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1、北京市西城区 20212022 学年度第一学期期末试卷 九年级英语 第 1 页(共 11 页) 北京市西城区 20212022 学年度第一学期期末试卷 九年级英语 2022.1 第一部分 本部分共 33 题,共 40 分。在每题列出的四个选项中,选出最符合题目要求的一项。 一、单项填空(每题 0.5 分,共 6 分) 从下面各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. All my teachers are patient when I ask _ for help. A. him B. us C. them D. you 2. Peter usually pl

2、ays the guitar in a music club _ Saturday afternoon. A. of B. in C. at D. on 3. Whats your favorite saying? Smile at the world, _ the world will smile back at you. A. and B. but C. until D. if 4. _ do you often take a walk? In Beihai Park. A. Why B. Where C. How D. When 5. My sister _ swim, so I pla

3、n to teach her this summer. A. cant B. shouldnt C. mustnt D. neednt注意事项 1本试卷共 11 页,共两部分,共 39 题,满分 60 分。考试时间 90 分钟。 2在试卷和答题卡上准确填写学校、班级、姓名和学号。 3试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。 4在答题卡上,选择题用 2B 铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。 5考试结束,请将考试材料一并交回。 北京市西城区 20212022 学年度第一学期期末试卷 九年级英语 第 2 页(共 11 页) 6. Nothing is _ than a walk i

4、n the forest. A. relaxing B. more relaxing C. most relaxing D. the most relaxing 7. We _ healthier if we eat enough fruit and vegetables every day. A. will get B. were getting C. got D. have got 8. The famous French writer Charles Perrault _ to write his fairy tales in 1679. A. begins B. began C. ha

5、s begun D. is beginning 9. Our school life _ a lot since we entered middle school. A. changes B. changed C. will change D. has changed 10. I _ a sweet dream when my friend called me this morning. A. have B. had C. was having D. am having 11. The 24th Winter Olympic Games _ in Beijing in February, 20

6、22. A. hold B. are held C. will hold D. will be held 12. Judy, can you tell me _ this grammar book? Its so useful. Sure. I bought it at Xinhua Bookstore. A. where did you buy B. where will you buy C. where you bought D. where you will buy 二、完形填空(每题 1 分,共 8 分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,

7、选择最佳选项。 Symbol for Happiness “We should carry a symbol that reminds us of a happy moment. Whenever we look at it, we should stop for a while and think about what it stands for.” I was enjoying the words in the book when my wife called me to help our neighbor, Mrs. Fitzpatrick. I opened the front doo

8、r and saw Mrs. Fitzpatrick sitting on her porch, 13 her lawn(草坪). “Ah, Tom! Good to see you!” she waved at me and smiled happily. “Here, come sit with me for a while. Its a beautiful morning!” “Err, yes, it sure is,” I said. I hadnt expected her to be this 14 with a broken leg and all. “Look at my l

9、awn! Isnt it just beautiful?” she said. dandelion 北京市西城区 20212022 学年度第一学期期末试卷 九年级英语 第 3 页(共 11 页) “Beautiful.?” I looked around. Weeds(杂草), dandelions. “Look at those dandelions. What a perfect symbol for happiness!” “Im not sure I follow you. A dandelion as a symbol for happiness?” “Look at that br

10、ight beautiful yellow color! If that isnt a happy cheerful color, I dont know what is! And it 15 just like happiness. If you are really happy, you do good things that bring joy to the people around you. Once they become happy, they do the same. So the 16 spreads. And just like a dandelionit blooms(开

11、花), sharing its sunny color with everyone and sends its seeds(种子)into the wind. Before you know it, you have a hundred 17 of the sunny little flower around you.” “But it is a weed.” I said. “A weed, thats funny. Im always watching everyone work on their garden. And I mean work. It doesnt look very j

12、oyfuljust working to make the lawn look short and thick and green. I never see any of the neighbors sit and just look at their beautiful lawn. They just work on it and dont 18 it.” Well she sure got that one right. I never heard anyone talk about their lawn unless it was to complain how much work it

13、 was. And then she said the thing I wrote down once I got home. I still write it on the first page of all my calendars when the new year 19 , and glue a little picture of a dandelion next to it. “What a bad day, they say. And I look at the dandelions and see a thousand little 20 .” 13. A. watching B

14、. cutting C. growing D. picturing 14. A. brave B. calm C. helpful D. cheerful 15. A. smells B. spreads C. leaves D. drops 16. A. happiness B. pride C. value D. choice 17. A. kinds B. symbols C. copies D. signs 18. A. miss B. share C. want D. enjoy 19. A. continues B. passes C. ends D. begins 20. A.

