Unit 2 Reading for writing ppt课件-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册.ppt

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1、Reading for writing1.When I was on top of the building,I felt _ (晕眩的).2.Children who are particular about food catch the _ (流感) easily.3.My brother became a _ (牙科医生) after graduating from college.4.Hill is a _ (精力充沛的) worker,never feeling exhausted.5.Parents should give children books that _ (激发) th

2、em.6.As far as Im concerned,this movie is a better fantasy than a _ (喜剧片).7.Research shows that garlic can kill the type of _ (病毒) that causes colds.dizzyfludentistdynamicstimulatecomedyvirus课前预习案课前预习案8.As we know,plants _ (吸收) oxygen and send out carbon dioxide.9.It is said that he is an editor of

3、a _ (month) magazine.10.Shirleys brother is now a _ (consult) heart surgeon in Sweden.11.Several reasons may account for my _ (prefer) for western painting.12.The TikTok app offers a wide _ (choose) of sounds,brief parts of songs and special effects tools to help create a video.absorbmonthlyconsulta

4、ntpreferencechoice1.Who can _ (充当) a constant reminder of what the team needs to achieve?2.The surgeon operated on her mother _ (马上).3.It is a good habit to _ (试验)ones new ideas.4.These businessmen were _ (筋疲力尽的) after two hours walk.5.Days later,he wrote an email _ (回复) my doubt.6.My grandfather _

5、(下定决心) to give up smoking and soon he succeeded.act asstraight awaytry outworn outin response tomade up his mind7.As shown in the traditional Chinese character,the word “medicine” _ (由组成)two parts.8.To ensure they return to work in a safe and orderly manner,several cities are sending flights and bus

6、es to _ (用车接) migrant workers.is composed ofpick up.句式语境仿写1.It was a big struggle not to join my friends in playing online games as I was mad for them.由于我对网络游戏很痴迷,不能与朋友一起玩真是痛苦。仿写不打断别人讲话是礼貌的。_2.As Gandhi said,“Be the change you want to see in the world.”正如甘地所说,“欲变世界,先变其身。”仿写正如医生所说,这种药可能会引起轻微发烧。_Its p

7、olite not to interrupt others when they are talking.The medicine,as the doctor said,may lead to slight fever.Teaching objectivesRead the passage on page 20 and then write a passage to an editor.Whats the passage mainly about?A.An introduction of the summer camp.B.Something about being sleepy.C.Somet

8、hing about some sports.D.Two students letters to the editor about the changes of their lifestyles.Read the passage on page20, and finish the following tasks2.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A.Wang Lu never ate any sugar.B.Wang Lu ate much sugar before attending

9、 the summer camp.C.George Fielding often felt stressed out after starting high school.D.George Fielding used to be crazy about online games.3.Through climbing,George Fielding did the following things EXCEPT .A.getting refreshedB.spending more time with his dadC.getting to meet new friendsD.feeling m

10、ore stressed4.Wang Lus bad habits included before attending the summer camp.A.playing online gamesB.exercising regularlyC.going climbingD.eating too much sugar返 回1.skip vt.跳过;不参加;悄悄溜走 vi.蹦蹦跳跳地走;跳绳 n.蹦跳短语识记:skip _溜走;突然离开skip _.to. 从转换到skip _ 跳到out/offfromtoLanguage learning补全句子It is important _.每顿饭都要

11、吃,这一点非常重要。If you are familiar with the story,you can either skim _.如果你熟悉这个故事,你可以快速浏览或者跳过它。They saw the man with a little girl _.他们看见那个男人身后还跟着一个蹦蹦跳跳的小姑娘。not to skip mealsor skip itskipping along behind him2.stimulate vt.激发;刺激;促进stimulation n.激发;刺激;促进stimulating adj.激励人的;振奋人心的短语识记:_被激励stimulate sb _ 激

12、励某人做某事be stimulated byto do sth补全句子At that moment I _ my deepest thoughts.当时我深受启发,开始审视自己内心深处的想法。In teaching,teachers can create situations _.在教学中,教师可以从创设情境中激发情感。New policies are beginning _ and reward creativity.此外,新的政策开始促进技术创新和奖励发明创造。was stimulated to examineto stimulate feelingsto stimulate techni

