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1、SpeakingReadingGrammarCultural cornerRevisionLead-in: Listen and SpeakLets enjoy a piece of music first.Health Song by 范晓萱范晓萱Q:What are these sports?rely-racefootballbasketballswimmingQ:Are these things healthy?appleschocolatevegetablescigarettesriceQ: 1)Do you think health is very important? 2)What

2、 shall we do to keep healthy? To form good and healthy habits. (e.g., healthy diet, enough exercise, good spirit)A test on your health condition:1. Do you sometimes get colds and flu?2. Do you eat at least three portions of fruit and vegetables a day?3. Do you eat fish once a week or more?4. Do you

3、take at least two hours exercise a week?5. Do you eat much fat, for example, fatty meat?6. Do you eat a lot of sweet things, for example, chocolate?7. Do you rarely get toothache, but sometimes go to the dentist for examining?8. Are you quite fit?If yes, add 2 points to yourself, if no, add 1 point.

4、Result: 11-14 pointshealthy; 8-10 points not healthy enough. A healthy life is better than a wealthy life.What should & shouldnt do to keep fit? (Please take notes, later we will do a report)Health plan Should doShould not do123123Proverbs:1 You are what you eat.2 Healthy mind in a healthy body.3 Ea

5、rly to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 4 An apple a day keeps the doctor away.Zhou KaiA middle school student.He likes football very much.Look at these words and answer the questions:anxious break(an arm) captain feverinjure injury pain painful normal sweets1 Which word is

6、connected with food? 2 Which words are connected with the body? 3 Which word means usual or ordinary? 4 Which word means leader? 5 Which word means worried about something that may happen? sweets break(an arm) fever injure injury pain painfulnormalcaptainanxiousRead passage 1.Answer these questions:

7、Q1.Why is Zhou Kais mother anxious? Q2.What does she think will happen? Q3.What does she ask him to do? Because he is going out to play football in the rain. She thinks Zhou Kai will catch a bad cold.She asks him to at least wear his jacket.Tell the story happened between Zhou Kai and his mother wit

8、h the key words as follows: anxious play in the raincatch a cold do as one is toldRead passage 2 again.Choose the correct answers.1.Zhou Kais family _ .(a)avoid eating too much fat or sugar(b)eat a lot of vegetables,fruit and meat 2.Zhou Kai _ .(a)seldom gets colds or flu(b)sometimes gets colds and

9、fluba3.A week ago,Zhou Kai _ .(a)injured his arm(b)caught a cold4.Two year ago,Zhou Kai _ while playing football.(a)hurt his leg(b)hurt his arm5.Zhou Kai describes himself as _.(a)crazy(b)someone who loves footballbbaComplete these sentences using one of the words and expressions from the passage. Y

10、ou may need to change the form.1.Do you think that a _ arm is very painful?2.When was the last time you had a bad _?3.I have a friend who often _ because she wants to be thinner.4.I hurt my leg while playing football.Because of this _, I had to miss school for a week.5._ is an illness in which you g

11、et a cold and a fever.6.If you exercise a lot and eat well,then you are probably very _.brokencoldFluhealthyinjuryexercisesGroup discussion:1.Does Zhou Kai have a healthy lifestyle, in your opinion? 2.Write three or four sentences saying why or why not. Post-reading:Q:How to live a healthy life as a

12、 student?Western foodChinese food People in the Western world eat too much fat and sugar and dont take enough exercise. Because of this , they put on weight very easily. Their diet contains a lot of fat in the form of potato crisps, potato chips, butter, cream and chocolate. They eat a lot of sugar

13、in form of cakes , soft drinks, sweets and so on. The result is that many of them become fat. And some have bad teeth. In some parts of Britain, one person in ten , by the age of thirty, has no teeth left! The Western food The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest in the world. It contains

