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1、国家开放大学电大一网平台理工英语2一体化考试网考机考阅读理解完成对话题库及答案第三大题:阅读理解(完成对话)题1A. You need to check the suspensions regularly, B. Let me check. C. Thats really worth noting.D. Can a hard hat save my life? E. Thank you for your detailed introduction. Why Should You Adjust Your Hard Hat So It Fits Properly? Two colleagues a

2、工e heading for a construction site. Robert: Lets go to the worksite and see the progress.Ben : OK,you must remember to wear a hard hat. Robert: 21 D Ben: Of course. Hard hats are important for protecting your head ln open environments. Robert : ls my hat on properly ? Ben:22First of all,adjust the s

3、uspensions.B Robert, I want the hat to fit comfortably so it doesnt fall off, but I dont want to makeit so tight that it causes discomfort. What should I do? Ben: You can adjust the chinstraps properly to fit a工ound your chin. Robert: I see. Do you have any more information about safety? Ben:23_beca

4、use after years of wear and tear, the entire suspension system mayneed replacing. A Robert : 24 c Ben: And do not stuff the gaps of a hard hat or make changes to the hats suspensionharness. Otherwise, its effectiveness will be impacted. E Robert:_ 2 5 _ Now I know how important a hard hat is in the

5、high-hazard construction industry 题2A. Don t be discouraged.B. It s expensive , isnt it?C. Whats wrong , honey ?D. Let me have a try.E. But I dont have much time to attend the classes. David: oh , my God. I cant take it anymore. Barbara :_21_Take it easy.C David: I am tired of doing that boring work

6、. I just repeat doing the same thing every day. Barbara: Cheer up! You always do an excellent job. Your diligence and intelligence are alwayshighly praised. David: Yes , that s in the past. I was full of ambitions before , but now I have no passionfor my career. It s so terrible. Barbara: _ _ 22Mayb

7、e you can register for some courses. It can broaden your knowledgeand provide chances for you to pick up more professional skills.A David: 1 t sounds great._23_E Barbara: There are lOts of professional training courses online. Check it on the Internet. You 11 find one suitable for you. David:24_8 Ba

8、rbara: Yes , it is more expensive than attending traditional classes. But it s worthi t. I believe it can get you into a good mood and also help yolll learn something useful for thefuture. David: OK ,25D 题3A. Thank you for your detailed introduction.B. You need to check the suspensions regula工ly,C.

9、Let me check. D.That s really worth noting.E.Can a hardhat save my life?Why Should You Adjust Your Hard Hat So It Fits Properly ?Two colleagues are heading for a construction site. Robert: Lets go to the work site and see the progress.Ben: OK, you must remember to wear a hardhat. Robert: 21 E Ben: O

10、f course. Hardhats are important for protecting your head in open environments. Robert: Is my hat on properly ? Ben: 22_First of all, adjust th irst of all, adjust the suspensions. CRobert: I want the hat to fit comfortably so it doesnt falloff, but I dont want to makei t so tight that it causes dis

11、comfort. What should 1 do? Ben: You can adjust the chinstrap s properly to fit around your chin. Robert: I see. Do you have anymore information about safety? Ben: 23_because after years of wear and tear, the entire suspension system may needreplacing. B Robert: 24 D Ben: And do not stuff the gaps of

12、 a hard hat or make changes to the hats suspensionharness. Otherwise, its effectiveness will be impacted. Robert: 25 Now 1 know how important a hardhat is in the high-hazard construction industry !A 题4A. Dont be discouraged.B. Its expensive, isnt it?C. Whats wrong, honey? D.Let me have a try.E. But

13、I dont have much time to attend the classes. David: Oh, my God. I cant take it anymore. Barbara:21_Take it easy. c David: I am tired of doing that boring work. 1 just repeat doing the same thing every day.Barb釭a I Cheer up! You always do an excellent job. Your diligence and intelligence arealways hi

14、ghly praised. David: Yes, thats in the past. I was full of ambitions before, but now I have no passionfor my career. Its so terrible. Barbara: _22Maybe you can register for some courses. It can broaden your. knowledgeand provide chances for you to pick up more professional skills. A David: It sounds

15、 great._23 E Barbara: There are lots of professional training courses online. Check it on theinternet. You 11 find one suitable for you. David: 24 B Barbara: Yes, it is more expensive than attending traditional classes. But its worth it. !believe it can get you into a good mood and also help you lea

16、rn something useful for the future. David: OK,25D 题5A. Dont be discouraged.B. lts expensive, isnt it?C. Whats wrong,honey ? D. Let me have a try. E. But I dont have much time to attend the classes. David: Oh, my God. 1 cant take it anymore. Barbara: _21_Take it easy.c David: I am tired of doing that

