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1、英语语法学习n没有语法基础(1)阅读中读不懂长难句(2)听力中听不懂长难句(3)口语中讲不出有高水平语法结构的话 (4 ) 写作中只懂写简单句,不懂复合句或长难句雅思阅读雅思阅读 并列句定语从句 状语从句 名词性从句IELTS 6 TOTAL102111104165IELTS 7TOTAL9911294101雅思写作雅思写作 并列句定语从句 状语从句 名词性从句(主宾表同)200915873620081791039Grammar & vocabularyGrammar无规矩不成方圆Vocabulary巧妇难为无米之炊nReading WritingnListening Speaking语法的主

2、流趋势请发email给我 喂狗喝水 我流口水了点燃希望你不要骗我 Email me pleaseWater the dogMy mouth is wateringlight up the darknessDont Clinton me.动词化动词化 语法无绝对, 词性无绝对 语法学习要建立语境意识我要喝点东西。I want a drink.a water, a beer, a coffee创新是必须的。Innovation is a must. 语法在语法在“进化进化” 语法的主流趋势1. 句子成分:句子成分: 主谓宾主谓宾+定状补定状补 2. 简单句:五大基本句型简单句:五大基本句型 3.

3、并列句并列句 4. 复合句:复合句: 宾语从句,定语从句,状语从句5. 动词四类和五大基本时态动词四类和五大基本时态第一讲第一讲 主要句子成分主要句子成分主谓宾主谓宾S+V+O n我爱你。nI love you. nI love you.n Subject(主语) + Verb(谓语) +Object(宾语) n主语n主语是一个句子所叙述的主体,一般位于句首。主语可由名词、代词、数词、不定式、动名词、名词化的形容词和主语从句等表示。n但在there be结构、疑问句(当主语不疑问词时)和倒装句中,主语位于谓语、助动词或情态动词后面。nExercise: 找出下列句子的主语nDuring the

4、 1990s, American country music has become more and more popular. n We often speak English in class. nOne-third of the students in this class are girls.nSmoking does harm to the health. nThe rich should help the poor. nThere are many children in the garden.nWho cares?n nTo swim in the river is a grea

5、t pleasure. n It is necessary to master a foreign language. nTo swim in the river is a great pleasure. to do 做主语打招呼很容易To say hello is easy.to do 做主语,常用it做形式主语。It is easy to say hello.It is necessary to master a foreign language. nWhen we are going to have an English test has not been decided.nWhen w

6、e are going to have an English test has not been decided.n句子做主语=主语从句nThat he is still alive is a wonder.nWhether they would support us was a problem.nHow this happened is not clear to anyone.nWhat we need is money. n形式主语代主语从句nIt is n写作口语万能句型nIt is easy to do A, but youll find it difficult to do B. n

7、恋爱容易,婚姻不易,且行且珍惜。n生存容易,生活不易,且行且珍惜。n学习容易,学懂不易,且行且珍惜。nBeing in love is easy, being married is not. It is to be cherished.-BBCn谓语-说明主语所做的动作或具有的特征和状态。动词在句中作谓语,一般放在主语之后。n找出下面句子的谓语nHe drinks milk every morning.nYou jump, I jump. nYou may keep the book for two weeks. nHe has caught a bad cold. nWe are stude

8、nts.谓语可以是n行为动词n情态动词或其他助动词加动词原形 n系动词 如 am, is , are及物动词,直接跟宾语,如eat, drink, know, play, watch不及物动词,可以不直接跟宾语,如 jump, sit, stand, think, sleep, wait, die, fight, run, live谓语动词单一性原则谓语动词单一性原则 :在一个句子中,有且:在一个句子中,有且只有一个只有一个 谓语动词谓语动词nI am a student study economics. ()nI am a student studying economics () 非谓语动

9、词非谓语动词 : 现在分词现在分词 V-ing 过去分词过去分词 V-ed(P.P.) 不定式不定式 to do n宾语n表示动作的对象或承爱者,一般位于及物动词和介词后面。nExercise: 找出下列句子的宾语nThey went to see an exhibition yesterday.n The heavy rain prevented me form coming to school on time.n How many dictionaries do you have? I have five. nThey helped the old with their housework

