2016届中考英语 完形填空与阅读理解复习练习 Unit 21.doc

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1、 1 Unit 21Unit 21 Passage APassage A 话题:寓言故事 词数:314 参考用时:10 分钟 One night, a little swallow flew over the city. He was very 1 and wanted to have a good sleep in the city. When he saw the Statue of the Happy Prince (王子), he flew down and got ready to sleep 2 the feet of the Happy Prince. Just as he wa

2、s putting his head under his wing, some 3 fell on him. He thought it was raining. But when he looked 4 , he found the sky was 5 clear and bright that he could see lots of stars. Suddenly, he saw some tears were running down the Princes golden 6 . “ 7 are you crying?” asked the swallow. “In a little

3、street, theres a poor house. From one of the windows, I see a woman 8 at a table. Shes sewing clothes for 9 women to wear. In a bed in the corner of the room, her little boy is sick. Hes asking for oranges, but his mother has only water to give him, so he is crying. The boy is so thirsty 10 the moth

4、er is so sad. Little swallow, will you please take her the 11 from the top of my sword (宝剑)?” “It is very cold here and I am leaving for a warm place, but I will stay with you and do as you ask.” The swallow took the bright red jewel from the Princes sword and flew away with it in his mouth. He flew

5、 into the womans room and 12 it beside the womans needle. 13 he flew back, he told the Prince what he had done. “Its strange,” he added, “Its so cold but I feel quite 14 now.” “Thats 15 you have done a good thing,” said the Prince. The little swallow began to think about this, and then he fell aslee

6、p. ( ) 1. A. hungry B. tired C. angry D. sad ( ) 2. A. among B. above C. below D. between ( ) 3. A. water B. snow C. grass D. milk ( ) 4. A. at B. down C. up D. for ( ) 5. A. quite B. so C. such D. very ( ) 6. A. ear B. feet C. hair D. face ( ) 7. A. Where B. How C. When D. Why ( ) 8. A. sitting B.

7、eating C. drinking D. cooking ( ) 9. A. poor B. rich C. young D. old ( ) 10. A. but B. or C. and D. so ( ) 11. A. jewel B. orange C. gold D. diamond ( ) 12. A. forgot B. took C. got D. put ( ) 13. A. Before B. After C. Till D. While ( ) 14. A. cold B. hot C. warm D. cool ( ) 15. A. because B. though

8、 C. if D. whether 读后自主学习读后自主学习 【答案速查】参见答案 P 2 【自我评价】我做对了_题,我很棒!我做错了_题,没关系,再努力! 【答案还原】将正确答案填写到文中空格处。 【诵读全文】大声朗读文章 3-4 遍、整体感知全文,体悟作者意图。 【我来总结】完成下列学习任务,并加以背诵。 1. 1. 短语互译短语互译 (1) get ready to do _ (2) sit at the table_ (3) 离开去(某地)_ (4) 睡着了_ 2. 2. 佳句翻译佳句翻译 (1) One night, a little swallow flew over the ci

9、ty. _ (2) He found the sky was so clear and bright that he could see lots of stars. _ (3) I will stay with you and do as you ask. _ (4) Thats because you have done a good thing. _ Passage BPassage B 话题:寓言故事 词数:270 参考用时:6 分钟 Once upon a time, there was a spider with the name Anansi. He knew that he w

10、as very clever but he also knew he wasnt wise(英明的). He didnt like this, but he did not know what to do. One day he had an idea. He went around the village with a basket and asked each person to give him some of their wisdom(智慧). The people laughed at Anansi because they knew that he needed wisdom th

11、e most. So each person put a bit in his basket and wished him good luck. Soon his basket was full, but Anansi was worried that his neighbors might be jealous(嫉妒 ) of his wisdom and take itit from him. He decided to hide it at the top of a tall tree. When he had tied the basket to the front part of h

12、is body, he tried to climb the tree, but it was too difficult. He tried again and again without success. Then his youngest son walked by. “What are you doing, father?“ he asked and Anansi told him.“ Why dont you carry the basket on your back instead?“ his son said. Anansi put the basket on his back

13、and climbed the tree easily, but he wasnt happy. “I walked all over the village and collected so much wisdom that I am the wisest person ever, but my baby son is still wiser than me. Take back your wisdom!“ he said. And he threw the basket of wisdom into the air and went home. And thats how wisdom w

