. Do you have special talents?7. Have you done anything that made you proud of yourself?1. I was born there. be born “出生于出生于” bear bore - born I was born in

7、a beautiful village. 我出生在一个美丽的村子里。我出生在一个美丽的村子里。 Tom was born on May 1st, 1990. 汤姆出生在汤姆出生在1990年年5月月1日。日。Language notes:2. Ive been in Canada for seven and a half years. seven and a half years = seven years and a half one and a half years = a year and a half one and a half hours = an hour and a half3.

8、 But she sometimes returns to Greece to play for the Greek National Basketball Team. 但是她(我姐姐)有时候返回希腊为希腊国家篮球但是她(我姐姐)有时候返回希腊为希腊国家篮球队打球。队打球。 return: come back “回;返回回;返回” 不及物动词不及物动词 return to + 地点地点 He has returned to Paris from London. return: give back to “归还;放回;送回归还;放回;送回” 及物动词及物动词 return sb. sth. =

9、return sth. to sb. 把把归还给归还给 Yesterday he returned the book to the library. =Yesterday he returned the library the book. 昨天,他把书还给了图书馆。昨天,他把书还给了图书馆。 4. When I was in Grade Six, I played for the junior high basketball team. 当我在六年级的时候,我就在中学球队里打球。当我在六年级的时候,我就在中学球队里打球。在在球队里,介词要用球队里,介词要用 on。Georgia plays b

10、asketball on the school basketball team. 乔治亚在篮球队里打球。乔治亚在篮球队里打球。5. The game was almost over. almost adv. “几乎;差不多几乎;差不多”Dinner is almost ready. She has almost finished her homework. be over adv. “结束;完结结束;完结” By the time we arrived the meeting was over. 辨析almost 与 nearly 这两个词意思接近,肯定句中可以换用;一般说来,almost 的

11、差距比 nearly 小,因此,在差一刻开午饭时,可以说:Its nearly lunch time. 快开午饭了。almost 和和 nearly 都可用在行为动词的否都可用在行为动词的否定式之前。定式之前。He almost (或或 nearly) didnt hear what I said. 他几乎没听清我说了什么。他几乎没听清我说了什么。在差在差5分的时候,可以说:分的时候,可以说:Its almost lunch time. 马上要开午饭了。马上要开午饭了。almost 能和能和 never, no, none, nothing, nobody, nowhere, too 等连用而

12、等连用而 nearly 则则不能。不能。That was almost too little. 那几乎太少了。那几乎太少了。6. play for.为为效力效力,为为打比赛打比赛play for.的意思是的意思是“为为效力效力,为为打比赛冶。打比赛冶。如:如:Which team do you play for ? 你在哪个队效力你在哪个队效力?He is playing for the National Team. 他为国家队效他为国家队效力。力。【拓展】与【拓展】与play 相关的常用短语相关的常用短语play against.与与对抗对抗play with.与与一起玩一起玩,以以为消遣为

13、消遣play out 破产破产,结束结束如:如:Which team did they play against this time? 这这次他们与哪个队比赛次他们与哪个队比赛?Tom likes playing with the big boys although he is very young.汤姆虽然很小却喜欢和大男孩们玩。汤姆虽然很小却喜欢和大男孩们玩。6. The score was fifty-one to fifty-one. score n. “(比赛的比赛的)分数分数” The final score was 4 to 3. score v. “(比赛中比赛中)得分得分”

14、She scored 120 in the IQ test. 7. A player on my team passed me the ball. 我队里的我队里的一个球员把球传给了我。一个球员把球传给了我。pass sb. sth. =pass sth. to sb. 把某物传给某人把某物传给某人 He passed the ball to Li Ming. =He passed Li Ming the ball. 他把球传给了李明。他把球传给了李明。8.Id like to go to university, too. 我也想去上大学。我也想去上大学。would like to do st

15、h. “想要去做某事冶想要去做某事冶,相当于相当于want to do sth. 。注意注意would like 无人称和数的变化。无人称和数的变化。would like 的常的常用搭配还用搭配还有有:would like+sth. “想要某物想要某物”;would like sb. to do sth. “想要某人做某事想要某人做某事”。如:如:He would like to buy a new computer. 他想买一他想买一台新电脑。台新电脑。Theyd like to meet their teacher. 他们想去看看他们他们想去看看他们的老师。的老师。The teacher

16、would like us to study in the classroom. 老师想让我们待在教室里学习。老师想让我们待在教室里学习。9. but I want to continue taking P.E.但是我想继续上体育课。但是我想继续上体育课。 continue doing sth. 继续做同一件事(还没完继续做同一件事(还没完成)成) continue to do sth. 继续做另一件事(之前的事继续做另一件事(之前的事已经完成)已经完成)After reading, he continued reading the book.稍事休息后,她继续看书。稍事休息后,她继续看书。A

17、fter he finished reading the novel, he continued to play games with his friends.他读完小说后继续跟朋友们玩游戏。他读完小说后继续跟朋友们玩游戏。Retell She comes from _, a country in Europe. _ _ in her school comes from there. So that makes her _. She_ _ _ Canada for seven and a half years. Her sister _ to Greece to play _ the Gree

18、k National basketball team. Basketball is Georgias _, too. She played on the _ high basketball team at the age of six. One time, when the match was _ over, the _ was 51-51. Then a player _ her the ball and she _ the ball in the basket. They _ the match. She felt _ _ herself. Her ambition is to play

19、basketball in the _. Lets wish her success.GreeceNobody elseuniquehas been inreturnedfortalentjunioralmostscorepassedthrewwonproud ofOlympics汉译英:汉译英: 1) 他出生于他出生于1986年。年。 2) 比分是比分是8比比5。 3) 比赛就要结束了。比赛就要结束了。 4) 我们在这住了一年半了。我们在这住了一年半了。 5) 昨天他回到了北海。昨天他回到了北海。 6) 请把我的橡皮檫还给我。请把我的橡皮檫还给我。 7) 我们都为我们自己而感到骄傲。我们都为

20、我们自己而感到骄傲。 We have lived here for one and a half years/a year and a half. He was born in 1986. Yesterday he returned to Beihai. The score was 8 to 5. Please return me the eraser. = Please return the eraser to me.The game was almost over.We are all proud of ourselves.单项选择单项选择1. Li Ming is a player _

21、our school football team. A. on B. at C. as D. from 2. Nobody _ comes from America in our class. They are all Chinese except me. A. other B. others C. more D. else3. Jenny is _ girl in our school. A. young B. younger C. youngest D. the youngest4. Im _ in our class. Only Li Hui is taller than me. A.

22、tall B. the tallest C. the second tallest D. the second taller A DDC1.出生于出生于_ 2. a country in Europe_3.希腊篮球队希腊篮球队_4. the youngest _5.投篮投篮_6. be proud of_be born 2.一个欧洲国家一个欧洲国家 3.Greek basketball team 最年轻的队员最年轻的队员 5.put the ball in the basket 自豪自豪 译一译译一译3. The Yellow River is the second _ river in ou

23、r country.4. That girl was born in _ .longestGreece(long)(Greek)考考你的考考你的应变能力应变能力1.She _ the book to me yesterday.2.The boy is the _ in our class.returnedyoungest(return)(young)win, beat1. Who _ the match?2. I _ him in the mens 100-metre race.3. Zhang Yong _ the American swimmer.4. She also _ two silver medals.wonbeatbeatwon两者都有两者都有“赢赢”的意思,的意思,win后加奖章,后加奖章,比赛,游戏等词;比赛,游戏等词;beat后加对手。后加对手。


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