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B6U1 Art 检查卷检查卷Robin lo. Word formation1.precise adj. 准确的,精确的_ adv.精准的;恰好 2._ adj 现实的realism n.现实主义_ n.现实主义者 _ n.现实 3. _adj.人文主义的 humanity n.人类;人性 4._ adj.有影响力的 influence n./v. 5. noble adj./n.贵族成员,高贵的,崇高的 _adv.崇高的 6. subject n.主题,科目,对象,主语 _adj.主观的 _opp.客观的 7. subsequent adj 随后的,后来的,之后的 _ adv.接着;后来8.fond adj._ n. 9.invest v._投资者/ _投资额,投资 n. 10. humble adj.谦虚的,卑微的_ adv. 11. memorial n./adj.纪念碑,纪念物,纪念的_v.记忆_adj.难忘的,值得纪念的 12._v. 批评,指责criticism n.批评,指责_n.批评家,评论家_ adj.批判的,严重的,关键的 13.representative adj./n.典型的,代表_v. 描绘,展现,代表,象征,相当于 14._n. 承认,认出,赞誉 recognize v. 承认,认出,赞美15._ n.扩张,扩展,扩大 expand v. 扩展,扩大 16. _adj.值得的,值得尊敬的 worth adj.值得的_ adj.无价值的 worthwhile adj. 值得的 17._ adj.视觉的,视力的 _adj.看得见的 invisible opp.看不见的;无形的. key chunks1.特别,尤其是 2.与众不同,使突出,使优于 3.深刻的感情冲击4.采取.的态度5.赢得荣誉6.从.到转变 7.有地位的人8.排名第一 9.质量糟糕10.喜欢11.是.的代表12.水墨画13.中国水墨动画14.名誉扫地 15.赢得/树立/享有声誉 16.享有盛名的17.名不虚传,名副其实18.将.送到某地19.表达某人的感谢20.对.很挑剔,过于讲究21.拆开22.破裂,解散 23.青铜器 24.进入公务员队伍25.某事的最精彩部分26.突出,强调主要问题 27.获得认可,承认,赞美 28.十分重要的,引人注意的 29.被赋予生命,使鲜活起来30.贸易兴旺,急速发展31.浅尝,初步了解32.即将发生 33.连映,运行到34.把.描述给35.拒绝做某事36.在减少37.识别不出,辨别不出38.把某人看作 39.把.扩展成,发展成40.保证做某事41.保证42.在保修期43.值得注意44.值得被做_ = _45.值得做某事 _ = _46.这是值得的47.苏醒过来,变得生动有趣48.苏醒,恢复,苏醒49.注入新的活力/新的生命 50.精神崩溃51.渴望去做52.迅速成长,激增,发芽 53.直插云霄54.更糟的是 55.承担、接受挑战56.溜进57.毫不畏惧 _ = _. key sentence1.Perhaps the best way_ is _of western painting over the centuries.也许理解西方艺术,最好方法是看看几个世纪以来西方绘画的发展。2.While painters as early as Da Vinci had used oil, this technique reached its height with Rembrandt (1606 1669) , _. 尽管早在达芬奇时代一些画家就使用油彩绘画,但伦勃朗使得这种技艺达到顶峰,他拥有“光影大师”的雅称。学科网(北京)股份有限公司3._of nearly 100 bronze objects from the Shang Dynasty . 同样值得重点关注的还有一组近百件的商朝青铜器。4.Some of the items on display _the collection of Emperor Qianlong (1711 1799), a great admirer of Shang Dynasty bronze. 部分展品被认为是来自对商朝青铜器大为赞赏的乾隆皇帝(1711 年 1799 年)的收藏品。(Para. 3)5.This is just _ in this exhibition. 以上只是让你初步了解下你将在本次展览上看到什么。学科网(北京)股份有限公司B6U1 Art 梳理卷梳理卷Robin lo. Word formation1.precise adj. 准确的,精确的 precisely adv.精准的;恰好 2.realistic adj 现实的realism n.现实主义realist n.现实主义者 reality n.现实 3. humanistic adj.人文主义的 humanity n.人类;人性 4.influential adj.有影响力的 influence n./v. 5.exhibition n. exhibit v. 6. noble adj./n.贵族成员,高贵的,崇高的 nobly adv.崇高的 7. subject n.主题,科目,对象,主语 subjective adj.主观的 objective opp.客观的 8. subsequent adj 随后的,后来的,之后的 subsequently adv.接着;后来9.fond adj.fondness n. 10.invest v.investor 投资者/ investment 投资额,投资 n. 11.permanent adj.永久的,永恒的temporary opp.12. humble adj.谦虚的,卑微的humbly adv. 13. memorial n./adj.