Unit 3-4 基础复习练习-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册.docx

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1、Units 3-4I. 根据下列各句句意以及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示词,写出该单词的正确形式。1. The majority of people around here are _ (正派的) people.2. If you dont pay your debt, your property will be _ (控制).3. We all spoke to them and John emerged as the best _ (应试者).4. We offer our customers a(n) _ (全部的) range of financial products.5. They

2、have _ (忍受) poor working conditions in order to finish the job.6. All the family members need to have their own interests and r_.7. When he visited her at home again, she started to question his m_.8. A version of the game for Mac computers will be r_ in February.9. We protested about the changes fo

3、r a long time, but in the end we had to s_.10. They discussed plans which include changes in foreign p_ and economic r_.II. 用括号内单词的正确形式填空。1. Unfortunately, this level of output is not _ (sustain).2. Carol made a(n) _ (resolve) to work harder at school.3. I need some _ (guide) on which university I s

4、hould choose.4. The different parts of the picture form a(n) _ (harmony) whole.III. 根据括号内的汉语提示补全下列句子(每空一词,含缩略形式)。1. We put up our tents and _ _ _ _ (生了小火).2. According to a government spokesman, _ _ (许多) people were hurt.3. Im not going to _ _ _ _ (拒绝邀请) to go to Chengdu!4. _ _ _ (代表) everyone here,

5、 may I wish you a very happy retirement.5. Her experiences _ _ _ (使她善解人意) to other peoples troubles.6. If you dont shower more often , your body will _ _ _ _ (发出一股难闻的气味).7. You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (似乎对聚会不太热心) dont you want to go tonight?IV. 用括号内(短语)动词的正确形式填空。1. I wont buy that book because I _ (read) it.2

6、. Amy _ (expect) a long distance call all night.3. Tom _ (cough) a lot recently. I think he should go to see a doctor.4. Here he is! We _ (wait) anxiously for him since last night.5. My dog is missing. I _ (look for) it these days and still havent found it.6. Kate _ (consider) going home because she

7、 has run out of money, but shehasnt decided yet.7. I wont tell the student the answer to the question until he _ (work) on it formore than ten minutes.8. Im sure Joey will win the first prize in the coming singing competition. I agree. He _ (prepare) for it for months. And listen, he is practicing s

8、ingingnow.V. 根据示例,用括号内的单词改写下列句子,并使句意基本保持不变。Example: He said, “You are right. There is no success without hard work.” (agree) He agreed that there was no success without hard work.1. Sam said, “Dont forget the meeting, Jack.” (remind) _2. Tina said, “I wont hurt the people who love me.” (refuse) _3.

9、“I will hand in my homework on time,” Tom said. (promise) _4. The little boy said, “It was me who broke the glass.” (admit) _5. My father said to me, “You should have a rest after the test.” (advise) _VI. 根据括号内的提示将下列句子翻译成英语。1. 这种药物用作商品是有限制的。 (restrict)_2. 那位司机因违法停车被罚 200 元。 (fine)_3. 老师给每个孩子布置了不同的任务

10、。 (assign)_4. 暴风雪迫使很多司机放弃他们的车辆。 (abandon)_VII. 阅读下列短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。AAn elderly couple, Wan Zuocheng and his wife Xiong Gengxiang, who has been providingfree kitchen services to families of cancer patients for nearly 20 years, has been honored as“People Who Moved China in 2020” 1. _ the

11、ir kindheartedness.The couples income 2. _ (main) comes from selling a popular breakfast snack, andXiong said they never wanted to profit from lending their stoves and cooking utensils (器具) topatients.The son of the couple once tried to persuade them 3. _ (stop) serving the patients, 4._ (worry) the

12、 tiring work would affect their health. But the couple insisted that helpingthe patients made them happy.The couple knows well the hardships of families with cancer patients, 5. _ exhausttheir energy, strength and money bit by bit through the process of medical 6. _ (treat).They hope the food 7. _ (

13、cook) in the “cancer kitchen” could provide some comfortto those suffering physically 8. _ help reduce some financial burden on their families.Having witnessed numerous deaths over the years, the couple has found 9. _ (they)meaning of life. “We and the patients are inseparable now. Without the patie

14、nts we would feellonely, and for the patients, they would encounter many 10. _ (difficulty) without us,”said Wan. “I will help them as long as I am able to do.”BIn 2018, I did the Zero Waste Week challenge and then kept going. I set 1. _ (I) agoal for 2019 of not having any collected waste. Instead

15、of using a bin, I put my waste in a jareach month so that I could see what I was throwing 2. _.At the end of 2019, I opened all the jars of non-recyclable waste I was keeping. Theyweighed a total of 5.72kg for the year. The average London house produces 10kg of waste a week,3. _ (compare) with my ho

16、useholds weekly average of 0.11kg. So our waste was 99%less than the average.I buy most things from my local corner shop and other bits from a nearby Bulk Market andTurkish supermarket. I bring my own containers and bags 4. _ (fill) with cereals (麦片),flour, pasta, rice, tofu, sugar, coffee beans, an

17、d more.At first I felt 5. _ bit strange taking my own containers, but it forces you to explainwhat you 6. _ (do) to people around you. Generally, people are really positive and say: “7._ a great idea!”Overall, these changes have saved us a lot of money, mainly by reducing our consumption.We stopped

18、buying stuff 8. _ we dont really need, but spend a little more on the thingsthat we do buy. We have also eaten more 9. _ (healthy) because we have bought lessprocessed food.I am still putting my waste in a jar to keep it visible. I know that if there 10. _ (be) alarge bin in the room, people will us

19、e it.答案I.1. decent 2. seized3. candidate 4. comprehensive5. tolerated 6. recreations7. motive(s) 8. released9. submit 10. policy; reformsII.1. sustainable 2. resolution3. guidance 4. harmoniousIII.1. made a small fire 2. dozens of3. turn down the invitation 4. On behalf of5. make her sensitive 6. gi

20、ve off an unpleasant smell7. dont seem very enthusiastic about the partyIV.1. have read 2. has been expecting3. has been coughing 4. have been waiting5. have been looking for 6. is considering / has been considering7. has been working / has worked8. has been preparingV.1. Sam reminded Jack not to fo

21、rget the meeting.2. Tina refused to hurt the people who loved her.3. Tom promised that he would hand in his homework on time. / Tom promised to hand in hishomework on time.4. The little boy admitted that it was him who broke the glass.5. My father advised me to have a rest after the test.VI.1. The d

22、rug has only a restricted commercial use.2. That driver was fined 200 yuan for parking illegally.3. The teacher assigned each of the children a different task.4. Snowstorm forced many drivers to abandon their vehicles.VII.A.1. for 2. mainly3. to stop 4. worrying5. which 6. treatment7. cooked 8. and9. their 10. difficultiesB.1. myself 2. away3. compared 4. to fill5. a 6. are doing7. What 8. that / which9. healthily 10. Is学科网(北京)股份有限公司

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