Unit 4 Adversity and Courage A卷 基础夯实-(2022新)人教版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册单元测试AB卷.docx

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1、Unit 4 Adversity and Courage A卷 基础夯实2021-2022学年高二英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册单元测试AB卷第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A Its difficult to know the exact answer to whether babies dream and what they dream about. However, sleep experts have shown that newborns dream

2、 the most in the first two weeks after birth. Babies spend most of their sleeping time in the REM (rapid eye movement) stage. As dreaming takes place in a light state of sleep, newborns tend to wake up due to noises, movements and other factors. When dreaming, newborns make a few noises and their ey

3、es move. Their eyes may move around the sides or up and down. They may laugh, scream, or cry during the REM sleep. Also, their facial muscles, hands, and legs move, due to which they may wake up. So wrapping a baby in swaddling (裹紧的)clothes can keep the babys body from moving and help him sleep bett

4、er. As babies grow, their body movements decrease when dreaming. Studies say that the brain activity associated with dreaming is essential for the babies mental development. During the REM stage, the flow of blood to the brain increases. As a result, certain nerve proteins are produced, which are th

5、e building units of the brain. Babies get stimulation from what they see, hear, or feel. The brain processes the information acquired while awake, and stores what is essential to the individual. A study concludes that babies learn while they are dreaming. Whats the time for babies to start dreaming?

6、 Researchers say that before birth, babies start experiencing REM sleep around week 25, and so they may start dreaming at the point. On the contrary, some psychologists believe that children start having dreams when they are about 5 years old. At that age, they start becoming aware of themselves and

7、 begin to understand the things around them, which is what dreams are actually made of.1.What may babies do in the REM stage?A.Make faces.B.Stay awake.C.Burst into laughter.D.Make eye contact with others.2.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?A.Benefits of baby-dreaming.B.Reasons for baby-dreaming.C.Whe

8、n babies start dreaming.D.How babies dream while sleeping.3.Which word has the closest meaning to the underlined word stimulation?A.Messages.B.Possibilities.C.Conclusions.D.Descriptions.B Regardless of how far wed like to believe gender (性别) equality in the workplace has come, theres still a big gap

9、 between male and female leaders in the professional world. Statistics show that women nowadays hold just 5.2 percent of CEO positions at S&P 500 companies, according to Catalyst. While its not a huge shock that there are only a small number of women in leadership positions, what is surprising thoug

10、h, is the fact that females may actually be better suited to lead in almost every area, at least according to new findings from the BI Norwegian Business School. In their research, Professor Oyvind L. Martinsen and Professor Lars Glaso surveyed almost 3,000 managers with a special focus on personali

11、ty types. The result was clear: Women scored higher than men in four of the five major leadership-centric categories. While some people believe that men inherently make better leaders probably because they picture a leader with a commanding voice, which is more typical of men than women this piece o

12、f research suggests that women are better at methodical management and goal-setting, openness, sociability and supportiveness, as well as the ability to communicate clearly. There was one area in which men scored higher than women, though, and that was on emotional stability and the ability to face

13、job-related pressure and stress. The result suggests that women are more sensitive to the effects of high-pressure or highly emotional situations.Obviously, its important to consider individual differences. Anyone, regardless of gender, may be an inspiring leader and a competent boss. But next time

14、youre hiring someone for a management position, you just might want to give the resumes (个人简历) from female candidates a harder look.1.What makes us shocked much at leadership positions?A. Women are worse than men.B. Men take almost all high positions.C. There is a huge gap between genders.D. Women m

15、ight behave better in nearly every field.2.Which of the following can best replace the underlined word inherently in Paragraph 4?A. Properly.B. Potentially.C. Naturally.D. Normally.3.Who might have special interest in this text?A. Job hunters.B. Employers.C. Employees.D. Male researchers.4.Which of

16、the following may be the best title of this text?A. Why Women Make Better BossesB. How We Can Figure Out The BossC. How We Can Tell Gender DifferenceD. Why Women Are More Sensitive Than MenC Were you into skateboarding, surfing or snowboarding when you were a kid? We can remember our first (less tha

