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1、 初中毕业班英语教学质量检测卷(二模)一、单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)1He is great. Lets wish _ a better future. AmeByouCherDhim2Its time _ class. I must go into the classroom. AforBofCinDafter3The guide is worried. The train is leaving in ten minutes, but two members of his group _. Adont arriveBhavent arrivedCwont arriveDdi

2、dnt arrive4He goes swimming every day. The good _ keeps him healthy. AmatchBtaskChabitDdream5Dont be _, please. We are preparing for the final test. AlateBnervousCseriousDnoisy6My brother _ a wallet when he passed by the park. Aput upBused upCpicked upDtook up7Just wait and see, Class Five _ the bas

3、ketball game. Awill winBwonCwinsDhave won8The earth looks blue in space because its surface _ by ocean. AcoversBis coveredCwas coveredDhave covered9Helen _ go on the trip with us, but she isnt quite sure yet. AmustBcanCmayDshould10Do you know _? Sorry, I dont know. Its not mine.Awhen the robot was b

4、oughtBwhy the robot was madeChow the robot will workDwho the robot belongs to二、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)完形填空Skateboarding seems like a sport for boys. But teenager Brighton Zeuner in the US has shown that 11 can skate, too. She won the womens skateboarding competition at the first Vans Park Series Worl

5、d Championships in Sweden. She was only 12 years old and had to skate against women 12 than her.Brighton studies at Dehesa Charter School, California. She fell in love with skateboarding when she was five. She often went to the local skate park to 13 her older brother Jack skate. One day she decided

6、 to have a go herself.Brighton quickly learned lots of new tricks(花招). She enjoys the freedom on the board. On my board, I feel free, Brighton told ESPN. I cant live 14 this. Her parents build a skate ramp(斜坡) in their backyard. She skates almost every day. A bad crash(碰撞) meant she had to take a 15

7、 from the sport. But she didnt give up.Then, she started skating professionally. She became the 16 female(女性) to be invited to the X Games. It is an extreme sport(极限运动) competition in the US. She finished fourth in it.Brightons success 17 many girls to try skateboarding. Now, there are more and more

8、 girls skating at her local skate park.Skateboarding will be 18 to the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. 19 , it has been put off because of the COVID-19(新冠). Brighton hopes to compete in the Olympics. Brighton believes in herself. When I 20 , I get back up and make the trick, she said. The trick doesnt bea

9、t me.11AgirlsBboysCchildrenDteenagers12AstrongerByoungerCprettierDolder13AvisitBwatchCplayDskate14AwithoutBwithCforDwithin15AbreakBstepCtimeDbreath16AheaviestBprofessionalChopefulDyoungest17ApushedBencouragedCcontrolledDtouched18AaddedBcompetedCsupposedDinvited19ALuckilyBUnluckilyCSurprisinglyDhappi

10、ly20AwinBsucceedCfallDskate三、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)阅读理解To: Grace Yang Date: 6 September Subject: Invitation to a job interviewDear Grace,Thank you for applying(申请) for the position(位置) of sales manager. We would like to invite you for an interview at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, September 21 at our company

11、 at The Shard, 32 London Bridge Street, London.You will meet with our head of sales, Susan Park, and the interview will last about 45 minutes. During this time, you will find out more about the position and learn more about the company.Please arrive 15 minutes earlier. You will need to show your ID

12、card to Helen, the secretary, to get a visitors pass. As soon as you arrive, please get in touch with me. If you have any questions or if you wish to change the time of the interview, please call me at 555-1234 or email me by September 12.Im looking forward to meeting you.Anna Green (Human Resources

13、 Manager)21What position has Grace applied for? ASecretary.BHead of sales.CSales manager.DHuman resources manager.22To get a visitors pass, Grace has to _. Agive Anna a callBsend an email to AnnaCshow her ID card to the secretaryDshow the invitation to the secretary23Which of the following is TRUE?

14、AThe company is in London.BGraces phone number is 555-1234.CAnna is the secretary of the company.DThe place for the interview can be changed.阅读理解Nine years ago, my mother took me, a 6-year-old girl, to have a trip. We went to the foot of a high mountain ad then she told me that we would climb. I did

15、 never do this before and the thought of it made me very happy.At the beginning, I was so excited and happy that I climbed fast. But half an hour later, when I was thirsty and tired, I just stopped and sat upon the ground, completely silent. My mom came and sat next to me.She said, Get up and go on!