14、ent all over the world. ( ) 1. Anansi went around the village because_. A. he knew he was very clever B. he wanted to show his good luck C. he hoped to meet his son D. he thought he wasnt wise enough ( ) 2. Anansi wanted to get his wisdom from_. A. his son B. his father C. the villagers D. the neigh

15、bors ( ) 3. The underlined word “it“ in Paragraph 2 refers to (指的是)_. A. the tree B. the basket C. the luck D. the 3 wisdom ( ) 4. The passage above is_. A. a report B. a story C. an advertisement D. a diary ( ) 5. The best title for the passage would be_. A. Anansis wisdom B. The wisdom of Anansis

16、son C. Anansi and his son D. Anansi and the villagers 读后自主学习读后自主学习 【答案速查】参见答案 P 【我来总结】完成下列学习任务,并加以背诵。 1. 1. 短语互译短语互译 (1) once upon a time _ (2) wish sb. good luck _ (3)嫉妒 _ (4)遍及世界 _ 2. 2. 佳句翻译佳句翻译 (1) He didnt like this, but he did not know what to do. _ (2) He decided to hide it at the top of a ta

17、ll tree. _ (3) Why dont you carry the basket on your back instead? _ (4) And thats how wisdom went all over the world. _ Passage CPassage C 话题:环境保护 词数:295 参考用时:7 分钟 Some of the greatest problems we face today are the destruction ( 破 坏 ) of our environment. Brown clouds, polluted water, endangered wi

18、ld animals, these problems seem so huge. So my family does what we can. We take cloth bags to stores instead of using plastic bags. We walk where we dont have to drive. But does it do any good? When I am the only one in line at the market with cloth bags, am I doing any good? Does my walking to stor

19、es make any real difference to the world? I recently learned something about flamingos (火烈鸟) which like to get together in groups of a thousand or more. Every year, when the time comes for migration (迁 徙), a few of them first take off from the lake. But none of the others seem to notice, so the smal

20、l group returns. However, the next day they try again. This time few more fly along with them, but most of them still pay no attention, so they return again. They try for several times. Every time a few more birds join in but, since the thousands of others still take no notice, the great migration p

21、lan is once more stopped. Then one day something changes. The same small group of birds once again starts flying and a small number more join in just as before, then more. Finally, they all 4 take flight and the migration really begins. What a spectacularspectacular sight it must bethousands of flam

22、ingos taking off into the sky at once! A few can make a difference. Even if youre the one to take the first step, and continue trying, others will someday take notice and together we will solve even our greatest problems. ( ) 1. Where would you most probably read this passage? A. A guidebook. B. A m

23、ovie poster. C. A personal blog(博客). D. A geology(地质) magazine. ( ) 2. Why does the writer use cloth bags in stores? A. Because he wants to do some good to the environment. B. Because he thinks plastic bags are more expensive. C. Because there are only cloth bags in stores. D. Because all the people

24、 use cloth bags in stores. ( ) 3. What does the underlined word “spectacular“ in Paragraph 5 probably mean? A. Frustrating. B. Surprising. C. Terrible. D. Fantastic. ( ) 4. Which of the following is TRUETRUE according to the passage? A. Even if we can walk there, we still drive over. B. Flamingos li

25、ke to get together in groups of a thousand or more. C. Brown clouds and polluted water are the only problems we face today. D. When a few of the flamingos first take off from the lake, all the others follow at once. ( ) 5. Whats the writers purpose of writing this article? A. To show that the writer

26、 loves to see the migration of flamingos. B. To tell readers to continue trying and it can make a difference. C. To introduce a special kind of flamingo to readers. D. To show that therere many problems in the world. 读后自主学习读后自主学习 【答案速查】参见答案 P 【我来总结】完成下列学习任务,并加以背诵。 1. 1. 短语互译短语互译 (1) do good _ (2) ge

27、t together _ (3) 没有注意_ (4) 起飞_ 2. 2. 佳句翻译佳句翻译 (1) Some of the greatest problems we face today are the destruction of our environment. _ (2) So my family does what we can. _ (3) But none of the others seem to notice, so the small group returns. _ (4) What a spectacular sight it must be! _ 5 Unit21Uni

