Unit 1 Art 全单元 ppt课件-(2022新)人教版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册.pptx

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1、 Unit 1 Art Words and Expressions11. precise adj. 准确的;精确的2. precisely adv. 准确地;精确地;的确如此preciseness n. 准确,一丝不苟precisian n. 照章办事的人;(尤指宗教方面)恪守教规的人3. Christianity n. 基督教4. realistic adj. 现实的;通真的 unrealistic adj. 不切实际的; 不现实的; 空想的; 不实在的realistically adv. 现实地; 实际地; 逼真地;reality n. 现实现实; 真实真实 realize vt.实现实现

2、 5. realism n. 逼真;现实主义;务实作品6. realist n. 现实主义画家(或作家等);现实主义者7. primitive adj.发展水平低的;原始的;远古的 n.文艺复兴前的艺术家(或作品);原始派画家(或作品)primitive tribes 原始部落 primitively adv. 最初地;自学而成地8. two-dimensional adj. 二维的;没有深度感觉的a two-dimensional drawing 平面图two-dimensional models 二维模型 9. dimension n. 维;规模;范围;方面; 尺寸; 维度the dime

3、nsions of the kitchen 厨房的大小This adds a new dimension to our work. 这给我们的工作增添了新的内容。10. in particular 尤其;特别 = particularlybe particular about/over sth 对某事讲究/挑剔11. set sth apart from. 使.与众不同/使突出;使优于Her fluent English set her apart from her fellow classmates.12. humanistic adj.人文主义的humanistic ideals 人文主义

4、理想13. humanity n.人性;人道;(统称)人类(U)You must never forget your humanity.2 Jesus Christ dizs krast 耶稣基督; 耶稣广义的基督教是指凡是信奉耶稣基督为救世主的所有教派,即包括了罗马公教(Catholic) (亦称天主教) 、正教(Orthodox) (亦称东正教) 、新教(Protestant)三大派及其他一些小教派在内,也就是英语中的Christianity之意;狭义的基督教是指其中的新教。基督教是世界主要宗教之一。基督宗教发端于公元1世纪罗马帝国统治下巴勒斯坦地区的犹太团体。公元4世纪成为罗马帝国的国教

5、。公元11世纪分裂为天主教和东正教。公元16世纪宗教改革以后,又陆续从天主教分裂出许多新的新派,合称为新教。1. What is Western art? It is hard to give a _(precise) definition.2. Nobody knows _(precise) how many people are still living in the cave. 3. During the Middle Ages, the purpose of Western art was _(teach) people about _(基督教).4. Thus, artists we

6、re not interested in painting _(reality) scenes. 5. With their deep colours and _(reality), some of the best oil paintings look like _(photograph) .7. Im a _(reality) - I know what I am and what I can do. 8. He was an Italian _(primitive). 9. The whole meal was good but the wine _ _(尤其) was excellen

7、t. 10. They began to adopt a more _(humanity) attitude to life.1precisepreciselyto teachChristianityrealisticrealismphotographsrealistprimitivein particularhumanistic14. breakthrough n. 重大进展;突破make/achieve a breakthrough in. 取得.突破15. influential adj. 有影响力/支配力的 n. 有影响力的人物influentially adv.有影响力地influe

8、nce n./vt. 影响; 支配; 控制have an/no influence on/upon 对有/无影响under the influence of=under sbs influence在的影响下16. reputation n.名誉;名声have a good/bad reputation for. 因而有好/坏名声 acquire/earn/gain/establish/build a reputation as sth.作为赢得/获 得/确立/树立声誉damage/ruin sbs reputation 有损/毁坏某人的名声17. noble n.贵族成员;出身高贵的人 adj

9、.崇高/宏伟/高贵的a noble leader 伟大的领袖nobly adv. 高贵地; 高尚地; 勇敢地; 贵族出身地318. rank n. 地位/级别/行列 vt. & vi.把分等级;使排成行officers of junior/senior rank 有低级 / 高级军阶的军官a painter of the first rank 一流的画家rank with.与并列be ranked first/second in. 在.方面排名第一/第二.(不用进行时)Last year, he was ranked second in his age group.19. purchase v

10、t.购买;采购 n. 购买;购买的东西make a purchase of = buy sth 购买购买purchase . from. 从购买purchase . with.用购买purchaser n.购买者 purchasable adj.可购买的20. mythology n.神话;虚幻的想法 mythological adj.神话的; 虚构的 mythologically adv. 虚构地Greek mythology 希腊神话41. Scientists have _(取得.突破) their _(treat) of that disease.2. He was one of th