13、cal innovation3.refresh vt.使恢复精力;使凉爽;刷新refreshed adj.恢复精力的,重新充满活力的refreshing adj.令人耳目一新的;别具一格的refreshment n.恢复精力;焕发精神短语识记refresh _使恢复精力,提神_ 精神焕发oneselfget refreshed单句语法填空These tourists stopped by a spring to refresh _ (they).It made a _ (refresh)change to be taken seriously.British people traditiona

14、lly consume turkey,mince pies,mulled wine for _ (refresh).themselvesrefreshingrefreshment4.absorb vt.吸引全部注意力;吸收absorbed adj.全神贯注;被吸引住短语识记_全神贯注于_ 把吸收进拓展:表示“专注于做某事”的短语还有:apply oneself to;focus/concentrate on;bury oneself in/be buried in;fix ones attention on。be absorbed in.absorb.into.补全句子Research sho

15、ws a transparent object _.研究表明透明的物体不吸收光线。_,John didnt notice evening approaching.专心于绘画,约翰没有注意到夜幕正在降临。Scientists _ further research to find a cure for novel coronavirus pneumonia.科学家致力于进一步研究以找到治愈新型冠状病毒肺炎的方法。doesnt absorb lightAbsorbed in paintingare absorbed in5.make up ones mind to do sth下定决心做某事短语识记

16、keep in mind 记住change ones mind 改变主意补全句子We _ those poor people then.我们当时就下定决心帮助那些生活困苦的人。You must constantly _ that haste makes waste.你必须时刻牢记:欲速则不达。When I first met Bryan I didnt like him,but I _.我第一次见到布莱恩时,我不喜欢他,可是现在我改变了主意。made up our minds to helpkeep in mindhave changed my mind短语识记be composed of 由

17、组成be made of 由做成be terrified of 害怕补全句子_ you _ darkness?你怕黑吗?The bowl used by emperor appeared _.皇帝用过的这只碗似乎是用纯金制成的。The peace-keeping forces _ from many countries.这支维和部队由许多国家的部队组成。Areterrified ofto be made of pure goldare composed of troops6.be composed of 由组成(或构成)的7.It has enhanced the quality of my

18、life,improving my health and increasing my happiness.(教材P20)它已经提高了我的生活质量,改善了我的健康状况并提升了我的幸福指数。【句式分析】improving my health and increasing my happiness是现在分词短语,在句中作伴随状语。【用法归纳】现在分词短语在句中作伴随状语时,其逻辑主语为句子的主语,该动作与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生。The Greens stayed at home,watching TV.格林夫妇待在家里,看电视。A crowd of passengers stood there

19、,waiting for the bus.一群乘客站在那儿等公共汽车。“Cant you read?” he said angrily pointing to the blackboard.“你不会读吗?”他指着黑板生气地说。补全句子All the players gathered around,_.所有的队员都聚拢在一起,看上去非常着急。She sat at the desk,_.她坐在写字台旁看报纸。These students walked out of the lecture hall,_.这些学生又说又笑地走出了演讲大厅。looking worriedreading a newspa

20、pertalking and laughing8.As Gandhi said,“Be the change you want to see in the world.” (教材P20)正如甘地所说,“欲变世界,先变其身。”【句式分析】As Gandhi said是as引导的定语从句,关系代词as在从句中作宾语。【用法归纳】as引导定语从句时,位置比较灵活,可放在句首、句中或句末。The England team won the football match,as is expected.这场足球赛英格兰队获胜,这是预料中的。Lang Ping,as we know,earned her th

21、e name of “Iron Hammer” by her playing style.众所周知,郎平靠自己的比赛风格赢得了“铁榔头”的美名。As people often say,any exercise is always better than none.正如人们经常说的那样,锻炼总比不锻炼好。补全句子_,the Great Wall is one of the wonders in the world.众所周知,长城是世界奇观之一。Li Ming,_,got the first prize in the singing competition.正如预期的那样,李明在歌咏比赛中获得了一

