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2022 届苏州八校三模答案汇总听力1-5 BACCB 6-10 BCABC 11-15 CCCBA16-20 ACABA传统阅读21-23 BDC24-27 DCCA28-31 CDAB32-35 BADB7 选 5 阅读36-40 ECAFG完形填空41-45 CDBAC46-50 ADBCB51-55 DCBAD语法填空56. latest57. heroes58. have increased59. to honor60. a61. another62. although / though / while63. for64. successfully65. what01 传统阅读答案:21-23 BDC24-27 DCCA28-31 CDAB32-35 BADBA 篇主要介绍了古都西安的四个较为著名的旅游景点。主要考察细节理解和文本内容筛选。B 篇主要讲述了作者在城市街道步行后的一些发现、体会和感受。C 篇是说明文,主要讲述英国的一项科学研究表明接触大自然可以有效的减少人们的孤独感。D 篇介绍了人们其实可以将平凡的经历和日子中收获幸福,通过一些小事变得更快乐。详细解析:A 篇(解析来自小猿搜题,特此感谢!)第 21 题 B 细节理解题。根据 The Terracotta Army 段落内容“The Terracotta Army is not just Chinas premier historical attraction but one of th greatest discoveries of the 20th century, which was constructed by Chinas First Emper or Qin Shi Huang of the Qin Dynasty (221BC207BC)。”兵马俑不仅是中国最重要的历史景点,也是 20 世纪最伟大的发现之一,它是由中国秦朝(公元前 221 年公元前 207 年) 的第一位皇帝秦始皇建造的;Ancient City Wall 段落内容“Xian City Wall was built in the 14th cntury by Zhu Yuanzhang, the first Emperor f the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) as military defense system。”西安城墙建于 14 世纪,是明朝(1368-1644)第一位皇帝朱元璋的军事防御系统,Giant Wild Goose Pagoda 段落内容中,“One of Chinas most famous Buddhist pagodas, the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda was built in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) for the study of Buddhist scriptures.”大雁塔是中国最著名的佛塔之一,建于唐代(618-907 年) ,用于学习佛经。可知,建于秦朝的兵马俑具有最长的历史。故选B。第 22 题 D 细节理解题。根据 Shaanxi History Museum 段落内容“The Shaanxi History Museum is home to over 370, 000 precious relics unearthed in Shaanxi over the years.陕西历史博物馆是陕西多年来出土的 37 万多件珍贵文物的所在地。可知,游客在陕西博物馆可以看陕西出土文物。故选 D。第 23 题 C 细节理解题。根据 The Terracotta Army 段落内容“The Terracotta Army is not just Chinas premier historical attraction but one of th greatest discoveries of the 20th century.”兵马俑不仅是中国最重要的历史景点,也是 20 世纪最伟大的发现之一; Ancient City Wall 段落内容“Xian City Wall was built in the 14th century by Zhu Yuanzhang, the first Emperor of th Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) as military defense system.”西安城墙建于 14 世纪,是明朝(1368-1644)第一位皇帝朱元璋的军事防御系统;Giant Wild Goose Pagoda 段落内容“On of Chinas most famous Buddhist pagodas, the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda was built in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) for the study f Buddhist scriptures.”大雁塔是中国最著名的佛塔之一,建于唐代(618-907 年) ,用于学习佛经; Shaanxi History Museum 段落“The Shaanxi History Museum is home to over 370, 000 precious relics unearthed in Shaanxi over the years.”陕西历史博物馆是陕西多年来出土的 37 万多件珍贵文物的所在地。可知,这四个景点的共同点是:它们都具有历史和文化价值。故选 C。B 篇第 24 题 D 见文章第一段,可知,作者决定步行是因为他阅读到了威廉书中在每一条街上散步,受到启发,他想尝试着走遍每一条街,故选 D。第 25 题 C 见文章第三段第二行,可知,人们千方百计的设计着自己的房子,人们对于设计自己的房子有着极大的乐趣。故选 C。第 26 题 C 见文章第五段,可知,作者仔细观察后惊讶于地上被遗弃的衣物之多,并且开始思考并好奇这些被丢弃的衣服是从哪里来的。故选 C。第 27 题 A 由文章内容可知,作者在步行之后发现了很多日常生活中难以发现的细节,且作者在步行途中感受到了喜悦和满足感,他感觉自己内心因此而充足。故选 A。C 篇(解析来自小猿搜题,特此感谢!)第 28 题 C 细节理解题。根据第二段“It used real-time data, collected via a smartphone app, rather than relying on peoples memory of how they were feeling.”(它是利用通过智能手机应用程序软件搜集到的实时数据,而不是依赖人们对他们的感觉的记忆。)可知,这项研究是通过手机应用程序软件搜集到的实时数据。故选 C。