11、e most _(influence)figures in agriculture. 3. While painters as early as Da Vinci had used oil, this technique reached _ height with Rembrandt(1606-1669), who _(作为赢得声誉) a master of shadow and light. 4. The mother believes her duty is _ (raise) her son to become a man _ a noble mind and a generous he

12、art. 5. My sister _(purchase) her first house with her own money.6. Others wanted paintings showing important _ (history) events or stories from _ (mythological).2itsmade a breakthrough intreatmentinfluential gained a reputation asto raise withpurchasedmythologyhistorical521. client n. 委托人;当事人;客户 (p

13、l. clients) act on behalf of a client 代表当事人22. photography n. 照相术;摄影 (U) photographer n. 拍照者; 摄影师photograph n. 照片; 相片= phototake a photo/picture (of.) 照.相23. emerge vi. & vt.出现;浮现;暴露emerge from.从出现 emerge as.作为出现It has emerged that.最终发现emergence n. 出现 emergency n. 突发事件;紧急情况emerging adj.新兴的;出现的24. su

14、nrise n.日出at sunrise/sunset 在日出/日落的时候rise v. 升起 set = sink = go down v. 落下625. convey vt.表达;传递(思想、感情等);传送convey sth (to sb) 表达/传递(思想、感情等)convey sb/sth (from) (to) 传送.;运送.;输送.26. subjective adj.主观的subjectively adv. 主观地 objective adj. 客观的 n.目标; 宾语 objectively adv.客观地positive adj. 积极的; 肯定的 positively a

15、dv.negative adj.消极的; 否定的 negatively adv.neutral adj.中立的 neutrally adv.27. outer adj.外表的;外边的;外围的the outer walls 外墙 an inner courtyard 内院inner adj.里面的;内部的; 内心的 sunrise1. Finally, most _(client) wanted paintings that were beautiful and interesting to look _. 2. The development of Western art slowed unt

16、il the _(invent) of _ (摄影) in the mid-19th century. 3. From this, Impressionis _(emerge) in France. 4. The two girls suddenly _(emerge)_ among the trees, both of _ seemed to be calm and unhurt. 5.In this work, Monets aim was _(convey) the light and movement in the scene - the _(主观的) impression the s

17、cene gave him-but not a _(detail) record of the scene itself.7. He sought to show not just _(外部形象) of his subjects, _ their inner warmth and _(人性人性) as well.3clientsatinventionphotographyemergedemergedfromwhomto conveydetailedthe outer imagebut humanitysubjective728. subsequent adj.随后的;后来的;之后的subseq

18、uently adv. subsequence n. 后继,随后; 顺序(be) subsequent to. 在.之后29. fond adj.喜爱30. be fond of (doing) sth 喜爱;喜欢31. fine art / fine arts 美术(尤其绘画和雕塑)32. sculpture n.雕像;雕刻品; 雕刻术 ( pl. sculptures ) sculpt vt. 雕刻; 雕塑; 使成雕塑状 vi. 雕刻,雕塑 a jade sculpture 玉雕 sculptural adj. 雕塑的 sculptural decoration 雕饰33. sculpto

19、r n. 雕刻家;雕塑家 ( pl. sculptors ) 34. visual adj.视觉的;视力的 visus n.视; 视觉; 视力; 幻视; a visual art/effect 视觉艺术视觉艺术/效果效果visually adv. 视觉上; 外表上; 看得见地; 形象化地visually exciting 视觉上令人兴奋835. water lily n. 睡莲Sometimes you can find a water lily with white flowers.36. pond n.池塘;水池 (尤指人工建造的池塘尤指人工建造的池塘) ( pl. ponds ) poo

20、l n. 水水塘塘; 池池塘塘 (尤指自然形成的池塘尤指自然形成的池塘)37. arched adj.拱形的;弓形的a chair with an arched back 有拱形靠背的椅子38. arch vt. & vi.呈弧形横跨;(使)成弓形 n.拱;拱形结构;拱门 arched adj. 拱形的; 弓形结构的Go through the arch and follow the path.穿过拱门沿小径往前走The cat arched its back and hissed. 猫弓起背发出嘶嘶声。39. investment n.投资额;投资;(时间、精力的)投入investment