28、t21 Passage A Passage A 【答案详解】【答案详解】1 1- -5 BDACB 65 BDACB 6- -10 DDABC 1110 DDABC 11- -15 ADBCA15 ADBCA 1. B 根据下文 have a good sleep 推知这儿填 tired,故选 B. 2. D 脚一般指两只,在两者之间用 between。 3. A 根据下文 He thought it was raining. 推知本题选 A。 4. C look up 仰望, look at 看着,look down 俯视,look for 寻找,据题意选 C。 5. B 根据从句的引导词

29、that 可知这儿应该是 so.that.结构,引导结果状语从句。故 选 B。 6. D 眼泪应该是顺着脸淌下来。故选 D。 7. D 根据上下文的意思可知,这儿问的应该是为什么。故选 D。 8. A sit at a table 意为坐在桌旁,故选 A。 9. B 选项 A.C.D 均不合题意,故选 B。 10. C The boy is so thirsty.和 The mother is so sad. 之间是顺承的关系,故选 C。 11. A 从句中 sword 一词可知这儿应该选 A。 ) 12. D put.beside.意为“把放在的旁边。故选 D。 13. B 由事情发生的先后

30、顺序可知选 B。 14. C but 连接两个意义相反的分句,前一个分句中用 cold, 所以后一分句用 warm。故选 C。 15. A Thats because.意为“那是因为; Thats why. 意为“那是为什 么”。上文已知道结果,下文自然应交代原因。故选 A。 读后自主学习读后自主学习 1. 1. 短语互译短语互译 (1) 准备好做某事 (2) 坐在桌边 (3) leave for (4) fall asleep 2. 2. 佳句翻译佳句翻译 (1) 一天夜里,一只小燕子飞跃一座城市。 (2) 他发现天空是如此晴朗,都能够看到漫天繁星。 (3) 我愿意和你在一起,做你要我做的事

31、情。 (4) 这是因为你做了一件好事。 Passage B Passage B 【答案【答案详解】详解】1 1- -5 DCDBA 5 DCDBA 1. D 由第一段第二句话可知,他是为了去找 wisdom。故选 D。 2. C 由第一段第五句话可知,he went around the village with a basket and asked each person.可知是向村民要。故选 C。 3. D 前面提到了 wisdom。故选 D 4. B 这篇文章是一个故事。 A:报道, C:广告, D:日记。故选 B。 5. A 整篇文章都在讲 Anansi 和 wisdom 的故事,故选

32、 A。 读后自主学习读后自主学习 1. 1. 短语互译短语互译 (1)从前 (2)祝某人好运 (3) be jealous of (4) all over the world 2. 2. 佳句翻译佳句翻译 (1) 他不喜欢这样,但是他不知道该怎么做。 6 (2) 他决定把它藏在高高的树顶上。 (3) 为什么你不把篮子背在背上呢? (4) 这就是智慧如何遍及世界的。 Passage CPassage C 【答案详解】【答案详解】1 1- -5 CADBB5 CADBB 1. C A:指导书, B:电影海报, C:个人博客, D: 地质杂志。本文是以第一人称写的, 所以应摘自个人博客。故选 C。

33、2. A 由第一段可知作者描述环境被破坏,因此第二段第一句话说到他们使用布袋代替塑 料袋。故选 A。 3. D spectacular-壮观的,惊人的。根据后文“thousands of flamingos taking off into the sky at once!”可知,数千只鸟一起起飞一定很“壮观” 。故选 D。 4. B 由第四段第一句话可知答案为 B 选项。 5. B 作者通过火烈鸟迁徙的事情,告诉我们要继续坚持环保的行动,只要继续,就会有更 大的变化。故选 B。 读后自主学习读后自主学习 1. 1. 短语互译短语互译 (1)有好处,有益 (2)聚会,汇集 (3) pay no attention/ take no notice (4) take off 2. 2. 佳句翻译佳句翻译 (1) 如今我们所面对的最大的问题是对环境的破坏。 (2) 所以我们家尽我们所能。 (3) 但是其他的鸟不理不睬,所以这一小群飞回来了。 (4) 这一定是一个壮观的场景!


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