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1、1. Q1 introduction20 minutes2. Sec I.1I.560 minutes3. Sec II.1II.5 50 minutes4. Sec II.6II.10 20 minutes Q1 is a Ford exclusive designation. By recognizing quality achievement at the manufacturing consistent, understandable metrics to ensure high quality, Q1 has become a quality brand name trust mar

2、k globally recognized. Q1是福特执行的标准主要作用为区分制造现场的等级,并通过运用持续的、可理解的矩阵工具来保证高质量(注重实际业绩) Q1已经变成全球认可的质量品牌 Q1Quality No1 质量第一Ford motor Company exclusive designation 它是福特汽车公司所特有的Set of fundamental quality and manufacturing disciplines基本的质量和制造规则(质量管理体系)Drives suppliers continual improvement帮助供应商不断持续改进Put tools

3、in place to maintain excellence用一些工具维持优越表现Improve each passing year每年都得到提升(Q1不是独立获得的而是引导福特和供应商之间的关系)Recognition (Q1 flag, Q1 plaque)认可( Q1旗帜和标志)Publicity and Advertising Privileges宣传和广告World Excellence Award (acknowledges the best of the best)世界优秀供应商奖励( Q1已经成为众多中欧整车厂选择供应商的标准,是获得Ford全球项目的机会)Preferred

4、 Status with Ford (Ideally only Q1 facilities are considered in source selection)福特的首选供应商(只有Q1工厂才在选点中被考虑)1.Capable Systems 合格的体系 ( TS16949 / ISO14001 / MMOG )2.Ongoing Performance 持续的实际业绩 (产品PPM业绩-与同行业比较后; 6个月的现场PPM; 交货业绩等)3.Site Action Plan现场的行动计划 (至少每半年一次的现场评审; 纠正计划在现场评审后三十天内必须提交给STA-重庆福特要求 是2周内;

5、纠正计划能有效执行-避免空洞,不能执行; 偏差改进-比如要有一年、两年的SPC数据趋势)4.Satisfied Customers 满意的客户 (售后、应急等表现)5.Continual Improvement 持续改进 (PPM情况、诚信表现)Every Supplier site begins with a 1000 point Q1 score每一个供应商的Q1初始分为1000分Suppliers must maintain an overall score of at least 800 points for Q1 status为了保持Q1,供应商必须维持至少800分Sites gai

6、n or lose points based on their performance metrics根据工厂业绩加减分数(每月得分为6个月的平均分值,一个月的不良业绩会影响半 年的得分)1.Not meeting Q1 2002 requirements or fail to implement effective action plan, lose 250 points & Q1 will be revoked. 不能满足Q1 2002 的要求或不能执行有效的纠正措施,减250分, Q1撤消2. In a 6 month period in which supplier has respo

7、nsibility (Tier 1,2,3). 六个月内由于供应商(一级、二级、三级)的责任造成召回,减250分, Q1撤消3. 2 or more stop shipments in a 6 month period. 在六个月内有2个或更多的停止发运发生,减250分, Q1撤消4. 6 month PPM (production or service) exceeds the ongoing commodity PPM by 100% or more and site PPM110 6个月的PPM(生产件和售后件)超过同类商品平均值的100%或更多 同时PPM值大于110 ,减250分,

8、Q1撤消5. Delivery Rating falls below 81 metric points. 6个月的交货评分低于81分,减250分, Q1撤消1.Conduct and submit a self-evaluation to ensure meeting Q1 2002 criteria 执行并提交一份自我评估报告,确保满足Q1 2002 标准(不少于次的 自我评审)2. Once the supplier believes the facility is ready obtain necessary customer endorsements (valid for 6 mont

9、hs) 供应商认为现场已准备妥当来获取客户(采购、制造、产品开发三大总监的认可)背书认可(有效期个月)3. Formal application to Ford STA with documentation of certification to TS 16949,MMOG & ISO14001 带上TS 16949,MMOG & ISO14001的认证文件正式向长安福特STA申请4.A Q1 on-site evaluation may be scheduled to review qualifications to Q1 2002 Q1现场评估符合Q1 20025. Responsible