纪念碑,纪念物,纪念的memorize v.记忆memorable adj.难忘的,值得纪念的 14. criticize v. 批评,指责criticism n.批评,指责critic n.批评家,评论家critical adj.批判的,严重的,关键的 15.representative adj./n.典型的,代表represent v. 描绘,展现,代表,象征,相当于 16.recognition n. 承认,认出,赞誉 recognize v. 承认,认出,赞美17.expansion n.扩张,扩展,扩大 expand v. 扩展,扩大 18. worthy adj.值得的,值得尊敬的 worth adj.值得的 worthless adj.无价值的 worthwhile adj. 值得的 19.visual adj.视觉的,视力的 visible adj.看得见的 invisible opp.看不见的;无形的. key chunks1.特别,尤其是 in particular2.与众不同,使突出,使优于 set apart from3.深刻的感情冲击 deep emotional impact4.采取.的态度adopt a .attitude to/towards5.赢得荣誉 gain a reputation 6.从.到转变 shift from.to7.有地位的人 people of high rank8.排名第一 rank first (vi)9.质量糟糕 be of poor quality10. 喜欢 be fond of11. 是.的代表 be representative of12. 水墨画 ink wash painting13. 中国水墨动画 ink wash animation14. 名誉扫地 ruin ones reputation15. 赢得/树立/享有声誉 earn/ establish/ enjoy a reputation16. 享有盛名的 be of great/ good/ high reputation17. 名不虚传,名副其实 live up to ones reputation18. 将.送到某地 convey.to s.p19. 表达某人的感谢convey/express/ extend ones gratitude20. 对.很挑剔,过于讲究be particular about/over21. 拆开 take sth apart 22. 破裂,解散 fall apart23. 青铜器 bronze objects24. 进入公务员队伍gain entry into the civil service25. 某事的最精彩部分 the highlight of sth26. 突出,强调主要问题 highlight the major problems27. 获得认可,承认,赞美 gain recognition28. 十分重要的,引人注意的 be of primary note29. 被赋予生命,使鲜活起来 bring to life30. 贸易兴旺,急速发展 trade boom31. 浅尝,初步了解 a small taste of sth 32. 即将发生 be in store33. 连映,运行到 run until34. 把.描述给 represent sth to sb35. 拒绝做某事 decline to do sth36. 在减少 in decline/ on the decline37. 识别不出,辨别不出 beyond recognition38. 把某人看作 be recognized as /to be39. 把.扩展成,发展成 expand .into40. 保证做某事 guarantee to do sth41. 保证 guarantee that 42. 在保修期 be under guarantee43. 值得注意 be worthy of attention44. 值得被做 be worthy of being done = be worthy to be done45. 值得做某事 be worth doing = be worth + n46. 这是值得的 be worth it47. 苏醒过来,变得生动有趣 come to life48. 苏醒,恢复,苏醒 come back to life49. 注入新的活力/新的生命 breathe new life into sth50. 精神崩溃 suffer a mental collapse51. 渴望去做 long to do sth 52. 迅速成长,激增,发芽 shoot up53. 直插云霄 point up into the sky54. 更糟的是 Worse yet, 55. 承担、接受挑战 take on the challenge56. 溜进 sneak into/in57. 毫不畏惧 show no fear of sth = without fear of sth. key sentence学科网(北京)股份有限公司1.Perhaps the best way to understand Western art is to look at the development of western painting over the centuries.也许理解西方艺术,最好方法是看看几个世纪以来西方绘画的发展。2.During the Middle Ages, the purpose of Western art was to teach people about Christianity.西方艺术的目的是教导人们基督教。 3.While painters as early as Da Vinci had used oil, this technique reached its height with Rembrandt (1606 1669) , who gained a reputation as a master of shadow and light. 