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1、2020/12/21英语专业八级2020/12/22精品资料2020/12/24 你怎么称呼老师? 如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进? 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? 教师的教鞭 “不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘 ” “太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早”2020/12/25考试测验不忘本对能力的考查词法是基础-靠记忆,靠积累,靠语感语法是药方-概况,总结,举一反三是捷径语篇是语言的思维2020/12/26 一一. 改错题的注意事项改错题的注意事项 二二. 改错文章统计分析改错文章统计分析 三三. 改错答案统计分

2、析改错答案统计分析 四四. 解题步骤解题步骤 五五.常见错误类型常见错误类型 六六. 复习建议复习建议2020/12/27一一.注意事项注意事项:2020/12/283.评分标准:评分标准: 1). 如果文章中如果文章中未划出删除和增添记号未划出删除和增添记号,即,即使答案正确,仍不得分使答案正确,仍不得分 2). 如果只标出错处和错误类型,但如果只标出错处和错误类型,但不知如不知如何改正,得何改正,得0.5分分2020/12/29二二. 改错文章统计分析改错文章统计分析 1. 内容内容:人文类人文类学术书籍或期刊杂志(历史政学术书籍或期刊杂志(历史政治语言教育)治语言教育),特别是特别是语言

3、类语言类为主为主 2. 篇幅篇幅: 最多最多283词词, 最少最少182词词 3. 结构结构: 总分结构总分结构 1)总)总:文章主题一般在文章主题一般在首句首句 2)分)分:两条线索两条线索对立对立和和顺承顺承 对立对立 顺承顺承 一句话,两条线一句话,两条线2020/12/210三三. 改错答案统计分析改错答案统计分析 1. 从错词词类词类上看,分布比较均匀,英语八大词类中均有涉及,具体来说: 每年涉及至少5种词类种词类的修改; 动词每年都有动词每年都有,至少一个; 形容词副词形容词副词每年至少有一个; 冠词代词冠词代词每年至少有一个(01年除外) 介词介词(搭配搭配)每年至少一个 2.从

4、修改方法上看,每年10道改错题呈6,7-1,2-1,2的分值分布,即,修改单词6-7个,增加单词1-2个,删除单词1-2个(2005年除外)2020/12/211四四. 解题步骤解题步骤 1. 通读通读: 主旨结构主旨结构-首句,两线首句,两线 2. 细读细读: 修改修改-常见错误类型常见错误类型 3. 重读重读: 复查复查-文意是否通畅文意是否通畅修改方法和词类是否符合统计规律修改方法和词类是否符合统计规律: 修改方法修改方法: 67-21-21修改词类(修改词类( 5 ): 冠代冠代-形副形副-介连介连-动动2020/12/212十大错误总会出现 错误1:介词冠词问题(错误,多余,遗漏)

5、错误2:形容词与副词问题(混淆,级) 错误3:时态语态语气问题(上下文时态不一,语态混淆,虚拟中动词用错) 错误4:非谓语动词问题 (尤其是V-ing与V-ed混淆) 错误5:搭配错误(尤其是动词、名词短语搭配) 错误6:易混词与反义词问题(同形词,近义词误用,根据上下文用了反义词) 错误7:一致问题(人称和数错误,代词替代错误,可数不可数的修饰词混淆) 错误8:定语问题 错误9:,衔接错误(句际之间的逻辑关系连接词) 错误10:赘述省略平行问题2020/12/213猜-有方向的猜 第一步:通读全文通读全文 了解大意了解大意 同时改正明显错误;同时改正明显错误; 有的错误很明显,比如短语搭配o

6、n some occassions 不是 in some occassions 第二步:逐句分析逐句分析 个个击破个个击破 没有把握暂时不做;没有把握暂时不做; 没有把握的不要乱做,为最后整体把握做准备 第三步:整体把握整体把握 平均用力平均用力 十大错误助你高分。 最后整体把握 看看十大错误还有哪些没有用上,尽量从没有用过的错误角度考虑。延伸到其他选择题:做完有把握的,其他的就猜测2020/12/214五五. 常见错误类型常见错误类型2020/12/215常见错误类型: 从词类词类看-语法词2020/12/216常见错误类型常见错误类型: 从词类看从词类看-语法词语法词2020/12/217