16、Almost shouting, and with tears in my eyes I replied, No, I dont want to do this. Its too tiring and I am thirsty. I dont like it. I want to go back home now.Patiently she explained, Listen, my dear. If you try your best, anything is possible. If you dont try, your dreams will never come true. Howev

17、er hard the task is, we must finish it. You will never know how beautiful the view looks unless you reach the top of the mountain.Hearing her words, I stopped crying and started to climb again. Finally I made it. I did reach the top of the mountain and enjoyed the wonderful view.Never stop fighting

18、until you arrive at your destined(命定的) place that is, the unique(独一无二的) you.24What made the little girl so glad? AThe trip that they took.BTo climb the mountain.CThe time with her mom.DTo arrive at the mountain foot.25From the passage, we know the mother _. Arealized her dreamBloved the wonderful vi

19、ewCwas good at encouraging othersDwas good at climbing mountains26What can we learn from the passage? AIts never too old to learn.BPractice makes perfect.CFailure is the mother of success.DWhere there is a will, there is a way.阅读理解Read in the Library We provide comic(漫画) books, picture books and sto

20、rybooks for children under 12. E-books with music and readings are offered as well. There are more than 12,000 books for you to choose from. You are not allowed to eat or drink indoors and should keep quiet.Time: 8:30 18:00 (Weekdays only) Add: 26 Greenfield StreetTel: 204-942-6302 Web: www.children

21、library.c*Listen to a ConcertIt is the biggest concert of the year. You can enjoy wonderful classical/pop/folk/country music played by famous bands from twelve countries. Time: 19:30-23:30, October 25th Tickets: $20 (Adults only)Info Hotline: 204-986-7681 Call 204-888-4302 to book ticketsWeb: www.mu

22、sicdream.c*Draw a WatercolorIts a great place to learn how to paint! You will have fun painting watercolors in a friendly environment. Cost: Adults $ 10 per class Children (6-15 years old) $ 8 per classTime: Tuesdays 6:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m.Tel: 204-945-5831 Web: www.paintin

23、gwatercolors.c*Play in a Soccer Field We are free for children over 14 on weekends. Wear sportswear, please. Coaches teach you how to play soccer well. And there are wonderful matches every afternoon on weekends.Add: 226 Golden Road, City StadiumTime: Monday Friday 6:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. 1

24、0:00 p.m.Web: www.soccerlearing.c*27If you are interested in reading, which number can you call for more information? A204-888-4302B204-942-6302C204-986-7681D204-945-583128Whats special about the concert? AIt is for children only.BIts free.CIt has famous players.DIt provides a friendly environment.2

25、9How much should Mrs. Rosa pay for five painting classes with her 10-year-old daughter? A$18B$40C$50D$9030What is mentioned in each part of the text? AThe price.BThe address.CThe website.DThe telephone number.阅读理解 Curiosity(好奇心) is part of human nature. Children are famous for wanting answers to ton

26、s of questions. Books and TV shows often depend on curiosity. People keep reading or watching them because they want to find out what happens. But curiosity also provides many practical benefits(益处). Many of historys greatest discoveries were made by curious people. People wondered how processes wor

27、ked or how certain tasks could be done more quickly. Thanks to their curiosity. people now know far more about the world and have useful technology to help them. Even if you dont plan to be an inventor or a researcher curiosity can still help you in the classroom. If you develop the curiosity of lea

28、rning, classes will become more fun. And youll be good at it because you will enjoy the process of learning. Even if you re no longer a student, curiosity will make you an able worker. What will you do if youre not curious? Luckily, curiosity is a skill that can be improved. If you act like youre cu

29、rious, youll quickly start to feel curious. Often, the more you learn about a topic, the more interesting it becomes. As you learn about a topic, get information from as many sources(来源) as possible. Read all kinds of books, watch or listen to speeches and ask questions. Dont always get your informa

30、tion from the same source. Instead, learn to understand the facts that different people know and the different opinions that they express. Dont assume you already know everything. Instead, search for other possibilities and points of view. Remember, everyone knows something that you dont know. Find

31、out what it is, and ask about it. This lets you learn something and makes the other people happy by letting them show off their knowledge.31What is the writer trying to do in the first paragraph? ATo show the benefits of curiosity.BTo introduce the topic of the passage.CTo introduce the character of

32、 children.DTo show the popularity of books and TV shows.32Why can curiosity help you in the classroom? ABecause it can make you cleverer than before.BBecause it can make the classes easier for you.CBecause it can help you enjoy the process of learning.DBecause it can help you feel relaxed in the cla

