Unit 3 Sea exploration Reading and thinkingppt课件-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册(1).pptx

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1、Unit 3 Sea ExplorationReading and thinking1单词辨认1. tale1. tale2. 2. merchantmerchant3. set sail3. set sail4. extend4. extend5. negotiate5. negotiate6. fleet6. fleet7. behold7. beholdA.A.商人,批发商,海上运货的商人,批发商,海上运货的B.B.起航,开航起航,开航C.C.故事,叙述故事,叙述D.D.扩展,使伸长,延长扩展,使伸长,延长E.E.看,看见看,看见F.F.商定,(达成)协议,谈判商定,(达成)协议,谈判G

2、.G.舰队,机群,车队舰队,机群,车队8. league8. league9. royal9. royal10. spice10. spice11. withdraw11. withdraw12. channel12. channel13. maritime13. maritime14. bond14. bondH.H.皇家的,皇室的,高贵的皇家的,皇室的,高贵的I.I.(调味)香料(调味)香料J.J.等级,水平,联合会,联赛等级,水平,联合会,联赛K.K.航道,海峡,频道航道,海峡,频道L.L.纽带,关系,增强信任关系纽带,关系,增强信任关系M.M.(使)撤回,撤离(使)撤回,撤离N.N.海

3、的,海运的,海事的海的,海运的,海事的 They (oceans) provide a breeding They (oceans) provide a breeding ground for life, connect the world and ground for life, connect the world and promote development. promote development. Xi JinpingXi JinpingFerdinand Magellan Brainstorming: Brainstorming:Do you know any stories ab

4、out sea voyages? Do you know any stories about sea voyages? Share your story with a partner. Share your story with a partner. sea voyages:sea voyages:A A. descriptive 描写文 B B. Narrative 记叙文C.C. Expository 说明文 D. D. Argumentation 议论文 Fast-readingFast-reading1.Whats the main idea of the passage?1.What

5、s the main idea of the passage?A.The stories of sailors.A.The stories of sailors.B.Ocean exploration of China.B.Ocean exploration of China.C.The change of the ocean transport.C.The change of the ocean transport.D.Ocean exploration changed human history.D.Ocean exploration changed human history.Step

6、2 : While-readingStep 2 : While-readingPara.1Para.1A.The A.The future of China to reach out across the sea.future of China to reach out across the sea.Para.2 Para.2 B.The B.The meaning of trade and curiosity.meaning of trade and curiosity.Para.3 Para.3 C.The C.The ancient Silk Road.ancient Silk Road

7、.Para.4 Para.4 D.The D.The Ming Dynastys relations with some regions.Ming Dynastys relations with some regions.Para.5 Para.5 E.The E.The ancient sea routes revisited.ancient sea routes revisited.Para.6 Para.6 F.The F.The aim of the Belt and Road Initiative.aim of the Belt and Road Initiative.Para.7

8、Para.7 G.The G.The other Chinese important projects.other Chinese important projects.match match Du Huan, Zheng He, Marco PoloDu Huan, Zheng He, Marco Polothe Silk Road; African royal families; the the Silk Road; African royal families; the Arctic; Rome; Sri Lanka; the Ming DynastyArctic; Rome; Sri

9、Lanka; the Ming DynastyRead the passage carefully and choose the best answer.Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer.1.What is the meaning of reaching out across the sea?1.What is the meaning of reaching out across the sea?A.Trade. B.Cooperation. C.Culture exchange. D.Above all.A.Trade

10、. B.Cooperation. C.Culture exchange. D.Above all.2.Whats the difference between the ancient Silk Road and the Ming Dynasty Silk Road?2.Whats the difference between the ancient Silk Road and the Ming Dynasty Silk Road?A.Trade cooperation. B.Culture exchange.A.Trade cooperation. B.Culture exchange.C.E

11、xploration of the Arctic. D.The routes of the land and the sea.C.Exploration of the Arctic. D.The routes of the land and the sea.3. Now the advantage to reach out across the sea is 3. Now the advantage to reach out across the sea is . . A.A. that we have done it for hundreds of years that we have do

12、ne it for hundreds of years B.B. that we have advanced technology that we have advanced technology C.C. The need to trade The need to trade D.D. the desire to enhance relationshipthe desire to enhance relationship 报纸 文章缩写选必四选必四 Unit 3Language points01单击此处添加文本具体内容,简明扼要地阐述你的观点重点单词再现(汉重点单词再现(汉-英)英)1. 1

