1、国际企业管理国际企业管理让我们一起来思考:让我们一起来思考:为什么要学习国际企业管理这门课程?企业为什么要从事国际商务活动?从事国际商务的企业与在国内经营有什么不同?一个在国内经营成功的企业应该如何向国际化发展,它能否在国际上同样获得成功?从事国际化经营的企业应该采取什么样的竞争战略?跨国企业应该如何有效地进行管理? 1.全球化是当今世界经济的主要时代特征之一 2.国内竞争国际化、国际竞争国内化。 面对日益国际化的中国市场和日益全球化的国际市场,作为今天的或未来的管理者,都有必要树立全球的经营视野,了解国际企业管理理论,掌握国际商务管理的知识和能力,以适应经济全球化条件下企业管理的需要。 教学
2、性质与任务教学性质与任务本课程以跨国公司经营管理过程中的基本理论和实践问题为研究对象,介绍当代跨国公司经营和管理的基本理论、功能、方法、经验和思路。 通过该课程的学习,让学生系统掌握基础性的跨国公司经营管理理论,了解国际企业经营管理所面临的不同的文化、政治、经济、法律制度,识别开展国际化经营需要正视的各类风险,掌握企业国际化经营过程中的管理问题及其解决思路,并在此基础上制定适当的国际化战略以及战略执行方案,培养学生具备宽阔的国际视野和鲜明的创新精神,实现奠定学生作为国际化经营管理专业人士必备的基础知识的目标。教学基本要求教学基本要求 一是理论与实践结合,利用大量国内外案例,通过案例讨论使学生实
3、际体验和把握企业国际化经营的关键和难点; 二是要了解经济全球化以及新经济条件下企业国际化经营的新特征和新趋势,如竞争战略,战略联盟,跨文化管理中的国际化与当地化的关系等等。 要求学生具备自主查阅相关文献资料并运用相关知识进行分析的自主学习能力,具有团队合作进行案例分析与报告的工作能力。 教学理念教学理念 以“学生为本”的教学理念,即以学生为中心,教师与学生的关系是“主体与主体”的平等的、朋友式关系,教师充当的是帮助学生主动学习和发展潜能的“促进者”、“鼓励者”和“帮助者”的角色。 “主动参与和互动学习”的教学理念,即“教”与“学”是相互作用的动力系统,教学过程应该是与学生的主动建构过程。“问题
4、导向和思考学习”的教学理念,即教学应是一个师生不断共同探索事物的过程,在此过程中,老师不再是唯一的拥有知识者与下达命令者,而是问题导向和沟通对话者,学生不再是驯服的听众,而是具有批判能力的思考者、具创造能力的参与者。使用与参考教材使用与参考教材 John B.Cullen,K.Praveen Parboteeah 著,国际企业管理:战略要径,清华大学出版社,2007年版 Peng, M. W. Global Strategy(双语版),人民邮电出版社,2006薛求知 刘子馨国际商务管理复旦大学出版社,2006年8月 希望大家协作的事 关掉所有带响的东西 既来之则安之 积极思考大胆发言 既来之则
5、动之 不要希冀从课堂中得到某种“圣经”,尤其是对管理类的课程 但认真的参与和体味会使你有所收获考核要求考核要求l本课程成绩由以下组成: 期末考试:50% 随堂案例分析及作业:20% 案例报告:20% 考勤与课堂参与:10%l无故缺课达三分之一者(6次及以上),取消期末考试资格或成绩l无故迟到两次,算作一次旷课l如果你自愿参与翻译哈佛商业评论论文,将视翻译质量,你会得到额外的5-10分的加分。如果各项加总,超过100分,以100分计算。1.随堂案例分析及讨论要求随堂案例分析及讨论要求 请在课前就提供的案例准备一份陈述。你可以单独准备,也可以和小组成员一起准备这个案例,请在课前准备好一份书面的关于
6、案例问题的回答(打印,一页)。我们将在课堂上,讨论这些问题,你可能会被要求回答这些问题,请在课前阅读案例,并认真思考案例中的问题。 下课后把你的书面回答交上来。Late written assignment will be downgraded by 10% every business day2.案例报告要求案例报告要求 Your guiding question is: How to solve a strategic problem in international business or multinational management? The first part will be
7、a case study focusing on a hard-to-tackle strategic problem. Examples include: (1) How to enter a new foreign market? (2) How to govern a newly acquired foreign company? (3) How to deal with some ethical dilemmas? 案例陈述要求案例陈述要求1.PPT制作,但必须保留复件2.请在上课之前将电子版的材料交给老师3.请按照后面的格式安排案例作业,如果有什么问题可向老师询问4.在陈述之后将由老
8、师安排课堂讨论5.陈述的材料请在小组成员之间共享。请在上交教师的材料首页上注明小组成员之间的分工6.从第六周(3月30日)开始报告,每次两组进行案例PK, 分为A、B两档,作为案例报告成绩。 7. 个同学一组,报告顺序由抽签决定。8.每组时间控制在15分钟以内,I will stop you after 15 m案例陈述的各个部分案例陈述的各个部分 1.公司介绍 2.在国际企业管理中所面临的问题 3.对问题的详尽分析 a.要运用所学到的理论:制度与文化分析、产业分析、资源与能力分析,SWOT分析、PEST分析等 b.要有数据或引证或参考资料,可以是一手数据,也可以用二手资料 4.决策:解决问题
9、的建议与意见 Since the course is built almost exclusively around the case method, attendance and participation are very important and required of each student. As in the real world, the cases are rich in detail, yet open-ended and incomplete at the same time. Therefore, do not approach a case as you would
10、 a book chapter or a magazine article. In order to derive maximum benefit from the case method, it is essential that you mentally get inside the case. 案例报告评分标准案例报告评分标准I. Content Issues (60%) (a) Clarity of the story line (10%) (b)Use of concepts and theories applied to the case (20%) (c)Reasonablene
11、ss of analysis (10%) (d)Appropriateness of recommendations/conclusions (20%)II.Process Issues (40%)(a) Effectiveness of presentation (20%)(including speech posture, maintaining eye contact with the audience instead of reading off the script, use of visual aids, timing, and answer of questions)(b) Ef
12、fectiveness of written reports (20%) (including readability, flow, logic, and organization; use of sections and headings, and page numbering; use of literature; and attachments such as graphs, tables, and calculations, whenever applicable) Normally, everybody in the group gets the same grade. Howeve
13、r, if there is any significant free rider, please file a complaint against this individual. Your complaint will be stronger if there are other members in your group who also file their complaints. I will investigate and talk to that individual. Therefore, anonymous complaint cannot be entertained. Y
