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1、高考英语熟词生义汇总A311.about熟义关于,对于生义prepadv到处,各处We spent the whole afternoon walking about town.我们整个下午都在镇上散步。2.absent熟义adj.缺勤的,缺席的生义adj.心不在焉的,出神的He looked at me in an absent way.他心不在焉地看着我。3.abuse熟义v.虐待生义v.滥用What she did was an abuse of her position as manager.她的所作所为是滥用经理职权。生义v.辱骂Rival fans hurled abuse at

2、each other.两帮对立的球迷相互高声辱骂。4.accept 熟义 v同意,赞成Tom accepted her explanation汤姆同意她的解释。生义相信,认为正确I accept that the aircraft has no choice but to crash into the sea我相信飞机别无他法,只有坠入大海。5.accommodate熟义v.为提供住宿生义v. 容纳,提供空间This hotel can accommodate more than 500 guests.这家旅馆可容纳500多名客人。生义v.帮助(某人),向施以援手He accommodated

3、 me when I asked him for help.我向他求助时,他帮助了我。6.ache熟义v./n. 疼痛生义v.渴望He was aching for home.他渴望回家。7act 熟义vi行动生义vi.起作用It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act 只需几分钟,药物就起作用了。8.acknowledge 熟义vt.承认道谢生义vt.对打招呼He acknowledged me by lifting his hat.他举起帽子向我致意。生义(公开)感谢I would like to acknowledge my debt

4、to my teachers.我想向我的老师表达我的感激之情。9.across 熟义prep.从一边到另一边生义prep.横过,穿过The two roads cut across each other.这两条路互相交叉。10.advance熟义v./n. 前进生义n.预付(款) she asked me for an advance on her salary.她要求我预付她的工资。生义n.(价格、价值的)上涨Share prices showed significant advances today.今天股价大幅上涨。11.add 熟义(使)相加,加生义vt补充说,继续说“They don

5、t know”he added“他们不知道。”他补充道。12.address熟义n地址 v.写地址生义v.称呼The president should be addressed as “Mr President总统应称为“总统先生”。生义v.直接向说She turned to address the man on her left她转身过去,向她左边的那人讲话。生义vt.向.发表演说He is going to address the meeting in aminute他一会儿就要在大会上讲话了。13.admit 熟义vt承认生义v.允许进入 The servant opened the d

6、oor and admitted me (into the house).仆人打开门,让我进去。生义v.容纳The theatre only admits 1000 persons.这家剧院只容纳1000人。14.against熟义prep.反对生义prep以为背景The picture looks good against the white wall这幅画靠着白墙看起来不错。15.age熟义n.年龄,年纪生义v.(使)显老,(使)苍老Worry aged him rapidly.忧虑使他迅速衰老。16.agree with熟义同意,和意见一致生义协调,适合 Long plane trips

7、 dont agree with me长途飞机旅行不适合我。17.air 熟义n大气,空气生义v.使公开,宣扬Dont air your troubles too often不要经常发牢骚。生义n.神态,氛围There was a comfortable air about her room.她的房间里有一种舒适的氛围。18.alive 熟义adj.活着的生义adj.充满(活的或动的东西)The street are alive with people. 街上挤满了人。19.alone 熟义adj.单独的adv.单独地生义adv.仅仅,只有She alone was able to answe

8、r the question.只有她才能回答这个问题。20.amount 熟义n.数量,量生义v.达到,总计The cost amounted to $ 2000. 费用共计2000美元。生义等于,意味着What you have said amounts to a refusal. 你所说的等于拒绝。21.announce熟义v.宣布,公布生义vt.显示,预示Warm sunshine announces the coming of spring.温暖的阳光预示着春天的到来。22.appreciate 熟义v.欣赏,鉴赏生义v.意识到=realize I appreciate that I

9、may be wrong. 我意识到我可能错了。23.arrival 熟义n.到达,到来生义n.到达者,加入者All stood up to welcome the new arrival.所有人起立欢迎新人。24.at all熟义(否定句)根本;究竟生义真的,确实If it is at all foggy,I shall not go out如果真的有雾,我就不出去了。25.arm熟义n手臂,上肢生义n武器 v武装Lay down your arms or well fire!放下武器,否则我们会开枪的!26.attend 熟义v出席,参加生义v照料If you go out,wholl a