10、 STA Commodity Manager provides a final recommendation based on Q1 2002 criteria 相关的STA产品经理根据Q1 2002 标准作最后认可1.Is a checklist to provide object evidence. 是提供实施证据的点检表2.To provide completed checklist to STA 必須完成所有的点检項目3.Segmentation 1 & 2 suppliers item by item review4.Segmentation 3 & 4 suppliers impl

11、ement once per year 5.Keep completed copies, action plans, 2 years maintained at supplier site. 必須完整保存,包含不具合对策,保存期至少两年。4.(Sub-)Supplier associates with Heat Treat, Electroplating, Fasteners, Casting, Stamping, Welding, Plastics Molding, and Machining, refer to Process Checklist. 有关热处理,电镀,紧固件,铸造,冲压,焊

12、接,塑性塑模与机械加工,参考制程点检表。5.Score sub-element with R/Y/G, Expectation ranking will be auto-scored. “INC” received if sub-element not scored. 元素以”紅/黃/綠”计分,总分自动计算。如有未完成评估項目,则显示”未完成”。1.Supplier is third party certified to TS16949. Be full compliance to TS16949 by Dec 14, 2006. 通过由第三方执行的TS16949认证。2006年12月14日前

13、,需全部通过TS16949认证。2.Supplier is third party certified to ISO14001. 通过由第三方执行的ISO14001认证。3.From continual improvement to statistically valid continual improvement 从以前的单纯要求持续改善,到现在要求能以统计数据来表现持续改善。4.Supplier uses a “fresh eyes” concept 供应商运用“新眼光”的概念备注:所谓“新眼光”即包括由不是直接参与产品设计或制造的人员来对产品进行评审. (组织兄弟工厂、同行业厂商等选一个

14、点来评审,共同提高)5.Supplier has records of 3 previous audits, including a list of all non-conformities and non-conformities. 供应商拥有三次先前审核的记录,包括所有不符合的项目清单(三次不符合项无重复发生,证实行动计划是否有效)6.Action plans are in place to address the root cause to prevent recurrence of similar non-conformances. 行动计划是用来针对根本原因,预防类似的不符合标准的状

15、况再发。7.Has a documented process to identify and regularly update customer expectations, objectives, and requirements. (TS16949 FMC requirement) 必须有书面程序來定期鉴别及更新顾客期望、目标及要求。 (外部顾客期望的关键品质特性:PPM、交货绩效、PSW时程、 项目时程、回应顾客抱怨时间等; 内部关键质量特性衡量指标:内部废品率、OEE、停机时间、 换线换模时间、CPK等)8.Has a documented process toa)identify an

16、d regularly update customer and internal expectations, objectives, and requirements. 必須有书面程序來定期鉴别及更新顾客与公司內部期望、目标及要求。b)Assign target to each QOS measurable. 分配公司设定目标至每一个QOS衡量指标。c)Tracking all QOS status which assign to appropriate management level. 追踪已分配給适当管理阶层的QOS指标的改善狀況。a)Performance of these measu

17、rable are communicated regularly. 这些衡量指标的表现需定期的作沟通. (总经理主持会议,对策确定后分发至各部门; 与每一层员工都要交流QOS完成情况,要有证据,审核时会抽问现场员工)9.Ford SIM metrics, key process metrics, and customer satisfaction metrics are included in QOS review. 所有福特SIM衡量指标,关键制程衡量指标,顾客满意指标都包括在QOS审核中。10.Suppliers management team holds monthly QOS perf

18、ormance review meetings with representatives from manufacturing, Quality, Engineering, and Human Resources. Improvement actions are taken by cross-functional teams that include all levels of the organization. 供应商每月举行QOS绩效考核会议; 参与会议的人员应包括制造、质量、工程和人力资源等. 改善行动须由跨功能小组执行,该小组应包括了公司内的每一层次.11. Supplier can

19、demonstrate that an effective daily management review process is in place with cross-functional representation reviewing and reacting to daily production metrics. The review process includes meeting minutes and/or an action log. 供应商能够展现其正运用有效的日常管理考核程序,跨功能代表针 对日常生产的指标做考核和应对该项考核过程包括会议记录和或行动记录(班前会议、早会、

20、生产例会需保存记录,审核时会需要提供)1.Has documented process for developing and improving FMEAs & control plans for all Ford parts. 有建立及改善FMEA和控制计划的流程。2.Incorporates all permanent corrective actions from 8Ds into the FMEAs & Control Plans. 会将8D报告中的永久校正行动回馈到FMEA和控制计划中。3.Identifies “potential cause and cause of failur

