Unit4 Sharing SectionⅠ 同步练习-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册册.rar

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  • Unit4 Sharing SectionⅠ 同步练习-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册册
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Section Reading and Thinking (1)阅读理解。AHelping and supporting others may be key to living a longer and healthier life, according to new research from the University of Basel in Switzerland. The findings published in the journal Evolution and Human Behaviour, show that grandparents who care for their grandchildren enjoy longer lifespans. So do old people who care for others within their social networks.Using data from the Berlin Aging Study, the researchers analysed the longevity(寿命) and caregiving habits of more than 500 old people between the ages of 70 and 103. The study compared grandparents who acted as occasional caregivers with those who did not. It also compared these grandparents with old adults who did not have grandchildren but cared for people within their social networks.Those grandparents who did not play the role of attending to grandchildren were more likely to have died within just five years of the testing period. While those old adults who provided support to their family lived for an extra seven years on average and those provided support to their social networks lived for an extra four years on average.Although the new study only focused on old adults, its safe to assume that the health benefits of helping and taking care of others also reach those of all ages. However, its important to note that too much caregiving often has just the opposite effect. Theres a clear link between too much caregiving and a number of negative physical and mental health consequences.1. How many groups of old people are involved in the study?A. Two. B. Three.C. Four. D. Five.2. What does the research show?A. Old people are more likely to support others.B. Grandparents live longer than childless old adults.C. Supporting others prevents diseases of old patients.D. Helping others properly has a good effect on health.3. What does the last paragraph imply?A. Reducing caregiving can avoid bad health.B. Its a good quality of all ages to be helpful.C. Caregiving is not always beneficial to health.D. Mental disorder is often caused by much caregiving.BAnyone who has ever volunteered for any cause can tell you that in the end, they felt that they gained more from the experience than they gave. This is true for most examples of reaching out to help others. We find that we gain new understanding about not only those we help, but ourselves as well. Stressing the importance of helping others in martial arts, students will benefit themselves both inside and outside of the class.Helping others strengthens families. Families that practise the belief of working together and helping each other prepare their children for the concept of teamwork outside of the home environment. By learning to help around the house through activities such as household jobs, baby-sitting and keeping a tidy bedroom, children learn valuable lessons that they carry with them to their future relationships.By helping others outside of the home environment, valuable friendships can be developed. When we learn to reach out to others and give off our time and talents we find that our friendships grow, which in turn is a benefit to our lives. Martial arts training supports this by exposing students to people of various backgrounds and beliefs that gather for a common goal and to help each other. Any time a group of people are working towards a common goal, team spirit surely forms. When we help each other in the martial arts setting and in every area of our lives, a friendship is formed that promotes teamwork.The most important thing to realise is that it does not take a lot to make a lot happen. Little things can make a big difference in the area of helping others. Simple gestures of kindness and support given frequently can build a strong base for the growth and development of each individual which leads to the success of all.4. Any volunteer will benefit from the experience because . A. they will be admitted to a martial arts class for freeB. they can also have a better understanding of themselvesC. they can understand the importance of martial arts betterD. they will be paid back by those who are helped sooner or later5. According to the author, martial arts training is valuable in that it . A. promotes students team spiritB. develops students talentsC. benefits students livesD. exposes students backgrounds6. Which of the following proverbs can be used to summarise the last paragraph?A. Many drops make a shower.B. Strike the iron(铁) while it is hot.C. Actions speak louder than words.D. Two heads are better than one.CHave you ever considered volunteering? It gives you a chance to make contributions. Youll feel a sense of pride that you are volunteering your time, and a local organisation will benefit, too. But how to volunteer?Follow the three steps before you enjoy it. Pick an organisation. 