
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:2939361 上传时间:2022-06-13 格式:PPT 页数:61 大小:2.11MB
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1、 南宁最爱出的考点! 在选词填空给呈现比较简单的趋势,但是在选择题部分却难倒了不少考生! 完成时present(now)futurepastdo my homework Mother: John, clean your teeth please.John: Mum, I them.Father: Tell your sister to buy some milk, John.John: Oh, she some.完成时的意义要丰富得多! 体会这两句话 I studied English 8 years ago. I have studied English for 8 years.现在完成时现

2、在完成时一一.构成构成: have/ has + done (过去分词过去分词)过去分词过去分词(pp)其变化方法和动词过去式基本相同。其变化方法和动词过去式基本相同。有部分不同,需要记好。有部分不同,需要记好。He has lived in Shenzhen for 4 years. Has he lived in Shenzhen for 4 years? Yes,he has. / No, he hasnt .How long have you learned English ?had your watch?studied in our school ?had your current

3、hairstyle(发型)?known your best friend?worn your glasses?抄写动词以及过去式和过去分词。 1.be- e 3.go- 4.do 5.have- 6.drink 7.give- 8. eat 9.know- 10.make 11.run- 12.say 13.see- 14.find 15.draw- 16.get 17.hear- 18.begin 19.buy- 20.leavewas/were -beencame-comewent-gonedid-donehad-haddrank-drunkgave-givenate-eatenknew-

4、knownmade-maderan-runsaid-saidsaw-seenfound-founddrew-drawngot-gotheard-heardbegan-begunbought-boughtleft-left写出下列动词的过去式及过去分词写出下列动词的过去式及过去分词1 become_-_2 break_-_3 bring _-_4 build_-_5 bite_-_6 catch_-_7 choose_-_8 cut_-_9 fall_-_10 fly_-_11 forget_-_12 grow_-_13 hit_-_14 hurt_-_15 keep_-_16 lend_-_1

5、7 lose_-_18 meet_-_19 put_-_20read_-_21 ring_-_became becomebroke brokenbrought broughtbuilt builtbit bitcaught caughtchose chosencut cutfell fallenflew flownforgot forgottengrew grownhit hithurt hurtkept keptlent lentlost lostmet metput putread readrang rung按要求改变句子。1. She has done her homework. (改否

6、定句)2. She has already told us the news. (改否定句)3. The rain has already stopped. (改一般疑问句)4. I have waited here for two hours. (划线提问)5.He has lived in ShangHai since he left Beijing. (划线提问)6. They have bought a new car, _ _? (反义疑问句)7. She has learned French since 2002. (同意句) She has learned French _ 2

7、years. She has learned French _ 2 years _. She hasnt done her homework. She hasnt told us the news yet. Has the rain stopped yet?How long have you waited here ?havent they forsinceagoWhere has he lived since he left Beijing?现在完成时(一)现在完成时(一)现在完成时现在完成时构成构成用法用法常用状语常用状语1. have + 动词过去分词动词过去分词2. has +动词过去

8、分词动词过去分词1.从过去一直到现在,从过去一直到现在,还有可能持续下去还有可能持续下去.2. 强调完成,强调完成,对现在有影响对现在有影响.ever, already, yet ,before , never,for,since1.表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。 (常以already, yet为标志。)Ive already sent the letters . (话中有话) ( 说明这些信件已不在我这了)I finished my homework.I have finished my homework. (话里有话)区别:already & yet I have

9、nt seen you for ages. (我对美国不熟悉我对美国不熟悉) I have already lost the key. (我现在没有钥匙我现在没有钥匙) I havent read that book yet . (不了解书的内容不了解书的内容) I have just cleaned my hands. (手是干净的手是干净的)常与already(已经), yet(已经), just(刚刚),ever(曾经) never(从不) ,recently(最近), lately(近来) 等词连用. already: 常用于肯定句中. yet: 常用于否定句,疑问句尾. 常用于现在完