14、ou will have to report your name考勤与课堂参与考勤与课堂参与 Class participation will be graded based on the subjective assessment of the professor for each class. Obviously, you cannot participate if you miss the class. However, please note that you will not earn full mark for “class participation” if you simply
15、 show up. Dos for Case Discussions Keep an open mind Relate outside experience Be provocative and constructiveDonts for Case Discussions Do not make sudden topic changes; recognize the flow of discussion Do not repeat yourself and others Do not cut others to score points“Remember it is the quality o
16、f your participation, not just the quantity (or “air time”), that will lead to good performance in class discussion. The following criteria are employed: Excellent class participation: The student consistently attends class, consistently contributes to case discussions, and consistently demonstrates
17、 superior understanding and insights Good class participation: The student consistently attends class, consistently contributes to case discussions, and occasionally demonstrates superior understanding and insights Mediocre class participation: The student inconsistently attends class, inconsistentl
18、y contributes to case discussions, and rarely demonstrates superior understanding and insights.问题与讨论问题与讨论1.中国经济虽已取得了巨大的成就,但却没有自己的跨国公司,你是否认同这种观点?为什么?2.如果认同上述观点,中国为何培育不出自己的跨国公司?3.在跨国经营的背景下,中国企业所面临的挑战是什么? 4.国际金融危机给中国企业带来的挑战与机遇是什么? 请结合相关案例论证你的观点Chapter1Multinational Management in a Changing WorldLearnin
19、g Objectives Define multinational management Understand the characteristics of a multinational company Understand the nature of the global economy and the key forces that drive globalization Know the basic classification of the worlds economies Identify the characteristics of the next generation of
20、multinational managersMultinational Management Formulation of strategies and management systems to take advantage of international opportunities and respond to international threatsThe Nature of The Multinational Company Any company that engages in business functions beyond its domestic borders Incl
21、udes both large and small companiesExhibit 1.1 The Largest Companies in the WorldExhibit 1.2 The 15 cities With The Most Fortune Global 500 Companies The Globalizing Economy Globalization: the worldwide trend of the economies of the world becoming borderless and interlinked.three different views of
22、globalization one that sees globalization as a recent phenomenon driven by technological innovations in transportation and communication, another recognizes the early historical roots of globalization, and a third is likened to a pendulum that swings from one extreme to the other. Semiglobalization
23、chooses a middle ground between unconditional acceptance of globalization and opposition. Negatives of Globalization Not all economies of the world are benefiting equally or participating equally in the process. Terrorism, wars, and a worldwide economic stagnation have limited or reversed some aspec
24、ts of globalization. Producing negative effects such as scarcity of natural resources, environmental pollution, negative social impacts, and increased interdependence of the worlds economies. Widening the gap between rich and poor countriesThe Benefits of Globalization Resulting in lower prices in m
25、any countries as multinationals are becoming more efficient. Benefiting many emerging markets such as India and China as these countries enjoy greater availability of jobs and better access to technology. Major reason why many new companies from Mexico, Brazil, China, India, and South Korea are the
