1、ffil:t.ffi*# zots SeErfi*ffif;tr#ifriit# (A) #df+Ft: 820 ffii+5fFPart One. Translation (80 /)lfS01:,Ki| (tsoi|) SlfrFflFl 3,JF1. Translate the Following English into Chinese 4e0 f|1:The young men of the counhy- those rryho ftom their age must be its rutrers twenf-five years hence-*trave a peculiar i
2、nterest in maintaining the nationai honot A ffioulents reflectiort es to what will be ourcommanding influence among the nations of the earth in their da,-r, if they are oniy true to thernselves, shouldinspire them with national pride. All divisions - geograpiric,al, political, and religious- cao 3oi
3、n in thiscommon sentirnent. How the public debt is to be paid or specie payments resumed is not so important as that aplan should be adopted and acquiesced in A united deterrnination to do is worth more than divicled counselsupon the method ofdoing. Legislation upon this subject rnay not be necessar
4、y now, or even advisable, but it willbe when the civil law is more fully rest,.:red in all parts of the country and rr;rde resumes i1s wonted channels.2. Tfanslate the Following Chinese into English tZB ilj;1j.fi , ifr A+trqH iqft& f ffi,ffiW, rE,ftf;rL frt,J.,il,nXcFH,q trflAi,t-#. Ir f . .y,j A*,X
5、Al, *AHS. .tABiil flllABffi0, j,fiU,6t$xt, -dfrjllft,Bt$, hfiljAHfFffi 16ffi$rtffi, ffiAlfli$, 4t,fgX$, 5Zi$*89 JqFT,Lift, i6ffi4T itT, tR)tT, gi$.f , fii$f , SUT, #illT AfEit, *?lZtn.rh6fiiJl*, i$ERAm KfilCIi,r5. ffi*ffiffi. Etfi.i&, fffi*,i+ *S, iftffir$ ffirii*ii XiFeS AgT:$inilhXAii, fs,tzftEtxt
6、$xt+trifr! &:ttq$ffi+,ft, x&ffi,fllFfie*F,itAfr,f&? A&,<x&Ht)!HeE6! ft,fn&jaxf,itaftfr, rlEafifr, rlf,tr,ftfifr fffl|J#iEzEqE. #F,ffituxrH, Ef.ijt I3. Translate the Following Business English into Chinese (20 lltThere are a number of ways in which real estate agents market themselves, their compan
7、ies and their listings,Of course, over the last 10 years or so, the Intemet has trecome the main rnarketing channel for most real estateprofessionals. What is a r,vebsites offering to the site visitor? Its content. So, if were offering up content to sitevisitors to create clients, then were content
8、marketers. Dont try to separate your efforts from those of someonemarketing the latest diet supplement and youil realize befier results.You already think about Search Engine Optimization, when youre creating content for your real estatewebsite, but its a lot like youre paying a lot of afiention to t
9、he seasoning in a dinner dish without enough attentionto the main ingredient. Optimizing for keywords in a real estate related article that has no appeal to your visitors,or offers up no really useful informationo may get them to your site on a seaxch, but it wont keep them there orencourage them to
10、 interact with you and give you their contact information.4. Please Tfanslate the Following Business Chinese into English (2011):2014 t+, + HlHffiffir4ggffi,fiE,-. ffi&)iU#Rj8JgK. Fi#*FffiUllfit s0oo XgHryffAjt* , Ffl#rk?MtmbbtgK ze.evo, tgj8ttgRE&FIffi.L, gaifr6trhflffi-1-fr. (*3 a)$LIF. ffiftruHHl
11、FffiAntg:8AfitjH$ 2i, 24.6 fi zs.r +HrlH-:, ffi&fi lfrlYffi ffi*19& gSfi giE +H giSK t t.rx. + EK+I jLJf,A#m.,Ez, t+*fHhiFKSfHClE btlgK 2,2 ffi.-. Itr. iEifliHftigln ffHlRfr, X.|N,/leffiffi+HgfinrlFillgK 2.eo/ofrE 3.so/o, thl.+H$nr|frllnR:.r fil s.+ ftrilH, s+, &ggww+HganrHK s.6vo zor+ l#4iEifl,*M4H
12、ffi1HK sx,ttL+li$ln,R +.0 +trr|H Part Two. Writing (70 #/150):1. Reatl the Following Passage And Write A Comrnentar,v on Each of the Tbo SpeakersFoints of View onOnline Superv-isirn. You Are Required to flxpress Your Viewpoints Clearty and Logicaltry within-!&0&rds.3s t)Online supervisionSi Ershan (
