中考英语真题阅读理解 完成句子及表格.doc

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1、 (2016四川成都)三、B 完成表格。阅读下面短文,根据其内容,完成表格中所缺的信息,并将答案填写在答题卡相应题号后。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) Humans have five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. They collect the information for the brain. For example, the eyes collect information on pictures and the ears collect information on sounds. Sometimes a pe

2、rson loses a sense. Their other senses become better. For example, a blind person has much better senses of hearing and touch. Sight The eyes can only see with light. Light carries the picture of something into the eyes so humans can see it. But do you know that the picture is upside down? The brain

3、 has to turn the picture the right way up again. Hearing Sounds travel through the air like waves(波). Human ears are like cups. They catch sound waves for the brain and the brain translates them as different sound. Smell Humans smell with their noses. Most people can recognize about 10, 000 kinds of

4、 smell. This is amazing! Humans each have five million receptor cells(感受细胞)in their noses. Noses are not only for smelling. They also clean and warm the air that people breathe in. How does the nose prevent the dirty air from getting into the body? Well, it sneezes(打喷嚏)! TouchThere are receptor cell

5、s for the sense of touch all over the body. This is different front the other senses. Touch receptor cells are in the lowest part of the skin. They help the body to have all kinds of feelings like pain, cold and heat. Some parts of the body (like the finger) are more sensitive(敏感的)than other parts o

6、f the body (like the back) because they have more touch receptor cells. Taste People can taste food because they have about10,000 taste buds(味蕾)on their tongues. Old taste buds die and new ones come out every two weeks. But when people get older, this happens less often. Thats why old people often c

7、omplain their food is tasteless. Scientists also find that smokers have fewer taste buds. Do you want food to taste good? Well, dont smoke! For hundreds of years, people knew the basic tastes were sour, sweet, salty and bitter(苦).In 2002, a fifth taste, umami (delicious taste) joined the list. Now,

8、a study from Purdue University in the US found that fat could actually be the sixth basic taste. To be considered a basic one, a taste needs to be able to activate certain receptor cells in the months. A study has shown that humans have fat receptors in the mouths. Not long after that, a scientist m

9、ade a study to test a second question: can people taste the difference between fat and other tastes?Richard Mattes gave the testers six different kinds of things. Each kind had a taste: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umamior the newcomer-fat. Mattes asked the people to pick out tastes by their differen

10、ces. This was to test whether or not fat would be picked out from the group. Most of the testers could clearly find out the different taste of fat. Then how does fat taste? “Its terrible.” Manes said “However, the taste can be pleasant in a small amount. just as we enjoy the bitterness of chocolate.

11、”senses 1 facts about the sensessighteyesPictures of real things are completely different in 2 from those carried by light into the eyes. hearingearsSound waves caught by ears must go through a process like 3 so that we can hear different sounds. smellnoseThe functions of nose are smelling, cleaning

12、 and warming the air people breathe in. Sneezing is the way to 4 the dirty air we breathe in. touch 5 People feel pain, cold and heat 6 the function of the receptors. So the more touch receptors we have, the more sensitive we are. tastetongueOld taste buds die and new ones come out every two weeks.

13、Losing a certain amount of taste buds 7 that the old and the smokers have a bad sense of taste. They cant enjoy tasty food like others. 8 sour sweet salty bitter umami One newly found tasteA scientific study has proved people have fat receptors in the mouth. One 9 study shows: people can clearly 10

14、the taste of fat from other tastes. 【主旨大意】这是一篇说明文。介绍的是人的各种感觉,包括视觉、听觉、嗅觉、触觉、味觉等。本文详细介绍了各种感觉是如何产生的。作者认为人的味觉除了有酸、甜、苦、咸之外,还有一种新的味觉鲜味。美国一所大学研究认为,还应该把fat (最好的部分) 作为第六种感觉,但是这种感觉在社会各界争议很大。1. parts of the body/collectors/organs 【解析】通读表格各竖栏可知,竖栏中各项都是人的身体的各个部分,即器官。 2. brain【解析】由第三段中的“But do you know that the p