7. Youre likely to be happier and volunteer longer at an organisation that supports a cause you care about. For example, if youre interested in animal welfare, maybe you want to volunteer at an animal shelter. Much like job search sites, you can also use volunteer websites like Volunteer Match to help you find volunteer opportunities in your area. If you still cant narrow down where you want to volunteer, start asking people you know where they volunteer. 8. Be clear what you can offer. First identify your skills. For example, maybe you could write brochures for local nonprofits if writing is your style. 9. You need to be sure how much time you can give to an organisation based on your other commitments. If you try to do too much, youre more likely to give up. 10. Treat the application like a job. Spend some time preparing for the interview, much as you would for a job interview. 11. Ask whats expected of volunteers. For instance, volunteers at a museum may be expected to learn parts of the galleries to give tours. Start volunteering slowly. That is, its better to commit to just a little bit of time at first to see if you like volunteering at the organisation. A. Apply and get started. B. Volunteer in person or online. C. Then dont forget to review your weekly schedule. D. Youd better focus on the causes you like very much. E. You may find one of them has the perfect opportunity for you. F. It is also a time for you to judge whether the organisation is fit for you. G. First find an organisation thats a good fit for you, and then decide what you have to offer.Reading and Thinking (2). 单句语法填空。1. A child usually goes to (second) school at about age of twelve. 2. There was a chorus agreement from the committee. 3. There are many creams available from the (chemical) which should clear the infection. 4. An economic boom followed, especially in (house) and construction. 5. Im (die) to get over my shyness. 6. I have been (privilege) to work with the pioneers of silicon technology. 7. There can be little doubt he will make the mistake again. 8. She doubted the accident could be avoided. 9. Im waiting for the apples to (ripe). 10. The book looked faded, (dust) and unused. . 用方框中所给短语的正确形式填空。adapt oneself to, not to mention, be dying for,up to, be made of, be relevant to, stick out,make a difference, participate in, dry up1. He has two big houses in this country, his villa in France. 2. The taps appeared to solid gold. 3. The good thing about children is that they new environment very easily. 4. I a cup of green tea after the exhausting work. 5. I can take four people in my car. 6. How can they and work for a tobacco-free world? 7. The photo showed Edward with very short hair and his ears . 8. I will have to a sporting activity that day. 9. Over the centuries of drought, the water . 10. Topics for conversation should the experience and interests of the students. . 语法填空。Jo was an Australian 1. (voluntary) teacher who was 2. (die) to help the children in Papua New Guinea. The high school 3. she worked was a bush school, whose classrooms were made of bamboo and grass. The other day when Jo was showing the boys a 4. (chemist) experiment, the mixture was bubbling before she knew it. The boys who had never come 5. anything like that before were so frightened that they started jumping out of the windows. Sometimes Jo wondered if chemistry was relevant 6. the kids and doubted whether shes making any 7. (different) to the boys lives. Last weekend Jo and another teacher visited a remote village which was the home of one of the boys, Tombe. When they arrived, Tombes father led them to his house, a low bamboo hut with grass 8. (stick) out of the roof. Without windows, the hut was so dark inside that it took time for their eyes 9. (adjust). After dinner, Jo listened to the family talking softly to each other though she couldnt participate much in their conversation. She thought it was a 10. (privileged) to have spent a day with Tombes family. . 阅读理解。There is no doubt that teens today are extremely busy. Homework piles up and extra-curricular(课外的) activities are time-consuming. Often, teens have to take part in a sport or activity after school, and they are up until 10:00 or later doing homework. Getting teenagers involved in volunteer opportunities can give them a sense of accomplishment that is not connected with sports or school.Teenagers are often in their own little world. Helping them get involved in volunteer opportunities is the perfect way for them to open up that world and give their time to a good cause.The key to getting teens involved in volunteer work is to find an opportunity that will fit into their schedule and find something that interests them. Also, keep it close to home. If they have to travel a long distance to volunteer, its less likely to be accomplished.My son has helped with the local librarys reading programme for two summers. It is close to home and the schedule is very elastic. We go in and choose days that work with his schedule and he volunteers for about 2 hours at a time. He is responsible for helping kids get signed up for the