10、ttend to the baby?如果你走了,谁来照看婴儿?27.arrange 熟义v.安排,筹备生义v.商量Ive arranged with the neighbours about filling the managers job.我已与邻居们商量好补上经理的职位。28.arrest 熟义vt.逮捕生义vt.阻止,抑制The new medicine arrested the spread of the disease.这种新药阻止了疾病的传播。29.assume 熟义vt.假定,假设生义vt.承担,就职 He will assume the directorship of the

11、project. 他将担任该项目的主管。30.absolute熟义adj.完全的,绝对的生义adj.十足的The police have absolute proof that he was the murderer. 警方有足够的证据证明他是凶手。31.accompany熟义vt.陪伴,陪同生义v.为伴奏(或伴唱)If she sang, he would accompany her on the piano.如果她歌唱,他会为她钢琴伴奏。32.account for熟义对负有责任生义导致His illness accounts for his absence.他因病缺席。33.aggres

12、sive 熟义adj.好斗的,挑衅的生义adj.积极进取的If he wants to succeed, he has to be aggressive.如果他想成功,就必须有进取心。34.alike 熟义adj/adv.想象的;相似地生义adv.两者都,同样地Teachers should care for all the pupils alike.老师应该对所有的学生一视同仁。35.allergic熟义adj.对过敏的生义adj.对极其反感的I am allergic to those who could not give help.我极其反感那些帮不上忙的人。36.allow熟义v.允许

13、,准许生义v.使有可能 This diet allows you one glass of wine a day. 这样饮食可以让你每天喝一杯葡萄酒。37.ample 熟义adj.充足的,充裕的生义adj.宽敞的,巨大的There is ample car parking off site.外面有个很大的停车场。38.aspect熟义n.方面,特色生义n.外表,外观a man with an impressive aspect 容貌出众的人39.available 熟义adj.可用的,可获得的生义adj.有空的,有闲暇的The worthy professor is now available

14、.这位可敬的教授现在有空了。40.advise熟义vt.劝告,建议生义vt.通知,告知Please advise us of the arrival of the goods.货物到达请通知我们。B41.balance熟义n./v.平衡生义n.账户余额,结存I must check my bank balance.我必须检查我的银行余额。生义v.权衡,斟酌The school aims to balance the amount of time spent on arts and science subjects.该校力图平衡文科和理科的学习时间。42back 熟义n.背部,腰背生义vt(经济

15、、物质或道德上)支持;增援(以增强)Many of his friends backed his plan许多朋友支持他的计划。43.badly 熟义adv差,拙劣地生义adv.迫切地The boy badly wants a new bike这个男孩迫切地想要一辆新自行车。44.bar 熟义酒吧生义n.障碍Poor health may be a bar to success in life. 健康不佳可能是人生成功的障碍。45.become熟义v.变得,变成生义vt.适合,使显得漂亮Her new hat certainly becomes her.她的新帽子很适合她。46.before

16、熟义conj&prep.在以前生义生义到为止It was a long time before I got to sleep again过了很久我才再睡着。47.behaviour 熟义n.举止,行为生义n.性能,特点The behaviour of this computer is moderately good. 这台计算机的性能还算不错。48.blank熟义adj.空白的 n.空白生义adj.茫然的,毫无表情的The stranger returned my greeting with a blank look.陌生人以茫然的眼神回敬了我的问候。生义n.(头脑或记忆)一片空白I cant

17、 think where Ive left my umbrella, my minds a complete blank.我想不起来我把伞放在哪里了,我的脑子一片空白。49.blue熟义adj.蓝色的 n. 蓝色生义adj.忧郁的,沮丧的His songs always make me feel blue.他的歌总是让我感到忧郁。50.beside熟义prep.在.旁边生义prep.与相比 Beside your earlier work , this piece seems rather disappointing. 与你以前的作品相比,这篇文章似乎相当令人失望。51.build熟义v.建造