第 29 题 D 细节理解题。根据第四段“The findings pointed to interventions(干预)to reduce loneliness. The researchers said,“Specific measures that increase social inclusion and contact with nature should be taken, especially in thickly populated cities. Time spent in nature is known to boost well-being(健康), with woodland walks estimated to save the UK at least 185m a year in mental health costs, for example.(研究结果指向了对减少孤独感的干预。研究人员说,“应该采取增加社会包容性和接触大自然的具体措施,特别是在人口稠密的城市。”人们知道,在大自然中度过的时光有助于提高幸福感,例如,据估计,林地散步每年至少可以为英国节省 1.85 亿英镑的心理健康成本。)可知,英国在对减少孤独感的干预为他们国家节省了 1.85 亿英镑的心理健康成本,所以是经济上获益很大。故选 D。第 30 题 A 推理判断题。根据最后一段“But when the researchers took age, education, and occupation into account, the benefits of nature contact and feelings of social inclusion on loneliness remained strongly statistically significant.”(但是当研究人员将年龄、教育程度和职业考虑在内时,接触大自然和社会包容感对孤独感的好处在统计学上依然非常显著。)可知,这项研究从统计学上来说还是有显著的好处的。故选 A。第 31 题 B 主旨大意题。根据第二段“The study is the first to assess how the environment can affect loneliness.”(这项研究首次评估了环境对孤独感的影响。)和最后一段“The research collected data from urban citizens across the world using the Urban Mind research app.”(这项研究使用城市思维研究应用程序从世界各地的城市居民中收集数据。)可知,这篇文章主要讲述城市区域内的人们接触大自然对减少他们的孤独感是非常有益的。故选B。D 篇第 32 题 B 根据第三段第二行表示这样可以让平凡的事情变得特别,并且划线词前面一句话所举的例子是熬夜聊天或者周末在公园跑步都是很稀疏平常的事可知,划线词应该也表示平常 ,才符合其所在句子的句意:当我重视平凡的经历时,它们就变得不一样了,因此选 B。第 33 题 A 根据 Dr. Robert Waldinger 定位到第四段,根据上一段介绍了作者通过标记平凡的事情而获得快乐,这一段开头 Robert 表示用这种方式标记经历是获得幸福的秘诀,然后他讲述了人们对日常小事的忽略可知,这里是要论证其实日常小事被珍惜时也可以快乐,即作者所做的事是合理可取的,因此选 A。第 34 题 D 根据第五段第二行可知,疫情期间不开心的事以前也让自己不开心,又根据第三行可知,作者认为自己常常担心的孤独可能对大人来说是永恒的,permanent,也就是说其实非疫情时期也会面临这样的问题,因此本题选 D,作者应该意识到疫情期间的负面情绪在其他时期也有。第 35 题 B 根据文章开头和结尾都表示平凡的小事其实可以让人感到幸福,中间也介绍了作者有意识地标记生活中的小事,让平凡的一天变为开心的一天,尤其文章最后一段第二行明确表示我们唯一能控制的就是我们如何生活可知,文章是想鼓励大家积极生活和珍惜平凡之事来获得幸福,因此 B 才是最好的标题,你可以让任何一天成为最棒的一天。02 7 选 5 阅读答案:36-40 ECAFG本篇主要介绍了一些将日常生活变成有趣生动的方法。文章逻辑清晰,前后连接紧密,难度不大。详细解析:第 36 题 E 根据该段前文“A study showed that finding ways to interact with familiar people, places, and things can make everyday experiences feel exciting/一项研究表明,找到与熟悉的人、地方和事物互动的方法可以让日常经历变得令人兴奋。”这里要选择一句中心思想和前文相近的句子,也就是 E 选项表达的“换句话说,有时候你需要改变一下”,这里的提到的改变就是前文所说的“互动的方法”。第 37 题 C 从后文举的例子“Move your home office to the library or a coffee shop a few days a week./把你的家庭办公室搬到图书馆或咖啡店”等可以看出,这些改变都是很小的,但是这些小的改变却能发挥作用,故在此处应该选 C,表示“产生影响的改变无需过大”。第 38 题 A 这题很容易与 B 选项混淆,也就是这一段讲述的究竟是“significant other/有特殊关系的那一位(如配偶、情人、恋人)”还是“people you are familiar with/你所熟悉的人”,在这一段中提到了“couple/情侣”和“friends/朋友”,但是你所熟识的人却不一定是你的情侣或朋友,有可能是老板、工作伙伴等等,故 A 选项更符合。第 39 题 F 总结归纳题。根据前文“Our curiosity can remind people that were interested in who they are, and thats the key to maintaining a close personal relationship./我们的好奇心可以提醒别人,我们对他们是谁感兴趣,这是保持亲密的个人关系的关键。”可知,好奇心可以吸引别人的注意。因此 F 项“Being curious makes us more pleasant to be around too/好奇使我们吸引周围的人”符合题意,Being curious 与前文中 Our curiosity 相呼应。第 40 题 G 理解题。前文说的是“简单地观察四周可能会看起来很无聊”,引出了 G 选项“如果用心去做,它会变得有趣甚至有意义”这一正确做法,两句话形成转折的逻辑关系。03 完形填空答案:41-45 CDBAC46-50 ADBCB51-55 DCBAD本文主要记叙了 Tracy 虽身患癌症、丈夫出走,但依靠办起宠物救助中心重拾人生的价值,并勇敢同疾病作斗争。文章中心明确,难度不大。详细解析:(解析来自小猿搜题,特此感谢!)第 41 题 C 词义辨析。从那以后,Tracy 的宠物救助中心收留了好几千只被抛弃的(abandoned)宠物。adopted/采用,adorable/可爱的,expensive/贵的。