10、 yesterday.nHe pretended not to see me.n I enjoy listening to popular music.n I think(that)he is fit for his office. 名词代词数词名词化形容词不定式短语动名词短语宾语从句n句子做宾语=宾语从句nThe boy believes me.nThe boy believes that he will travel through space to other planets.nI wonder whether(if) they will come to our party.nNone

11、of us knows where these new parts can be bought.n将下列简单句改成宾语从句n1. He has gone to Hunan. I forgot that_ . n2. She said, “They are waiting for a bus. She said that_.n3. Whose bag is it? Do you know _ . n4. What will you do? He asked _ . n5. Who teaches you maths? He asked me _ . n 6. I have seen him. I

12、 remembed that _ . n 完成句子 n1. I wanted to know_(她在和谁交谈) n 2He said_(他以前见过我) n3 Im sorry for_(我所做的事) he had gone to Hunan. they were waiting for a bus. whose bag it is?what you would do. who taught me maths. I had seen him. whom she was talking with he had seen me beforewhat I have donen4 The teacher

13、 asked_(谁能回答这个问题) n 5 Jane said that_(她将乘飞机去那里) n 6 I wanted to know_(她是否有一些钱) n7 We havent decided_(我们下一步该做什么) n8 I think that English is_(没有数学难) n9 Im not sure_(明天天气是否晴朗) n10He asked me_(是如何处理这件事的) n11Do you know_(是否要下雨) n12I wanted to know_(她是否来还是不来)who could answer the questionshe would go there

14、 by plane if/whether she had any moneywhat we should do nextnot so difficult as maths whether she would come or not if it is going to rain what I did with the matter if/whether it will be sunny tomorrown(1) Lend me your dictionary, please.nS + Vt + O1 + O2n双宾语(间接宾语+直接宾语)n(2) They elected him their m

15、onitor.nS + Vt + O + C复合宾语(宾语+宾补)n找出下面句子的宾语补足语nHis father named him Dongming.nThey painted their boat white.nLet the fresh air in.nYou mustnt force him to lend his money to you.nWe saw her entering the room.nWe found everything in the lab in good order.nWe will soon make our city what your city is n

16、ow.名词形容词副词不定式短语现在分词介词短语从句次要句子成分-定语定语:修饰名词或代词的词、短语或从句称为定语。定语可由以下等成分表示: Guilin is a beautiful city.(形容词) China is a developing country; America is a developed country.(分词) There are thirty women teachers is our school.(名词)His rapid progress in English made us surprised.(代词) Our monitor is always the f

17、irst to enter the classroom.(不定式短语) The teaching plan for next term has been worked out.(动名词) He is reading an article about how to learn English.(介词短语)The last thing that students want to do is perhaps to take tests.(定语从句)人人物物主语Who/thatWhich/that宾语Whom/who/thatWhich/that定语whoseWhose/of which定语从句 -关

18、系代词n难点1nHe is the man that I can depend on.nHe is the man on that I can depend.nHe is the man on whom I can depend.介词+关系代词构成介宾短语时,只能用介词+which/whom, 不能用介词+that/whowhichThe world that we live in is made up of worries.The world in _ we live is made up of worries. n难点2 常用thatn先行词被any, only, all, every,

19、no, some, much, little,序数词,最高级,the only 修饰时用that The only thing _I can do is waiting.n我想指出的第一个原因是离婚率的不断提高nThe first reason that I would like to point out is the ever increasing divorce rate. thatn难点3 省略thatn关系代词在从句中作宾语可以省略,作主语时不可以nWhat happened to the Oreos (that) I left in the counter?nA farmer put

20、s an advertisement in the newspaper: “I need a wife who owns a tractor. Please send picture of tractor.”n定语从句 -关系副词When, where, how, why,在从句中作状语Beijing is the place where(in which) I was born.This is the day when I first met her. This is the reason why he refused my help.Could you tell me the way ho