18、,修建生义n.体形,体格The athlete has a solid build.这位运动员体格健壮。52.bare熟义adj.赤裸的生义vt.使暴露,使露出He likes to bare his heart with his close friends.他喜欢和他的密友们吐露心声。53.bear熟义vt.承受,容忍生义v.显示,携带He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the scars.他在战争中受了重伤,至今仍留有伤疤。54.bitter 熟义adj.味苦的;痛苦的生义adj.激烈的,充满敌意的Why was she so b

19、itter against Mr.Smith? 她为什么对史密斯先生那么刻薄?55.blanket熟义n.毯子生义vt.覆盖,盖住,笼罩;消除(声音),使(声音)模糊不清The whole village was blanketed with heavy snow.全村被大雪覆盖。56.break down 熟义发生故障生义(计划)失败,坚持不下去All our plans broke down我们所有的计划都失败了。57.bring 熟义 v拿来,带来生义v导致,引起The cries brought the neighbours running呼喊声把邻居们吵醒了。58.build up熟

20、义增进;加强生义 增高,加强The noise is building up until she could not stand it.噪音越来越大,直到她受不了为止。59.burst熟义v.爆炸,爆裂生义v.突发,迸发 The storm burst and we all got wet.暴风雨突然而至,我们都淋湿了。60.bond 熟义n.纽带,联系生义adj.受约束I dont like being desk-bound all day.我不喜欢整天坐在书桌旁。生义v.(使)建立亲密关系Mothers who are depressed sometimes fail to bond wi

21、th their children.患有抑郁症的母亲有时无法与孩子建立联系。61.burning熟义adj.燃烧的;炙热的生义adj.(感情等)强烈的,热切的 She is burning to tell you the news.她急于告诉你这个消息。C62.can 熟义(表示有能力做或能够发生)能,会生义n罐头 vt做成罐头Mother cans fruit母亲把水果做成罐头。63.capital熟义n.首都,首府;资本生义adj.极严重的;根本的Our capital task at the moment is to persuade her to calm down.我们目前的首要任务

22、是说服她冷静下来。64.cause 熟义n起因,v引起生义n(奋斗的)目标,事业The UN has done a lot for the cause of world peace联合国为世界和平事业做了许多贡献。65.celebrate熟义vt.庆祝,庆贺生义vt.赞扬,赞美He celebrated her for her courage. 他赞美她的勇气。66.chance 熟义n机会,时机生义n可能性There is a chance that I will see him我有可能见到他。生义v碰巧We chanced to be out when she called她打电话来时,我

23、们碰巧出去了。67.check熟义vt.检查,核对生义vt.阻止,制止 We should check the spread of the disease.我们应该阻止疾病的传播。68.choice熟义n.选择,抉择生义adj.斟酌得当的Some of his remarks are really choice.他的一些言论真的经过精心斟酌。69.civil 熟义adj.公民的,国民的,国内的生义adj.文明的,有礼貌的 He is a civil person.他是个彬彬有礼的人。70.class 熟义n.班级生义n.阶级,阶层It is no doubt that the professi

24、onal classes do a much better job than those who are not.毫无疑问,专业阶层的人比非专业阶层的人做得好得多。71.climate熟义n.气候生义n.氛围,局势The cultural climate here is somehow a little upsetting.这里的文化氛围有点令人不安。72.cloudy熟义adj.多云的,阴天的生义adj.含糊的,困惑的Who did it still remains cloudy. 究竟是谁干的,目前仍不明朗。73.coach熟义n.教练生义v.(尤指私人)辅导,指导She coached

25、me in English.她教我英语。mand熟义v.命令;指挥生义v.博得,赢得His bravery commanded our respect.他的勇敢赢得了我们的尊敬。75.contain熟义v.包含,容纳生义v.制服The man was later contained by the police.这名男子后来被警方拘捕。生义vt.遏制;抑制He is too excited to contain his laughter.他太激动了,忍不住笑了起来。76.count熟义n./v. 计算,数生义vt.把算入,包括There are 10 people in the classroo