13、. 政治;政治观点政治;政治观点_ _ 2.2.商定,达成(协议)商定,达成(协议) _ _ 3. 3. 反对者,对手反对者,对手_4. 4. 纽带;关系纽带;关系 _ _ 5. 5. 逮捕;拘留;中止逮捕;拘留;中止_ _ 6. 6. 仁慈;宽恕;恩惠仁慈;宽恕;恩惠 _ _7. 7. 皇家的;王室的;高贵的皇家的;王室的;高贵的_ _ 8. 8. 对对征税;使纳税征税;使纳税 _ _ 9. 9. 个人财产;拥有;控制个人财产;拥有;控制_ _ 10. 10. 职业;行业职业;行业_opponentopponentnegotiatenegotiatebondbondarrestarrestr

14、oyalroyaltaxtaxpossessionpossessionmercymercyprofessionprofessionpolitics politics 英英-汉汉1. extend 1. extend 2. tale 2. tale 3.coverage 3.coverage 4.murder4.murder5.withdraw5.withdraw 6. channel 6. channel 7. mixture 7. mixture8. applaud8. applaud9. manned9. manned10.tournament10.tournamentA. A. 新闻报道

15、;覆盖范围新闻报道;覆盖范围B.B.谋杀;凶杀;毁坏谋杀;凶杀;毁坏C.C. 故事;叙述故事;叙述D.D.鼓掌;鼓掌; 称赞;赞赏称赞;赞赏E.E.混合,结合体混合,结合体F.F.退出;撤回退出;撤回G.G. 航道;海峡;频道航道;海峡;频道H.H.有人控制的;需人操纵的有人控制的;需人操纵的I.I.扩展;使伸长;延长扩展;使伸长;延长J.J.锦标赛;联赛锦标赛;联赛短语再现短语再现1.1. 起航起航; ;开航开航 2. 2. 独领风骚独领风骚 3. 3. 退出退出; ;撤回撤回 4.4. 在手头在手头; ;可供使用可供使用 5.search for 6.become known as 7.d

16、evelop relations with 8.under the command of 9.for the benefit of 10.press conference set sailin a league of ones ownwithdraw fromin hand寻找;搜寻作为而著名 与发展关系 在的指挥下为了的利益记者招待会,新闻发布会1.set sail1.set sail(1)However,merchants and explorers from the East set sailset sail from east to west many years before Col

17、umbus first did.(教材第26页)然而,来自东方的商人和探险家从东向西航行,比哥伦布要早许多年。(2)We made a great deal of money,so we decided that it was time to set set sail forsail for home.我们大赚了一笔,因此我们决定该是启程回家的时候了。set sail _ set sail for/to _【知识回顾】set off _ set out to do sth. _set about doing sth. _ _ 建立;树立_ 写下;放下;记下 _ 留出, 节省,置于不顾;Chri

18、stopher Columbus set sail the New World in the Santa Maria.The government must _ finding solutions to the pollution problems.A. set off B. set about C. set up D. set aside 起航;开航起航;开航 set up set up出发,动身,使爆炸出发,动身,使爆炸 set aside set aside set down set down 着手做某事着手做某事 出发;开始做某事出发;开始做某事 开船;动身前往开船;动身前往 for

19、for2. extend2. extendvt. 【观察思考】(1) A trading route across the sea was also extendedextended along the coasts of the Indian Ocean,centred around Ceylon (now Sri Lanka)(教材第26页)它是一条横跨海洋的贸易路线也沿着印度洋海岸延伸,以锡兰(现在的斯里兰卡)为中心。(2) The extension extension of the garden will take several weeks.扩建花园需要几个星期。【探究总结】(1)

20、 extend vt. _ n. 延伸,扩展 (2) extend from .to .从延伸到 extend out 伸出【应用实践】The tourist season extends May to October.The girls competed for it,their hands extended into the air.The wire has an (extend) of 50 feet. 扩展;使伸长;延长扩展;使伸长;延长 extension extension from from out out extension extension 3.negotiate3.neg

21、otiatevt.vt. &vi.&vi.(1)Here,merchants from China and many other places met to negotiatenegotiate trade deals,which also led to more awareness of each others cultures.(教材第26页)(2)We are negotiating fornegotiating for the release of the prisoners.我们正在为释放囚犯进行谈判。(3)I managed to negotiatenegotiate succes

22、sfully withwith the authorities.我设法同当局进行了成功的协商。(1)negotiatev. _ n. 谈判,商谈 negotiable adj. 可协商的,可讨论的(2)negotiate for. _ negotiate with sb.about sth. _ 【应用实践】Why don t you negotiate directly him and solve this issue once and for all Well, you can teach someone how to prepare for a _ (negotiate). 商定;达成商

