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1、Maintaining Intestinal Health保持肠道健康Intestine is the main organ in the body 肠道是身体内主要的器官肠道是身体内主要的器官80% of the immune system 80%的免疫系统的免疫系统Heavily influenced by diet and management 受日粮和饲养管理的影响非常大受日粮和饲养管理的影响非常大Intestine 肠道肠道Fat 脂肪脂肪Protein蛋白质蛋白质Several factors affect absorption一些影响消化吸收的因素一些影响消化吸收的因素1. Qu

2、antity of nutrient 营养物质的数量营养物质的数量2. Quality of nutrient 营养物质的质量营养物质的质量3. Health of the animal 动物健康状况动物健康状况4. Microbial population 微生物种群微生物种群Carbohydrates碳水化合物碳水化合物Intestine肠道肠道Disruption of good bacteria can occur with:以下原因会破坏正常的肠道菌落群以下原因会破坏正常的肠道菌落群1.Abrupt feed changes 生硬的换料生硬的换料2.Interruptions in

3、feed and water supply 饲料和饮水中断饲料和饮水中断3.Contaminated feed and water 饲料和饮水污染饲料和饮水污染4.Some antibiotic treatments 一些抗生素处理一些抗生素处理Coccidiosis / Enteritis / Focal Duodenal Necrosis 球虫病球虫病/肠炎肠炎/十二指肠局灶性坏死十二指肠局灶性坏死Mycotoxins 霉菌毒素霉菌毒素Intestinal function over time肠道功能随时间的变化 Decreased absorption over time 随时间增加消化

4、吸收减弱 Increasing nutrient density? 增加营养浓度? Increasing absorption ? 增加消化吸收?Arteries 动脉 Feed quality and quantity 饲料质量和数量 Limiting amino acids 限制性氨基酸 Digestibility of nutrients 营养物质的可消化性 Particle size 颗粒大小 Digesta viscosity 消化物粘性 Course particle preference 颗粒大小偏好 High Non-Starch Polysaccharide diets 高非

5、淀粉多糖饲料 Sticky droppings 粘性粪便Water quality 饮水质量 Water temperature 水温 Cool water can improve feed intake and production in hot climates 气候炎热时提供冷水可以增加采食量和生产性能 pH pH值 Minerals 矿物元素 Trace 踪迹 Bacteria 细菌Good health 身体健康身体健康 Increased production 生产性能提升 Good feather cover 羽毛覆盖良好 Active and alert 机警并且有活力Poor

6、 health 健康状况不良健康状况不良 Lack of production 生产性能不好 General signs of disease 表现出疾病的特征 Ruffled feathers 杂乱褶皱的羽毛 Liquid feces 拉稀Signs of good health 身体健康的标志Coccidiosis 球虫病Modified from Saxonet 1996 - 2005Coccidiosis 球虫病Modified from Saxonet 1996 - 2005Coccidiosis 球虫病Modified from Saxonet 1996 - 2005Coccidi

7、osis 球虫病Modified from Saxonet 1996 - 2005Coccidia treatment 球虫病的治疗 Vaccination 免疫 Immunity at 16 weeks 16周左右进行免疫 Not passed from parent to offspring 不会垂直传播 Coccidiostats 抗球虫药 Monesin (Coban) 能霉素 Narasin (Maxiban) 甲基盐霉素 Amprolium 安普罗铵Clostridial diseases 梭菌疾病 Necrotic Enteritis 坏死性肠炎 C. perfringens 产

8、气荚膜梭状芽胞杆菌 Gangrenous Dermatitis 坏疽性皮炎 C. septicum,C. sordellii, C. colinum, 败毒梭菌,索氏梭菌,肠道梭菌 C. perfringens 产气夹膜梭状芽胞杆菌 Botulism 肉毒中毒 C. botulinum 肉毒梭菌 Focal duodenal necrosis 十二指肠局灶性坏死 ?Focal Duodenal Necrosis 十二指肠局灶性坏死Clostridial diseases 梭菌疾病 In the USA, bacitracin (BMD) at 25g per ton of feed is th

9、e most common and successful treatment 在美国,每吨饲料添加25克杆菌肽是最常用和有效的治疗方法 Other antibiotics including: 其他抗生素包括: oxytetracycline 氧四环素 chlortetracycline 金霉素 penicillin 青霉素 neomycin 新霉素 tylosin 泰乐菌素 erythromycin 红霉素Feed additives 饲料添加剂 All feed additives have similar goals 所有饲料添加剂都有相似的目标 Increase nutritive v

10、alue of feedstuffs 增加饲料营养价值 Increase commensal bacterial population 增加共生的细菌群落 Decrease pathogenic bacterial population 减少致病的细菌群落 Decrease affect of pathogenic bacteria 降低致病细菌的影响Feed additives 饲料添加剂 Enzymes 酶 Prebiotics 益生元 Probiotics 益生菌Feed additives 饲料添加剂 Enzymes 酶 Phytase 植酸酶 -glucanase, xylanase