7、 十年考题没有改什么: 虚拟语气没有改 分词做状语没有改 情态助动词没有改 倒装没有改2020/12/218冠词2020/12/219出题思路语法现象异于异于中文学习重点重点学习难点难点考查掌握与否的考点考点2020/12/220专八改错专八改错冠词冠词错误类型错误类型 冠词误用冠词误用 2010年10 the part 应为 a part 2009年1 the 应为a 冠词冗余:冠词冗余: 2007年3 去掉the,language, 冠词误用 2005年5 去掉in the school中的the, 冠词误用 2003年2 去掉a steady decline, 冠词误用 冠词缺失:冠词缺

8、失: 2007年9 加上a,to a large extent, 介词短语 2004年7 加the public, 缺冠词 1999年10 for后加a, 冠词缺失 a healthier diet 固定短语搭配中的冠词:固定短语搭配中的冠词: 2007年9 加上a,to a large extent, 介词短语 2005年5 去掉in the school中的the, 冠词误用2020/12/221基本用法定冠词+形容词表示一类人或事物 (2004年7题)2020/12/222在一些搭配中用冠词和不用冠词的意义区别 上学学习类2020/12/223在一些搭配中用冠词和不用冠词的意义区别 生活

9、家居类2020/12/224在一些搭配中用冠词和不用冠词的意义区别 工作处所类工作处所类2020/12/225在一些搭配中用定冠词和不定冠词的意义区别2020/12/226真题2010-10:Similarly, we have no reason to doubt that the Eskimo language could be as precise and subtle on the subject of motor manufacture or cricket if these topics formed the part of the Eskimos life. 2009-1:The

10、 previous section has shown how quickly a rhyme passes from one school child to the next and illustrates the further difference between school lore and nursery lore .2007-3: It is often said, of course, that the language originated in cries of anger, fear, pain and pleasure, but the necessary eviden

11、ce is entirely lacking.2020/12/227 定冠词和表身体部位的名词:定冠词和表身体部位的名词: 宾格人称代词宾格人称代词+介词介词+定冠词定冠词+身体部位身体部位 He caught her by the hand. 他用手抓出了她的手。 They pulled her by the hair. 他们扯着她的头发。2020/12/228 不定冠词和“不可数名词”(99年10题): 1. 很多不可数名词与a/an连用,表示一种或一类:一种或一类: This seems to be an excellent oil. A cheese I like is Camembe

12、rt法国卡门贝所产的软质乳酪. 2.饮料类不可数名词与a, an 连用,表示一杯一杯这种饮料 Id like a beer, please. 3. 不可数名词意义改变意义改变,成为可数名词后和a/an连用 a glass, an iron, 2020/12/229 4. 可数名词抽象化后,和a/an连用,表示人的一种品质品质, 搭配是 of +a/an+名词(fool, man, cowardice, scholar, poet-) He was enough of a man to tell the truth. 他光明磊落讲了实话。 He is more of a fool than hi

13、s younger brother. 他比他弟弟还蠢。 2020/12/230 固定搭配中的冠词: 2010年10题: form a part of 2007年9题: to a large extent 2003年10题: to the same extent 扩展: with a view/an eye to着眼于, keep an eye on, take an interest in, at a loss, in a word, on a level with, in a row连续, in the process of, on the brink of濒临, with the exce

14、ption of, at the mercy of受支配, to the exclusion of把除外, 2020/12/231代词2020/12/232出题思路单复数的指代人,事,物的不同指代主宾格的指代差异-难点-考点关系代词关系代词2020/12/233只能用that的定从 1. everything, nothing, something, anything等不定不定代词代词做先行词: I do not buy anything that is too expensive. There is something that you dont know. 2. 人和物人和物一起做先行词

15、The farmer has a clever son and a large farm that make him have a sense of pride. 3. 先行词被序数词,形容词最高级或序数词,形容词最高级或any, only, all, every, no, some, much, few, little等等成分修饰时: He is the only man that can speak four foreign languages in our company. Tell us all things that you know. It is the largest map t