26、m counting two teachers.教室里有10个人,加上两位老师。生义vt.重要,有价值It is not how much you read but what you read that counts.重要的不是你读了多少,而是你读了什么。生义vt.看作,认为She was counted among the greatest dancers.她被认为是最伟大的舞蹈家之一。77.couple熟义n.两个,几个;一对夫妇或情侣生义v.连接,联合The dining car was coupled onto the last coach.餐车与最后一节车相连。 e back熟义回来

27、生义重新流行Do you think long dresses will ever come back?你认为长裙子还会再流行吗?生义顶嘴He came back at her with a nasty remark他以恶毒的语言回击她。生义记起Its suddenly to come back where I saw you last突然,我想起上次在什么地方见过你。e in熟义进来生义流行起来This style is certain to come in this year今年这种款式肯定流行。生义上台执政If the Workers Party comes in at the next

28、 election a lot of industry will be state-owned如果工人党下届上台执政,许多工业都将收为国有。生义承担(任务)Here is the plan of attack,and this is where you come in.这是我们的攻击计划,这是你要执行的任务。e on 熟义快点生义进行,进展How has he come on at school this year?他今年学业进展如何?生义开始(下雨)The rain has just come on雨刚开始下。生义上演,举行The next exam comes on in early su

29、mmer下次考试将在夏初进行。81 .come out 熟义出来生义结果(如何)Everything will come out all right一切都会好的。pany 熟义n公司生义n同伴You may know a man by the company he keeps你可以从一个人所交的朋友了解他的为人。生义在一起的一群人He came in company with a group of girls他是和一群女孩子来的。83.concert熟义音乐会生义n联合行动The various governments decided to act in concert over this m

30、atter.各国政府决定在这一问题上采取联合行动。生义n一致,和谐The team made a concerted effort to win the game该队齐心协力赢得了比赛。84.cost 熟义价钱,费用生义vt使丧失,使损失(生命、健康等)The patients dangerous condition cost the doctors and nurses many sleepless nights病人的危险状态使医生、护士几夜不曾合眼。85.cover 熟义v覆盖,遮盖生义v.够付(费用)Here is 5;that should cover all your expense

31、s给你5英镑。应该可以支付你所有的费用。86.course 熟义n.课程;过程生义n.一道菜The main course was a vegetable stew. 这道主菜是蔬菜炖肉。87.cross熟义v.穿越,横渡 n.十字标记生义adj.恼怒的Dont be cross with him-after all, he meant to help. 别生他的气,毕竟他是想帮忙的。88.cut熟义vt.(尤指用刀)切,割,砍,剪,削,剁生义vt.(从感情上)伤害His rude remarks cut me. 他粗鲁的言语刺痛了我。89.case 熟义n.情况,状况生义n.病例,案例The

32、re are three cases of fever in school.学校有三起发烧病例。90.casual 熟义adj.漫不经心的,随意的生义adj.临时的,短期的He was employed as a casual labourer. 他受雇做临时工。91.cater 熟义v. 提供餐饮服务,承办酒席生义v.满足,迎合TV must cater for many different tastes. 电视剧必须迎合许多不同的口味。92.caution熟义n.小心,谨慎生义v.告诫,提醒The teacher cautioned him against being late.老师告诫他

33、不要迟到。93.choke熟义v.窒息,噎住,卡住生义v.强忍住,抑制,克制I managed to choke back my tears. 我设法忍住了眼泪。94.charge熟义要价,收费(金额);指控,控告生义v.使承担责任,赋予责任Mother charged Alice to take good care of the baby.母亲嘱咐 Alice好好照顾孩子。95.challenge熟义v.挑战,难题生义v.向下战书I challenged him to a game of chess.我向他挑战赛一盘棋。96.clean熟义adj.洁净的,干净的生义adv.彻底地,完全地I

34、clean forgot about it. 我完全忘了。97.conduct 熟义v.实施,进行;指挥生义v.举止,表现He conducted himself far better than expected.他表现得比预期好得多。98.congratulate 熟义v.祝贺生义v.感到高兴(或自豪)I congratulated myself on my escape.我为自己逃脱感到高兴。99.consume 熟义vt.消耗,消费生义vt.烧毁,毁灭The fire soon consumed the old wooden buildings in the neighborhood.大