11、, cellulase葡聚糖酶,木聚糖酶,纤维素酶 Proteases 蛋白酶PPPhytate and Phytase 肌醇六磷酸和植酸酶Ca2+ProteinStarchPHYTASEPPPPPHYTASEPHYTASEP = Phosphorus8787.58888.58989.59090.59125-3333-47Hen day egg production %-+Mirzaie et al., 2012Effects of xylanase supplementation on performance of hens fed wheat based diets向小麦基础日粮中添加木聚

12、糖酶后对产蛋鸡生产性能的影响ba饲养日产蛋率饲养日产蛋率%Effects of xylanase supplementation on performance of hens fed wheat based diets向小麦基础日粮中添加木聚糖酶后对产蛋鸡生产性能的影响1.761.781.81.821.841.861.881.925-3333-47Feed conversion ratio (g feed/g egg)-+Mirzaie et al., 2012ba饲料转化率(饲料饲料转化率(饲料/蛋)蛋)Enzymes 酶 Pros 优点 Improves less than optimal

13、 diets改善质量不理想的饲料 Reduces environmental impact降低环境的影响 Decreased cost 减少成本 50 kcal/kg Apparent Metabolizable Energy 50千卡/千克表观代谢能 1% protein 1% 蛋白质 0.1% available Phosphorus0.1%可利用磷 Cons 缺点 Optimal supplementation levels?最佳的添加水平? Diminished returns when using multiple enzymes多种酶混合使用时效果降低 Not disease tr

14、eatment对疾病无治疗效果 Few if any water delivery options不能添加到饮水使用Issues to consider 需要考虑的问题 Heat treatment 热处理 Cant digest above 100% 消化率不会超过100% Match enzyme to your needs 根据需要选择适用的酶 Be specific 具有特效的Prebiotics 益生元 Indigestible 难以消化 Can effect microbiota 可以影响微生物群 Food for beneficial bacteria 益生菌群的食物 Binds

15、 to bacteria 与菌落群捆绑01234567ControlMoltedMolted + prebioticSalmonella (log colony forming unit)Effect of prebiotic on Salmonella shedding益生元对沙门氏菌传播的影响益生元对沙门氏菌传播的影响Yeast supplementation and shell weight补充酵母和蛋壳重量5.9566. weight (g)% yeast in dietPrebiotics 益生元 Pros

16、 优点 Improve bacteria in the gut改善肠道菌群 Protection from disease增强疾病抵抗力 Mineral absorption?矿物元素吸收? Potential for improved performance提高生产性能潜力 Cons 缺点 High fiber diets高纤维日粮 Can target incorrect bacteria错误的目标菌落 No water delivery不能饮水添加 Cost savings hard to measure难以测定是否节约成本Probiotics 益生菌 Mechanisms not al

17、ways proven in vivo 机制 在活体内并不经常有效 Effects on host 影响宿主 Effects on other microorganisms 影响其他菌群 Very specific in action 活性非常特殊 Highly variable 变化性非常大 Gram negative Gram negative 革兰氏阴性 革兰氏阴性 Lactobacillus spp. Lactobacillus spp. 乳酸菌 乳酸菌 Lactobacillus reuteri Lactobacillus reuteri 罗伊氏乳杆菌 罗伊氏乳杆菌 Broiler

18、Laying hen 肉鸡 产蛋鸡 Many claims unproven 许多未经证实的说法Probiotic mechanisms 益生菌的机制Performance of laying hens fed various probiotics饲喂不同益生菌的蛋鸡生产性能8686.58787.58888.589controlprob-1prob-2prob-3Hen day egg production (%)Bozkurt et al., 2011饲养日产蛋率饲养日产蛋率Performance of laying hens fed various probiotics饲喂不同益生菌的蛋鸡

19、生产性能1.9822. conversion ratio (g feed/g egg)Bozkurt et al., 2011饲料转化效率(饲料饲料转化效率(饲料/蛋)蛋)Probiotic 益生菌 Pros 优点 Can improve performance可以提高生产性能 More eggs 更多鸡蛋 Better Feed Conversion Ratio 更好的饲料转化效率 Immunomodulation免疫调节 Better if given prior to challe

20、nge受到外界影响之前使用效果较好 Cons 缺点 Highly variable变化性太大 Many unproven claims许多未经证实的说法 Variety of strains 菌株多样Other feed additives 其他饲料添加剂 Synbiotics 合生素 Organic acids 有机酸 pH pH值 Phytogenics 源于植物的物质 Plant extracts 植物提取物Feed additives work in concert饲料添加剂的协同作用 Known benefit-commensal bacteria produce lactic ac

21、id已知的有益共生菌群会产生乳酸 Organic acid - Lactic acid in diet有机酸 日粮中的乳酸 Probiotics - Direct dose of lactic acid bacteria益生菌 直接产生乳酸菌 Prebiotics - Should increase lactic acid bacteria益生元 增加乳酸菌Summary 总结 Intestinal health important for optimal performance肠道健康对于发挥理想的生产性能十分重要 Diseases hinders performance疾病阻碍生产性能的发挥 Feed additives can help performance饲料添加剂可以改善生产性能 Challenge setting 外界环境的影响 Less than optimal diets 不理想的饲料


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