14、 a lot of fruit and green vegetables. It is rich in fibre and low in sugar and fat. The Chinese eat less sugar than many other countries in the world. That is why lots of people in China have healthy white teeth.The Chinese Diet I am going to KFC with my friends this weekend, but now, I think may be

15、 I will not go there any more.1.I think it will be a difficult game. 3.Im afraid you will have to stay in bed. 5.Im going to cook rice for dinner.2.I am going to go back to school next week.4.My mother is going to pick me up in a quarter of an hour.6.Can you lie down ,please, and Ill examine you.A Y

16、ou use _ when the speaker decides to do something as he speaks.B You use _ when someone decides to do something before.willbe going to1 “You ll catch a bad cold,” said his mother.2 Ill be fine,” said Zhou Kai, as he opened the door.3 “Zhou Kai, you ll get ill, you know you will.”Do these sentence.A

17、make a prediction?B talk about an intention?be become fall get hurtComplete the sentences with these verbs:1.The doctors are going to examine my leg. I think it _.2.Take more exercise and you_ really fit.3.Dont eat so many sweet. You_ fat.4.Eat well and you _ always_ healthy.5.Dont climb that wall.

18、You _ and break your leg!will hurtwill get / becomewill get / becomewillbe will fallComplete these sentence.Use be going to or will.1.Ive got a stomachache.I think I _lie down.2.Its ten oclock and Ive got a headache. I think I_ take an aspirin.3.Ive thought about it a lot and I_ start diet tomorrow.

19、I want to lose weight.4.My daughter has decided to study medicine. she_ be a doctor.5.My friend is in hospital but_ come out tomorrow.6.Its cold outside.I think I_wear my coat.willwillam going tois going togoing towill Ive got a fever ,and my mother has nursed me until I was almost well.Last night ,

20、it was very cold outside .My friend phoned me and asked me to see a film.I was so happy that I headed towards the door at once.My mother eyed me anxiously and stopped me .“But my friend has booked the ticket”I said. My mother coated me and fingered my face.“Im not mothering you.I know you are not a

21、child .But health must come first.” At last ,I had to stay at home picturing the scene of the film in my mind.Read the passage and find the nouns used as verbs.Complete the sentences using the words as verbs. finger hand eye head house mother taste5 Can you _me those papers ?4 It _ really delicious.

22、3 She _ the silk gently.2 This apartment _ six people and a dog.1 When Zhou Kai s mother saw him_ towards the front door without a jacket on, she _ him anxiously.headingeyedhousesfingeredtasteshandWhich health care system do you think is the best?Ways of paying for the health care systemProblem of t

23、he health care systemBritainAmericaCanadaChinaBy the governmentPeople themselvesBy the governmentThe government has not put enough money into the systemPoorer people dont have the money to pay for private health insurancePeople themselves/ Put these sentences in the right order: A He said that choco

24、late and cheese can often give you migraine. B I see lights in front of my eyes and I have to sleep in a dark room.C He examined me and asked me questions about my symptoms.D For three years, I have had very bad headaches about three or four times a month.E And now I dont get migraines any more. I f

25、eel great!F I am a sixteen-year-old boy. G So I stooped eating chocolate and cheese.H Two months ago I went to see a doctor about my headaches.635281 74chest heart lung stomach throatUse these words to complete the sentences:1 When we breathe, the air goes into our _.2 The _sends blood round the bod

26、y.3 Your _is inside your neck.4 Your lungs are inside your _.5 When we eat, food goes into the _.lungsheartthroatcheststomachMatching:1 a photograph of inside the body 2 something shows that you have an illness3 to take air in and out of your lungs4 an illness in which your chest hurts when you brea

27、the5 to be hot when you are ill6 a piece of paper on which a doctor writes down the medicine a sick people needs breathe have a temperature pneumoniaprescription symptom X-rayX-raysymptombreathepneumoniahave a temperatureprescriptionListening: 1) Mr Chen has got a temperature of 37c. 2) Mr Chen has