21、w I get to the way-out?n写作高分句nChildren tend to imitate the way their parents think, speak, act and feel.n1.An orphan is a child _parents are dead.n2.The place _we spent our honeymoon was fantastic.n3.I dont know the man to _I spoke on the phone.n4. I met a girl _ knows you. whosewherewhomwho非限制性定语从句

22、限定性定语从句 V.S 非限制性定语从句无逗号,更像定语 有逗号,更像补语从句与先行词之间关系松散,从句删去,先行词不受影响Sam has two dogs, who are both hush puppies.Christina likes cooking, which I am glad to hear. 口语高频句型,which means, which says , which is great 写作高分句型Prisons are set up to combat crime, which is beyond any doubt. 状语:修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子,说明动作或状态

23、特征的句子成分,叫做状语。可由以下形式表示: Light travels most quickly.(副词及副词性词组) He has lived in the city for ten years.(介词短语) He is proud to have passed the national college entrance examination.(不定式短语) He is in the room making a model plane.(分词短语) Wait a minute.(名词) Once you begin, you must continue.(状语从句) 次要句子成分-状语状

24、语种类如下: How about meeting again at six?(时间状语) Last night she didnt go to the dance party because of the rain.(原因状语) I shall go there if it doesnt rain.(条件状语) Mr Smith lives on the third floor.(地点状语) She put the eggs into the basket with great care.(方式状语) She came in with a dictionary in her hand.(伴随状

25、语) In order to catch up with the others, I must work harder.(目的状语) He was so tired that he fell asleep immediately.(结果状语) She works very hard though she is old.(让步状语) I am taller than he is.(比较状语)n总结n1. S+Vt+On2. S+Vin3. S+Vi+prep+On4. S+系+表定语状语1.People who work for charitable organizations usually

26、do so because they want to help people in need. 在公益组织工作的人是为了帮助别人。 2.Animal testing is a barbaric practice that deprives animals of the right of subsistence.动物实验是野蛮的做法,它剥夺了动物的生命权。3. Genetic engineering is a safe and powerful tool that will yield unprecedented results, specifically in the field of med

27、icine.基因工程是一种安全和威力强大的工具,将产生史无前例的成效,特别是在医学领域。Exercises 翻译以下句子翻译以下句子4. One reason why I support the building of a modern gym is that physical education class is very important to the well-being of students.我支持兴建一座现代化体育馆的理由是,体育课对学生的健康是非常重要的。5. This, as a result, has made direct face-to-face human conta

28、ct less and less necessary, which has led to human relationships becoming more confusing.结果,这也导致人们面对面接触的机会越来越少,从而使人们的关系越来越淡漠。6. We should take pride in our cultural legacy handed from our ancestors, which reflects our brilliant history and rich culture.我们应该为祖先流传下来的文化遗产感到自豪,它们反映了我们璀璨的历史和丰富的文化。7. 那些反对

29、强制退休制度的人持有以下理由。(mandatory retirement)Those people who are against mandatory retirement have the following reasons.8. 传统学校提供一些文化和体育活动,这些是在家接受教育的小孩所没有的。Traditional schools offer cultural and sports activities that the home-schooled child will miss out on.9. 博物馆是游客体验当地文化和了解当地历史的好地方。A museum is a good p

30、lace where tourists can appreciate the local culture and better understand the local history.10. 许多政府禁止克隆人是因为克隆人不合伦理道德。(morally wrong)The reason why many governments ban human cloning is that it is morally wrong.11. 这就是许多人强烈反对城市禁养宠物的原因。This is the reason why many people are strongly against the ban

31、on pets in big cities.第二讲 简单句五大句子结构nS十V主谓结构S十V十O主谓宾结构S十V十O1十O2 主谓双宾结构S十V十O十C 主谓宾补结构nS十V十P主系表结构说明:S主语;V谓语;P表语;O宾语;O1间接宾语;O2直接宾语;C宾语补足语主系表结构nI am a boy.Predicative (表语):用来说明主语的身份、性质、品性、特征和状态,可以由名词、形容词,分词或介词短语等充当,说明主语是什么或怎么样Linking verb (系动词): 有时态,接表语状态系动词be,seem,appear,keep,remain,stay,prove,turn out)