17、n successful) go at skateboarding, as well as the first time we managed to stand up on one of those surfboards. It was so much fun that we were hooked for life. However, not everyone thinks that introducing children to extreme sports is a good idea. In the article from The New York Times, writer Jon

18、 Lack-man considers whether sports like snowboarding, climbing and skateboarding could be dangerous to the growing bodies of young children and looks for advice from medical professionals. Kids arent mentally ready for these activities, says professor of orthopaedics (矫形外科), Dr. Vani Sabe-san. They

19、tend to underestimate the risks, and their parents cant always be trusted to keep them in check. Sabesan is particularly worried about the effects of extreme sports on TV and the Internet on children. What were seeing is a lot of kids think they can do what these professional athletes can do. As I w

20、as encouraged by my parents to go surfing at the age of five and then presented with a surfboard aged seven, I think these worries are a little overstated, if not misplaced. Extreme sports can be dangerous, yes, but theres as much chance of falling off your bike or your roller skates as off a skateb

21、oard or surfboard. My own experience of extreme sports leads me to think that Ill allow my own kids to try them in the same way my parents allowed me.In sports such as surfing and snowboarding, theres a sense of adventure and courage that is important to instill(慢慢灌输) in young children. Did I fall o

22、ff my surfboard? All the time. Did I get back on? Every time. Are the more extreme sports too dangerous for younger kids and better saved for teenagers? Are extreme sports a great experience for all children to have and a great way to make the most out of your childhood?1.What does the underlined wo

23、rd hooked in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A.Warned.B.Cheated.C.Attracted.D.Confused.2.Whats Jon Lackmans attitude towards kids taking part in extreme sports?A.Amazed.B.Doubtful.C.Admiring.D.Supportive.3.What did the authors parents expect him to do when he was very young?A.To have a spirit of adventure

24、.B.To set a good example to others.C.To become a professional athlete.D.To get away from extreme sports.4.What does the author think of extreme sports?A.They are really very dangerous for kids.B.They are as easy to learn as roller skating.C.They are helpful for kids to find their courage.D.They are

25、more suitable for teenagers than kids.D A snowboarder was feeling lucky to be alive yesterday after a helicopter rescue. Ben Akintola, 30, was snowboarding in the French Alps under a clear blue sky in the afternoon when a large amount of snow fell down the side of the mountain. He didnt have time to

26、 escape and it hit him with full force and knocked him senseless. He woke in the middle of the night in total darkness. He was lying on an icy rock. Amazingly, he still had a mobile phone signal, so he called a friend a thousand kilometers away in Britain. His friend called the French rescue service

27、s. I was waiting for what seemed like hours on that rock. I was beginning to give up hope when I heard the sound of a helicopter. It was circling around in the darkness, looking for me. I was trying my best to wave my mobile phone around. Fortunately the helicopter pilot saw the light. I was overjoy

28、ed when the helicopter headed my way. It stayed above me and began lowering a rope. Ben was in hospital but he was not being treated for any serious injuries. Hes looking forward to going home. The French rescue services said, We were very pleased that we were able to save Ben. The risk of snowslide

29、 off-piste(非滑雪场地的) is much higher at this time of year. All snowboarders and skiers should stay on the ski runs. Ben was very lucky.1. What happened to Ben?A. He got lost in the French Alps.B. He had a snowboarding accident.C. He was separated from his friends.D. He was knocked down by falling rocks

30、.2. The French rescue services learned about Bens difficulty _.A. from his friendB. in the early afternoonC. after receiving his callD. when seeing his mobile phone3. How did Ben feel about the wait?A. It made him strong in the darkness.B. It caused him to hope for the best.C. It was shorter than he

31、 expected.D. It was a little discouraging.4. Whats the best title for the text?A. A Lucky EscapeB. A Rocky MountainC. Risks of SnowboardingD. French Rescue Services第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Everyone wants to be happy every day, but sometimes we come across s

32、ome problems which make us feel bad. There are a few ways that we can use to help ourselves to be happier every day. _ When looking at your goals, remember to look at how far you have come towards achieving them. When you measure yourself against your goals, you will always have a negative feeling.