15、planets B. suns C. beans D. plants 三、阅读理解(每题 2 分,共 26 分) 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个 选项中,选择最佳选项。 北京市西城区 20212022 学年度第一学期期末试卷 九年级英语 第 4 页(共 11 页) A Volunteering can be a wonderful experience. You can help out at an organization, and it can benefit you too. We hope youll feel more interested in

16、 volunteering yourself after reading these stories. I began volunteering with Berkeley Animal Shelter at age 12. I helped get cats adopted(收养), cleaned up after them, fed them, and gave them love and attention. I really feel like Ive made a difference. Theres nothing like watching a cat go out the d

17、oor with a happy new pet parent. I volunteered for the Native Plant Society at age 14. I helped save the local plants. Instead of just “being passionate(热情的)”, I actively worked on making it happen. Volunteering made me a better person. I realized I could do more than I thought. When I was 15 years

18、old, I volunteered on Earth Day by helping clean up a local beach. We really dont realize how much rubbish is produced every day. Volunteering on the beach taught me that it was important to keep our beaches clean and helped me learn about different sea animals. My dad asked me to volunteer at our l

19、ocal Meals on Wheels when I was 13 years old. We volunteered every Saturday morning by sending hot meals to some old people in our town. They were unable to make their own food. This experience made me think a lot more about other people and their needs. 21. How old was Elliott when he began volunte

20、ering with Berkeley Animal Shelter? A. 12. B. 13. C. 14. D. 15. 22. Who volunteered for the Native Plant Society? A. Elliott. B. Elle. C. Kenny. D. Laura. 23. What did Laura learn from her volunteer experience? A. She would help clean up the beach. B. She could do more than she thought. C. She must

21、help more cats find pet parents. D. She should think more about people in need. Kenny Elle Laura Elliott 北京市西城区 20212022 学年度第一学期期末试卷 九年级英语 第 5 页(共 11 页) B William had his nose pressed against the window and waited for his adopted puppy to arrive. A car pulled into the driveway, and he ran to the fro

22、nt door. William looked at the puppys little brown face and immediately fell in love with her. Dad put the puppy down, and she ran to William, giving him some kisses. “Her name is Buttercup,” Dad said. William looked at the puppy. “Buttercup. I like it.” After about an hour, the puppy fell asleep. W

23、illiam went to his room and played on his own, but he quickly got bored. He went to the living room and asked his Mum and Dad, “Can we go to the park?” Mom shook her head. “Sorry, sweetie, but we need to stay at home and help Buttercup get used to her new environment.” “Why dont you play with her?”

24、Dad asked. William played with Buttercup until she fell asleep again. “Can we go to the park now? Shes sleeping.” “William, a puppy is a big responsibility,” Dad said. “You said you were ready for this, and that means you have to help us look after her and train her.” William went to his room again.

25、 Everyone was excited: all they wanted to do was play with the puppy or watch her sleep. William was bored. Dad walked into Williams room. “You know how you like to play catch with Uncle Mikes dog?” “Yeah?” “Why dont you try playing with Buttercup?” “Shes too little,” William said. “Not with this ba

26、ll.” Dad held up a soft fuzzy ball. William nodded. He rolled the ball to her, and she held it with her paws. “Good girl,” William said. They played for hours, and by the time Buttercup fell asleep on the floor, William was curled up(蜷曲地)next to her, sleeping too. 24. When the puppy arrived, William

27、 felt _. A. tired B. proud C. excited D. bored 25. What did William do after the puppy got to his home? A. He ran with the puppy in the park. B. He happily watched the puppy sleep. C. He gave the puppy a name Buttercup. D. He tried to train the puppy to play catch. 北京市西城区 20212022 学年度第一学期期末试卷 九年级英语

28、第 6 页(共 11 页) 26. What did Williams parents want him to learn? A. How to be responsible. B. How to stop being bored. C. How to be kind to animals. D. How to correct his own mistakes. C Some animals are “shapeshifting”. This means they are changing how their bodies work. Scientists have found that th

29、is is largely because of the changing climate(气候). Today, the global climate is rapidly warming. Scientists found warm-blooded animals can keep their body temperature constant(恒定). They are adapting to a hotter climate. To adapt means to change. Adaptations help animals stay alive in their environme

30、nt. How Animals Cool Off Animals have to control their body temperature. If they do not, they can overheat. So animals have different methods to help them cool off. Birds, for example, use their beaks, which are not covered by feathers. They help birds reduce body heat. Mammals(哺乳动物), which breathe

31、air, have backbones, grow hair and produce milk, use similar methods. They use their ears, tails and legs to help them control body temperature. Scientists have studied this in the past years. They have studied animals in warmer climates. They know that some of these animals have evolved(进化)certain

32、features. These features allow animals to reduce body heat more easily. They are becoming more obvious as the climate warms. This is particularly true in birds. 28 Sara Ryding works at Deakin University in Australia and studies birds. “Shapeshifting does not mean that animals are dealing successfull

