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1、高考英语词类辨析练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 1.Experience is a great _ when youre looking for a job.A.chanceB.importanceC.assistantD.advantage2.Like it or not there is always _ of one kind or another in our daily life in this competitive society.A.pressureB.reputationC.standardD.permission3.Although it is not our normal _

2、 to give credit in our shop, this time I think we should consider the matter more closely.A.habitB.practiceC.actionD.intention4.A successful scientist needs _ if he wants to make hypothesis(假设)of how process works and how events take place.A.permissionB.instructionC.imaginationD.convention5.Much_,I

3、think,should be paid to your English study so that you can pass the examination successfully.A.influenceB.heartC.approachD.attention6.You must try some of her home-made wine.Its quite an unforgettable _.A.entertainmentB.experienceC.adventureD.addiction7.Did you know what his _ to my proposal would b

4、e after the meeting?A.impressionB.reactionC.commentD.opinion8.In this factory, suggestions often have to wait for months before they are fully _.A.admittedB.acknowledgedC.absorbedD.considered9.American women were _ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.A.ignoredB.refusedC.ne

5、glectedD.denied10.The lost car of the Lees was found _ in the woods off the highway.A.vanishedB.abandonedC.scatteredD.rejected11.Those boys dont know much about society; thats why theyre so easily _.A.taken inB.taken upC.taken onD.taken off12.On the exhibition, he _ all his collecting stamps to the

6、visitors all over the country.A.showed offB.speeded up C.brought in D.gave out13.At present the hotel is almost empty, but Im sure things will start to _ in the spring.A.take upB.pick upC.make upD.give up14.She told me she wanted to _ her two oclock appointment in order to take care of her sick husb

7、and.A.put downB.call offC.hang upD.take off15.If a peace process got under way, Saudi Arabia would _ directly in multilateral talks about regional problems.A.participateB.performC.possessD.predict16.This country has a great area of oil, _ two thirds of their export.A.making forB.counting onC.account

8、ing forD.consisting in17.I think it a good chance that some foreigners will _ some Chinese during the Beijing Olympics.A.pick outB.pick upC.give upD.give out18.Could you please _ a really elegant solution to our problem if you dont like what I have to say?A.put up withB.come up withC.added up withD.

9、made up for19.With the fresh water reducing, the United Nations is _ to all the citizens to save water.A.adaptingB.attackingC.appealingD.approaching20.After passing several cars, Fred suddenly _ too soon and nearly caused an accident.A.cut downB.cut outC.cut upD.cut in21.A university is an education

10、al institution which _ degrees and carries out research.A.rewardsB.awardsC.grantsD.presents22.When Mike was 16 he _ going around with a strange set of people and staying out very late.A.tooktoB.tookupC.tookforD.tookon23.The Olympic Committee has drawn up strict rules for the athlete to_.A go onB go

11、withC go withoutD go by24.It is wrong for someone in such a high _ in the government to behave too badly in public.A.situationB.positionC.employmentD.profession25.We all knew from the very _ that the plan would fail.A.outcomeB.outsetC.incomeD.output26.He looked rather untidy as there were two button

12、s _ from his coat.A.loosingB.losingC.offD.missing27.Lawyers often make higher _ for their work than they should.A.billsB.chargesC.pricesD.costs28.How can we get this language point _ to the students?A.downB.roundC.acrossD.into29.This book gives a brief _ of the history of the castle and details of t

13、he art collection in the main hall.A.outlineB.referenceC.articleD.outlook30.Although John was the eldest in the family, he always let his sister _ charge of the house.A.takeB.holdC.makeD.get附:参考答案1.D.advantage阅历在找工作时是一项优势(advantage)。本题易误选B。2.A.pressure名词辨析。不管你喜欢不喜欢,在当今竞争社会里,我们日常生活中总是存在着各种各样的压力。Press

14、ure“压力”;reputation“名誉”;standard“标准”;permission“允许”,根据句意,A正确。3.B.practicepractice指长期形成的“做法,规则”。4.C.imaginationpermission许可,允许;instruction命令,说明;convention惯例,常规。5.D.attention根据句子意思,此处用attention构成pay attention to短语,表示“注意”6.B.experience7.B.reaction【试题立意】该题考查名词词义辨析,应注意选项之间语意的不同,根据句意正确选择。reaction意为“对的反应”。i

15、mpression与on搭配,表示“给留下印象”。comment与on搭配,表示“对做出评价”。opinion on意为“对发表看法(意见)”。句意为“你知道会后他对我的建议反应如何吗?。”【教学启示】正确区分四个选项的含义,及其搭配,平时多注意近义名词的辨析。8.D.consideredconsidered考虑; admit承认; absorb吸收。注意acknowledge 1) (=agree or admit the truth of; confess)承认,供认; A.He acknowledged his mistake.(他承认了他的错误。) B.接动名词He acknowled

16、ged having been beaten.(他承认被打败了。) 2) (express thanks for)致谢; A.Mary acknowledged the gift with a pleasant letter.(玛丽致函感谢馈赠的礼物。) B.His long service with the company was acknowledged with a present.(向他赠送礼品以感谢他长期来对公司的服务。)9.D.denieddeny 1)否认:A.He didnt deny the facts.B.They couldnt deny that it was a se