28、had the temperature for four days. 3) Mr Chen probably got pneumonia. 4) Mr Chen allergic to penicillin. 5) His wife is going to pick him up in half an hour. 6) The doctor imagines Mr Chen will be off work about three weeks.True or False?FTTFFF1 What is the matter with Mr.Chen?2 What does the doctor

29、 say he will to do?Listen for the second time carefully, and answer these two questions.Mr Chens chest hurts and he has a temperature,a sore throat and a cough.The doctor says she will examine Mr Chen and writehim a prescription.1. get a cold get colds get flu have a cold catch ( a ) cold catch a ba

30、d cold 5. connect with / be connected with connect oneself with/ have something to do with4. two hours exercise two-hour exercise3. once a week or more twice a week2. a portion of / a part of three portions of fruit 6 usual/usually - He came to school late as usual ordinary/ordinarilyan ordinary per

31、son 普通人普通人 common/commonlyhave nothing in common 相同之处相同之处 normalthe normal temperature 正常温度正常温度8 head n. keep ones head 保持镇定保持镇定 lose ones head 慌张慌张 v. head for/towards 向向前进前进7 worry about sth./ be worried about sth. be anxious about sth. 关心,关心, 担心担心 , 忧虑忧虑 be anxious to do sth. 渴望,渴望, 急于要急于要 be anx

32、ious for sth. 渴望,担心,渴望,担心, 忧虑忧虑 anxious-anxiety -anxiously9 healthhealthyhealthily lose ones breath=be out of breath 喘息喘息 ,上气不接下气,上气不接下气 catch ones breath 屏息屏息10 seldom / rarely / hardly / never11 without a jacket on with(without) +(名词)(名词)+(分词、形容词、介词短语或副词)(分词、形容词、介词短语或副词) 表示一种伴随状态,做状语。表示一种伴随状态,做状语。

33、12 take a lot of exercise do morning exercises13 succeedsuccess-successful-successfully (failure) succeed in doing sth.14 painpainful pain-killer 止痛药止痛药 No pains ,no gains. 没有付出就没有收获没有付出就没有收获 Take pains to do sth. 努力做某事努力做某事 spare no pains to do sth. 不遗余力地做某事不遗余力地做某事 I have a pain in my head./ in a

34、tooth17 because of because 15 be crazy about sth.16 Im captain of the class team at school. He is monitor of our class. He is our monitor.18 feed sth. to sb./feed sb. on sth./feed sb. with sth. feed on sth. live on sth.19 too much fat much too fat20 hurt / injure / harm / destroy / wound21 describe

35、sb. /oneself as22 have a sweet tooth 喜爱吃甜食喜爱吃甜食23 would rather do 宁愿做宁愿做 would rather dothan /would dorather than 宁愿做宁愿做而不愿做而不愿做24 be off work be out of work be at work25 lie down lie-lay-lain-lying lay-laid-laid-laying lie-lied-lied-lying 28 ring sb./ call sb. up / telephone sb.29 think of sth/ thi

36、nk about sth/ think sth. over26 pick (sb) up27 I was stupid enough to play football in the rain. 形容词(副词)形容词(副词)+ enough to do 表示够表示够,达到做某事的地步,达到做某事的地步30 lose weight / put on ones weight lose heart take heart lose ones heart= fall in love lose ones way31 be owned by sb = belong to ones own/ of ones o

37、wn on ones own= by oneself= alone32 get a sore throat get a temperature of . / get a (high) fever / get pneumoniaEveryday English:1 Terrific!means _ (a)Wonderful (b)Quite good 2 To be off work means _ (a)not to go to work (b)to stay longer at work 3 Oh dear!means _ (a)Thats bad news (b)My good friend4 That couldnt be better means _ (a)Thats excellent news (b)Well done5 I have a sweet tooth means _ (a)I like sweet things (b)I have toothache 6 Im crazy about football means _ (a)I love football (b)Football is crazyaaabaa


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