第 42 题 D 理解题。兽医尽力了,但 Kia 几乎没有可能活下来。两分句之间是转折关系,故选择 but。第 43 题 B 名词辨析。由于 Tracy 的坚持(persistence),Kia 活了下来。patience/耐心,忍耐,knowledge/知识,理解,wisdom/智慧,明智。第 44 题 A 名词辨析。Tracy 拒绝(refusal)放弃对动物的照料。proposal 建议,提议;admission 承认,准许进入;admiration 钦佩,赞美。第 45 题 C 短语辨析。接下来做了两次手术,Tracy 渡过难关(pulled through)活了下来。pull over 靠边停车;pull down 摧毁;pull off 完成。第 46 题 A 理解题。她说:“我有一个两周大的宝宝,我绝对不会离开 (leaving)。”和下文的“But someone left”相照应。move 移动;escape 逃跑;hide 隐藏。第 47 题 D 理解题。Tracy 的丈夫没有和她讨论和争吵,甚至没有(without)说一声,就走了。句中的 even 暗示此处比上文更进一步。except 除了;besides 除了还;with 具有。第 48 题 B 动词辨析。Tracy 整天工作,并且和癌症抗争(battling)。compete 竞争;compare 比较;deal 处理。第 49 题 C 前后联系。此处指上文提到的“her boyfriend Sean”,故此处用形容 词 beloved。第 50 题 B 动词辨析。根据后面一句中的“she also opened a boarding house”可知,她成立(start)了她的第一个宠物救助中心。第 51 题 D 动词辨析。为给该中心提供资金(fund),她还开办了一个宠物寄宿所。spread 传播,展开;acquire 获得,得到;force 强迫,强行。第 52 题 C 理解题。此处指寄宿所是专门为小型宠物开办的。for 表目的和对象,符合题意。第 53 题 B 理解题。当人们度假时,可将宠物(pets)送到此处照料。children 孩子;friends 朋友;partner 伙伴。第 54 题 A 理解题。在父母的帮助下,她买了一间有一英亩地的村舍,免去了附近邻居对(宠物)噪音的抱怨(complain)。debate 辩论;concern 关心;praise 赞扬。第 55 题 D 短语辨析。这些宠物和这些人都依赖(rely on)她。concentrate on 集中注意力于;insist on 坚持,坚决主张;performon 履行,执行。04 语法填空答案:56. latest57. heroes58. have increased59. to honor60. a61. another62. although / though / while63. for64. successfully65. what本文介绍了被称誉为“坚韧不拔和奉献精神典范”的邓庆明虽然没能进入太空,但依然为中国航天不断奋斗、奉献一生的故事。文章考察的词形转换比较简单,难度不大。详细解析:(语法填空没有难题,解析略)05 作文应用文写作:(龚露老师原创)Aiming to promote students social responsibility and foster their all-around development, the Student Union is hereby appealing to every one of the students to join us in a series of initiatives specially intended to observe the Youth Day.Firstly, as a youth, we are obliged to fulfill our obligation as students, kids and citizens. For our status as a student, we need to listen attentively in class and finish the school assignments on time. As a kid, household chores such as washing dishes or making the bed should be performed on a regular basis. Finally, as a citizen, we should behave ourselves, obeying laws, rules and regulations in a persistent and consistent manner. Why not join us in the above initiatives and shape yourself into a comprehensively developed individual?读后续写:(来自小猿搜题,特此感谢!)But the problem was that I had to come back to bring this girl a new lemonade. I bought a lemonade, took a deep breath, and went back. This time, I bent low, looking at every person on the end of each row. When I saw the same boy, I moved through fast to get back to that girl. Unfortunately, I stepped on a boys feet and banged my knee. After apologized to him, I quickly fell into the seat next to the girl and handed her the lemonade. Everyone around us all turned to stare at me again with some complaints.I thought about crawling out of this row and back into Emmetts row, but I couldnt. Maybe I would just stay there until the movie ended. Thanking me for the lemonade, the girl talked about the plots I missed. I whispered back, “Thanks.” When the lights of the cinema came on, I grabbed my jacket on the seat and hurried out. Emmett caught up with me, “Do you know that