33、ssroom.33What does the underlined word assume in the last paragraph mean? AforgetBworryCwonderDexpect34Which of the following is true about curiosity? ACuriosity is in fact a skill born with us.BCuriosity can be improved through practice.CReading books helps us improve our curiosity.DThe great inven

34、tors or researchers are all curious people.35What is the best title for this passage? ATry to Be CuriousBMake Others HappyCLearn to QuestionDBe an Able Worker四、任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)任务型阅读How will the Internet change the world? Will we enjoy a smarter life in the future? Many of the worlds biggest In

35、ternet companies took part in an important meeting. They talked about how to build a future for our online world. The companies at the meeting showed us some of their latest technology.Lip reading Machines can not only read faces. They can also read your lip movements. The Chinese internet company S

36、ogou has made lip reading technology. You dont need to speak aloud. The machine turns your lip movements into voice or text. Police can also use this technology. Sometimes they see criminals(罪犯) on city-monitoring(城市监控) cameras, but they dont know what they say. The lip reading technology can help p

37、eople with this.Smart shoes Your feet might hurt if your shoes do not fit you. This wont happen if you wear smart custom-made shoes. The Xiemofang company brought a machine to the meeting. The machine scans(扫描) your feet. It records 39 parts of your feet. It even records how long each toe is. It als

38、o has a database(数据库). The database has more than 10,000 kinds of shoes. You can choose the color and style. It also gives you suggestions for your choices. The suggestions are based on records of other peoples feet. You can get your new shoes after 10 days.Unmanned(无人的) supermarkets You walk into a

39、 supermarket, pick out your goods and go to check out. But there is no worker. There is just a tablet(牌) that says Please smile. When you smile, it gives you a discount. Your money goes from your Alipay account(账户) to the supermarket. The Alibaba company has made this supermarket. When you go into t

40、he supermarket, it knows your face and your Alipay account.36The Internet companies talked about how to build a for our online world.37Which technology could be very important to solve crimes?38If you have difficulty choosing a pair of suitable shoes, what should you do? 39找出并写下全文的主题句40将文中画线句译成汉语五、词

41、语运用(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)根据提示使短文完整,每空一词。I will never forget the Art Festival in my high school. When I won 41 big prize, all my classmates think Im talented in painting. However, when I was in primary school, I did not like art lessons42 I couldnt draw very well. In fact, my drawings were much worse tha

42、n most of my 43 (classmate). One day, while I was 44 (play) with some paint, Ms. Smiths class began. I mixed the paint with water as usual. As I took the brush away, I 45 (drop) the paint onto the paper. Looking at the mark, I decided to blow it. The paint began to run, and I blew even 46 (hard). Th

43、e paint ran in all directions47 (quick) and made an interesting picture. Ms. Smith came to my desk to have a look. 48 a smile on her face, she said, Its a very good picture, Sandy. That was the49 (one) praise I had ever received in art. She encouraged me to keep trying and I made a lot of wonderful

44、pictures with 50 (she) help. Since then, I have become crazy about crayons and paint. I enjoy myself in the world of colors every time I paint.六、连词成句(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)51miss, you, train, did, the 52box, is, pencil, where, my 53on time, try, be, to, here, next time 54offered, advice, he, some, me 55hea

45、vily, raining, is, how, it 七、书面表达(15分)56“一粥一饭当思来之不易,半丝半缕恒念物力维艰”。勤俭节约是中华民族的优良传统,即使现在我们的生活条件有了极大的提高,我们也不应该浪费资源。请以“节约食物”为话题,写一篇英语作文。提示:Whats the importance of food?As teenagers, how can you avoid wasting food?How do you call on others to save food?注意:短文须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥;文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名;词数80左右,短文开头已经给出,

46、不计入总词数。 Food is something we need every day.答案解析部分1【答案】D2【答案】A3【答案】B4【答案】C5【答案】D6【答案】C7【答案】A8【答案】B9【答案】C10【答案】D【答案】11A;12D;13B;14A;15A;16D;17B;18A;19B;20C【答案】21C22C23A【答案】24B25C26D【答案】27B28C29D30C【答案】31B32C33D34B35A【答案】36future37Lip reading. 38I should wear smart custom-made shoes.39The companies at the meeting showed us some of their latest technology. 40当你进入超市时,它能识别你的脸和支付宝账户。 【答案】41a;42beca


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