17、rious blow to them.C.He denied having ever there.(他否认曾到过那里。) 2) (=say no to a request; refuse to give sth.asked for or needed)不给予;Lots of people were denied the right to vote.(许多人被剥夺了选举权。) He denies his wife nothing.(他对他的妻子有求必应。)10.B.abandonedabandoned (=give up completely)放弃,抛弃; 1) The scientist ab

18、andoned his research for lack of fund.2) The sailors abandoned the burning ship.注意abandon暗指某人对其所抛弃的人或物将会发生什么事情不感兴趣,如把撞坏的汽车抛弃在路旁。vanish (=suddenly disappear; go out of existence) vi.消失,绝迹; 1) The airplane vanished into the clouds.2) Many kinds of animals have vanished form the earth.(许多种类的动物以在地球上绝迹。)

19、scatter (=send, go in different direction)驱使,使分散; The police scattered the crowed.(警察驱散人群。) (=throw or put in various directions)撒,到处放; He scattered his clothes all over the room.reject (=refuse to accept)拒绝接受; She rejected my suggestion.11.A.taken inTake in“欺骗,收容,吸收”;take up“从事,继续”;take on“呈现”;take

20、 off “脱掉,起飞”,根据句意A正确。这些孩子涉世不深,这就是他们如此容易被骗/上当的原因。12.A.showed offshow off意为“卖弄;出示给某人看;展示”,符合题意;speed up“加速”;bring in“带进,赚的”;give out“分发,泄露”。13.B.pick uppick up意为“好转”,符合题意。take up“占据”;make up“化妆”;give up“放弃”。【知识拓宽】根据语境和动词短语的意义来回答。14.B.call offcall off “取消”,符合题意。put down“放下”;hang up“挂断电话”;take off“脱下(衣服

21、)。”15.A.participateparticipate参加,参与;perform履行,表演;possess占有,拥有;predict预知,预言。16.C.accounting foraccount for占,解决,符合句意; make for有助于,倾向于,导致;count on依靠,指望;consist in存在于。这个国家有大量的石油,占出口的三分之二。17.B.pick uppick up“获得,学会”;pick out“挑选”;give up“放弃”;give out“分发,用完”。18.B.come up with (针对问题等)想出;提供,如:He came up with

22、good ideas for the product promotion.他想出一个推广产品的好方法。put up with”忍受;容忍”。如:She could hardly put up with thatfellow any longer.她再也不能忍受那家伙。make up for”补偿”本题易误选A。19.C.appealingappeal to(常与to连用)吸引;引起兴趣;唤起;adapt与“to”连用,固定短语“适应”;attack指攻击敌人或用言论攻击他人;approach to接近,近似,约等于; (做某事)的方法途径。20.D.cut incut down“减少,消减”;

23、cut out“剪出”;cut up“切割”cut in(指车辆或司机)超车抢道。21.B.awardsawards sb.sth.授于某人某物。如:They awarded John the first prize.(他们授于约翰一等奖。)对比:reward sb with sth.以某物酬谢某人,须加介词with; They rewarded the boy with $5 for bringing back the lost dog.(他们给这男孩5美元酬谢他把丢失的狗找回来。) grant (=consent to give or allow what is asked for)同意(

24、给予) ,答应(请求):The firm granted him a pension.(公司同意给予他退休金。) present sb.with sth.赠送:Our class presented the school with a picture.(我们班给学校送了一幅画。) present颁发,呈递:1) The principal will present the diplomas.(校长将颁发文凭。) 2) We shall present a complete report to the Annual Conference.(我们将向年会递交一份全面的报告。)本题句意是:大学是授予

25、学位和进行研究的教育机构。可见,本题应选award.22.A.tooktotaketo沉溺于;takeup从事于;占据(一定的空间或时间);takefor把(某人)误认为(别人);把.当作;takeon承担;聘用。句意:迈克十六岁时就和一群陌生人混在一起,很晚不回家。根据句意以及这个词组的意思和用法,本题答案应为A。23.D go byA继续下去;B伴随;C没有也行;D依照,遵循。句意为“奥委会制定了严格的规定要运动员遵守。根据句意,选D。24.B.positionposition此句中指“地位” (不可数,有时加不定冠词),如:1) She was a woman of high posit

26、ion.2) a high (low) position society.25.B.outsetoutset开端,开始, from the very outset (从一开始)。outbreak爆发,发生。outcome结局.income收入。output产量。26D.missingmissing缺少的; a book with some missing pages.(缺页书)。27.B.chargesmake charges for对.收(费) ;索(价)。charge也可以用作动词,表示“收费,索价”,如:1) We dont charge anything for that.(对此我们不收费。) 2) How much do you charge for a haircut? (理个发要收多少钱?)28.C.across本题译文:我们怎样才能把这个语言点向学生讲清楚?29.A.outlineoutline轮廓,概要; give an outline of sth.概要说明某事。30.A.taketake charge of (=to be or become responsible for sb.or sth.)负责、掌管、看管; He took charge of the department (or the children) .7


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