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1、The Economics of Travel and Tourism教学目的教学目的l通过本课程学习,掌握和了解旅游经济学的学科特点、研究对象、研究内容和研究方法,从总体上掌握旅游经济学的理论体系和结构。教学方法l根据教材内容、课程体系、双语课的教学根据教材内容、课程体系、双语课的教学要求以及学生的接受能力,适当对教材内要求以及学生的接受能力,适当对教材内容进行删减,并相应增加相关内容,补充容进行删减,并相应增加相关内容,补充一些旅游经济学案例,让学生在掌握理论一些旅游经济学案例,让学生在掌握理论的同时,学会应用。的同时,学会应用。参考书目参考书目l1.旅游经济学,郑州大学出版社,田孝蓉旅游

2、经济学,郑州大学出版社,田孝蓉l2.旅游经济学,上海人民出版社,陶汉军,林旅游经济学,上海人民出版社,陶汉军,林南枝南枝l3.旅游经济学,南开大学出版社,罗明义旅游经济学,南开大学出版社,罗明义l4.旅游经济学,东北财经大学出版社,龙江智旅游经济学,东北财经大学出版社,龙江智翻译翻译l5.旅游经济学旅游经济学理论与发展,东北财经大学,理论与发展,东北财经大学,厉新建,张辉厉新建,张辉考核方式:考核方式:l开卷考试或半开半闭;开卷考试或半开半闭;l平时成绩占平时成绩占30%30%;考试成绩占;考试成绩占70%70%。 The Economics of Travel and TourismChap

3、ter 1 Introduction1. tourismlTourism is neither a phenomenon nor a simple set of industries. It is a human activity, which encompasses human behavior, use of resources, and interaction with other people, economies and environments. lIt also involves physical movement of tourists to locales other tha

4、n their normal living places. Although most tourism around the world is a form of recreation, thus implying use of an individuals discretionary time, some tourism is inevitably linked with obligations, such as business or health requirements.The definitionl旅游是游览为目的的旅行,是旅游是游览为目的的旅行,是人们出于各种个人或社会动机,人们出

5、于各种个人或社会动机,离开居住地区到另一个地区或离开居住地区到另一个地区或另一个国家旅行游览一段时间,另一个国家旅行游览一段时间,然后返回原住地的整个活动过然后返回原住地的整个活动过程。程。 Though there are different definitions about tourism, it is generally agreed that travel and tourism includes. (1)tourist needs and motivations ;(2)tourism selection behavior and constraints(3)travel away

6、 from home;(4)market interactions between tourists and those supplying products to satisfy tourist needs;(5)impacts on tourists, hosts, economies and environments 。leconomics plays a role in many of these areas, particularly where there is a need to analyze market forces relation demand by tourists

7、to supply of products, and in analyzing economic impacts and measures to control tourisms effects. lIt is also important to It is also important to interrelate economics with interrelate economics with the sociology, psychology the sociology, psychology and geography of tourism on and geography of t

8、ourism on the one hand; on the other the one hand; on the other hand, economics plays a role hand, economics plays a role in planning, management and in planning, management and marketing in travel and marketing in travel and tourism organization and tourism organization and destination.destination.

9、2. the tourism industry Products and services are parts of tourist requirements, and tourism industry encompasses a whole mass of organizations, majority of which are likely to be involved in passenger carriage, accommodation and amenities or attractions. In addition, however, there are specific and

10、 supporting organizations, such as tourist information centers, souvenir manufacturers and retailers, or brochure distribution companies. Because of this complex range, it is useful to attempt to classify the industry into sectors. One such classification produces:(1)carriersin any form of transport

11、 for tourist travel;(2)accommodation;(3)man-made attractionswhich could also include the managed areas of natural attractions;(4)private sector support services;(5)public sector support services;(6)middlemensuch as tour wholesalers and travel agents .lBy their nature, the majority of organizations i

12、n travel and tourism are concerned primarily with their own individual product, and probably at best with the marketplace represented within their sector. When asked what their product is, most hoteliers will reply accommodation, most agents travel services, and so on. 3 tourism productlThus, in the