10、成时的时间副词常用于现在完成时的时间副词,介词介词:already (已经): 用于肯定句I have already posted the letter .yet(已经): 用于否定句,疑问句 He hasnt done his homework yet.just(刚刚) They have just left. ever(曾经) Have you ever been to Beijing ?never(从不) I have never seen him .before(以前) Have you seen the film before?since(自从以来) Ive worked in t

11、he school since 1999.for(长达) Hes lived in Shenzhen for 6 years.in the past several days / weeks/ years(在过去的)recently(最近) I have not written to my parents recently.so far(到目前为止) So far she has learned 5 English songs.up to now(到目前为止)this morning/month/year(今天早上/这个月/今年) 注意:注意: just: just: 刚刚,与现在完成时连用刚

12、刚,与现在完成时连用 just now: just now: 刚才,与一般过去时连用刚才,与一般过去时连用e.g. I have just bought a pen I bought a pen just now.2)从过去开始的某一动作持续到现在,还有可能继续持续下去。(常以for+时间段或since+时间点为存在标志。)举个例子? I have lived here since 1999.before VS ago 在之前 【考查点】辨析:before与ago ago 是副词,“以前”。它指从此刻起若干时间以前,常与过去时连用。【例句】His parents died ten years

13、ago. before 也可以用作副词,表示“以前”,常与完成时连用。也可放在时间点之前。【例句】I have never been there before. Please come here before six oclock. I remember seeing you somewhere 2 years_. I have read the novel_. 答案: ago before 解题思路: ago常与过去时连用 before常与完成时连用18Translate them into English. 1.你以前做过风筝吗? 2. 我从来没有见过这么奇怪的人3. 到现在你学了多少英语

14、单词?4. 这部电影他已经看过5遍了. 5. 最近有没有读一些有趣的书?6 . 在过去几天里, 你吃了什么?7. 自从她搬到上海以后, 我就没见过她. Have you made a kite before ? Ive never seen such a strange man. How many English words have you learned so far?He has already seen this film 5 times. Hare you read any interesting books recently ? What have you eaten in the

15、 past several days? I havent met her since she moved to Shanghai . 完成时的4个重要考点1.Since & for2.have gone to have been to have been in 区别3.区别过去时4.短暂性动词的使用难点一:for + 一段时间since + 过去某一时间点since+ 一般过去时的时间从句since一段时间ago用for 或since填空1.Mr. Brown has had his TV _ 15 years. 2. Ive taken driving lessons _last month

16、. 3. My sister has had her cell phone _a month . 4. My friends havent visited me _my birthday. 5. We havent used our car _ a long time . 6. She hasnt had a good cup of coffee _years. 7. Tom has worn glasses _he was 7 years old. forsinceforsinceforforsincemethod 2: It is + 时间段 since +一般过去时的句子.1.他的爷爷已

17、经去世2年了。 2. Nick 参军3年了.3. 他离开深圳好长时间了。4. 这本书我已借了4个月了. It is 2 years since his grandpa died. It is 3 years since Nick joined the army. It is a long time since he left Shenzhen. It is 4 months since I borrowed the book . have been 与have gone 的用法比较 have been to 意思是意思是“到过,去过到过,去过”,表示,表示曾经到过某曾经到过某处处,但现在人不在

18、那儿。,但现在人不在那儿。have gone to 意思是意思是“去了去了”,表示,表示已经去了已经去了某地,某地,现在人可能在去的途中或已在那儿了。现在人可能在去的途中或已在那儿了。have been in 意思是意思是“呆在某处一段时间了呆在某处一段时间了”上一页下一页主菜单难点二难点二 She has been to Shanghai. ( 她曾经到过上海) She has been in Shanghai for a week. (仍然在上海) She has gone to Shanghai 她到上海去了(可能在去上海的路上,或已经到上海,总之现在没有回来)用have/has bee