33、y with climate change and that all is fine,” Ryding said. “It just means they are evolving to stay alive.” The study found that birds are changing the most. For example, several types of Australian parrots showed changes. Their beak size has increased since 1871. Their beaks are now 4% to 10% larger

34、. And that growth matches the summer temperature each year. Scientists have also reported changes in other animals. Tail lengths have increased in wood mice. Bats in warm climates have increased wing size, too. These changes might seem small, but Ryding says that could change as the beak feather 北京市

35、西城区 20212022 学年度第一学期期末试卷 九年级英语 第 7 页(共 11 页) hippocampus 海马体 planet becomes hotter. Ryding wants to keep studying “shapeshifting”. She will 3D scan museum bird samples(样品)from the past 100 years. She will see which birds are changing the size of their beaks because of climate change by studying digi

36、tal copies of bird samples. Ryding thinks the climate change that we have created is putting pressure(压力)on animals, so humans should do more than just recognize the changes that animals have to make. She says that some animals will adapt. However, others will not. 27. In “shapeshifting”, _. A. bird

37、s breathe air and change backbones B. bird samples are made into digital copies C. birds use their feathers to easily reduce body heat D. birds beaks grow larger because of climate change 28. Which of the following would be the best heading for Paragraph 5 and 6? A. What Animals Look Like B. All Is

38、Not Well C. Though Life Is Challenging D. It Is Worth A Try 29. According to the last paragraph, Ryding probably agrees that _. A. animals are suffering from human behavior B. technology wont end animal “shapeshifting” C. humans havent realized animal “shapeshifting” yet D. it is natural for animals

39、 to experience climate change D How GPS Weakens Memoryand What We Can Do about It Using mobile phones to navigate(导航)has become second nature. Whether youre heading to a new park or meeting friends at a restaurant, you just enter the address on your phone and go. Without GPS, exploring(探索)and wayfin

40、ding in new places required preparation. We had to think, check paper maps, and plan and memorize ways there. But today there is no need to think. Simply follow the turn-by-turn directions on your phone, and youll end up where you need to be. However, your overall sense of the place suffers. Spatial

41、(空间的)navigation used to be a process performed by the human brain and perceptual system, but now people have surrendered it to technology. There are areas of the brain that deal with these difficult pathfinding tasks. In 北京市西城区 20212022 学年度第一学期期末试卷 九年级英语 第 8 页(共 11 页) particular, the hippocampus is

42、related to spatial memory, spatial navigation and mental(在脑中的)mapping. Studies show that we can exercise the hippocampus memory through exploration and spatial navigation. For example, expert navigators like London taxi drivers have larger hippocampi compared to other people. However, when we follow

43、 a set of turn-by-turn directions, GPS navigation apps treat us as passive passengers rather than active explorers. In turn, this stops us from being able to create proper mental maps, and has an effect on the hippocampus, which is very important for brain health. While improvements in technology cl

44、early have many benefits, we must remain mindful that technology can influence the brain. Our question is: Can we find a way to still use GPS but reduce the harmful effects on memory? The challenge is to create other forms of GPS navigation that will remain easy enough for the general public, and at

45、 the same time, enable people to improve their spatial sense. Our research finds that properly designed audio beacons(音频信标)offer a much more active form of GPS navigation. For example, with an audio beacon at a hospital, when we are two miles away from the hospital, we can hear a sound through our p

46、hone. In recent experiments, we discover that this type of sensory navigation through audio beacons does better than turn-by-turn navigation in the creation of mental maps. We believe these results, at least in part, come from people taking a more active role in their navigation. GPS navigation usin

47、g audio beacons offers a good example that helps humans connect more deeply with reality; perhaps instead of turning into mindless robots, we will be able to become more deeply involved with humanity, our local environment, and life itself. 30. GPS weakens peoples memory because it _. A. records the

48、 places people have been to B. offers people more than one way to a place C. takes the place of thinking process in wayfinding D. fails to teach people how to prepare for exploring 31. The words “have surrendered it to” in Paragraph 1 probably means _. A. have compared it to B. have given it up to C

49、. have learned it from D. have taken it away from 北京市西城区 20212022 学年度第一学期期末试卷 九年级英语 第 9 页(共 11 页) 32. London taxi drivers are mentioned in Paragraph 2 to show that _. A. GPS is not widely used in London B. the hippocampus memory can be exercised C. hard-working drivers have larger hippocampi D. acti

50、ve explorers are better than passive passengers 33. What can we learn from the passage? A. Turn-by-turn GPS navigation helps create mental maps. B. Audio beacons technology will be replaced in the future. C. Users active role should be considered in navigation technology. D. GPS navigation apps have


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