16、hat I ever saw. 2020/12/234只能用which的定从 1. 非限定性定语从句中,先行词表物: Beijing, which has been Chinas capital for 800 years, is rich culture. 2. 出现在介词后面,先行词表物: This is the question about which we have had so much discussion. The tool with which he is working is called a wrench. 3. 非限定性定语从句中指代前面一句话 2020/12/235真题

17、 2010-2: Every language appears to be as well equipped as any other to say the things their speakers want to say. 2008-6: There were proposals thatindependence should be linguistically accepted by the use of a different language from those of Britain. 2007-10: , whereas language proper does not cons

18、ist of signs but of these that have to be learnt and that are wholly conventional.2020/12/236as as 指代的是整句话 as可放在位置灵活,可放在句首,句中和句尾 例句:As is often pointed out, knowledge is two-edged sword. There is, as has been mentioned, a growing body of research into swine flu. She was married again, as was expecte

19、d. 2020/12/237as as指代一个先行词 用于such -as, the same-as, as-as的固定搭配中的固定位置 例句: He will repeat such points as are discussed in the book. He tried to make as few mistakes as he could avoid. He is not the same playboy as we knew. 2020/12/238特别注意 it能做形式主语,相比中文而已,是个异常的语言现象! 真题 2010-3:There may or may not be ap

20、propriate to talk about primitive peoples or cultures, but that is another matter. 2020/12/239介词介词2020/12/240出题思路介词在中文的部分缺失对等翻译字面上的不一致By(before) the time, have faith in(to)难点-考点2020/12/241介词介词-固定搭配固定搭配 2011-1,8: grow (up); face in difficulty 2008-7,8,9: stick on to; at the end; carry (on) with 2007-

21、6,8: in the grounds ; emphasize on 2006-3: in ones disposal 2005-2,7,9: irrespective (of); ways (in) which; give discount on sb. 2004-1,3,4,5: set (up); in occasions; rely (on); make (out)理解;填写;设法应2020/12/242介词独立介词(by, like, as despite)介词短语搭配复杂介词2020/12/243介词与其他词类的搭配 2.1 与名词搭配 belief in, influence o

22、n/upon, confidence in, attitude to/toward, solution to, glance at, need for, limit to, aid to, objection to, indifference to/toward, key to, answer to, hindrance to, at sbs request, in all probability, to sb delight 2.2 与形容词搭配 different from, dependent on/upon, independent of, rich in, intent on, ad

23、jacent to, averse to, deaf to, loyal to, preferable to, similar to, superior to, sensitive to, 2.3 动词短语 add to, be accustomed to, blow up, break out, bring up, build up, call off, carry on, come up, come out, lay off, make fun of, pass away, take advantage of, take apart, take effect, take pity on,2

24、020/12/244复杂介词 according to, for the sake of, in addition to, along with, in return for, on the point of, in spite of, 2020/12/245 形容词和副词形容词和副词2020/12/246出题思路中文”更“和”最“来表达英文中有相应的替换结构难!难!2020/12/247主要的比较机构 1.1 As+形、副词原级as Lily is as smart as Laza. Not so/as.as. 此结构前可以加上倍数词twice, three times . As many/

25、much + 名词 as . As +形容词原级名词词组 as . Tom is as industrious a worker as Jesse. 1.2 more . than. 形、副词比较级than. This apple is bigger than that one. 变体:Tom is the smarter of the two students. 注意:只能是比较两者,并且定冠词不能省。2020/12/248主要的比较机构 1.3 最高级 三者或以上比较时,通常有一个比较范围。比较范围可以是个介词词组,关系分句或者是非限定分句,有的从语境中可以看出来。 需要注意的是并非所有的

26、最高级前都要用the,当表示很,非常等意思是就不用。 1.4 另一个常考结构是the more. the more (less, fewer).2020/12/249真题 2010-1:Every language appears to be well equipped as any other to say the things its speakers want to say. 2010-5: The Eskimos , it is said, can speak about snow with further more precision and subtlety than we can

27、 in English. 2006-6: His vocabulary, in particular, both that which he uses actively and that which he recognizes, increases in size as he grows old as a result of education and experience. 2020/12/250形容词的其他考法字母-词素-词根(词缀)-单词同根形容词的相似性和易混淆性 学生分不清-老师愿意考2020/12/251近义近形词辨析(形,副,名) 2011-2: conscience and c