19、n to, have/has gone to填空:1.Where is your brother? He _ the shop. Hell be back soon.2. _ you ever _ to America? Yes, I _ New York twice.3. Here you are at last! Where _ you _? I _ London.4. David _ Australia. Im sure hes already arrived.5. Is Benny here? No, he _ the school library. He left five minu

20、tes ago.has gone toHave been tohave been tohave beenhave been tohas gone tohas gone to难点三: 与过去式的区别?Ive lived here for ten years. 我在这里住了10年(现在仍住这儿)I lived here for ten years. 我在这里住过10年(现在不住这儿了)I was a teacher. I have been a teacher .I cleaned the blackboard half an hour ago. (只说明“擦”黑板和其发生的时间)I have c

21、leaned the blackboard. (说明现在黑板是干净的)eg 3 :He has bought an English-Chinese dictionary. 他已经买了一本英汉字典。他已经买了一本英汉字典。 He bought an English-Chinese dictionary. 他曾买过一本他曾买过一本英汉字典。英汉字典。上一页下一页第一句用现在完成时时态,想表达意为:第一句用现在完成时时态,想表达意为:“He He bought an English-Chinese dictionary. And bought an English-Chinese dictionar

22、y. And he still has ithe still has it” ” “ “过去他买了一本英汉字典,过去他买了一本英汉字典,现在他还有这本字典现在他还有这本字典” 。第二句用过去时只叙述过去他买过一本英汉字典第二句用过去时只叙述过去他买过一本英汉字典这一事实,至于现在他是否有这本字典并未强这一事实,至于现在他是否有这本字典并未强 调说明。调说明。主菜单二当有一个表示二当有一个表示过去某一特定时间过去某一特定时间的状语时,不用现在完成时,而用的状语时,不用现在完成时,而用一般过去时一般过去时: : 上一页下一页eg: I saw the film on television yest

23、erday . 但但since(since(自自以来以来)+)+某一过去时间或叙某一过去时间或叙述过去事情的从句总是与现在完成时述过去事情的从句总是与现在完成时连用。连用。eg: They have known each other since 1950 . Since he was a child ,he has lived in England.主菜单The present perfect tense & thesimple past tense现在完成时: 强调的是这一动作与现在的关系,对现在产生的结果或影响等,不能与表过去的时间状语连用。一般过去时: 只着重说明动作发生在过去,与现在无

24、关,常与具体的过去时间状语连用。Exercises:1. We _(study) English for about five years. We_ (begin) to study it five years ago.2. They _(move) to the south in 1990 and _(live) there since then.3. Eric _(leave) home last year but now he _ (come) back.have studiedbeganmovedhave livedhas comeleft1.他的爷爷已经去世2年了。 2. Nick

25、参军3年了.3. 他离开深圳好长时间了。4. 这本书我已借了4个月了. His grandpa has died for 2 years. Nick has joined the army for 3 years. He has left Shenzhen for along time. I have borrowed the book for 4 months. XXXX实义动词分为: 1) 瞬间动词 (die, join, leave, borrow等) 2)延续动词 (wait, know , learn 等)注意注意: 瞬间动词不能和时间段连用瞬间动词不能和时间段连用. 实义动词分为:

26、 1) 瞬间动词 2)延续动词 瞬间动词瞬间动词joinbegin/startborrowfinish/endarrive/comeleavediebuy注意注意: 瞬间动词不能和瞬间动词不能和时间段时间段连用连用. method 1: 动作动作状态状态die be over leaveborrow/buy arrive begin end/finish join marrykeep/had be away be here be on(上演) be married be in be dead1.他的爷爷已经去世2年了。 2. Nick 参军3年了.3. 他离开深圳好长时间了。4. 这本书我已借

27、了4个月了. His grandpa has been dead for 2 years. Nick has been in the army for 3 years. He has been away from Shenzhen for a long time. I have had/kept the book for 4 months. 难点三:短暂性动词 短暂性动词不能用于 “现在完成时 + 表示一段时间的状语” (for,since)的句型中。 举例: come, go, start, leave, die, buy, finish, join, borrow, stop等。 注意:1

