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1、人教PEP版三年级英语下册期末复习试卷学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、语音选择题选出下列每组中划线部分读音不同的项。1AwantBhandCant2AmilkBbigClike3ArulerBunderCduck4AgrapeBappleCpanda5AcutBcupCblue二、单选题6Look at that boy. _ he your brother? ( )Yes, he is.AThisBIsCAre7Amy is from _ UK. ( )AaBanCthe8Im Lily, Im from the UK. ( )_AWe have two new friends toda

2、y.BWelcome!9Nice to meet you. ( ) _ANice to meet you, too.BNice to see you again.CWelcome.10Whos that girl? ( )_ my new friend.AItsBHesCShes三、情景选择11当你想知道朋友来自哪里时,你会说:( )AWhere are you?BWhere are you from?12当你想知道吴一凡是否喜欢葡萄时,你可以对他说:_ ( )ADo you like grapesBI like grapes.CI dont like grapes.13在动物园里,你想让朋友

3、看那只猴子,应该说:( )ALook at that monkey!BLook that monkey!14当别人不喜欢梨,你也表达不喜欢时应该说:( )AMe, too!BYou, too!CMe, Neither!15你在动物园里见到熊,并想向别人描述它时,你可以说:( )AIts tall and thin.BIts big and fat.CIts small.16Welcome back to school! ( )_AThank you.BOK!CGood morning.四、排序题17给下列句子排序。(_)I can see some pears.(_)Oh. I can see

4、 fifteen pears.(_)One, two, three.twelve, fifteen.(_)How many pears can you see?(_)What can you see?五、连线题18将下列图片与相应的单词连起来。1. 2. 3. 4. a. big mouth b. long tail c. small eyes d. short tail六、填内容补全对话/短文填入合适的单词,使对话完整。Mum: Honey! 19 buy some fruit. Do you 20 oranges?Sally: No, I 21. I like apples.Mum: Do

5、 you like pears?Sally: Yes, I do.Mum: 22 you are.Sally: 23, mum.七、选内容补全对话/短文Mary: Excuse me, Mike. 24Mike: Is it in your desk?Mary: 25Mike: 26Mary: No, it isnt.Mike: Look! 27 Haha! 28Mary: OK!ANo, it isnt.BIts on your head.CIs it in your bag?DLets go home.E.Where is my cap?八、完形填空29完形填空。This is 1 pho

6、to 2 my room. Can you see my bed? It is here. It is nice. These 3 my books .They are 4 . My dictionary 5 on a chair. Look! Whats that? Its 6 . What color are 7 ? Do you know? 8 green. Its 9 the floor. My backpack 10 under the bed. I like my room!( ) 1. AaBanC/Dmy a( ) 2. AtoBinCof Dat( ) 3. AisBamCb

7、eDare( ) 4. Aon deskBon a deskCon the deskDunder the desk( ) 5. AamBisCareDarent( ) 6. Aa plantBplantCthe plantDa plants( ) 7. Athese BthoseCtheyDit( ) 8. AItsBShesCHesDTheyre( ) 9. AtoBunderCinDon( ) 10. AdontBareCisDam九、阅读选择 Look at the elephant. Its so big. It has a long nose and a short tail. Lo

8、ok at the giraffe. Its so tall. It has a long neck. Look at the bear. Its short and fat. Look at the monkey. Its funny. It has a long tail and a big mouth. Look at the panda. It is big and fat.30The elephant has a _ tail. ( )AlongBshort31The monkey has a _ mouth. ( )AbigBshort32The bear is _. ( )Abig and shortBshort and fat33The panda is _. ( )AbigBsmall34The giraffe is _. ( )AsmallBtall参考答案1A2C3A4A5C6B7C8B9A10C11B12A13A14C15B16A172 5 4 3 1 181. c 2. d 3. b 4. a19Lets20like21dont22Here23Thanks24E25A26C27B28D291.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.D 10.C30B31A32B33A34B


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