32、 动态系动词(get,fall,grow,turn,go,become) 感官系动词(sound,look,taste,smell,feel)be 动词be一般现在时一般过去时现在完成时一般将来时am washave been (ve been) will be (ll be) is has been (s been)are werehave been (ve been)状态变化系动词状态变化系动词状态变化系动状态变化系动词词用法用法习惯搭配习惯搭配go turn表表 “颜色颜色,职业职业,年龄年龄,时间时间”等等1. 接接单数名词单数名词时时,单数名词前单数名词前不接冠词不接冠词 grow表

33、表成长成长,发展发展中的变化中的变化strong, tall, thick, healthy etc.fall表由表由动态到静态动态到静态的转变的转变ill, sick, silent, asleep e表事物的发展转向好的状态表事物的发展转向好的状态true, alive etc.run表发展的状态不是人们所希望表发展的状态不是人们所希望的的dry, short, wild etc.get become常用来指人或物的状态的变化常用来指人或物的状态的变化become 接名词时接名词时,名词前名词前接冠词接冠词,get hurt, get paid多指朝坏的方面变化,wrong, bad, m

34、ad, hungry, blind etc.appear, seemHe seems/appears (to be) very nervous. ualive, alone, asleep, awake 等形容词前加 to beI didnt go in because she appeared to be asleep. (不用appeared asleep)u当某个名词说明主语是谁或是什么时,这个名词前要用to be.He went through what appeared to be a locked door. u-ing形式前面用 to be It seems to be grow

35、ing rapidly. u当我们就作为主语的人或者事发表意见时,常省略to beShe seems (to be) a very efficient salesperson. become, getu非正式讲话、祈使句、以及get broken, get, dressed, get killed, get lost, get married, get washed等中,用getDont get upset about it!u谈论某种抽象或者技术性变化过程时,多用becomeHe became recognised as the leading authority on the subjec

36、t. Their bodies have become adapted to living at high altitudes. u系动词后面的名词描述某种工作上的变化,用becomeDr Smallman became an adviser to the US government. go, turnu表示颜色变化时用go或者turnThe traffic lights turned/went green and I pulled away.ugo常用来表示令人不快的变化go bad, go off, go mouldy (食物发霉),go dead, go missing, go wron

37、g, go mad, go crazyu某人到了某个年龄用turn, 某种物质或东西变成另外一种事,用turn intoHe turned sixty last year. In my dream all the sheep turned into e, grow 表示逐渐的变化,后接带to 的不定式I eventually came/grew to appreciate his work.n1.When we_up, were going to helpnbuild up our country.n2.Her face _red.n3.The meat_bad. n5.The machine

38、 _out of order.n6. My father was so tired that he _ asleep quickly.n7. He has _an excellent actor.n = He has _ excellent actor.n8. My son _6 years old in July.n9. He _ paid for teaching others.n10. I saw that the garden had _wild growturnedwent got fellcome, get, fall, grow, turn, go, become,runbeco

39、meturnedturnedgetsrun表语的构成nI am a boy. nadj. 我很幸运!nn. 我是个幸运儿!/今天是个礼物。npron. 我是你!/这狗是Sam的。/ You are somebody.nprep./ prep.+ Object 算我一个!/电视开着呢!我在北京。/这个礼物是给你的。/这个我请了。5.非谓语v. done/doing/ to donHer wish was to become an artist.nMy job is teaching.1.This dog is frightening/frightened.6. 从句写作口语万能句型nThe tr

40、uth is thatnThe point is thatnThe problem is thatnThe thing is thatnThe truth is I am the Iron Man.nThe thing is there is a reason why Ive been alone all the time.第三讲第三讲 并列句并列句 与复合句与复合句nThe girl saw Kingkong.nThe girl fell in love with Kingkong.nThe girl saw Kingkong and fell in love with him.n由并列连词