26、new dominant global competitors.The Globalizing Economy:7 Key Trends Disintegrating borders Growing cross-border trade and investment The rise of global products and global customers The internet and information technology Privatizations New competitors in the world market The rise of global standar
27、ds of quality and productionCountries of the World: The Arrived, The Coming, and The Struggling Developed countries: mature economies with substantial per capita Gross Domestic Product, international trade and investments. Developing countries: economies that have grown extensively over past two dec
28、ades E.g., Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea.Countries of the World: The Arrived, The Coming, and The Struggling Transition economies: countries that have changed from mostly communist systems to market/capitalistic systems E.g., Czech republic, Hungary, Poland. Emerging markets: those countries tha
29、t are currently between developed and developing countries and are rapidly growing E.g., India, China, Brazil, and Russia.Countries of the World: The Arrived, The Coming, and the Struggling Less developed countries: have yet to show much progress in the global economy Most are located in Central and
30、 South America and Africa.Exhibit 1.3: Divisions of the Worlds EconomiesExhibit 1.4: Forces Driving GlobalizationBorders are Disintegrating: The World Trade Organization Formal structure for continued negotiations and for settling trade disputes among nations. 1947 Nations met to reduce tariffs from
31、 45% to less than 7% - resulted in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). 1986 Negotiations began in Uruguay to continue reducing tariffs.World Trade Organization 1997 Trade ministers from countries representing 92 % of world trade agreed to eliminate tariffs on software, computer chips,
32、 telecommunication equipment and computers. WTO has some critics. Not all countries are participating equally in WTO.Regional Trade Agreements Regional Trade Agreements - agreements among nations to reduce tariffs and develop similar technical and economic standards. European Union (EU) - includes a
33、 large number of European countries. Allows free movement of goods and services and a common currency.Regional Trade Agreements The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA): links United States, Canada, and Mexico in an economic bloc. Allows freer exchange of goods and services The Asia-Pacific-E
34、conomic Cooperation (APEC): looser confederation of 19 Asian nations with less specific agreements on trade facilitation.Sell Anywhere, Locate Anywhere World trade growth: average of 6.5% per year between 1990 and 2000. Nearly half of the over $5 trillion in world trade is among the European union,
35、the U.S., and Japan the TRIAD.Exhibit 1.6 Leading Exporting and Importing CountriesSell Anywhere, Locate Anywhere Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) : occurs when a multinational company from one country has an ownership position located in another country. FDI increased by more that 36% between 1996 a
36、nd 2000. Post 9/11 has seen a decline in FDI. Nevertheless, it remains a significant factor.Exhibit 1.7: The Growth of FDI in a Few Emerging Markets and Selected Developed CountriesForeign Direct Investment Developed countries get the bulk of FDI (69%) while developing countries get around 30%. Leas
37、t developed countries get minimal FDI. Implications for managers - significant opportunities around the world. Multinational managers should look at risk rating of countries.Two Types of Risks Economic risk: considers all factors of a nations economic climate that may affect a foreign investor. Poli