13、): Given the increasingiy rapid development of network technology these days,many people choose to share their sentiments on the Intemet. Posting and sharing whatever they want viavarious websites like blogs and forums, rRost users have little or no sense of personal privaey protection.Unfortunately
14、 for tliern, there are aiso many oocurious Iniernet users, who manage to probe into otherindividualsprivate information, As a resutrr, in less serious cases, the victim is plagued by all kinds of thornyissues, r,vhile in more serious cases, victirns have s.ven been driven to deathCytrerspace, though
15、, is a e*mptricated piatform, whsre the price fbr irfringing on othersprivac3i trray notbe so high, and where iis also diffieult to collect suf,ficient evidence of privacy infringement. Therrfbre, despiteregulaticns, such issues wili long remain diffrcult to solveIts important to note, too, tlmt the
16、re rnust be certain differences between the protection of privateinformatioii of govenrment officials and of ordinary people. Authoritiespri.,aci is suppr,sed to be subject to thepublics supervision, to some extent. This is important for the maintenance of a oclean govemment. Celebritiesmay also hav
17、e to make compromises when it comes to the disclosure of some of their personal information.As for ordinary netizens, its necessary to learn more about how trntemet companies operate in order toguard against the risks and consequences of personal information exposure online. We must all work to redu
18、cethe prevalence of online privacy infringements,Le llongfeng eoples Daily): Who is to be responsible for the anonymous posting of individualsinfonnation on the Internet and the spreading of rumors? How can you fight back against Intemet mercenaries ifyour privare information or home address is post
19、ed on the Web? Thanks to this new regulation, theres hope thatsome of these probiems can finally be addressed.However, there are also opposing voices, claiming that the new regulation will put a stranglehold ononline freedom of speech in the narne of privacy protection. They say that the human flesh
20、 search engine isuseful in revealing evidence of bribery and oorrupt government officials. If personal information cannot beposted on the Web, how can the public supervise these public servants?Indeed, the supervision of govefirment workers on the Intemet is an important part of anti-comlptioneffort
21、s. However, this does not mean that freely infringing on anyones personal information should be allowedor tolerated.In China, a country trying to improve its rule of law, freedom must be practiced within a certain legalframework, The punishments for online privacy infringements are actually the best
22、 protection for freedom ofspeech. In the Intemet era, while enjoying the convenience of obtaining information, people also risk having6R5.fr#ffiffi_h, E&fi#tfiffiffi-?-m (* 3 F)their information misused, Thereforeo there must be a legal bottom line, serving to protect all Interd uscrsprivacy.2. ilri
23、te an fissay within 450 Words on the Following Topic. $0 tl)can one be taught to become a successful novelist?Recently the launch of a new masters progam in witing by Beijing Normal university - a top universitythat is strong in chinese Literature - has stined up an age-old debate on whether one can
24、 be taught to become asuccessful novelist. professor Zhang, a vice dean of the School of Chinese Language and Literature says,Many writers have learned writing in universities, so why cant we say that universities can foster futmeauthors?, However, some others argue that the artistic character of a person is hard to teaclu and those whodon,t have such a character usually wont go far in their literary career. what is your point of view? Please stateand support your ideas clearly and logicallyIIIlIIIIl1&KH&ffiffiL E&1fr#J:ftMH-3-n (x3F)