21、in sth 投资.invest (sth) (in/on sth)(把资金)投入.investment income 投资收益 sculpture water lily arch1. After Impressionism, _(subsequence) artists began to ask, “What do we do next?” 2. On the day _ (subsequence) to my visit, she disappeared.3. She _(喜欢)collecting rare stamps.4. Italy is well-known for _ fine

22、 art, _(taste) food and _(romance)scenery. 5. From bronze bowls to ceramic vases, and jade sculptures to ink wash paintings, our goal is _(display) the Chinese artistic genius from ancient times. 6. There was a time when I wanted to be a _(sculpt). 7. The boy has a very good _ (visus) memory. 8. The

23、re was _ deep pond behind the house.9. The _(arch) stone bridge _(date) back to the Sui Dynasty.4subsequentsubsequent is fond of itstastyromantic to displaysculptorvisualaarcheddates940. bride n. 新娘 (pl. brides ) bridegroom/groom n. 新郎 (pl. bridegrooms ) 41. permanent adj.永久的;永恒的;长久的 n. 卷发permanence

24、 n. 永久,持久 a permanent job 固定工作permanently adv. 永久地,长期不变地42. memorial n. 纪念碑(或像等);纪念物/品 (pl. memorials ) adj.纪念的;悼念的 memorial to sb/sth 的纪念碑 = monument to sb/sth memorial statue/plaque/prize 纪念像 / 牌 / 奖43. humble adj. 谦逊的;虚心的;卑微的 vt. 使谦恭; 轻松打败(尤指强大的对手); 低声下气humbly adv. 谦逊地; 恭顺地; 卑微地; 卑贱地humility n. 谦

25、逊,谦恭; 谦让的行为; 谦虚谨慎;1044. criticise/criticize vi.& vt.批评;指责;评价criticise/criticize sb/sth (for sth) 因.批评某人critical adj. 关键的; (病情或局势)严重的; 批评的; 评判性的critical of sb/sth 对感到不满,对表示谴责critically adv. 批判性地; 苛求地; 危急地; 严重地;critic n. 批评家; 反对者 (pl. critics ) 45. criticism n. 批评;指责;评论receive/take/accept criticism 受到

26、/接受批评attract/draw criticism 招致批评46. representative adj.典型的;有代表性的 n.代表 (pl. s ) represent v. 代表代表; 象征象征;体现体现 represent sb/单位单位 代表代表.on behalf of sb. 代表代表.; 代替代替.stand for. 代表代表.; 象象征征. bride bridegroom memorial 1. The aim of the two leaders at the conference was _ (achieve) _(permanence) peace betwee

27、n their two countries. 2. _ the survivors attempted to do was to build _( 英雄的纪念碑) who saved their lives.3. We should be _(humility) enough to learn from others.4. The government has _(criticize) _ not taking the problem seriously. 5. Japans decision has drawn a lot of _ (criticize).6. The committee

28、includes _ (represent) from industry and agriculture.5a memorial to the heroesto achieve Whatpermanenthumblebeen criticizedforcriticismrepresentatives1147. ink n.墨水;墨汁;油墨a Chinese ink wash painting 一幅中国水墨画ink wash animation films 水水墨动画电影墨动画电影in ink 用墨水用墨水/墨汁墨汁/油墨油墨in pencil 用铅笔用铅笔 =with a/the/this/o

29、nes pencil48. animation n.(电脑、录像)动画制作;动画片 (pl. s )a computer/cartoon animation 电脑动画 / 动画片制作49. frame n.画面;框架 vt. 镶框;诬陷a picture frame 画框aluminium window frames 铝窗框The photograph had been framed.照片已镶了框。50. symphony n.交响乐;交响曲 (pl. symphonies)Beethovens Fifth Symphony 贝多芬的第五交响曲symphonic adj.交响乐的 Mozart

30、s symphonic works51. decline n.(数量、价格、质量等的)减少;下降;衰落 vi. & vt.减少;下降;衰落;谢绝decline by/to下降了/到 decline to do sth.拒绝干某事 decline in sth (of sth) 在.方面减少/下降/衰落/衰退a small decline in its profits of public transport 公共交通的利润略有减少to decline an offer/invitation 谢绝对方的主动帮助 / 邀请be in decline 处于下降/衰退中 on the decline 在