17、 boring work. I just repeat doing the same thing every day.Barba卫I Cheer up! You always do an excellent job. Your diligence and intelligence areal ways highly praised. David: Yes, thats in the past. I was full of ambitions before, but now I have no passionfor my career. Its so terrible. Barbara: _ _

18、 22Maybe you can register for some courses. It can broaden your. knowledgeand provide chances for you to pick up more professional skills.A David: It sounds great. _23卫Barbara: There a工e lots of professional training courses on line. Check it on thelnternet. You 11 find one suitable for you. David:

19、24 B Barbara: Yes, it is more expensive than attending traditional classes. But its worth it. !believe it can get you into a good mood and also help you learn something useful for the future. David: OK,25_D 题6A. Dont be discouraged.B. Its expensive, isnt it?C. Whats wrong, honey?D.Let me have a try.

20、E. But I dont have much time to attend the classes. David: Oh, my God. I cant take it anymore. Barbara:21_Take it easy. C David: 1 am tired of doing that boring work.I just repeat doing the same thing every day. Barbara: Cheer up! You always do an excellent job. Your diligence and intelligence are a

21、lwayshighly praised. David: Yes, thats in the past. 1 was full of ambitions before, but now 1 have no passionfor my career. Its so terrible. Barbara: _22_Maybe you can register for some courses. It can broaden your knowledgeand provide chances for you to pick up more professional skills.A David: It

22、sounds great._23_E Barbara: There are lots of professional training courses online. Check it on the Internet. You11 find one suitable for you. David: 24 B Barbara: Yes, it is more expensive than attending traditional classes.But its worth it. !believe it can get you into a good mood and also help yo

23、u learn something useful for the future.David: OK,25D 题7A. You need to check the suspensions regularly,B. Let me check. c. Thats really worth noting.D. Can a hard hat save my life?E. Thank you for your detailed introduction.Why Should You Adjust Your Hard Hat So It Fits Properly?Two colleagues are h

24、eading for a construction site. Robert: Lets go to the worksite and see the progress.Ben : OK,you must remember to wear a hard hat. Robert: 21 D Ben: Of course. H江d hats are important for protecting your head m open environments. Robert: ls my hat on properly ? Ben :22 First of all, adjust th e susp

25、ensions.B Robert: I want the hat to fit comfortably so it doesnt fall off, but I dont want to makeit so tight that it causes discomfort. What should 1 do? Ben: You can adjust the chinstraps properly to fit around your chin.Robert: 1 see. Do you have any more information about safety? Ben:_23_because

26、 after years of wear and tear . the entire suspension system may needreplacing.A Robert: 24 c Ben: And do not stuff the gaps of a hard hat or make changes to the hats suspensionharness.Otherwise, its effectiveness will be impacted. Robert: _25_ Now 1 know how important a hard hat is in the high- haz

27、ard constructionindustry !E 题8Many of us spend plenty of our time at work, but rarely give much thought to how ourenvironment might be affecting us. Open offices could be making you unproductive and unhappy. A 2011 review of studies examinedthe effects of various types of office environments. It fou

28、nd that open offices can have anegative impact on workers when it comes to focus , efficiency , creativity and jobsatisfaction. However , a 2013 study found that employees with private offices were moresatisfied at work. Your working environment could be upping your stress levels. A recent M poll fo

29、undthat 42 percent of U.S. workers have left a job due to stressful environment. It also found that61 percent of American workers believe that work stress has been a cause of ilness. A noisy workspace could be killing your concentration because of phones ringing andcolleagues chatting, typing and mo

30、ving around. These noises are the enemy of focus andmeaningful time is lost. Too much time sitting down without any physical exercise increasesyour risk of disease. Weve all heard that sitting is the new smoking. Your desk job couldalmost be killing you. Sitting at a desk all day can also contribute

31、 to aches and pains, whilestaring at a computer screen for hours can cause vision problems and headaches. A sedentary lifestyle increases your risk of disease.胄eve all heard that sitting is thenew smoking. Your desk job could almost be killing you. Sitting at a desk all day can alsocontribute to ach

32、es and pains, while sta工ing at a computer screen for hours can cause visionproblems and headaches. Its no exaggeration that your working environment is killing you. Be alert !21. Many of us_pay 皿ch attention to our working environment. A. seldomB. oftenC.alwaysA22.0pen offices could make you A. effi

33、cient and unhappy B. inefficient and upsetC.relaxed and happy23. It was found that employees with were more satisfied at work. A.private officesB. open officesC. new offices24.According to the passage,are the enemy of focusA. colleagues chattingB. phone ringingC . noises25 .Stari aring at a computer

