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1、Lesson 105 Full of mistakes*生词复习生词复习chemistrytopdifficultguymarkanswerrestfailpapermathematicsenougheasyquestionpasscheerlowhistoryhateexampoliticsgeographybiologyphysics*pass :1) v. 及格,通过及格,通过pass in +具体学科具体学科 2) 通过,前进通过,前进 3)把)把递给递给 pass sb sth= pass sth to sb *反义疑问句的用法反义疑问句的用法(难点难点):1.当陈述句的主语是当陈述

2、句的主语是I, everyone, everything,nobody时,后面的疑问句应表时,后面的疑问句应表示为:示为: I am a student, arent I Everyone is in the classroom, arent they?(复数概念)复数概念) Everything begin to grow in spring, doesnt it?(单数概念)单数概念)2.当陈述部分有当陈述部分有never,hardly,few,little等否定词时,后面疑问句表示为:等否定词时,后面疑问句表示为: There are few apples in the basket,

3、are there? He can hardly swim, can he?3.陈述部分有陈述部分有had better时,疑问句用时,疑问句用hadnt 开头。开头。 Youd better get up early, hadnt you?4.当陈述句是祈使句时,疑问句要根据语气来表达:当陈述句是祈使句时,疑问句要根据语气来表达: Let us go for a walk, shall we? Let us go out for a walk, will you?*语法复习语法复习 very 和和 too的区别的区别too.to.sothat她太小而不能说话。 这个问题太难以至于回答不出来。

4、这个问题如此容易我可以回答。这场考试太容易了,我能回答出所有问题。太。而不能。太。而不能。太。能。太。能。My sister is 6 months old, she is too young to speak.The question is too difficult to answer.The question is too difficult for me to answer.The exam is so easy that I can answer all the questions.*enough 的用法的用法:名前形后名前形后 enough water, enough money,

5、 enough water fast enough, tall enough, old enough改为同义句:改为同义句:The exam is very easy.= The exam is _ _for me.She is too young to go to school.=She is not _ _ to go to school.The man is so strong that he can lift the heavy box.=The man is _ _ to lift the heavy box.easy enoughold enoughstrong enough*Di

6、ctationThe girl is so young that she cant dress himself.=The girl is _ _ _ dress himself.too young to*Rita says to me, “Be quiet!”=to+ 动词原形(动词不定式)动词原形(动词不定式)Rita asks me to be quiet.ask sb. to do sth.tell sb. to do sth.help sb. to do sth.want sb. to do sth.hope sb. to do sth.would like sb. to do sth

7、.我希望你通过数学考试。我希望你通过数学考试。我想要你帮助我。我想要你帮助我。老师要求我们打扫办公室。老师要求我们打扫办公室。你想和我一起去电影院吗?你想和我一起去电影院吗?I hope you to pass in Math.I want you to help me.Teachers ask us to clean the office.Would you like to go to the cinema with me?*省省to的不定式的不定式feel sb. do sth.hear sb. do sth.make/have/let sb. do sth. see sb. do sth

8、.help sb. (to)do sth.一感一感二听二听三让三让四看四看五帮助五帮助省省to 我们走吧我们走吧老师让我们打扫办公室。老师让我们打扫办公室。大男孩把小男孩弄哭了。大男孩把小男孩弄哭了。我听见他在教室里唱歌。我听见他在教室里唱歌。Lets go.=Let me go.Teachers let us clean the classroom.The big boy made the little boy cry.I heard him singing in the classroom.I heard him sing in the classroom.see/ hear sb. do

9、 sth. (全过程全过程)see/ hear sb. doing sth. (片段)(片段)*A:Where are the boys?B:I dont know.I saw them _ (playing,play) near the river.see/ hear sb. do sth. (全过程)see/ hear sb. doing sth. (片段)playing*不定式的否定形式不定式的否定形式ask sb. (not) to do sth. see sb. (not) do sth.*单词学习单词学习 spell v. 拼写拼写 (spelt, spelt) intellige

10、nt adj. 聪明的,有智慧的聪明的,有智慧的 mistake n. 错误错误 wrong adj.错误的错误的 Youve given me the wrong case. present n. 礼物礼物= gift dictionary n. 词典词典 carry v.携带,提携带,提 correct v.改正改正 keep v.保存保存*课文视频课文视频-翻译翻译-跟读跟读-Act out* spell v. 拼写拼写 How do you spell your name? How to spell the word? mistake n. 1) n. 错误错误 make a mist