28、.这些动词可用于现在完成时;2.但不能和表示一段时间的状语(how long,for,since)连用 3. 需要用表示持续状态的相应的延续性动词替换 注意:瞬间动词在肯定句中不能与for,since等表示一段时间的时间状语连用概念:延续性动词表示能够延续的动作,这种动作可以延续下去或产生持久影响。如:learn,work,stand,lie,know,walk,keep,have,wait,watch,sing,read,sleep,live,stay等。瞬间动词也称非延续性动词、终止性动词或短暂性动词,表示不能延续的动作,这种动作发生后立即结束。如:open,close,finish,be

29、gin,come,go,arrive,reach,getto,leave,die,borrow, buy等。 电影开始已经有15分钟了。 他离开家已经有2年了。 他死了有4年了。 自从我们在学校相遇就成为朋友已经3年了。 电影开始已经有15分钟了。 The movie has been on for 15 minutes. 他离开家已经有2年了。 He has been away from home for 2 years. 他死了有4年了。 He has been dead for 4 years.自从我们在学校相遇就成为朋友已经3年了。 We have been friends since

30、 we met at school. 注意: 1)(对) Tom has studied Russian for three years. = Tom began to study Russian three years ago, and is still studying it now.2)(错) Harry has got married for six years. = Harry began to get married six years ago, and is still getting married now.改为: Harry got married six years ago

31、.或 Harry has been married for six years.e.g. 误I have received his letter for two days.正I received his letter two days ago.I have had his letter for two days.It is two days since I received his letter.*瞬间动词在否定句中则可以与表示一段时间的时间状语连用。I havent received his letter for a long time.He hasnt married since he b

32、roke up with his girlfriend.Translation:他的爷爷已经去世他的爷爷已经去世2 2年了。年了。 Nick Nick 参军参军3 3年了年了. . 他离开深圳好长时间了。他离开深圳好长时间了。 这本书我已借了这本书我已借了4 4个月了个月了. . His grandpa has been dead for 2 years. Nick has been in the army for 3 years. He has been away from Shenzhen for a long time.I have kept the book for 4 months.

33、 完成时的特殊用法用法用法1:表示一个过去发生的动作到现在为止已完成或刚刚表示一个过去发生的动作到现在为止已完成或刚刚完成。完成。 Now we have planted all the trees. He has turned off the light. Up to now, the program has saved thousands of children. A: “ Would you like something to eat ? ” B: “ No, thanks. Ive just had lunch.” All of us have heard this many time

34、s. I have visited Beijing three times. You dont need to describe her; I have met her several times. 用法2:表示过去发生的一次或多次的动作,一般汉语译为“过”,常带有once,twice, threetimes等频度时间状语 句型一: It is/has been + 时间段since + 一般过去时的句子. 1. 他的爷爷已经去世2年了。 2. Nick 参军3年了.It is/has been 2 years since his grandpa died. It is/has been 3

35、years since Nick joined the army. 用法3:用于某些特殊句型句型二: This/It is the first/second 等序数词 time + that 从句(谓语动词用现在完成时)Its the first time that Miss Liu has been to Taojiang.句型三:It/This/That is the 最高级 + 名词 that 从句(谓语动词用现在完成时)Its the best film that I have ever seen. have / has gone to & have / has been to 1.

36、have / has been (to)表示“去过某地(现在已回来)”2. have / has gone to 表示“去某地了(说话时某人不在当地) “前者可与once, never, severaltimes等连用,后者则不能 e.g. 我曾经去过三次意大利。 I have been to Italy three times. 他去哈尔滨了。 He has gone to Harbin.Summary:用法一: ( 不确定的) 过去发生的动作对现在产生影 响或造成结果。用法二:表示从过去开始并持续到现在的动作或状态, 也可能继续持续下去。用法三:过去发生的动作到现在为止已完成或刚完成。用法

37、四:过去发生的一次或多次的动作。用法五:用于某些特殊句型根据情景用动词的适当形式填空A: I _(not see) George since he_ (leave) this school a year ago . _ you ever _(see) him again ?B: Yes, I have. I _(meet) him a few days ago .A: Where _ you _ (meet) him ?B: I _ (meet) him in the museum . He was looking at some paintings when I _ (see) him .