38、tical risk: anything a government might do or not do that might adversely affect a company.Factors Outside of The Control of The Multinational The recent increases in oil prices have the potential to slow down global trade Natural disasters International terrorismThe Internet and Information Technol
39、ogy Electronic Communication - E-mail, World Wide Web,etc. Allows multinationals to communicate with company locations throughout the world. Multinationals can also monitor worldwide operations. Information technology is spurring a borderless financial market.The Internet and Information Technology
40、Information technologies make available many new tools that facilitate business operations E.g., Voice-Over-Internet Protocol (VOIP) such as Skype, MSN Messenger and AOL, WIKIsThe Rise of Global Products and Global Customers The needs of customers for many products and services are growing more simi
41、lar E.g., McDonalds, Boeing, Toyota. Global customers search the world for their supplies without regard for national boundaries.Privatization Sale of government-owned businesses to private investors, usually through stock or direct sale to other companies. Two types of privatization contribute to t
42、he global economy the developed world and the developing world.Privatization - Types The Developed Countries Use privatization to make formerly government-controlled enterprises more competitive in the global economy. The Developing Countries Use privatization to jump-start their economies or to spe
43、ed the transition from a communist to a capitalist system.New Competitors Free market reforms are creating a potential group of new competitors. Korean, Russian, Taiwanese, and Mexican companies are all emerging. Chinese companies are also on the move.Exhibit 1.9: Top 25 Emerging Market EconomiesNew
44、 Competitors are Emerging Global trade has two important effects in developing new competitors: When developing countries are used as low-wage platforms for high-tech assembly, multinationals facilitate the transfer of technology. Aggressive multinationals are also expanding beyond their own borders
45、.The Rise of Global Standards Companies can make 1 or only a few versions of product for the world market. This is cheaper than making different versions for different countries. Drive to develop common standards to save money.Global Standards Consistency in quality also an important requirement of
46、doing business in many countries. International organization for standardization (ISO) in Geneva, Switzerland Developed a set of technical standards (ISO 9001:2000 series).Next Generation of Multinational Managers: Characteristics Global mindset Ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds L
47、ong-range perspective Ability to manage change and transition Ability to create systems for learning and changing organizationsNext Generation of Multinational Managers: Characteristics Talent to motivate all employees to achieve excellence Accomplished negotiation skills Willingness to seek oversea
48、s assignments Understanding of national culturesMultinational Management: A Strategic Approach Considers how managers formulate and implement strategies to compete successfully in the global economy. Strategies are the maneuvers or activities used to increase and sustain organizational performance.
49、Multinational strategies must include maneuvers that deal with operating in more than one country and culture.Trends Shaping Future Business Environment Blurring of industry boundaries Flexibility matters more than size Focusing on niche Hyper-competition Emphasis on innovation and the learning organizationConclusion Chapter provides key background information to support study of multinational management Chapter also provides the foundation to understand the latest challenges and practices of multinational management Field is dynamic and learning never stops