22、等奖。He Jing is from the south,_.何京是南方人,我们从他的口音中就能看出来。As we all knowas is expectedas we can see from his accent.While-writing假定你是李华。最近,你刚结束在英国为期一个月的交换学习。学习期间,你和房东Mr.Wilson结下了深厚的友谊。请根据下面的提示,给Mr.Wilson写一封信。内容包括:1.表示感谢;2.回顾他对你的照顾和帮助;3.邀请他来中国游览。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Step 1List the outline of the p

23、assage.称呼:_首段:_中段:_尾段:_署名:_Dear Mr.Wilson表达问候和写信的目的回顾Mr.Wilson对自己的关心和帮助表达希望和邀请Yours,Li HuaStep 2List the words,phrases and sentences.1.Words and phrases_ n. 感激_ n.善意_ adj. 令人愉快的 _ adj. 可口的_ v. 欣赏;感激 _ n. 耐心_ v. 体验 _ 为准备_ 提高英语口语 _ 保持联系gratitudekindnessenjoyabledeliciousappreciatepatienceexperiencepre

24、pare forimprove spoken Englishkeep in touch with2.Sentences我写信向你表达我的感激之情。(非谓语动词作目的状语)_你的帮助和善意让我的逗留非常愉快。(强调结构)_邀请你来中国对我来说是一件非常荣幸的事,这样你就能来体验一下中国文化。(结果状语从句)_Im writing to express my sincere gratitude to you.It was your help and kindness that made my stay enjoyable.It would be a great honor for me to in

25、vite you to come to China so that you can experience Chinese culture.Step 3Draft the article by using the following words and phrases.while,still,besides,gradually,hopeDear Mr.Wilson, How is everything going? Ive been back home now.Im writing to express my gratitude to you. While I was in England,it

26、 was your help and kindness that made my stay special and enjoyable.With your help,I got used to the lifestyle there soon.I still miss the delicious meals you prepared for me.Besides,I really appreciate your patience while talking with me.By practicing speaking with you every day,I gradually improve

27、d my spoken English. I hope we can keep in touch with each other.It would be a great honor for me to invite you to come to China so that you can experience Chinese culture.Best wishes.Yours,Li Hua课后巩固案课后巩固案.单词拼写单词拼写1.The (外科医生外科医生) devoted himself to saving the patients in the disaster.2.Please dont

28、 (打扰打扰) him while he is working in the lab.3.Wait a minute.He went out to buy a pack of (香烟香烟).4.Feeling (晕眩的晕眩的) is one of the typical symptoms of the disease.5.Doctors told me (坚果坚果) and seeds are good sources of vitamin E.6.I had a good sleep to (使恢复精力使恢复精力) myself.7.The (药药) will be useful to hu

29、ndreds of thousands of infected people.8.The romantic (喜剧片喜剧片) had a deep impression on the audience.9.As you know, (含糖的含糖的) snacks do harm to your health,especially to your teeth.10.Suddenly the truck narrowly missed a teenager on a (滑板滑板).surgeondisturbcigarettesdizzynutsrefresh drugcomedysugarysk

30、ateboard.补全句子补全句子1.I of staying up.我下决心改掉熬夜的坏习惯。我下决心改掉熬夜的坏习惯。2.The theme of the talk is .这个报告的主题是如何保持这个报告的主题是如何保持精力充沛。精力充沛。3.He realized that a balanced diet.他意识到保持均衡饮食很重要。他意识到保持均衡饮食很重要。4.After work,I always eating anything.下班后我总是感到疲惫不堪,什么也不想吃。下班后我总是感到疲惫不堪,什么也不想吃。5.Playing online games has affected your school work,so you must .玩网络游戏已影响到你的学习,因此你必须用别的事情取代它。玩网络游戏已影响到你的学习,因此你必须用别的事情取代它。made up my mind to change the bad habithow to keep dynamicit was very important to keepfeel stressed out and dont feel likereplace it with something else


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