15、icture is upside down? The brain has to turn the picture the right way up again”可知:物体在人的眼睛中成的图像是倒立的,大脑必须把图像再次颠倒过来。故判断这里应该填brain(大脑) 。句意:真实物体在人的大脑中成的图像和通过光线传送到眼睛中的图像是完全不同的。3. translating 【解析】由第四段中的“They catch sound waves for the brain and the brain translates them as different sound”可知:人的耳朵捕捉到声波传送给大脑

16、,大脑把各种声波转换“翻译”成各种声音。介词like后跟动词,要用动词的-ing形式,故填translating。句意:人的大脑捕捉到声波,必须通过一种翻译程序,目的是我们能够听到各种不同的声音。4. take out 【解析】由第五段的最后“How does the nose prevent the dirty air from getting into the body? Well, it sneezes”可知:打喷嚏是阻止我们呼吸的脏空气进入身体内。故填短语take out,意为“排除”。5. skin【解析】由第六段中的“Touch receptor cells are in the

17、lowest part of the skin.”可知:触觉的感受细胞在皮肤的最低部位。故触觉的感受器官应该是skin(皮肤)。6. because of【解析】由第六段中的“They help the body to have all kinds of feelings like pain, cold and heat.”可知:这些感受细胞帮助人们产生各种像疼痛、冷、热等感觉。故填短语because of(因为)。句意:因为感受细胞的作用,人们能够感受到疼痛、冷和热。7. causes【解析】由原文第七段中的“Thats why old people often complain their

18、 food is tasteless. Scientists also find that smokers have fewer taste buds.”可知:老人随着年龄的增长,味蕾数量减少;吸烟者的味蕾比其他人也较少。故填动词cause(造成;导致) ,主语是动名词,故用动词的单数形式causes。句意:缺失一定数量的味蕾导致老人和吸烟者的味觉不太灵敏。8. basic tastes【解析】由第八段中的“For hundreds of years, people knew the basic tastes were sour, sweet, salty and bitter”可知:酸、甜、

19、苦、咸和鲜味等是是人的基本味觉。故填basic tastes(基本味道)。9. more【解析】由第九段中的“Not long after that, a scientist made a study to test a second question”可知:在那项研究之后不久,一位科学家进行研究,来验证另外一个问题。故填more(另外的;其他的)。10. tell【解析】由第十段中的“Most of the testers could clearly find out the different taste of fat.”可知:大多数被调查者能够清晰地分辨出最美好的味觉来。故填动词tell

20、,意为“告诉;分辨出”。(2016山东烟台)CStephen Hawking was born in England in 1942. Hes one of the most well-known scientists on space and time in the world. Hawking is researching how the universe began and how it ends. He is called the King of the Universe. When he studied math and science at Oxford University, h

21、e became seriously ill, which made him unable to speak or breathe without the help of machines.Till now, he cant move or feed himself and he is helped to dress, eat and wash by a nurse. However, he has a wheelchair with a special computer, with which he can communicate with others. In spite of all t

22、hese difficulties, he refused to give up his hope of living and went on to study at Cambridge University after graduating from Oxford University. In1965, he got a Doctors Degree of philosophy(哲学).Now he works as a professor at Cambridge University. Because of his serious illness, it was difficult fo

23、r him to draw diagrams or to write. So he started to think in pictures. With this new way of thinking, he is respected by people in the world. Then in 1988, he wrote his first important book, A Brief History of Time. It has been sold more than 5.5 million copies in 33 different languages. He was onc

24、e invited to China to give lectures. His self-confidence and humorous conversations impressed us deeply. From Hawkings unusual experience, we learn that nobody should lose hope, no matter how bad the situation is. As he once said. Life is not fair, you just have to do the best you can in your own si

25、tuation.”Stephen HawkingBrief introductionHe was born in England in 1942.He is a world-famous scientist on 56. _.His daily lifeA nurse helps him to dress, eat and wash.He uses 57. _ to help him to walk.He communicates with others by using a special computer.He thinks in pictures instead of 58._ or w