13、ir view, whilst admitting to being within the travel and tourism industry, most will not claim to be supplying a product called tourism. Indeed, some businesses- such as restaurants in tourist areas- may be selling principally to tourists, so are part of the tourism industry, whereas others supplyin

14、g a similar physical product, but to non-tourists- such as restaurants in city business districts- are not really part of the tourism industry.3 tourism productlThis immediately creates a problem in any economic analysis of the field, in that the products felt to be supplied by members of the indust

15、ry are not necessarily the same as those products perceived to be in demand by consumers. Tourists on the whole are likely to have a more global concept of the travel and tourism product which they are buying than are individual suppliers. l从旅游市场角度从旅游市场角度from the view of tourism market 旅游产品是指旅游者和旅游经

16、营者旅游产品是指旅游者和旅游经营者在市场上交换的、主要用于旅游活动中在市场上交换的、主要用于旅游活动中所消费的各种物质产品和服务的总和。所消费的各种物质产品和服务的总和。 l从旅游需求方面看从旅游需求方面看from the tourism demands 旅游产品是旅游者花费一定时间、费用和旅游产品是旅游者花费一定时间、费用和精力所获得的一段旅游经历和感受。它包括从精力所获得的一段旅游经历和感受。它包括从旅游者离开常住地开始到达目的地旅游、再到旅游者离开常住地开始到达目的地旅游、再到旅游结束回到常住地的全部过程中所接触的各旅游结束回到常住地的全部过程中所接触的各种实物和所接受的各种服务的整个经

17、历和感受。种实物和所接受的各种服务的整个经历和感受。 3 tourism product3 tourism productlFor example, one tourist may really wish to purchase the chance to sit on a sunny beach for a week, to obtain the end benefits of total relaxation, restored well-being and a good suntan. lAnother simply demands the opportunity for a face-

18、to-face business meeting in order to close a sales contract for his or her company. In neither case are these tourists really seeking to buy tradeable products, but rather a dream, total experience, activity or business opportunity. l从旅游供给者方面从旅游供给者方面from the view of tourism suppliers 是指旅游经营者凭借一定旅游资源

19、、旅游是指旅游经营者凭借一定旅游资源、旅游设施和其他媒体,向旅游者提供并能满足其在设施和其他媒体,向旅游者提供并能满足其在旅游活动中所需要的各种产品和服务的总和。旅游活动中所需要的各种产品和服务的总和。 3 tourism product4.The economics of travel and tourism4.1 the definitionl旅游经济学作为一门交叉学科,是研究旅游经济学作为一门交叉学科,是研究旅游经济活动的运行及其运行过程中所旅游经济活动的运行及其运行过程中所产生的经济现象、经济关系和经济规律产生的经济现象、经济关系和经济规律的科学。的科学。 l4.2 the objec

20、ts which we study in the economics of travel and tourism 1.旅游经济活动所反映的经济关系旅游经济活动所反映的经济关系the economic relations which activities of tourism economics reflect(1)the economic relations between tourists and travel agencies(2)the economic relations between tourism corporations(3)the economic relations bet

21、ween tourists and residents4.The economics of travel and tourism2.2.旅游经济活动中的矛盾旅游经济活动中的矛盾 the conflicts in tourism the conflicts in tourism economic activitieseconomic activities(1 1)旅游者方面的矛盾)旅游者方面的矛盾旅游者需求与可自由支配收入的矛盾旅游者需求与可自由支配收入的矛盾旅游者需求欲望与余暇时间的矛盾旅游者需求欲望与余暇时间的矛盾需求欲望与旅游者自身文化、身体素质之间的矛盾需求欲望与旅游者自身文化、身体素质

