广东省广州市天河区汇景实验 2019-2020学年九年级下学期4月月考 英语试卷.pdf

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1、试卷第 1页,总 8 页广州市广州市天河天河区区汇景实验学校初三下汇景实验学校初三下 4 4 月月考月月考英语试英语试卷卷本试卷共四大题,8 页,满分 110 分。考试时间 120 分钟。注意事项:注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的学校、试室号、姓名、座位号及准考证号等个人信息,再用 2B 铅笔把对应准考证号的标号涂黑。2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需要改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。不能答在试卷上。3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域的相应位置上;如需

2、要改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案,改动的答案也不能超出指定的区域;不准使用铅笔、圆珠笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将答题卡上交。一、语法选择(共一、语法选择(共 15 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 分,满分分,满分 15 分)分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从 115 各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Cold weather,central heating,and falling leavesall these things mean _1_flu season

3、 has arrived_2_ you shouldnt take flu lightly Flu season comes every yearfrom October _3_ April This year has been especially bad, according to the USCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (美国疾病防控中心 CDC)The flu is _4_ illness caused by the influenza virus It is different from thecommon cold in t

4、hat it can strike suddenlyand it is much _5_The flu can_6_ serious dehydration(脱水) and liver (肝脏)damage ,both of which can killpeople_7_ is especially dangerous for children and elderly people to have flu, since theyhave _8_immune (免疫) system In 2018, 142 children in the US _9_ the fluduring this fl

5、u season,according to CDCThese deaths are not limited to the USA In China, many people die from the flueach year _10_An elderly man in Beijing died from the flu this season,_11_ led toa wide discussion online The mans family didnt know how serious the flu was, just likemany _12_ who dont understand

6、the flu very wellWhat can you do to keep the flu away? Hygiene is important take a showerevery day and wash your hands often Do not spend time around people _13_have theflu And if you can, get a flu vaccine this is a type of special medicine that canhelp prevent the flu All of these things can keep

7、you _14_ during flu season If youare stick with the flu, stay home _15_ spreading it to others() 1. A. whichB. whoC. thatD. whose() 2.A. ButB. AndC. OrD. However() 3.A. inB. toC. atD. on() 4.A. theB. /C. aD. an试卷第 2页,总 8 页() 5.A. seriousB. seriouslyC.more seriouslyD. more serious() 6.A. causeB. caus

8、edC. have causedD. had caused() 7.A. ThisB. ItC. WhichD. That() 8.A. weakB. more weakC. weakerD. weakest() 9.A. die ofB. died fromC. died ofD. had died from() 10.A. as wellB. alsoC. tooD. either()11. A. whichB. whoC. thatD. why()12.A. anotherB. othersC. theothersD. the other() 13.A. whenB. whereC. w

9、hoD. whose() 14.A. safetyB. safelyC. moresafeD. safe() 15.A. preventB.preventsC. to preventD. willprevent二、完形填空(共二、完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分分,满分 15 分)分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 1625 各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Years ago, a farmer owned land near the sea. He always needed workers to help him,

10、but most people did not want to work on farms near the sea. They were 16 of the terriblestorms that often hit and destroyed buildings and plants.Finally, a short man came to the farmer. Are you a good worker? the farmer askedhim. Well, I can sleep when the wind blows, answered the little man. Althou

11、gh surprised bythis answer, the farmer, who really needed 17 , gave him the job. The little man 18 veryhard on the farm, and the farmer felt 19 with his work.Then one night the wind blew loudly in from the sea. Jumping out of bed, the farmer 20to the short mans room. The farmer shouted, Get up! A 21

12、 is coming! Tie things downbefore they blow away! But the little man lay in bed 22and said, No sir. I told you, I cansleep when the wind blows.Hearing the words, the farmer hurried outside to 23 the storm on his own. To hissurprise, he found that everything was tied down and nothing could blow away.

13、 The farmerthen 24 what the short man meant, so he returned to his bed to sleep while the wind blew.When youre prepared, you have nothing so worry about. Can you 25 when the windblows through your life?()16. A. afraidB. sureC. carefulD. glad()17. A. moneyB. experienceC. helpD. time()18. A. stayedB.

14、workedC. movedD. slept()19. A. worriedB. angryC. sorryD. pleased()20. A. rushedB. fellC. leftD. returned()21. A. manB. stormC. snakeD. boat()22. A. lazilyB. quicklyC. badlyD. hardly()23. A. wait forB. call forC. look forD. prepare for() 24. A. askedB. understoodC. heardD. wondered()25. A. workB. sta

15、ndC. sleepD. live三、阅读(共两节,满分三、阅读(共两节,满分 45 分)分)第一节第一节阅读理解(共阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2 分,满分分,满分 40 分)分)阅读下列短文,从 2545 各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡试卷第 3页,总 8 页上将该项涂黑。AChina has a lot of intangible cultural heritages of humanity ( 人 类 非 物 质 文 化 遗产).Here are four of them.The Twenty-four Solar Terms (2016