35、火很快烧毁了附近的旧木屋。D100.damage熟义v./n.(有形的)损坏,损失生义n.损害赔偿金He claimed $ 7000 damages from the taxi company. 他要求出租车公司赔偿7000美元。101.dash熟义v.猛冲,急奔生义vt.急送Being badly ill, he was dashed to hospital.他病得很重,被紧急送往医院。生义vt.催促His mother dashed him into going to school every day .他母亲每天催促他去上学。102.dawn熟义v. 破晓,开始 n.拂晓,黎明生义vt

36、.变得明朗,开始清楚The truth began to dawn on him.他开始了解真相。103.desert熟义n.沙漠,荒漠生义v.抛弃,离弃He deserted his wife and children and went abroad.他抛妻弃子出国了。生义adj.无人居住的,荒凉的We sheltered from the storm in a deserted hut.我们在一间无人居住的茅屋里躲暴风雨。104.develop熟义v.(使)成长,发育,发展生义v.冲洗,使底片显影Did you have the film developed? 你把胶卷冲洗了吗?生义v.患

37、病He developed a cough他咳嗽起来了。生义v.逐渐形成,逐渐养成develop a habit 逐渐形成习惯105.difficult熟义adj 困难的,费力的生义adj.难以取悦的,不友好的You must get the permission of your difficult mother before getting married.在结婚之前,你必须得到你那难缠的母亲的许可。106.deal with熟义处理生义与做生意Do you deal with Smith, the butcher?你和屠夫史密斯做生意吗?107.dismiss熟义v. 解雇,开除生义vt.

38、不考虑,不理会He just laughed and dismissed my suggestion as unrealistic.他只是笑了笑,对我的建议不屑一顾,认为不切实际。108do 熟义做,干,办(某事)生义vi适合The shoes wont do for mountain-climbing这双鞋不适合爬山。生义v.创造Practice and determination will do wonders.实践和决心会创造奇迹。生义vi. 进展Everything is doing well 一切都很好。109.down熟义adv.在下方,在低处生义 adv.作为首付款I paid

39、$1000 down on the car.我为这辆车付了1000美元的定金。110.draw 熟义画,绘画生义v吸引,引起(兴趣、注意)The football match between the Korean team and the American team was so wonderful that it drew a lot of people,though in the end they drew the match韩国队和美国队之间的足球比赛非常精彩,吸引了很多人,尽管最后他们还是平局了。生义v.获得,推断出What moral are we to draw from the

40、story. 我们从这个故事中可以得出什么样的教训。111.drive 熟义v.驾驶生义v.迫使,驱使(某人做不好的事)Hunger drove her steal. 饥饿驱使她偷窃。112.delicate 熟义adj.精致的,精巧的生义adj.灵巧的,熟练的I admired your delicate handling of the situation.我钦佩你对形势的巧妙处理。113.deliver熟义v.投递,运送;发表演说;接生生义v.解救,拯救Only education can deliver people from misery.只有教育才能使人们摆脱苦难。114.depos

41、it熟义v.储蓄生义vt.放下,放置He deposited the book on the desk. 他把书放在书桌上。115.divorce熟义v.离婚生义v.使分离,割裂You cant divorce science from ethical questions. 你不能把科学与伦理问题分开。E116.easy 熟义容易的,不费力的生义adj舒适的,自如的Now we are leading an easy life现在我们过着安逸的生活。117.elect熟义v.选举生义v.选择/决定做 She elected to become a lawyer. 她选择当律师。118.emba

42、rrass熟义vt.(使)尴尬,窘迫生义vt.妨碍(人,移动,行动)What embarrasses your making an early start? 是什么阻止你提前出发?119.employ熟义v.雇佣生义v.使用,利用The police employed force to open the door.警察使用武力开门。120.engage熟义vt.参加,从事生义vt.吸引,引起A personal computer engages his interest now. 个人电脑引起了他的兴趣。121.escape 熟义v.逃跑,逃脱生义v.被遗忘,被忽略His name escaped me for the moment我一时记不起他的名字。122.entertain 熟义vt.使有兴趣,使快乐生义vt.心存,怀有(想法、希望、感觉等)He entertained a belief that his son would rise in the world. 他相信他的儿子会有所成就。生义招待,请客


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