28、onsciousness 2011-3: disagreeing and disagreeable 2011-6: imaginative and imaginary 2011-7: literal and literary 2009-4: something and anything 2009-9: live and alive 2008-2: move and movement 2008-3: distinctive and distinct 2006-6: grow old-grow older 2004-9: interest and interested 2003-1: Height

29、-high 2002-4: first-firstly 2001-10: totalfull 2000-6: single-only 2000-10: a great deal-a number of2020/12/252非谓语动词非谓语动词2020/12/253 非谓语动词主要包括三类:不定式,动名词和分词。 考试中容易出现的考点:一句话中出现两个动词,其中一个只能用成非谓语动词;动词后不定式与动名词的混淆;现在分词与过去分词的误用。2020/12/254后接不定式做宾语的词: agree, advise, care, choose, consent, decide, determine,

30、desire, expect, fail, happen, hesitate, hope, learn, manage, offer, prepare, pretend, promise, propose, refuse, resolve, want, wish等后接动名词的词: admit, appreciate, avoid, complete, consider, deny, detest, dislike, endure, envy, escape, excuse, fancy, feel like,finish, forgive, give up, go on, (cant) hel

31、p, imagine, insist on, involve, keep, keep on, leave off, mention, mind, miss, postpone, praise, practise, put off, quit, recollect, report, resent, resist, risk, cant stand, stop, suggest, think等2020/12/255现在分词跟过去分词的区别主要看它们与修饰语,或者逻辑主语的关系来确定。动宾关系用过去分词,主谓关系用现在分词;进行和伴随,主动用现在分词,过去和完成,被动用过去分词。2020/12/25

32、6不定式to和介词to能否接名词? 动名词也是一种名词Stick to/adhere to Get used to不定式只能接动作省略的不定式to, 被动语态中要还原!举个例?2020/12/257真题 2007-2:There is no material in any language today and in the earliest records of ancient languages show us language in a new and emerging state. (有两个错误) 2005-1:They say the increases are needed beca

33、use of a loss in value of university endowments heavily investing in common stock. 2020/12/258 词的固定搭配(词组)词的固定搭配(词组)2020/12/259相当于中文的词语,成语,惯用语,凭语感不能用别字或貌似相似的词,不能想当然神马就是神马!2020/12/260真题2011-3: soon or later2011-8: face in difficulty2010-6: come to light2009-10: , to let alone2008-1: in result2007-6: i

34、n the grounds that2006-8: take it for granted the two most common forms of transmission 2020/12/261 课堂练习: 解析4和5 课堂检查:作文练笔 课外积累: 必备搭配 课外作业:每天2篇,多次复习多次利用2020/12/262课前复习课前复习各种词性的出题点冠词冠词介词介词 代词代词 动词动词形容词形容词名词名词副词副词连词连词2020/12/263课前复习各种词性的出题点冠词冠词 基本概念,常用易混搭配介词介词 和动词,名词,形容的搭配代词代词 指代单复数一致;“这那” 一致; 关系代词动词动词

35、 动词加介词搭配;非谓语动词;形容词形容词 比较结构;同根易混词;形似词名词名词 形似词副词副词 语篇连贯连词连词 语篇连贯2020/12/264句子结构错误句子结构错误2020/12/265定语结构定语结构 1. 前置前置定语-单个形容词,分词 2. 后置后置定语-分词短语,定语从句2020/12/266前置前置定语 单个形容词: 过去分词agreed, misled, excited, surprised, tired, frightened, satisfied, lost, convinced, disappointed, moved, exhausted, qualified, in

36、terested-, 现在分词: agreeing, misleading, exciting, surprising, tiring, frightening, satisfying, convincing, disappointed, moving, exhausting, qualifying, interesting- 2020/12/267 All interesting parties are invited to attend the meeting. All interested parties are invited to attend the meeting. intere

37、sted: 有利害关系的2020/12/268后置定语后置定语-定语从句 2011年9题 I felt that this created a sort of private world which I could get my own back for my failure in everyday life. 2008年4题: At the time the United States split off from Britain, for example, there were proposals that independence should be linguistically ack