21、e,” and implements error-proofing when applicable. 鉴别出潜在失效因素,并在可行的情況下建立防错装置。4. All failure modes that have led to rework operations are included in FMEAs, including actions to eliminate the failure modes and therefore to eliminate the need for future rework. 所有导致返工的失效模式都应该在FMEAs中,包括消除失效模式的行动计划等,以便杜绝

22、这种失效在以后重复发生,来消除将来返工的需要.5. To prioritize actions by 決定采取对策的优先順序,依照 a) Severity 严重度 b) The product of severity and occurrence严重度发生度 c) RPN(严重度发生度探测度)6. There is evidence that full dimensional validation (lay-outs) is completed annually and available for review. 有年度全尺寸检验完成的证据,并且有检验记录备查。7. All error det

23、ection areas are reviewed and plans exist to move to error prevention devices (poke yoke), where feasible. 所有缺陷检测点都得到评审.如有可行性,制定计划从检测转到设立预防缺陷的装置.(供应商有一个行动计划并注明责任人和完成时间,逐步将检查点改造成防错等预防缺陷)8.Supplier understands how to correlate prevention to CC, SC and HIC to determine effectiveness of the method. 供应商知

24、道如何建立将预防措施和CC,SC及HIC联系起来,以决定该方法的有效性(例如:可以针对失效模式的原因)Note: CC,SC和HIC不局限于零件的特性过程参数对于零件的特性同 样重要过程参数也必须被标明为CC,SC和HIC,同时必须透过控制计划来监控和管理。(要考虑到过程参数,不局限于考虑零件特性)9. There is operator-based, statistical process control evidence that supports sample frequency for all print dimensions whether or not they are ident

25、ified on the control plan. 在以操作工为主执行的统计过程控制证据解释所有尺寸的样件抽样频率不论尺寸是否在控制计划中标识10. Be compliant to Vehicle Parts Branding directive E-108 for any new tooled parts after Aug 1, 2002. Which can be found at https:/ 在2002/08/01 之后新开模具的部品,必须符合E-108车辆部品品牌指导书的規定,可以在上述网站上找到相关资料。11. Product and process CTQ spec are

26、 included in the control plan. 产品和过程(关键质量特性)规范包括在控制计划中。12. Roles and responsibilities are in place to support direct labor personnel to react to out-of-standard conditions. 清楚划分责任以应付失控状态的发生。(作业员了解在过程失控状态下的情形,CP中不要出 现见XX文件,不能立即清楚该做的反应)13. Work instructions clearly define quality acceptance criteria.

27、作业指导书定义品质接收衡量指标。(作业员了解产品标准)14. Process maps, Kaizan documents include 流程图,改善文件包含 a) Load Balancing 负荷平衡 b) Poke Yoke 防错 c) Pull / Flow system 拉式/流动 系统 d) Small Batch Sizes 小批量 e) Event Minutes 事件会议记录 f) Kaizan Process Documents 改善流程文件 g) Kaizan Schedules 改善时程表 h) Kaizan Resources 改善资源15.Error proofi

28、ng methods that are in place cannot be circumvented by the operator and that poke yoke is on the plants certification program. 所采用的防错方法作业员不能绕过不用,并且该防错装置要包括在工厂的鉴定计划中(亦要在日常点检中做防错验证,以确认防错装置是有效的,以免漏掉问题)16. A cross-functional team is formed (including customer) to identify SC,CC,HIC (where applicable). a

29、nd ES 成立跨功能的小组(包括顾客)来确定SC,CC,HIC(如果有的话),和ES(工程规范)17. All CC, SC, HIC (where applicable) from the PFMEA have been identified on control plans. 所有来自于PFMEA的CC, SC(如果有的话),和HIC都已在控制计划中标识 (供应商一定要把CC, SC识别清楚以做好控制,经STA签字保护双方利益。新产品开发时一定要充分识别,否则产品达不到要求,亦会影响报价) 18. Per the Ford procedure on selection of critic

30、al and significant characteristics, CC for the part should include, as a minimum, the CC listed in the Ford Critical Characteristics Database for that system or component. Any deviations from this list have been approved by the responsible lead Ford Chief Functional Engineer. 根据福特有关关键和重要特性的选择程序,零件至少