31、衰退/消减52. exhibition n.展览;(技能、感情或行为的)表演 (pl. s )on exhibition/show/display 在展览在展览visit/see an exhibition 看展看展览览make an exhibition of oneself 使自己出洋相exhibit v. 展览; 表现exhibit (sth) (at/in) 展览.;展出.12 Symphony Concert 1. I must find out who tried _(frame) me.2. The number of tourists to India declined _ 8

32、0% last year. 3. The highlight of this exhibition is the _ (paint) Clearing After Snow on a Mountain Pass, one of the great _(work) of Tang Yin (1470-1524). 3. The company reported a small decline _ its profits of public transport.4.Secondly,people _(bore) with the pop music of the daydisco music an

33、d rock music were both _ decline in the mid-1970s.5.Theres a widely held belief that educational standards are _(在下降). 6to framebypaintingworks inwere boredinin decline/on the decline 1353. bronze n.青铜;深红褐色 adj.青铜色的;深红褐色的a bronze statue 青铜像bronze skin 古铜色的皮肤54. ceramic n.陶瓷制品 (pl. ceramics ) 制陶艺术 ad

34、j.an exhibition of ceramics by Picasso 毕加索陶瓷作品展china n. 瓷器瓷器; 瓷制品瓷制品; 瓷瓷料料ceramic tiles 瓷砖55. vase n.花瓶;装饰瓶 (pl. vases ) 56. artistic adj.艺术的;艺术家的 an artistic family一个艺术世家 artistically adv.有艺术地art n. 美术; 绘画; 艺术; 技巧; 文科artist n. 艺术家1457. entry n. 加入;进入;参与entry to/into . 进入. No Entry . 禁止入内to be grant

35、ed/refused entry into the country 准予 / 禁止入境gain entry into. 进进入入.have/get/gain access to.可可以进入以进入/接近接近.58. civil adj. 国民的;民用的;民事的a civil court 民事法庭 the civil service 公务员; 文职人员 a civil war 内战civilly adv. 谦恭地,民法上59. recognition n.承认;认出;赞誉recognize/recognise vt. 承认; 认出; 感谢gain/get/receive recognition (

36、for.) 获得赞誉seek international/official/formalrecognition 寻求国际上的/官方的/正式的承认 vase71. There is _(青铜像) in the park.2. His _(art) work has been well received. 3. From bronze bowls to _(陶瓷花瓶陶瓷花瓶) , and jade _(sculpt) to _(水墨画) , our goal is to display the Chinese _(art) genius from ancient times. 4. Entry _

37、 the museum is free. 5. _(bear) during the Ming Dynasty, Tang sought and failed to gain entry into the civil service, so he turned _ painting instead. 6. In time, he _ (获得赞誉) _ one of the greatest artists China has ever known.a bronze statueartisticceramic vasessculptures ink wash paintingsartistic

38、to/intoBorntogained recognition as1560. Buddhist adj.佛教的 n. 佛教徒 (pl. Buddhists)a Buddhist monk 和尚 a buddhist nun 尼姑61. Buddhism n.佛教 spread Buddhism 传播佛教传播佛教62. expansion n.扩张;扩展;扩大expand v. 增大增大; 增增加加;展开展开; 扩大扩大; 扩扩张张an expanding economy不断发展的经济63. bring.to life 赋予生命;鲜活起来come to life 苏醒; 表现生动; 变得活跃;

39、 振作come back to life 苏醒; 复活 = come to (oneself)64. guarantee vt. 保证;确保;肯定必然发生 n. 保证;保修单;担保物be guaranteed to do sth 肯肯定会定会/必定会做什必定会做什么么be bound to do一定一定做什么做什么a money-back guarantee 退货保证to guarantee to pay sbs debts 为某人的债务作保65. contemporary adj.当代的;现代的;属同时期的 n. 同代人;同辈人 (pl. contemporaries)be contempo

40、rary with sb/sth 与. 属同时期/同一时代contemporary fiction/music/dance 当代小说 / 音乐 / 舞蹈66. worthy adj. 值的;有价值的67. be worthy of+ 名词 值得.be worthy to be done. 值得被做 = be worthy of being donebe worthy of attention/note/trust 值值得注意得注意/信赖信赖be worth (钱/doing) 值; 值得做.be well worth doing 很值得做.It is worth doing: 做.是值得的It