33、When you measure yourself against where you started, you will be recognizing your achievements, and those deserve to be celebrated. Make gratitude lists. Expressing your appreciation for what you have is an important happiness strategy. _ If youre having trouble thinking of things, you may be thinki

34、ng too small. You need to widen your view. You can think about nature: the trees, the sun and the sound of a running stream. You can also think about people: family and friends whom you are grateful to for having a relationship. _ Help other people. There are many benefits that come from helping oth

35、ers, whether you are helping someone you know or volunteering for a community._ Studies have shown that people who volunteer live longer. Volunteering is also a great tool in the fight againstdepression because ifs easier to temporarily forget your problems when you turn your attention to the needs

36、of others. _ Use these tips in all areas of your life, and you will have a happier life!A.Youve probably heard this before.B.We all have much to be grateful for.C.Besides, its an extremely pleasing activity.D.Its one that is worth doing on a daily basis.E.Measure your progress not your distance agai

37、nst the goal.F.Be sure to make it a daily practice to celebrate your achievements.G.Volunteering proves to be good for your health and your happiness.第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Every day I get outside and take a walk near my house. A few

38、 weeks ago I happened to 1 a nickel(镍币) on the road. I stepped on the 2 and kept walking. After a while I started thinking of my daughter who always stopped to pick up loose change. If she saw the nickel, she wouldnt 3 it. I wanted to go back for it, but I thought it would be 4 if someone saw me pic

39、king up a nickel. Later that day I told my daughter about the 5 . She didnt say, Dont worry about it. It is only a nickel. Instead she said, I would have picked it up. When added up, they became something important. She had forever taken advantage of 6 small opportunities. Deep into the night, I was

40、 wondering that it didnt take long for me to change my 7 from that nickel to those small opportunities that I had stepped on 8 passed by. How many opportunities had I lost 9 I thought they were not important? The next morning I worked along the 10 road. I was determined to pick up that nickel if I s

41、aw it again. But it was 11 . Someone else usually takes advantage of the opportunities that others 12 to pass by. When we decided to take advantage of them, the opportunities were no 13 there. Since the day I walked past that nickel, I have paid much attention to small opportunities around me. I beg

42、an to understand that a small opportunity can serve as the 14 of something bigger. What a great life 15 ! And it only cost me a nickel.1. A. collectB. noticeC. throwD. spend2. A. streetB. floorC. pathD. coin3. A. wantB. valueC. ignoreD. recognize4. A. impossibleB. shamingC. pitifulD. useless5. A. ti

43、meB. walkingC. nickelD. event6. A. usuallyB. extremelyC. seeminglyD. sadly7. A. thoughtsB. plansC. actionsD. attitudes8. A. forB. butC. orD. and9. A. unlessB. untilC. whenD. because10. A. crowdedB. wideC. familiarD. same11. A. brokenB. goneC. dirtyD. seized12. A. refuseB. arrangeC. chooseD. happen13

44、. A. longerB. soonerC. largerD. more14. A. causeB. beginningC. effectD. chance15. A. experienceB. skillC. lessonD. quality第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Longjing tea,_ has topped the list of the ten most famous teas in China with its colour, taste and shape, _ (name) after

45、 its production regionLongjing Village of West Lake. The good environment and water resources have contributed much to the _ (grow) of the tea, confirming the saying that Longjing tea is one of the _ (good) teas in the world. Thanks_ Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, the tea has earned a high re

46、putation. The story went that Emperor Qianlong visited the mountain during his Hangzhou travels, and he saw some ladies picking the tea at_ foot of the mountain. He was so interested in their movements that he decided to have a go himself. While _ (pick) the tea, he received the news of his mothers illness, so he carelessly put the leaves in his right sleeve and_ (leave) Hangzhou for Beijing. He visited his mother _ (immediate) upon his arrival in Beijing, and his mother smelt the fragrance of the tea leaves from his sleeves and wanted to have a taste. After drinking a cup of tea, she fo


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