31、应包括所有福特系统和零件关键特性数据库中所列的所有CC。与这个清单的任何背离,都必须得到负责的福特相关的总工程师的批准。 喝口茶吧!1.There is a process where operators have the opportunity to provide feedback to their supervisor/manager. 有机制让作业员有机会向他们的主管或经理提出其反馈建议(与作业过程或工作相关的)。2.Supplier identifies operator skill set and training requirements. 明确定义作业员所需要的技能与应接受的培

32、训。3.Supplier manages its training to compensate for turnover rate. 供应商有培训的管理计划以补偿人员流失(人员流失率高的时候,培训计划中有无针对人员流失做培训调整,补充人员流失的培训)4. There is a process to manage absenteeism, especially for a given critical manufacturing process (which is based on severity and occurrence). 有管理意外缺勤的程序,特别是对于某个关键的制造过程(根据严重度

33、和发生度)培养多技能员工。5.Operators understand what is critical in the component and what could happen ( consequence of failure mode) if it does not meet specification. 作业员知道零件有哪些关键特性,及如果这些关键特性没有满足规格要求的话,可能发生的情况(失效模式所造成的后果)6.Supplier ensures that only trained and qualified personnel are involved in all aspects

34、 of the manufacturing of Ford Parts. 供应商确保只有培训合格的人员,才可以参与福特零件的生产。1.Supplier has a APQP tracking mechanism in place.供应商有APQP追踪机制( 对所有黄色或红色状态的APQP要素,应定出行动计划进行改善.)2.Has a system to manage new vehicle program launches. 供应商有一系统来管理新车型的开发生产计划。3.Has a process in place to support Ford prototype and pre-produ

35、ction build events in a timely manner. 供应商有一个已在运作中的流程,可确保准时配合福特原型车及试产的开发时程点。4.Has a process to continuously monitor and improve launch performance. 有一个流程可持续显示及改进上线量产的表现。 (供应商有一套正式的系统,对所有的新产品或新生产线,以基层作业为主的对质量标准的传达)5.Suppliers require sub-suppliers to have a process in place that effectively satisfies

36、 all PPAP requirements regardless of sub-supplier business relationship with Ford.供应商要求分供商需具备满足所有的PPAP要求的作业规程,无论分供商与福特的业务如何1.Has a process to implement internal and external suppliers proposed change no matter if have Ford involved. 不管是否涉及福特,都必需有一个管理內部或外部供应商建议变更的流程。2.Demonstrate effective communicat

37、ion to Ford of a change. 能与福特就任一变更进行有效沟通。3.Identifies new CTQ metrics associated with the change and valid measurement system. 要能鉴别设变所产生新的关键特性,并保持检具更新,以建立有效的量测系統來追踪设变相关的衡量指标。4.SREA: Supplier request for engineering approval 供应商工程变更申请单 1. Sub-supplier Quality Management 分供方的质量管理2. Control of Incoming

38、 Quality 进货品质的控制3. Control Plans / Operator Instructions 控制计划/ 作业指导书4. Process Variability Monitoring/Reduction 过程变差监控5. Gage Calibration and Use 量具校准和使用6. Part Identification/ Nonconforming Parts / Packaging/Shipping 零件标识/不合格零件/包裝/裝运7.Testing/Engineering Specifications 测试/工程规范8.Preventive Maintenan

39、ce (PM) / Housekeeping 预防性维护(PM) / 整理9.Manufacturing Flow / 6 Sigma and Lean Manufacturing Metrics 制造流程/ 6个标准差和精实生产衡量指标10. Problem Solving/Corrective Actions 解決问题/纠正措施1.It is recommended that sub-supplier PPAPs comply with the AIAG manual 注: 建议分供方遵循AIAG PPAP手冊的要求。2.Supplier has a plan in place to de

40、velop value stream maps of their tier 1 and 2 suppliers. 有一个运行中的计划,用来发展其一阶及二阶供应商的价值流程图。3.Ensures that all sub-supplier PPAP requirements are met, including fit and part functional approval prior to getting PPAP approval from Ford. 在获得福特PPAP批准前,就必須先提前确保外包商满足搭配和性能测试。4.When the supplier submits PPAP do