26、riting.His achievementsHe got a Doctors Degree of philosophy in 1965.A Brief History of Time has been translated into 59._. Hawkings experience tells us that we should 60. _.【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了著名的宇宙之王霍金的诸多情况。霍金在牛津大学学习数学和科学的时候就已经病的很严重了,他不能说话,没有机器的帮助下都不能呼吸。不管遇到多少困难,他都没有放弃自己的希望。文章最后用霍金的一句话结束“生活是不公平的,你

27、只需要尽力做好。”56. space【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:他在_是一个著名的世界级的科学家。根据文章第一段Hes one of the most well-known scientists on space可知霍金是在太空方面非常著名的科学家。故填space。57.a wheelchair【解析】推理判断题。题干意为:他用 来帮助他走路。根据文章句子. However, he has a wheelchair with a special computer可知霍金使用轮椅帮助他走路。故选a wheelchair58. drawing diagrams【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:他用图

28、片来替换 或书写。根据文章句子Because of his serious illness, it was difficult for him to draw diagrams or to write. So he started to think in pictures.可知霍金用图片来替代绘制图表和书写。注意instead of后加doing形式。故选drawing diagrams。59. 33 different languages【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:A Brief History of Time已经被翻译成_。根据文章句子It has been sold more than

29、 5.5 million copies in 33 different languages.可知霍金的书成33种不同的语言。60. hold on hope 【解析】推理判断题。题干意为:霍金的经历告诉我们应该_。根据文章最后一段From Hawkings unusual experience, we learn that nobody should lose hope, no matter how bad the situation is.可知霍金的经历告诉我们无论多么坏的形势都不能放弃希望,我们应该坚持希望。(2016浙江衢州) 阅读下面短文,然后从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确选项填入第4

30、648三个空格中,并在第4950小题的空白处填入适当内容,完成文后图表。 There are world records at the Olympic Games. But what are the word records in kingdom? The largest and heaviest animal on earth is the blue whale. It weighs between 110 and 120 tons. Its heart is the size of a Mini Cooper, Its got the biggest mouth in the world

31、as well. About 100 people can fit inside it. But it doesnt eat people! In fact, the biggest thing it can eat is the size of an apple. The giraffe is smaller than the blue whale but it is also a record breaker. Its the tallest living land animal. Its got the longest neck-about 2 metres long, and its

32、got the longest legs-about 1.8 metres long. Drinking is difficult, but eating from the top of trees is easy! And its tongue is 50 cm long!The most dangerous animal in the world isnt a lion or a bear. Its an insect! The mosquit-oes (蚊子) that carry malaria kill over 1 million people a year. After that

33、, the most dangerous animal is the venomous snake. They kill 50,000 to 125,000 people a year.46. _ 47. _ 48. _A. the mosquito B. the giraffe C. the blue whale49. _ 50. _【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了在奥利匹克运动会上有世界纪录,在动物界也有世界纪录。最重的是蓝鲸,最长脖子的是长颈鹿,最危险的动物不是狮子或熊,而是蚊子。46. C【解析】由第二段的the largest and heaviest animal on e

34、arth is the blue whale可知,世界上最大的,最重的动物是蓝鲸。故选C。 47. B【解析】由第三段的Its the tallest living land animal可知,最长的活在陆地上的动物是长颈鹿,故选B。 48. A 【解析】由the mosquitoes that carry malaria kill over 1 million people a year可知,蚊子每年杀害了近100万人,故选A。49. weight【解析】由it weighs between 110 and 120 tons可知,它重在110到120吨之间,weigh的名词形式为weight

35、。50. over 1 million【解析】由the mosquitoes that carry malaria kill over 1 million people a year可知。(2016江苏连云港) 请阅读下面短文,在短文后表格中的空白处填上适当的单词(注意:每空1个单词)。Title: Inner voice helps a lot throughout our lives.When you couldnt open your mouth till the first two years on the earth, inner voice helps you understand

