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1、第1页共3 页三 峡 大 学2016年研究生入学考试试题(A卷)科目代码: 357 科目名称: 英语翻译基础考试时间为3小时,卷面总分为150分答案必须写在答题纸上I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminologies into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one po

2、int for each. (30)1、APEC2、OPEC3、ASEAN 4、GNP5、IMF6、IPO7、CPI8、AQI9、EMS10、Securities and Exchange Commission11、Value Added Tax12、Cable News Network13、Hypertext transfer protocol 14、Ebola Virus15、Sport utility vehicle16、联合国安全理事会17、伊斯兰国恐怖主义者18、欧元贬值19、诺贝尔文学奖20、全国人民代表大会21、社会主义核心价值观22、立德树人23、中小型企业改革24、物流网25

3、、高新区产业园26、长江经济带27、夹心阶层28、啃老族29、碰瓷30、“老虎”、“苍蝇”一起打II. Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their target language respectively. If the source text is in English, its target language is Chinese. If the source text is in Chinese, its target language is English. (120) (1) Explosions h

4、it Nigerian city in suspected suicide attacksMaiduguri(迈杜古里), where Islamists have been using teenage girls to carry out bombings, is hit again with one explosion targeting a mosque. A series of explosions rocked the city of Maiduguri in northeastNigeriaon Thursday, with casualties feared, witnesses

5、 and police said. It was not immediately clear how many blasts hit the Borno(博尔诺)state capital but one police officer said as many as seven went off and locals reported at least two bombs were strapped to teenage girls. Boko Haram(博科圣地) Islamists have increasingly used suicide bombers to target civi

6、lians, including in Maiduguri, where on 20 September dozens of peoplewere killedin a wave of attacks.“The first bomb was strapped to the body of a teenage girl, who wanted to kill worshippers at Ajilari Cross,” said Bashir Ali, a driver in the area. Ajilari Cross (阿及拉里十字会), near Maiduguri airport, w

7、here there is also a military base, was one of several places in the city hit 10 days ago. Ali said the girls target appeared to have been a mosque, just as worshippers were preparing for evening prayers at about 7:30pm (18:30 GMT). “Tragedy was averted because there was a little delay as the prayer

8、s did not commence in earnest and the bomb strapped to the body of the girl went off and killed her,” he added. “It did not affect any other person.”(228 words)(2)宜昌在湖北省西部,闻名中外的长江三峡西陵峡畔,有一块美丽富饶的土地,她就是被人们誉为“三峡明珠世界电都”的宜昌市。“此地江山连蜀楚,天钟神秀在西陵”。全市共辖五县三市五区,国土面积2.1万平方公里,总人口415万,为全国文明城市、国家卫生城市、国家环保模范城市、国家园林城市

9、、国家森林城市。 宜昌,古称西陵,是西陵部落分布的中心地区。距今约20万年前,清江流域就有“长阳人”在活动。二十纪50年代以来,点军区发掘出新石器时代后期遗址,以及白庙子等数十处古遗址和文物,充分证明早在五、六千年前,我们的祖先就在这片土地上繁衍生息。到夏商时,其为古“荆州之域”,春秋战国为楚地,史称“楚之西塞”。楚顷襄王二十一年,秦将白起“攻楚,拔郢,烧夷陵”,夷陵之名始见于史。之后,宜昌为历代县、郡、州、府的治所,曾经使用过夷陵、西陵、峡州、宜州、拓州、东湖等名,其中使用次数最多,时间最长的是夷陵和峡州二名。夷陵,一是说:“因西北有夷山”而得名;一是旧志所说:“水至此而夷,山至此而陵”,因山川形势而得名。又因其地扼长江三峡之口,故有峡州之称。自东晋分夷陵西境置宜昌县,宜昌之名便始见于史。至清雍正十三年,升彝陵州为宜昌府,宜昌之名沿袭至今。(505 words)第 3页


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