尽管早在达芬奇时代一些画家就使用油彩绘画,但伦勃朗使得这种技艺达到顶峰,他拥有“光影大师”的雅称。4.Also of primary note is a collection of nearly 100 bronze objects from the Shang Dynasty . 同样值得重点关注的还有一组近百件的商朝青铜器。5.Some of the items on display are thought to have come from the collection of Emperor Qianlong (1711 1799), a great admirer of Shang Dynasty bronze. 部分展品被认为是来自对商朝青铜器大为赞赏的乾隆皇帝(1711 年 1799 年)的收藏品。(Para. 3)6.This is just a small taste of what is in store for you in this exhibition. 以上只是让你初步了解下你将在本次展览上看到什么。学科网(北京)股份有限公司B6U2 Healthy lifestyle 梳理卷梳理卷Robin lo. Word formation1. alcoholalcoholic(adj.含酒精的) 2.physicalphysically adv.mentally adv.精神上地 3. dominatedominating adj.有影响力的,独裁的 domination(控制,统治) dominator ( 支配者,统治者)4. repeatrepetition(n.重复)repeated(adj.重复的)repeatedly(adv.反复地)5. psychologypsychological(adj.心理上的;心理学的)psychologist(n.心理学家)6. respondresponse(n.回答;回应) 7. rewardrewarding(adj.有益的;值得做的) 8. facilitate v. facilitator n. 促进者,促进的事物 facilitation n. 促进9.pessimisticpessimism(n.悲观)pessimist(n.悲观者)optimistic(adj.乐观的)optimism(n.乐观)optimist(n.乐观者)10.delete v. deletion n. 11.skip skippedskipped posecomposer(n.创作者;作曲家)composition(n.组成,作品;作曲;作文)13.disturbdisturbing(adj.令人不安的)disturbance(n.干扰;动乱)14.specialspecialist(n.专家)specialize(v.专门从事)specialty(n.专长;特产)15.consultconsultant(n.顾问)consultation n. 16.dizzyn. dizziness(头昏眼花)dizzily(adv.)17.stimulatestimulating(adj.激励人的;让人兴奋的)stimulation(n.刺激;激励)edycomedian(n.喜剧演员)tragedy (悲剧)tragedian(n.悲剧演员,悲剧作家)19.refreshrefreshing(adj.令人耳目一新的;提神的;清凉的)refreshed(adj.恢复精力的)refreshment(n.饮料;小食)20.absorbabsorbed(adj.专心的) absorbing(adj.吸引人的)absorption(n.吸收;专心). key sentence1.These bad habits, if left unchecked, could lead to more serious ones when they become adults. 如果任其发展,在他们长大成人后,这些不良习惯可能会导致更为严重的有害习惯。2.There is a famous saying based on the philosophy of Aristole:“We are what we repeatedly do.” 有一条基于亚里士多德哲学思想的著名谚语说道:“重复的行为造就了我们。3.As the Chinese philosopher Lao Zi wrote,“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” 正如中国哲学家老子所说:“千里之行,始于足下。 ”4.As Gandi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” 正如甘地所说,欲变世界,先变其身。5.Simply speaking,a healthy lifestyle is about finding the right balance and making good choices.简单说,健康的生活方式是关于找到正确的平衡和做出好的选择。6.A healthy lifestyle is generally a balanced life in which you make wise choice, 健康的生活方式,总的来说就是你做出正确选择的平衡的生活方式。 7.Makes more changes every day and your lifestyle will become healthier 每天做出一些小改变,你的生活方式就会更加健康。8.It has enhanced the quality of my life, improving my health and increasing my happiness. 