38、We _ (say) hello to each other . havent seen lefthaveseenmetdid meetmetsawsaid写出下列动词的过去式及过去分词。1 leave -_-_2 catch-_-_3 tell-_-_4 stand-_-_5 get-_-_6 hurt-_-_7 put-_-_8 come-_-_9 run-_-_10 begin-_-_11 swim-_-_12 draw-_-_13 know-_-_14 do-_-_15 go-_-_16 give-_-_17 see-_-_18 drive-_-_19 take-_-_20 be-_-

39、_21 eat-_-_22 write-_-_23 speak-_-_24 steal-_-_25 tear-_-_ left left caught caught told told stood stood got got hurt hurt put put came come ran run began begun swam swum drew drawn knew known did done went gone gave given saw seen drove driven took taken was,were been ate eaten wrote written spoke

40、spoken stole stolen tore tornPractice:1. Can you give me the right answer? Sorry, I _ Would you please repeat that question? A. havent listened B. hadnt listenedC. dont listen D. wasnt listening 2. When you get the paper back, pay special attention to what _ .A. have marked B. have been markedC. had

41、 marked D. had been marked3.It seems that she is thinking about something. Yes, she can not remember what key she _ to her computer.A.set B. has set C. had set D. sets 4.Danny _ hard for long to realize his dream and now he is popular.A.works B. is workingC. has worked D. worked5. He didnt give up t

42、he plan though he _many times.A.would fail B. was failing C. had failed D. has failedTrue or False:1. He has been to the shop. Hell be back soon.2. I havent received his letter for a long time.3. I have received his letter for two days.4. This is the most interesting book that I had read.5. He has b

43、ought the car last Friday.gonehadhave 这些题目对了才算关过哟!1. Oh, Mrs. King, your necklace looks nice. Is it new? No, I _ it for two years. A. had B. have had C. bought D. have bought 2. His grandfather _ for over two years. A. has died B. has been dead C. has dead D. died 3.Uncle Li can speak English very w

44、ell because he _ England for 5 years. A.has gone to B. has been to C. has come to D. has been in4. Where is Mr. Zhang? He _ London.A. has been to B. has been C. has gone D. has gone to 5. _ to the United States? No, never, but I went to Canada a few years ago. A. Have you been B. Have you gone C. Di

45、d you go D. Will you go 6. I havent seen you _ last Friday. A. for B. since C. from D. on用所给动词的适当形式填空1. I _(wait) for him for two hours . I am very angry .2. He _ (be) a doctor since he was twenty .3. The film _ (be) on for fifteen minutes . 4. _ you ever _ (read) that book before ?5. _ you ever _ (

46、try) to change her ?6. No one _ (arrive) here yet .7. _ the bus _ (leave) yet ?8. I _ (not talk) to him yet .改改 错错1. How long have you begun to study English?2. I have borrowed this book for two weeks.3. The river has become very dirty since last August.4. Our manager is away today. He has been to Guangzhou on business.5. He has gone out for two years.studiedkeptbeengonebeen下一页上一页主菜单Thank you!人有了知识,就会具备各种分析能力,明辨是非的能力。所以我们要勤恳读书,广泛阅读,古人说“书中自有黄金屋。”通过阅读科技书籍,我们能丰富知识,培养逻辑思维能力;通过阅读文学作品,我们能提高文学鉴赏水平,培养文学情趣;通过阅读报刊,我们能增长见识,扩大自己的知识面。有许多书籍还能培养我们的道德情操,给我们巨大的精神力量,鼓舞我们前进。


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