41、并列连词把两个或两个以上的简单句连在一起构成。n并列句的分类n表并列表并列。 常用连词有and, not onlybut also, neithernor, then等。n nThe teachers name is Smith, and the students name is John.nHe could neither read nor write.nHe not only studies hard, but also likes sports.n表选择表选择。 常用连词有or, eitheror, otherwise等。 nHurry up, or youll miss the tra

42、in.nEither you didnt understand this, or you were not carefuln表转折表转折。 常用连词有but, still, however, yet, while, when等。 nHe was a little man with thick glasses, but he had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting.nTom was not there but his brother was (there). nThere was no news, nevert

43、heless, she went on hoping.n表因果表因果,常用连词有so, for, therefore等。 nAugust is the time of the year for rice harvest, so every day I work from dawn until dark.nHe hurried, for it was getting dark. nHe liked the book very much, so I gave it to him复合句n由两个或者两个以上有主谓结构的句子用从属连词连接起来的句子。其中一个句子是主体,叫主句,其他句子叫从句。包含:名词

44、性从句(主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句) 、定语从句和状语从句等。从句就是一个从句在主句中充当一个成分,如主语、表语、宾语、定语、状语等。从句在句子中作什么成分就叫什么从句。 第四讲 动词四类与五大基本时态 n1. 实义动词 99%: 及物动词Vt.+不及物动词 Vi.n2. 系动词:n3. 情态动词 n我们可能会输的! We must lose! n我们输得起! We may lose!n我们必须输! We can lose!n4. 助动词 Auxiliary Verbcan, couldshall, shouldwill, wouldmay, mightmust (have to

45、)表达微妙情感,用法随时态变化一be: is am are 四变: get become turn go 五感官: feel taste smell sound look nmust VS have to n1)must没有时态和人称变化n强调主观要求,仅用于现在时和将来时n2)have to (have got to)n强调客观的要求或外在的原因,可以有任意时态n比较:nYou mustnt wait here.(it is not allowed to wait here.)nYou dont have to wait for ages. (it is not necessary to w

46、ait)neednt have done sth.didnt need to do sth.didnt have to do sth. u表示过去无需做某事,而事实上也没有做这件事时,用didnt need to do sth, didnt have to do sth.Chris and June phoned to say that they couldnt come to eat, so I didnt need to/ have to cook dinner.u表示过去无需做某事,而事实上却做了,用neednt have done sth.I neednt have cooked di

47、nner. Just as it was ready, Chris and June phoned to say that they couldnt come to eat. n4. 助动词 Auxiliary Verbn自身没有词义,不可单独使用,用来构成时态和语态nHe does not like English.n助动词的功能u 表示时态nI have been to America.u构成疑问句nDo you like college life?u与否定副词not合用,构成否定句nI do not like sports.u 加强语气nDo come to the party.n五大基

48、本时态n1.一般现在n2. 一般过去n3. 现在完成n4. 一般将来n5. 现在进行一般现在时n经常或习惯性动作nI use Internet every day.n常用频率副词nalwaysusually often sometimes never表示状态nI am a student.nDoes your father have many friends?nYes, he does./No, he doesnt.事实或者真理The sun rises in the east. 雅思小作文黄金句型The graph _ information concerning sales and pro

49、fits of two manufacturing companies.gives一般过去时表示过去特定时间的动作,与表示过去的时间状语连用I slept for eight hours last night.n前天 7.这周n今早 8.上周n今晚 9.去年n今夜 10.前年 n昨夜 11.五个小时以前n前天夜里 12. 一个月前the day before yesterdaythis morningthis eveningtonightlast nightthe night beforethatthis weeklast weeklast yearthe year before lastfi

50、ve hours agoa month agon写作高分句nThere was a steep climb in house prices during the first half of the yearnThe year 2012 _ a steep climb in house prices.saw现在完成时nhave/has + donen站在现在“回顾”过去n过去动作对现在的影响n时间副词:yet, just, before, ever, never recently= lately, nMy brother has never been abroad before.nIve jus


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