36、 things. Inner voice always shows thoughts and ideas in the body.It justifies(判断) what is right and what is wrong. When we go against inner voice, we usually feel uncomfortable throughout our lives.Sometimes when we are feeling sad, we seem to need some kind of support in spirit. We usually speak to

37、 our closest friend or our dearest family member during times of unhappiness to feel better. After talking to them, we suddenly feel active again, because our inner voice reminds us to get on with things and leave the things of the past in the memory.Inner voice is always right most of the time, bec

38、ause it knows us better than others and even ourselves. Its good to go by inner voice most of the time. Whenever you are trying to smoke, or whenever you are asked to choose one side in an argument, you are always worried about the result. During these times, your inner voice tells you what to do. I

39、f you dont follow your inner voice,you might be unhappy in the future. Its our own choice to either pay no attention to our inner voice or follow it and search for real happiness.Title: Inner voice helps a lot throughout our lives.Passage outlineSupporting detailsIntroduction to inner voiceBefore we

40、 can talk, inner voice 71 understand things, and shows thoughts and ideas in the body.Things that inner voice helps us withInner voice tells us what is right and what is wrong. We usually have an uncomfortable 72 throughout our lives when we go against inner voice. Inner voice reminds us to get on w

41、ith things and leave the things of the past. 73 why we should go by inner voiceIt knows us better than others and even ourselves. It tells us 74 to do when we are always worried about the result of our choice. We might be unhappy in the future without 75 our inner voice.【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章说明了我们的心声是什么,

42、心声在哪些方面能够帮助我们以及我们为何要跟随心声。71. helps 根据短文第一段中“inner voice helps you understand things. Inner voice always shows thoughts and ideas in the body.”可知,心声帮助我们明白一些事情,表现身体的思想和主意,故答案为helps。72. feeling 根据短文第二段中“When we go against inner voice, we usually feel uncomfortable throughout our lives.”可知,当我们违背心声时,我们就会

43、感觉生活中不舒适。短语have an uncomfortable feeling意为“有一种不舒适的感觉”,此空需要一个名词,故答案为feeling。73. reasons 根据短文的最后一段可知,文章的最后表述的是我们根据心声来进行判断的原因,故此处答案为reasons。74. what 句意为:当我们担心我们选择的结果时,它会告诉我们做些什么。由短文最后一段中“During these times, your inner voice tells you what to do.”可知,固定短语what to do意为“该做些什么”,故答案为what。75. following 由短文最后一段

44、中“If you dont follow your inner voice,you might be unhappy in the future.”可知,如果你不跟随你心声来判断,你在将来可能会不幸福。without是介词,后面接动词的-ing形式,故答案为following。(2016浙江丽水)阅读下面的短文,在思维导图中填入恰当的内容完成阅读摘记。Tape-Measure Murder is a short story by Agatha Christie. In the story, Miss Politt, the dressmaker, finds that Mrs. Spenlow

45、 is dead in her house in a small village called St Mary Mead. Everybody, including the police, thinks that Mr. Spenlow is the murderer (凶手) because he is so calm and quiet after discovering his wifes death. But after the police talk to Miss Marple, she finds out the real murderer.The best part of th

46、e story is when Miss Marple explains how she solves the mystery (疑案) by noticing a tiny pin (别针) on a policemans uniform. Her explanation is very clear and clever. Miss Marple is my favorite character in the story. I think she is very special because she is just an old lady but she is even smarter t

47、han the policemen. I never thought that an old lady could be the main character of a detective story!Can you guess who the murderer is? Read the book to find out! You will enjoy the story very much because the ending is so surprising. Title: Tape-Measure MurderThe main characters: 47 , theSpenlows, Miss Marple and the policePlace: in a small 46 called St Mary MeadThe problem: who murdered 48 Most important events: - everybody thinks that Mr. Spenlow is the murderer- 49 talk to Miss Marple Solution: 50 solves the


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