这改善了我的健康,增加了我的幸福感, (从而)提高了我的生活品质。9.It was a big struggle not to join my friends in playing online games as Im mad for them. 不和我的朋友们一起玩网络游戏是一件十分困难的事情,因为我痴迷其中。10. Maintaining a good balance between work and play is important for healthy lifestyle.维持工作与玩耍之间的平衡对于健康生活很重要。. key chunks1.养成好习惯 develop/form /cultivate habits2.改变坏习惯 correct/better/break habits3.让某事未被注意、完成、触摸leave sth unchecked/undone/untouched4.使卷入,使陷入 become involved in5.身心健康问题 physical and mental health problem6.做出恰当的改变 make appropriate changes7.采取措施 take action/steps/measures to do8.回应,对.做出反应 in response to /respond to9.指望某人做某事 rely on sb to do sth10. 相信/指望 rely on/ depend on/ count on it that11. 促进积极的改变 facilitate a positive change12. 将.和.结合起来 combine .with13. 用.取代 replace . with sth14. 除了 aside from doing sth/ apart from15. 立刻,马上 straight away16. 决定做一些改变 decide on some changes学科网(北京)股份有限公司17. 可替换的方法 alternative ways18. 由.组成 be composed of19. 健康顾问 fitness consultant20. 营养专家 nutrition specialist21. 因某事奖赏某人 reward sb for sth22. 用某物奖赏某人 reward sb with sth23. 作为回报 in reward for/ as a reward for24. 奖励某人某事 award sb sth= award sth to sb25. 心里不安意识到 It disturbs sb to realize that26. 令某人不安的是 It is disturbing that27. 下定决心 make up ones mind28. 牢记,记住 keep in mind/ bear sth in mind29. 自我控制,自律 discipline oneself= self-discipline30. 校纪 school disciplines31. 管教小孩 discipline the child32. 不吃早餐/逃课 skip breakfast/school33. 简单说来 Simply speaking,34. 避免被动吸烟 avoid passive cigarette smoking35. 控制 be in control of =take control of36. 缺少热情 lack passion/ a lack of passion/ be lacking in passion37. 激发动机/促进消费、就业 stimulate motivation/consumption/employment38. 感觉到有活力 feel dynamic39. 睡得熟,睡得香 sleep soundly40. 感到自我感觉良好的 feel about oneself41. 在某人能力范围内 with in ones power42. 感到焦虑不安 feel stressed out43. 强调.的重要性 stress the importance of 44. 强调,把重点放在 lay/put/place stress on45. 感到筋疲力尽 feel worn out46. 提高生活品质 enhance the quality of life47. 全神贯注于 be absorbed in (表状态)=absorb oneself in(表动作)48. 变得神清气爽 get refreshed49. 尝试,试验 try out50. 让自己、世界变得更好 change oneself/the world for the better51. 开怀大笑 belly laugh52. 未必,不一定 not necessarily 53. 使显示,出版,生产,激发 bring out54. 转移一下注意力;暂时将某事忘记 take ones mind off55. 责备某人 scold sb 56. 撞到/遇到 bump into/ run into/ knock into57. 玩棋盘类游戏 play a board game58. 保持工作和娱乐的平衡 maintain a balance between work and play59. 向某人保证 assure sb that60. 发现时间漫长 find time hanging heavily61. 某人说到“” exclaimed/ said/ added/ sighed/cried/replied sb 学科网(北京)股份有限公司B6U2 Healthy lifestyle 检查卷检查卷Robin lo. Word formation1. alcohol_(adj.