girl?” “No.” I answered. “Then why do you have her jacket?” I looked down and found a bright pink jacket. “Here I go again,” I said with embarrassment, spotting the girl in the crowd.2022 届高三年级苏州八校三模适应性检测届高三年级苏州八校三模适应性检测英语试卷英语试卷第一部分第一部分 听力听力(共两节,满分共两节,满分 30 分分)做题时, 先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后, 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节第一节 (共共 5 小题小题: 每小题每小题 1.5 分,满分分,满分 7.5 分分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What does the man want to do?A.Check the new bike. B.Ride the new bike. C Buy a new bike.2.What did the man do before 9:00 last-night?A.He watched TV. B.He slept for a while. C.He wrote the paper.3.What does the man think of the actress?A.She looks good. B.She works hard. C.She isnt attractive.4.What does the man suggest the woman do?A.Go to the Johnsons for dinner.B.Do a chemistry experiment.C.Use the old recipes tonight.5.Whats the mans decision?A.Waiting for the bus.B.Walking to the next stop.C.Meeting the woman 30 minutes later第二节第二节 (共共 15 小题小题: 每小题每小题 1.5 分分, 满分满分 22.5 分分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的 A. B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题 5 秒钟: 听完后, 各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料, 回答第 6、7 题。6.Why does the man call Louis Catering?C.For conference rooms.A.For an invitation.B.For food and drinks.7.How many people will attend the party?A.108.B.112. C.120.听下面一段对话,回答第 8 和第 9 两个小题。8.What is the man going to Canada for?A.Research. B.Further study. C.Sightseeing.9.What will the speakers do next?A.Pack clothes.B.Buy a suitcase. C.Prepare materials.听下面一段对话,回答第 10 至第 12 三个小题。10. Who works in the power company?A.The girls father.B.The girls classmate. C.The mans classmate.11.How will the girl go to the power company?A.By car. B.By taxi. C.On foot.12.What is the girl going to do first?A.Visit the manager. B.Chat with the workers. C.Get ready for a picnic.听下面一段对话,回答第 13 至第 16 四个小题。13.What does the competition try to find this year?A.The best dancer. B.The best actor. C.The best singer.14.How should people enter the competition?A.By fax. B.By phone. C.Through the Internet.15.When does the sports hall close this week?A.At 10:30 pm. B.At 9:00 pm C.At 8:00 pm.16.What do we know about the new swimming pool?A.It will be free for the first week.B.It is bigger than the old one.C.It will be open earlier than planned.听下面一段独白,回答第 17 至第 20 四个小题。17. What does CyberEdit aim to do?A.Supply funding for businessmen.B.Edit documents for Wired magazine.C.Offer students computer editing services.18.How many employees did the speaker hire at first?A.Four.B.Five. C.Ten.19. Why did some investors invest money in CyberEdit?A.It promised big returns.B.It got good publicity.C.It employed 50 students.20.When is the best time for people to develop a business?A.When they have the idea.B.After they graduate from college.C.After they have rich social experience.第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。