summer reading programme and helping them record the hours they read. It is only a one-week time commitment, but it is very rewarding.When teens do volunteer work, they often see that there are others more needy than themselves. They also learn time management. Your teen will become a more rounded, less self-centred individual.Colleges see thousands of students applying for admission every year. If your teen has shown the devotion to volunteer in the community, it can give him or her the advantage for college admission or scholarship opportunities. So, volunteering is good for their present and their future!1. What is the text mainly about?A. The heavy loads faced by teens toady.B. The benefits of volunteering for teens.C. The authors sons volunteer experience.D. The requirements of volunteering.2. The author of the text probably . A. never thought his son would volunteerB. tries to limit his sons volunteer timeC. supports his son in volunteeringD. is concerned about his sons learning3. The underlined word “elastic” in the fourth paragraph can be best replaced by “”. A. independent B. tightC. precious D. flexible. 完形填空。Mothers action sometimes really touched me. Many years ago I joined her in 1 some money to build small houses for six poor families. After their houses were completed, with 2 in their hearts, we were invited for their house-warming ceremonies. We felt satisfied after seeing them with 3 over their heads. This was the time when I was still 4. Several years later, my parents passed away and I also left my work because of age. In order to 5 the change of my life, I took a meditation(冥想) trip to Thailand. Every year plenty of 6 meditators go to the meditation centres there and are given separate living areas, where two people 7 a single room with a bath and toilet, 8 the local meditators stay together in a large hall. That year, the meditation centre was completely full. 9, many meditators had to share the cottages nearby. But, to my surprise, I was allowed to have a cottage only for myself. How 10! In the night when I was in bed, I began to think about why I had been treated 11. In a flash, I remembered the happy faces of the people to whom my mother and I had gifted homes, which included 12 six pieces of my mothers land from her parents. To me this was a tiny village. That 13 struck me so much that I realised the effects of kind acts ripen in this life itself. I am grateful to my mother and her ancestors and theirs, etc. for their life style. I am sure it will 14 from our generation. When you give, give with a pure heartdont expect anything in return 15 the possibility that someone may repay your kindness one day. 1. A. lending B. raisingC. spending D. donating2. A. kindness B. faithC. appreciation D. satisfaction3. A. roofs B. stairsC. curtains D. lights4. A. optimistic B. employedC. ambitious D. confused5. A. stick to B. adjust toC. turn to D. contribute to6. A. foreign B. newC. regular D. famous7. A. rent B. bookC. share D. buy8. A. unless B. whileC. once D. for9. A. Therefore B. HoweverC. Instead D. Anyhow10. A. funny B. guiltyC. fortunate D. disappointed11. A. unfairly B. rudelyC. differently D. equally12. A. taking back B. giving backC. taking away D. giving away13. A. experience B. knowledgeC. relationship D. education14. A. break offB. hold upC. turn overD. go down15. A. in terms of B. in spite ofC. in view of D. in case ofSection Reading and Thinking (1)阅读理解。AHelping and supporting others may be key to living a longer and healthier life, according to new research from the University of Basel in Switzerland. The findings published in the journal Evolution and Human Behaviour, show that grandparents who care for their grandchildren enjoy longer lifespans. So do old people who care for others within their social networks.Using data from the Berlin Aging Study, the researchers analysed the longevity(寿命) and caregiving habits of more than 500 old people between the ages of 70 and 103. The study compared grandparents who acted as occasional caregivers with those who did not. It also compared these grandparents with old adults who did not have grandchildren but cared for people within their social networks.Those grandparents who did not play the role of attending to grandchildren were more likely to have died within just five years of the testing period. While those old adults who provided support to their family lived for an extra seven years on average and those provided support to their social networks lived for an extra four years on average.Although the new study only focused on old adults, its safe to assume that the health benefits of helping and taking care of others also reach those of all ages. However, its important to note that too much caregiving often has just the opposite effect. Theres a clear link between too much caregiving and a number of negative physical and mental health consequences.1. How many groups of old people are involved in the study?A. Two. B. Three.C. Four. D. Five.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段最后两句可知有三组老年人参与了这项
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