含酒精的) 2.physical_ adv._ adv.精神上地 3.dominate_adj.有影响力的,独裁的 _(控制,统治)4. repeat_(n.重复)repeated(adj.重复的)_(adv.反复地)5. psychology_(adj.心理上的;心理学的)_n.心理学家)6. respond_(n.回答;回应) 7. reward_(adj.有益的;值得做的) 8. facilitate v. _ n. 促进者,促进的事物_ n. 促进9.pessimistic_(n.悲观)_(n.悲观者)optimistic(adj.乐观的)_(n.乐观)_(n.乐观者)10.delete v. _ n. 11.skip _ (p.t, p.p) pose_(n.创作者;作曲家)_(n.组成,作品;作曲;作文)13.disturb_(adj.令人不安的)_(n.干扰;动乱)14.special_(n.专家)_(v.专门从事)_(n.专长;特产)15.consult_(n.顾问)_ n. 16.dizzyn. _(头昏眼花)_(adv.)17.stimulate_(adj.激励人的;让人兴奋的)_(n.刺激;激励)edy_(n.喜剧演员)tragedy (悲剧)_(n.悲剧演员,悲剧作家)19.refresh_(adj.令人耳目一新的;提神的;清凉的)_(adj.恢复精力的)20.absorb_(adj.专心的) absorbing(adj.吸引人的)_(n.吸收;专心). key sentence1.These bad habits,_, could lead to more serious ones when they become adults. 如果任其发展,在他们长大成人后,这些不良习惯可能会导致更为严重的有害习惯。2.There is a famous saying _of Aristole:“_” 有一条基于亚里士多德哲学思想的著名谚语说道:“重复的行为造就了我们。3.As the Chinese philosopher Lao Zi wrote,“_.” 正如中国哲学家老子所说:“千里之行,始于足下。 ”4.As Gandi said, “_.” 正如甘地所说,欲变世界,先变其身。5.Simply speaking,a healthy lifestyle is about_.简单说,健康的生活方式是关于找到正确的平衡和做出好的选择。6.A healthy lifestyle is generally a balanced life_, 健康的生活方式,总的来说就是你做出正确选择的平衡的生活方式。 7.Makes more changes every day_your lifestyle _.每天做出一些小改变,你的生活方式就会更加健康。8.It has enhanced the quality of my life, _. 这改善了我的健康,增加了我的幸福感, (从而)提高了我的生活品质。9._my friends in playing online games as Im mad for them. 不和我的朋友们一起玩网络游戏是一件十分困难的事情,因为我痴迷其中。10. _ is important for healthy lifestyle.维持工作与玩耍之间的平衡对于健康生活很重要。语法填空训练:语法填空训练:There is a famous saying based on the philosophy of Aristotle: We are what we _ (repeat) do. In many aspects, our lifestyle is the result of choices _ we have made. So forming good habits is very important, especially for teenagers. Thats because bad habits, if not _(correct), will have a bad effect on our adult life. To prevent harmful habits from dominating our life we should take advanyage _ the“habit cycle”to kick bad habits and develop good ones. First, we can facilitate positive changes by examining our bad habit cycles and _(try) to adapt them. Aside from this, we should also form good habits on purpose. Gradually, we _(reward) by our action.Of course, bad habits, once_ (form), are not easy for us to get out of. Some people can break bad habits quickly _others might try many times until they succeed. If we cant succeed straight away, dont become pessimistic. As_ matter of fact, the most successful way to change is not suddenly, but over a period of time. As a Chinese saying _(go), “A journey of a thousand miles _ (begin) with a single step.” As long as we continue taking small steps, we are sure to get rid of bad habits and build a healthy life. key chunks1.