AThe 14th National Games held in Xian has triggered great interest-not only in sports and fitness,but also in the host city itself.If you are planning a tour of Xian taking less than 3 days, youll want to hit all the following highlights.The Terracotta ArmyThe Terracotta Army is not just Chinas premier historical attraction but one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century,which was constructed by Chinas First Emperor Qin Shi Huang of, the Qin Dynasty(221 BC-207 BC).It is a collection of thousands of life-size terracotta soldiers, horses,and chariots(战车)in battle formation,showing the emperors armies in full splendor.Ancient City Wall Xian City Wall was built in the 14th century by Zhu Yuanzhang,the first Emperor of the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644) as a military defense system.Now it is one of the oldest and best-preserved Chinese city walls.The wall is now a landmark,dividing the city into inner and outer areas.Giant Wild Goose PagodaOne of Chinas most famous Buddhist pagodas,the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda was built in the Tang Dynasty(618-907)for the study of Buddhist scriptures.One of the main functions of the pagoda was to store sutras(经文)brought to China from India by the famous monk and traveler Xuan Zang,It was built with layers of bricks and has a grand structure and appearance.It is exemplary of traditional Chinese architecture.Shaanxi History MuseumThe Shaanxi History Museum is home to over 370,000 precious relics unearthed in Shaanxi over the years.Its collections range from bronze wares to pottery figures,gold and silver wares and wall paintings from the Tang Dynasty(618-207)tombs.Among its precious collections,18 pieces have been listed as national treasures.21.Which of the following has the longest history?.A.Ancient City Wall.B.The Terracotta Army.C.Giant Wild Goose Pagoda.D.Shaanxi History Museum.22.What can visitors see in Shaanxi History Museum?A.Chariots discovered in Xian.B.Sutras brought from India to China.C.Wall paintings from the Qing Dynasty tombs.D.Relics unearthed in Shaanxi.23.What do the four attractions have in common?A.They hold collections of antiquesB.They represent the modern spirit of Xian.C.They are of historical and cultural value.D.They are examples of traditional Chinese architecture.BSeveral years ago,I read about William Helmreich walking every strect in New York City.I thought,“I can do that for Montreal.”With little hesitation,I devoted the next five years of my life to the project.Im a keen walker,but I did little preparation for this undertaking.All I did was buy a map. It didnt even show all of Montreal.So,when I say I walked every street in Montreal,I actually walked the full length of every street on my map.I never walked through any shabby neighborhoods. From one end of my map to the other, all houses were well looked after.People went to great lengths to decorate their homes,and with this came one of the great pleasures of my walks:the different measures they took to decorate their frontage(正面).I discovered that pigs are a popular decorative element throug
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