41、 is worthwhile doing/to do做.是值得的 16 佛教是与基督教、伊斯兰教并称的世界三大宗教之一。佛教产生于公元前世纪的古印度。创始人悉达多乔达摩(又称释迦牟尼)生于今尼泊尔境内的蓝毗尼,是释迦族的一个王子。他在青少年时即感到人世间变幻无常,深思解脱人生苦难之道。他多岁时离家修行, 后被尊称 “佛陀”(意为觉悟者,简称 “佛”)。得道成佛后,在印度恒河流域中部地区向大众宣传自己证悟的真理,拥有越来越多的信徒,从而组织教团,形成佛教。释迦牟尼80岁时在拘尸那迦涅槃。 佛教大约是在公元67年传入中国。佛教在中国主要有汉传、藏传和南传佛教三大派别。The Great Wall

42、of China is worthy of _ visit.= The Great Wall of China is worthy of _ (visit) .= The Great Wall of China is worthy _ (visit) .= The Great Wall of China is worth _(visit) .abeing visitedto be visitedvisiting1. A _(Buddhism) is a person whose religion is _(Buddhism). 2. Chinese sculpture thus found _

43、 highly _(influence) by Buddhist art _(bring) from India and Central Asia through the Silk Road. 3. Shakespeare was not _ (与.属同时期) Dickens.4. Even though Buddhism entered China much earlier, it did not really begin to show _ (expand ) until _ seventh century.5. History _ (bring) to life.6. She and I

44、 were _ (contemporary) at college. 6.We guarantee _ “ From Shang to Qing: Chinese Art Through the Ages” will transport you _ another time with _ amazing collection of works.8BuddhistBuddhismitselfinfluencedbrought contemporary withexpansiontheis broughtcontemporariesthat toits1768. The Middle Ages 中

45、世纪in the Middle Ages 在中世纪69. Giotto di Bondone 乔托迪邦多纳 (意大利画家、雕刻家、建筑师)70. the Renaissance 文艺复兴(时期)71. Masaccio 马萨乔(意大利现实主义画家)72. Leonardo da Vinci 莱昂纳多达芬奇 (意大利艺术家、学者、发明家)73. Michelangelo 米开朗基罗 (意大利雕塑家、画家、建筑师、诗人)74. Raphael 拉斐尔(意大利画家)75. Rembrandt 伦勃朗(荷兰画家)76. Impressionism n.印象主义;印象派(绘画风格)77. Claude

46、Monet 克劳德莫奈(法国印象派画家)78. Renoir 雷诺阿(法国印象派画家)79. Picasso 毕加索(西班牙画家、雕塑家)80. Cubism 立体主义;立体派81. Giverny 吉维尼(法国小镇)82. Tadpoles Searching for Mother 小蝌蚪找妈妈83. The Cowboys Flute 牧笛84. Feeling from Mountain and Water 山水情85. Clearing After Snow on a Mountain Pass 函关雪霁图 (明代画家唐突画作)18The Middle Ages: 中世紀中世纪是欧洲历

47、史三大传统划分(古典时代、中世纪、近现代)的一个中间时期。始于公元476年西罗马帝国的灭亡,终于公元1453年东罗马帝国的灭亡,最终融入文艺复兴运动和大航海时代(地理大发现)中。中世纪一词是15世纪后期的意大利人文主义者比昂多开始使用的。这个时期的欧洲没有一个强有力的政权来统治。封建割据带来频繁的战争,天主教会对人思想的禁锢,造成科技和生产力发展停滞,人民生活在毫无希望的痛苦中,所以中世纪或者中世纪早期在欧美普遍被称作“黑暗时代”,传统上认为这是欧洲文明史上发展比较缓慢的时期。1. The first principle for any art collector is to _ only w

48、hat you love.2. If you are not interested in works of art by classical masters, contemporary art by _ artists is also worthy of your attention.3. In the art market, no one can _ that an artist will be a good _.4. The art competition gives young artists a chance to gain _ from the most respected art

49、professionals.5. Different from other _ art forms, sculpture operates in three_.6. The _ From Rembrandt Vermeer is quite _ of the Dutch Golden Age of art. purchaserepresentativeguaranteeexhibitionP10 1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box.dimension;emerge; exhibitio

50、n; guarantee; investment;purchase; recognition; representative; visual; investmentdimensions visualrecognition 赞赏赞赏emerging新兴的新兴的 P4 1. Read the passage about Monet and Impressionism. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words or phrases in the box.Unlike the earlier Realists who painted


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