养成好习惯 2.改变坏习惯3.让某事未被注意4.使卷入,使陷入5.身心健康问题6.做出恰当的改变7.采取措施8.回应,对.做出反应9.指望某人做某事10. 相信/指望11. 促进积极的改变12. 将.和.结合起来13. 用.取代14. 除了15. 立刻,马上 16. 决定做一些改变17. 可替换的方法18. 由.组成学科网(北京)股份有限公司19. 健康顾问20. 营养专家21. 因某事奖赏某人22. 用某物奖赏某人23. 作为回报24. 奖励某人某事25. 心里不安意识到26. 令某人不安的是 27. 下定决心28. 牢记,记住 29. 自我控制,自律30. 校纪31. 管教小孩 32. 不吃早餐/逃课 33. 简单说来34. 避免被动吸烟 35. 控制 36. 缺少热情37. 激发动机/促进消费、就业38. 感觉到有活力39. 睡得熟,睡得香40. 感到自我感觉良好的 41. 在某人能力范围内42. 感到焦虑不安43. 强调.的重要性44. 强调,把重点放在45. 感到筋疲力尽46. 提高生活品质 47. 全神贯注于_(表状态)=_(表动作)48. 变得神清气爽 49. 尝试,试验 50. 让自己、世界变得更好51. 开怀大笑 52. 未必,不一定 53. 使显示,出版,生产,激发 54. 转移一下注意力;暂时将某事忘记55. 责备某人 56. 撞到/遇到 57. 玩棋盘类游戏 58. 保持工作和娱乐的平衡学科网(北京)股份有限公司59. 向某人保证60. 发现时间漫长 61. 某人说到学科网(北京)股份有限公司B6U3 Environmental Protection 梳理卷梳理卷Robin lo. Word formation1. 散发,排放 v. emit n. emission 2. 饿死,使饿死 v. starven. starvation3. 生态,生态学 n.ecologyn.生态学者 ecologistadj.生态(学)的 ecological4. 维持,遭受,承受住 v.sustainadj.可持续的,合理利用的 sustainable5. 燃料,刺激性言行 n.fuelv. 给.加燃料,增强,刺激 fuel= stimulate/boost/enhance/ promote/facilitate6. 频繁地 adv. frequently adj. frequent n.频率 frequency7. 播送,广播,传播 v.broadcastp/pp. broadcast/ broadcast8. 限制,约束 v. restrict n. restrictionadj. 限制性的 restrictive9. 理解;领悟 v. comprehend n. comprehension adj.全面的,综合性的 comprehensive10. 经历,经受 v.undergop/pp. underwent/undergone11. 和谐,融洽 n.harmony adj. 和谐的 harmonious12. 适度,适中 v./adj. moderate n. 适度,合理 moderation13. 屈服,提交 v. submit ved. submitted n. submission adj.顺从的 submissive14. 敏感的 adj. sensitive 明智的;合理的 adj.sensible传感器 n.sensor15. 起源 n.origin 起源发源 v. originate 起初的;独创的 adj original 独创性 n.originality16. 恢复,使复原 v.restore 修复,整修 n. restoration17. 保护,保存,节约 v. conserve n.保护,保持 conservation 保守的 adj.conservative 18. 管理,约束,控制 v. regulaten.章程,规章制度 regulation19. 处理,清除 v.dispose n. disposal20. 视察,检查 v. inspect n.inspection21. 宽容,容忍 v.tolerate 容忍的 adj.tolerant 容忍 n.tolerance. key sentence1. There is little doubt that Earth is getting warmer and warmer. 毫无疑问,地球正在变得越来越暖。2. There is strong and comprehensive evidence that the rise in temperature has led to an increase in extreme weather and natural disasters worldwide.有充分和全面的证据表明气温上升已导致世界范围内极端天气和自然灾害的增加,3. An expert said that from the position of its dead body, the bear appeared to have starved. 一位专家说,从它尸体的位置看这只熊似乎是饿死了。(appear)4. Without this process, Earth could not sustain life. 要是没有这个过程,地球无法维持生命。5. In response to this environmental issue, China is implementing significant
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