11、ake 做错,犯错做错,犯错 By mistake 误误,错,错 我错拿了某人的雨伞我错拿了某人的雨伞 I have taken someones umbrella by mistake.* be full of. 充满了充满了 (主动)(主动) Her eyes are full of tears. be filled with 填满了(被动)填满了(被动) The pond is filled with water 盒子里装满了玩具盒子里装满了玩具The box is filled with toys.*书后练习书后练习P216 A C*Lesson107-108 Its too smal

12、l构成法构成法原级原级比较级比较级最高级最高级一般单音节词尾一般单音节词尾-er,-esttalltaller the tallest不发音的不发音的e结尾的单音词结尾的单音词-r,-stnicelargenicerlargestthe nicestthe largest以一个辅音字母结尾的闭以一个辅音字母结尾的闭音节单音节,双写词尾辅音节单音节,双写词尾辅音字母音字母-er,-estbighotbiggerhotterthe biggest the hottest辅音字母辅音字母+y,改改y为为i,加,加-er,-est.easybusyeasierbusier the easiestthe

13、 busiest多音节词,在前面加多音节词,在前面加more, mostimportantmore importantthe most important*原级原级比较级比较级最高级最高级原级原级比较级比较级最高级最高级wellbetterbestmuch/manymoremostbadworseworstlittlelessleastillfarfarther/ furtherfarthest/ futhestoldolder/ elderoldest / eldestgoodbetterbest* Hw: 1.背诵背诵L105. 2.抄写抄写L104-L106生词英文生词英文3遍,中文遍,

14、中文1遍,遍,下次听写。下次听写。 3.完成小题大做。完成小题大做。 4.回去记形容词的比较级和最高级,下次过回去记形容词的比较级和最高级,下次过关。关。 5.听读课文签字。听读课文签字。*完成讲义上的形容词变形完成讲义上的形容词变形形容词原形的用法:形容词原形的用法:1.在肯定句中,用在肯定句中,用 “as+形容词原级形容词原级+as”,表表“和什么一样和什么一样” I am as tall as you. as hungry as a wolf, as beautiful as a butterfly as busy as a bee, as blue as sky, as red as

15、a flower. as quickly as possible, as quickly as you can2.在否定句中,用在否定句中,用“not as/ so+形容词原级形容词原级+as”,表不象什么一表不象什么一样,多表示前者不如后者。样,多表示前者不如后者。This summer is not so hot as last summer.This room is half as big as yours.*形容词比较级的用法形容词比较级的用法1.“比较级比较级+than”,用于两者之间的比较,用于两者之间的比较2. “比较级比较级+ and+ 比较级比较级”As winter is

16、coming, the day is becoming shorter and shorter.3. “the +比较级,比较级, the+比较级比较级”表表 “越越.越越.” the faster , the better. the bigger, the heavier4.much修饰比较级,表修饰比较级,表 “得多得多” This car is much cheaper than that one. much bigger, much shorter*形容词最高级的用法形容词最高级的用法1.用于用于“the+ 最高级最高级+比较范围比较范围”三者以上的比较。三者以上的比较。 Tom is

17、 the tallest boy in the class. This is the most interesting book that I have ever read. Which city is _beautiful,Beijing or Shanghai?Which city is _beautiful, CS,BJ or SH?练习:练习:Julia is _the other girls in her class. A. the tallest B.taller thanmorethe mostB将个体与整体比较时,不用最高级,用比较级将个体与整体比较时,不用最高级,用比较级*巩

18、固练习巩固练习1.China is larger than _ in Asia. A.any country B.any other countries C. any countries D. any other country2.The yellow river is _river in China. A.the second longer B.second longest C.second longer D.the second longest3.He doesnt do his homework_, though(尽管尽管) he has _. A.carelessly enough,

19、enough time B.enough carelessly, time enough C.carefully enough, enough time D.enough carefully, enough timeDDC*生词生词 madam n. 夫人夫人 as well 同样同样= too smart adj.漂亮的漂亮的 suit v.适于适于 pretty adj.漂亮的漂亮的*课文视频课文视频-翻译翻译-跟读跟读-Act out书后练习书后练习P220 A C讲义练习讲义练习*HW: 1.背诵背诵105.疯读疯读L107 2.抄写抄写L105-108生词英文生词英文3遍,中文遍,中文1遍,下遍,下次听写,次听写, 3.完成小题大做和讲义练习。完成小题大做和讲义练习。 4,。听读课文签字。听读课文签字。*


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