23、定;达成( (协议协议) ;) ;谈判谈判 negotiation negotiation 为为谈判谈判 与某人商议与某人商议/ /谈判某事谈判某事 with with negotiation negotiation 4.withdraw4.withdrawvt.vt. &vi.&vi. (1)Although China withdrewwithdrew from further expeditions after 1433,these land and sea routes remained active channels between other cultures for centur

24、ies.(2)Id like to withdraw withdraw 1,000 dollars fromfrom my savings account and put it in my cheque account.我想从我的储蓄账户中取出1000美元存到我的支票账户中。(3)He has made several withdrawalswithdrawals from his bank account. 他已经从他的银行账户中取了好几笔钱。【探究总结】(1)withdraw(withdrew,withdrawn)vt. _ _n. 撤回,撤离(2)withdraw from. _ wit

25、hdraw money from the bank 从银行取款【应用实践】Both powers withdrew their forces _ the region. Britain has successfully (withdraw) from the EU. ( (使使) )撤回撤回; ;撤离撤离; ;提取提取 withdrawal withdrawal 从从撤出,撤回撤出,撤回 from from withdrawn withdrawn5.in hand5.in hand(1) Hundreds of years on,and with the latest technology i

26、n handin hand,the need to trade and the desire to enhance relationships will drive China to reach out across the sea far into the future.(教材第27页)数百年过去了,在掌握了最新技术的情况下,贸易需求和加强关系的愿望将推动中国跨越海洋,走向遥远的未来。(2)I dont have my photograph album at handat hand,but Ill show it to you later.我的相册不在手边,不过以后我会给你看的。(3)Eve

27、n for personal letters,Id rather use a computer than write by handby hand.即使是写私人信件,我也愿意用电脑而不愿用手写。(1) in hand _ at hand _ by hand _(2)hand in hand 手牵手,携着手 at first hand 第一手,亲自 second hand 二手的,旧货Having enough data _,we can set out to carry out our plan as scheduled.A. in hand B.at hand C. hand in hand

28、 D. at first hand 在手头在手头; ;在控制中在控制中 在手边,在附近在手边,在附近 由人工,用人力由人工,用人力 6.mixture n.6.mixture n.【观察思考】(1)Reaching out across the sea is often a mixturemixture of danger and boredom.(教材第27页)远渡重洋往往既危险又无聊。(2)Oil wont mix withmix with water.油不能和水混合。【探究总结】(1)mixture n_ _ vi.& vt.(使)混合;(使)掺和 (1) mix with _ 【应用实

29、践】 I listened to his adventure with a _ (mix) of amusement and disbelief.I dont like to mix business pleasure. 混合;结合体;混合物混合;结合体;混合物 mix mix 与与混合;融合混合;融合 mixture mixture with with whatwhat引导名词性从句【观察思考】(1)In ancient times,silk from China found its way overland to India,the Middle East,and Rome,along w

30、hat became known as what became known as the Silk Roadthe Silk Road(教材第26页)在古代,中国丝绸经由一条陆路运到印度、中东和罗马,这条路就是有名的“丝绸之路”。(1) In 1492,Columbus reached what is now called what is now called AmericaAmerica.1492年哥伦布到达了现在所称的美洲大陆。(2) He is no longer what he waswhat he was.他不再是过去的他了。【探究总结】(1)句中what became known

31、as the Silk Road为what引导的名词性从句,作介词along 的 。(2)what在名词性从句中可用作 , 表示“的东西或事情/样子/人/地方”,该从句在结构上相当于“the名词定语从句”。 宾语宾语 主语、宾语或表语主语、宾语或表语 【应用实践】1. Our hometown has changed a lot,and now it is quite different from _ it used to be a few years ago.A. how B. where C. when D. what 2. 句子翻译:他们已经做了能做的事情去帮助她了。_ . Theyve

32、 done what they can to help her. Theyve done what they can to help her.二选择题1.You have to negotiate the locals to get better prices to buy what you need.A.to B.for C.with D.of2.The surest way is to in one direction and not stop until youre home again.A.set aside B.set up C.set out D.set sail3.Some of

33、 these pills dont mix _ drink.A.up B.with C.down D.for4.With this information hand,you will be well equipped to advise others.A.at B.with C.by D.in5.A modern city has been set up in was a wasteland ten years ago.A.that B.what C.where D.which三单句语法填空1. I listened to his adventure with a (mix) of amuse

34、ment and disbelief.2.We have protected our unity and struggled to perfect our union by (extend) basic rights to all our people.3.James knew there was no room for (negotiate),and he tried to close his eyes,mind blank.4.The drug (withdraw) from sale after a number of people suffered serious side effects. mixture mixture extending extending negotiation negotiation was withdrawn was withdrawn Thank you !添加副标题CLICK HERE TO ADD TITLE


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