38、nowledged by the use of a different language from that of Britain. 2007年2题: There is no material in any language today or in the earliest records of ancient languages show us language in a new and emerging state.2020/12/269定语从句 2007年10题: Whereas language proper does not consist of signs but of these

39、 that have to be learnt and that are wholly conventional. 2006年4题:the English speaker has in his disposal a vocabulary and a set of grammatical rules which enables him to communicate his thoughts and feelings, in a variety of styles, to the other English speakers. (3)2020/12/270 2005年4题: The rise in

40、 tuition may reflect the fact economic uncertainty increases the demand for education. 2005年7题 The ways which universities make themselves attractive to students include soft majors, student evaluations of teachers, giving students a governance role, and eliminate required course.-2020/12/271 2004年1

41、0题: Congressional committees also have the power to compel testimony from unwilling witnesses, and to cite for contempt of Congress witnesses who refuse to testify and for perjury these who give false testimony. 2002年5题:It is not a voice we recognize at once, whereas our own handwriting is something

42、 which we almost always know. 先行词的误用,关系代词/副词的缺失, 误用,定语从句的主谓一致2020/12/272 定语从句定语从句: 先行项先行项+关系词关系词+定语从句定语从句: 先行项先行项+关系代词关系代词+定语从句定语从句 先行项先行项+介词介词+关系代词关系代词+定语从句定语从句 先行项先行项+关系副词关系副词+定语从句定语从句 关系代词关系代词(that, which, who, whom, whose; as, what, ) 关系副词关系副词(when, where, why, that)2020/12/273 能做先行项的指示代词: 单数形式只

43、能是that, 复数形式只能是those(不能是these):2020/12/274 哪些情况下定语从句只能用that做关系代词: 1. everything, nothing, something, anything等不定代词做先行词: I do not buy anything that is too expensive. There is something that you dont know. 2. 人和物一起做先行词 The farmer has a clever son and a large farm that make him have a sense of pride. 3

44、. 先行词被序数词,形容词最高级或any, only, all, every, no, some, much, few, little等成分修饰时: He is the only man that can speak four foreign languages in our company. Tell us all things that you know. It is the largest map that I ever saw. 2020/12/275 哪些情况下定语从句只能做which关系代词: 1. 非限定性定语从句中,先行词表物: Beijing, which has been

45、Chinas capital for 800 years, is rich culture. 2. 出现在介词后面,先行词表物: This is the question about which we have had so much discussion. The tool with which he is working is called a wrench. 3. 非限定性定语从句中指代前面一句话2020/12/276 先行项+介词+关系代词+定语从句结构中介词的选择: 1. 看搭配 A. 所选介词和定语从句中的动词,形容词和名词构成固定搭配: He is the man on whom

46、 you can depend. He gave me some references with which I am not familiar. This is a key site over which our troops has lost control. B. 所选介词和先行词构成固定搭配: The ease with which Mr. Green carried the heavy machine was unbelievable. Public demonstrations are an effective means by which the people can bring

47、 social inequalities to the attention of the government. When television was first introduced, the extent to which it would affect human society could not have been foreseen. The rate at which they are being destroyed has increased. 2020/12/277 看定语从句句意是否完整: 如果完整,所选名词就应该和前面的先行词构成固定搭配 如果不完整,所选名词就应该和定语

48、从句中的名词,动词和形容词构成固定搭配2020/12/278 2. 看句意选介词看句意选介词: Egypt enjoys a long history - which it is known. Hang Zhou is a human paradise - which it is known. Our life is like a wheel with six spokes: family, financial, mental, social and spiritual. The physical spoke is our health, - which nothing makes sense

49、. 2020/12/279 2. 看句意选介词: Egypt enjoys a long history for which it is known. Hang Zhou is a human paradise as which it is known. Our life is like a wheel with six spokes: family, financial, mental, social and spiritual. The physical spoke is our health, without which nothing makes sense. 2020/12/280

50、The company, - which Max Harrison was until recently the chairman, has made loss of three million pounds this year. The company, of which Max Harrison was until recently the chairman, has made loss of three million pounds this year. 定语从句: Max Harrison was until recently the chairman of the company (


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