22、之间的矛盾旅游者之间争夺旅游者之间争夺“热点热点”、“热线热线”的矛盾的矛盾旅游者需求与一个国家或地区的政治制度、现行政策旅游者需求与一个国家或地区的政治制度、现行政策及经济发展水平间的矛盾。及经济发展水平间的矛盾。(2 2)旅游经营者方面的矛盾)旅游经营者方面的矛盾各类旅游企业间的矛盾。各类旅游企业间的矛盾。旅游部门与非旅游部门间的矛盾。旅游部门与非旅游部门间的矛盾。旅游企业收益与成本、劳动消耗与劳动成果旅游企业收益与成本、劳动消耗与劳动成果间的矛盾间的矛盾旅游业宏观效益与微观效益的矛盾旅游业宏观效益与微观效益的矛盾(3 3)旅游者与旅游经营者间的矛盾)旅游者与旅游经营者间的矛盾旅游者支付能

23、力与旅游价格之间的矛盾旅游者支付能力与旅游价格之间的矛盾旅游者的旅游需求内容与旅游经营者提供的旅游者的旅游需求内容与旅游经营者提供的旅游服务项目的矛盾旅游服务项目的矛盾旅游需求的高度灵活性与旅游供给的相对稳旅游需求的高度灵活性与旅游供给的相对稳定性之间的矛盾定性之间的矛盾旅游者需求内容与旅游服务质量之间的矛盾旅游者需求内容与旅游服务质量之间的矛盾旅游产品及开发旅游产品及开发l一、特征一、特征comprehensivenessintangibilityintangibilityNon-transitivity Non-transitivity inseparabilityinseparabili

24、typerishabilityperishabilityvulnerability vulnerability 二、旅游产品的构成二、旅游产品的构成l(一)一般构成(一)一般构成 1 1、核心部分、核心部分 core productcore product 2 2、形式部分、形式部分 tangible product tangible product 3 3、延伸部分、延伸部分 augmented productaugmented product二、旅游产品的构成二、旅游产品的构成(二)需求构成(二)需求构成l1.1.按旅游者需求偏好按旅游者需求偏好l2.2.按旅游者需求程度按旅游者需求程度l

25、3.3.按旅游者消费内容分为食、住、行、游、购、娱按旅游者消费内容分为食、住、行、游、购、娱游览观光旅游产品游览观光旅游产品休闲度假产品休闲度假产品特种旅游产品特种旅游产品基本旅游产品基本旅游产品非基本旅游产品非基本旅游产品(三)供给构成(三)供给构成 (四)按市场构成(四)按市场构成二、旅游产品的构成二、旅游产品的构成 1 1、旅游资源、旅游资源2 2、旅游设施、旅游设施3 3、旅游服务、旅游服务4 4、旅游购物品(旅游商品)、旅游购物品(旅游商品)5 5、可达性或便捷性、可达性或便捷性单项旅游产品单项旅游产品整体旅游产品整体旅游产品组合旅游产品组合旅游产品三、旅游产品生命周期三、旅游产品生

26、命周期product life cycle的涵义及其特点的涵义及其特点introductiongrowthmaturedecline四、旅游产品生命周期的变异四、旅游产品生命周期的变异起死回生型起死回生型 无限延长型无限延长型一时风尚型一时风尚型五、延长旅游产品生命周期的经营策略五、延长旅游产品生命周期的经营策略l旅游产品改进策略旅游产品改进策略l旅游市场开拓策略旅游市场开拓策略l旅游市场营销组合策略旅游市场营销组合策略l旅游产品升级换代策略旅游产品升级换代策略旅游经济活动产生的条件旅游经济活动产生的条件 l宏观方面l微观方面the level of social economic devel

27、opment 主观条件主观条件discretionary time discretionary income tourism resources 客观条件客观条件 social conditions tourism equipmentstourism services旅游经济活动产生的条件旅游经济活动产生的条件 导游导游“小费小费”将转正将转正 Hosteling InternationalYouth Hosteling International旅游商品的分类旅游商品的分类l(1)工艺美术品工艺美术品l(2)土特产品土特产品l(3)文化艺术品文化艺术品l(4)旅游一般用品旅游一般用品 l(5)旅游纪念品旅游纪念品


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