34、 screen for hours increases your chances of_ A.vision problemsB. headachesC. both A and B题9A. You dont need to go to the bosss office to give him the U disk,B. Ive already done a bout4000 words.C. Yeah, I also need to get the e-mail address of the team members who need a copy. D.No, Im not sure how

35、he wants it, a hard copy, on U disk or by e-mail. E.Have you managed to figure out how to use that scanner yet?Sam: Hi. Hows your report coming along? Katie: Not too bad,_ 21 B Sam: Its nearly finished, isnt it? Katie: Yeah, Ive got to check the spelling, then scan and insert a few pictures, do abit

36、 more copy and paste from other files, and it will be done. Sam: 22_ E Katie: Ha, yeah. Eventually 1 had to ask my secretary to tell me how to use it. Sam: Have you run off a copy of the report for the boss yet ? Katie:23 _D Sam:Maybe an e - mail would be the easiest if the file size is not too larg

37、e.24_Hecan read it on his computer when he has the time. It saves paper, too. A Katie:25 c 国家开放大学电大一网平台理工英语2一体化考试网考机考阅读理解判断题题库及答案第四大题:阅读理解(判断题)题1Almost everyone is familiar with video conferencing today , and for good reasons. Videoconferencing is convenient. Video conferencing saves money. Video co

38、nferencing makes money.Andit is so much easier than it used to be. Today, of course, video conferencing has become an important means for doing business. Thereis no longer a need to waste time and money traveling,and the advanced technology can offerwhat every conferencing needs.Audio, web and video

39、 together can provide good solutions forlarge conferences with Q&A sessions and private chats. Why is video conferencing so successful when other technologies have come and gone? Itis because its convenient and cost-effective. In addition to saving time and money , videoconferencing is a lot less st

40、ressful than a meeting after a day of airport security, delayedflights and hotel check-in,etc. Best of all.video conferencing is not expensive nowadays. Web , video and audio conferencingservice providers can quickly get you up and running, often without setup fees or highcharges. With all thats ava

41、ilable today, the only question is whether a business can affordnot to use user-friendly video conferencing. 26. It was easy to use video conferencing in the past.F27.video conferencing is a convenient way for doing business. T28.0nly video can provide good solutions for large conferences with Q &.A

42、 sessions.F 29.Compared to some other forms of meetings, video conferencing is much more stressful.F30.Nowadays if you dont use video conferencing in some cases.maybe your business willsufferlosses to some degree. T 题2Kindles, Nooks and other e-readers are threatening the future of printed books. Bu

43、t readingitself may get a boost from the devices.For example , a study found that the kids felt betterabout reading after a course in which they used Amazon Kindles. The research is in thelnternationaljournal of Applied Science and Technology. For two months , 199 middle-school students in a reading

44、 improvement class in Texas hadl5 to 25 minutes every day when they were free to read on the Kindle. In general , the studentsfel t the device improved their reading ability. And they tended to enjoy using an e-reader. However, some low-leve 1 readers may fee 1 somewhat embarrassed when they are see

45、n with as imp le book. Because they can never use fake book covers as in the past to keep their peersin the da工K.26.Amazon Kindles is a kind of e - books. T27. The research done in the International journal of Applied Science and Technology has lastedfor two years.F 28. The students felt e-books cou

46、ld not improve their reading ability.F 29.Many students tended to enjoy using an e - reader. T30.Some low-level readers used to use fake book-covers to keep their peers in the dark. T题3Improving work safety is a must and a goal. It should be on everyone s mind. According tothe US Department of Labor

47、, every year almost 6000 people are fatally injured at work. Morethan four million people suffer non-fatal injuries. Whats worse, many of these deaths andinjuries were due to carelessness, and could have easily been avoided by paying more attentionto safety rules. Employers are required to provide a

48、 safe workplace, but your safety at work is yourbusiness. If you feel like the environment is unsafe and your complaints fall on deaf ears, you should look for other employment or report the problem to the proper authorities.Of course, some jobs are more dangerous than others. If you have one of the

49、se jobs, you11 need to beextra alert.Deaths and injuries occur in all kinds of employment. Thankfully, there area great many things you can do to improve your safety at work. Youcan improve safety awareness among your coworkers and supervisors, as well as lobby youremployer to improve safety policie

50、s, practices, and training. Be active when it comes toworkplace safety. Dont wait for others to pickup the ball. While youre waiting, you may windupgetting in. jured. So take it upon yourself to do what you can to reduce your chances of beinginjured at work. 26. Improving work safety is necessary. T


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