41、cumentation to Ford, it contains sub-suppliers PPAP information and /or it is available for review. 当供应商提交PPAP文件到福特时,要包括分工商的PPAP信息和/或该信息有备为审查之用.(把分供方的PPAP融入到自己的PPAP中)5. When a PPAP is submit to Ford, all sub-supplier PPAPs are updated if the original documentation is more than one year old. 当向福特递交PP

42、AP文件時,如果任何一个外包商的PPAP文件已经超过一年,其PPAP文件就必須更新。6.Supplier requires annual dimensional validation of all parts from sub-suppliers (regardless of sub-supplier business relationship with Ford). 供应商需要每年从外包商那里获得所有零件的年度确认尺寸(无论外包商福特的关系如何).7.Supplier requires sub-suppliers to have a quality operating system that

43、 is similar to TS16949, or VDA. Supplier verifies sub-supplier compliance by annual on-site assessment of high impact sub-supplier facilities. 供应商要求外包商通过诸如TS16949或VDA,并且透过每年的对高影响分供商的实地审查,以确认分供方是否符合要求。1.The frequency on inspection is greater on high risk sub-suppliers. 针对高风险外包商的检查频率要更高。(二阶协力厂稽核计划表提交及

44、记录)2.Rationale required if no incoming inspections are made. 不进行进料检验,要有合理的理由。3.Has operator-based SPC control plan. 要有以作业员为主执行的SPC管制计划。 (亦可要求分供方自己做)注: 计量型的数值要记录具体的数据,可定期做个PPK,看分供方的能力是变好了还是变差了; 如直接以分供方的检验报告做来料检验证据,要有足够的证据(如定期去分供方抽查等)足够的理由证明为什么充分相信分供方的数据.4.Supplier has a containment policy for incomin

45、g quality (i.e., tagging, identifying type of defect, log of defects, 8D review process ). 供应商对进料检验有防堵策略(例如:标志、鉴别缺陷的类别、记录缺陷、8D审查程序)5. Supplier has appropriate resources to manage sub-supplier quality including on-site assessment of high impact sub-supplier facilities. 供应商有适当的资源来管理分供商的质量,包括去现场审查高影响分供

46、商的能力(高影响即指对质量影响较大的)6. Has process to review sub-supplier quality system. 有评审外包商品质系統的程序书。注: 国外的分供商管理:如一级供应商是全球公司,可利用当地的工程师去协调; 如不是,采点时一定要做评审,年度评审可要求分供商自审后反馈回来;如出现质量问题,还是需要去现场看. 贸易商的管理:在选点时要求去现场评审. Ford指定的二级供方的管理:一级供方发现问题时,如推动不了其整改,可及时反馈STA,由STA帮忙申诉,如属国外厂商,STA会通过全球采购中心督促其整改;对二级供方的评审,亦可与STA联合一起去进行.1.De

47、tails for Work instructions including 必须包含的细节a)quality acceptance criteria 允收标准b)process and product control parameters 制程与产品控制参数c)reference to product drawing release level and date 参照的图纸,及发布的版次与日期a)specific/special gages and tools required 所需的特殊量具和工具 e) reaction plan for process and product non-co

48、mpliance 过程和产品不符合时的反应计划f) point of contact 紧急状况联系人, etc. 2.Supplier can demonstrate that operators are adequately trained and supervised in correctly carrying out their process function in line with the available documented instructions, including the correct disposition of set-up and scrap parts. 供

49、应商能展现出作业员有经过完整的训练,以及生产线备妥有效的作业指导书,其内容包括生产作业前调整部署和报废零件的处置流程,及在有受督导的状况下,能正确的执行其过程工作内容3.Operators understand the consequences of non-compliant parts and subsequent failure reaching the customer ( i.e., downstream operation or to the end customer ).作业员知道将不符合零件及后续会失效的部品,递传到顾客后的后果(例如:下游的操作或最终顾客)4.Control

50、Plans are revised and updated when products or processes differ from those in current production.控制计划需要修改或更新,当产品或过程与目前的生产状态下的控制计划内容不同时喝口茶吧!1.Evidence of process improvement include 制程改善的证据包括a)Reduction in scrap 废品的降低b)Reduction in rework/repair 重工/修复的減少c)Defect Per Unit 单位不良数d)Increase in FTT 首次合格率提


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