Unit 2 Using languageppt课件-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册.pptx

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1、Pre-readingLook at the pictures , can you name them ?They are iconic animals of China.pandaYangtze River DolphinGolden MonkeySouth China tigerred-crown craneWell-known Skim Skim the text and find out what is most special about them .(都标题和首句)都标题和首句) Koala: _cute but sensitiveTasmanian devil: _not so

2、cute ,scary Kangaroo: _a symbol of the countryPlatypus: _ lay eggs but a primitive mammalwe see so many pictures of people holding them.Australia also has some animals that many people have never heard of. little knownwriting order Kangaroo Appearance:Uniqueness:Relationship with others:Babies:Austr

3、alia has lots of unique animals, but which animal is a symbol of the country?cannot walk backwards , have a pouch baby kangaroos weigh 2g. stay safe and warm in mothers pouch. hit and kick hard look cute Read the text carefully and take notes about them one by one.1. When do baby kangaroos begin to

4、spend less time with their mother2. Why shouldnt you try to pet a wild Kangaroo ? After they are about seven or eight months old and when they begin to jump. They can hit and kick very hard.1.iconic animal 2.be unique to3.a symbol of 4.a wide distribution5.express the strength and resolve6.as indivi

5、duals/as a nation7.at birth8.find ones way to/into. 9.encounter Part1read for expressions1.标志性动物标志性动物 2.对对.是独特的是独特的3.的一个象征的一个象征 4.广泛分布广泛分布5.展示力量和决心展示力量和决心6.作为个人作为个人/作为一个作为一个国家国家7.出生时出生时8.到达;找到到达;找到.的去路的去路9.v./n.遭遇;邂逅遭遇;邂逅Koalas are cute, and we see so many pictures of people holding them. But in man

6、y places in Australia, it is against the law to even touch them. Can you clarify that? cute but sensitive interaction with humans can cause them a lot of stress. government began to make laws against touching koalas. eating, sleeping on tree trunks Appearance:uniqueness:Relationship with others:Othe

7、rs: Coala 3.What do koalas spend most of their time doing? 4.Why has the government made it against the law to handle koalas? They spend quite a lot of time eating, sleeping, and hanging onto tree trunks.Interaction with humans can cause them a lot of stress. 1.be against the law2.hang onto tree tru

8、nks 3.interaction with4.make laws against 5.in the interest of6.certain licensed zoos7.make sure8.in a good state/condition9.on a limited frequency of occasionsPart21.违法违法 2.挂在树干上挂在树干上3.与与.的互动的互动 4.制定法律禁止制定法律禁止.5.为了为了.的利益的利益6.有执照的动物园有执照的动物园7.确保确保8.处于良好状态处于良好状态9.在有限频率的场合在有限频率的场合So, weve talked about

9、some cute animals. What about animals which arent so cute?hunt at night , loud cries / noise when fighting or eating - could wake the dead about the size of small dogs and look like rather large black rats. not violent towards people mostly dead animals Read Tasmanian devil Appearance:uniqueness:Rel

10、ationship with others:diet: 5.What two things about Tasmanian devils can bother people most?6. What do Tasmanian devils like to eat? The noise they make could wake the dead and they have a terrible smell.Their diet is mostly dead animals. nose and feet like a duckslay eggs in a nest but is a primiti

11、ve mammal, with a unique biology can dive under the water; use electrical sensors(电场感受器) to find food. Australia also has some animals that many people have never heard of, for example, the duck-billed platypus. Is that some kind of bird?Read Duck-billed platypus Appearance:uniqueness:Others:7.What

12、makes the way duck-billed platypuses give birth so different from other mammals?8.What is the unique way used by duck-billed platypuses to find food?It lays eggs in a nest like a bird. It finds food in the water by using electrical sensors in its e across2.be violent towards3.lay eggs4.a unique biol

13、ogy5.nurse 6.be covered in hair7.senses of sight or smell8.have a capacity to do9.electrical sensors10.a small handful ofPart3&41.偶遇偶遇 2.对对.暴力;攻击暴力;攻击.3.下蛋下蛋 4.独特的生物学特征独特的生物学特征5.n.护士;保姆护士;保姆 v.照料;喂奶照料;喂奶6.全身长满毛全身长满毛7.视觉或嗅觉视觉或嗅觉8.有能力做有能力做.9.电场感受器电场感受器10.少数少数Watch the CCTV documentary Amazing China ab

14、out red-crown cranes and try to take some notes.What do red-crowned cranes look like?What are they usually associated with?Where do they live ?What makes them so special?What do red-crowned cranes look like?What are they usually associated with?Where do they live ?What makes them so special?They hav

15、e white feathers, a red crown on their head, and a beautiful and elegant posture. For the Chinese, it is often associated with luck, loyalty, and long life. In wetlands,where they can easily find food.Their long life/longevity and elegance .They are elegant dancers in nature.appearancehabitatfoodpop

16、ulationbehavior and habitscultural significancesymbolic meaningrelated poem or stories.What aspects will we cover when describing an iconic animal?中国野生动物保护协会中国野生动物保护协会正正举办举办“网上推举国鸟网上推举国鸟”活动,活动,请你请你为它的竞选海报写一篇题为为它的竞选海报写一篇题为“The National bird in my heart”的英语短文的英语短文,为它宣传助力。,为它宣传助力。审题审题Writing Practice1.

17、确定文体:确定文体:2.主体时态:主体时态:3.主体人称:主体人称:说明文说明文本文应以一般现在时为主。本文应以一般现在时为主。第三人称。第三人称。谋谋篇篇Part1:introduce the topic and its appearance;Part2:describe its habitat and behaviors;Part3 :its uniqueness and symbolic valueIntroduce the topic When it comes to Chinas national bird,the first candidate that comes into my

18、 mind is.Appearance : They have .with .As their name implies ,they have .on the head.The organization of language . live in . and mainly feed on . They can be found in ., where they have easy access to . Apart from ., . are even more eye-catching when doing .Habitat and behaviors Describe its unique

19、ness and symbolic value It is . that makes . unique. Compared with ., . does have . In China, it is known as a symbol of. The National Animal In My Heart In China ,the red-crowned crane is regarded as a very special animal.This graceful creature has white feathers and long legs.As their name implies

20、,they also have a red crown on their head. In traditional Chinese paintings ,the cranes are often shown standing on pine trees.But in reality,they mainly live in the wetlands,where they can have easy access to water creatures which they feed on.Apart from its elegant appearance ,they are even more eye-catching when they are performing dances.They look exactly like ballet dancers!


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