16、)It is called the fifth great invention of China. It was created by ancient Chinese people, and itshows the relationship between the climate and agriculture (农业).And it plays an importantrole in Chinese agriculture production and daily life.Peking Opera (2010)It is a perfect example of Chinese cultu

17、re. It has a long history and a complete system of stageperformances, its main roles include sheng, Dan Jing, Mo and Chou. It uses four main skillssinging, speech, dance and combat (搏斗).Acupuncture (针灸针灸)(2010)It is an ancient form of traditional Chinese medicine. It plays the role of health care an

18、dtreatment by regulating the balance of peoples bodies. It began in China at least 2, 500 yearsago and later spread to other countries.Chinese Zhusuan (2013)It is mathematical calculation (计算)by abacus (算盘).With a history of over 1,800 years, it isconsidered the worlds oldest computer. It is a symbo

19、l of Chinese wisdom.( )26. What is a perfect example of Chinese culture?A. The twenty-four Solar Terms.B. Peking Opera.C.Acupuncture.D. Chinese Zhusuan.( )27. Which became one of the latest intangible and cultural heritages of humanity?A. The twenty-four Solar Terms.B. Peking Opera.C.Acupuncture.D.

20、Chinese Zhusuan.( )28. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. Peking Opera uses four main skills.B. Chinese Zhusuan is a symbol of Chinese wisdom.C. The Twenty-four Solar Terms was created by modern Chinese people.D.Acupuncture began in China at least 2, 500 years ago.( )29.

21、Whats the main idea of the passage?A. It tells us to use Chinese Zhusuan.B. It asks people to watch Peking Opera.C. We must know what twenty-four solar terms are.D. It introduced four intangible cultural heritages of humanity.( )30. In which part of the newspaper can we read the passage?A. Music.B.

22、Culture.C. Science.D. Sports.BHave you ever noticed the black and white bars on a book?Do you know what they areused for? They are bar-codes(条形码)used in most products. If you go to a supermarket,you can see almost every product with a bar-code on it.Bar-codes have information about the product, such

23、 as name and production date. Itsan easy and convenient way to know about the products. Just scan the bar-code andeverything is clear.The first use of a bar-code in a supermarket checkout system was on a pack of AmericanWrigley Company chewing gum in 1974.Beyond supermarkets, bar-codes are needed试卷第

24、 4页,总 8 页everywhere: for renting cars, for luggage checks on a plane, for parcels(包裹) you send. Lifewould be rather difficult without bar-codes. Most of our things would get lost in the post.Bar-codes change as well. Bar-codes in the past were 1-D(one-dimensional 空间), butnow there are 2-D bar-codes,

25、 such as QR code. Since 2009, QR has been used on Chinesetrain tickets. People can enter stadiums, cinemas and theaters by holding certain types ofbar-codes.With these small codes, life is getting much easier for us.If you find these bar-code things boring, a bar-code building might be more up yours

26、treet. In St Petersburg, Russia, there is a building designed like a bar-code. It looks strange,but its actually a shopping mall. There are games too. Bar-code Monsters is a mobile phonegame. You have to scan bar-codes and find the monsters!( )31Bar-codes were first used in _.A1974 in the UKB1974 in

27、 the US C2009 in China D2009 in Russia( )32The underlined word “scan” might mean “_” in Chinese.A复印B展示 C描写 D扫描( )33From Paragraph 3 and 4, we can learn that _.Abar-codes are very useful in our daily lifeB our things will get lost withoutbar-codesCbar-codes make our life rather difficultDwe cant live

28、 without bar-codes( )34Which of the following is NOT true about the bar-code building?AIt looks like a bar-code.BIts in St Petersburg, Russia.CIts used as a shopping mall.DIts name is Bar-code Monsters.( )35The best title of this passage is_.AFrom 1-D Bar-codes to 2-D Bar-codesBWhy Bar-codes are Bla

29、ck and WhiteCSmall Codes that Make a Big DifferenceDWhat if the World Doesnt Have a Bar-codeCWith the battle against the novel coronavirus pneumonia(新冠肺炎) going on, manyhave stayed at home for more than a month. Though it may have been relaxing at first, youreprobably fighting back the urge(迫切感) to

30、break through a wall and do, well, anything!Its OK. Calm down. You cant visit many public spaces right now, but you can use yourphone immediately to do it virtually(虚拟). Many online entertainment resources have beenlaunched to help stay-at-home visitors have fun free of charge, Xinhua News Agencyrep

31、orted.Online exhibitionsLast year, the Palace Museum released a program called the Panoramic Palace Museumon its official website.By putting on a virtual reality (VR) headset, people can take a “tour”of the 600-year-old museum, going slowly without a time limit. This means you can exploreits halls,

32、gardens and courtyards and learn about the stories behind the exhibits .“During a field visit to the Palace Museum, it is difficult to visit some hidden places andview all the palace decorations in detail,” Li Bin, a museum lover from Xian, told ChinaDaily. “But VR technology has made these experien

33、ces possible. It helps me beat theboredom at home.”According to Xinhua, a total of 30 museums across China have provided similar onlineexhibitions to people.Live streamed concert试卷第 5页,总 8 页Chinese video app Bilibili launched a series of music events for stuck-at-home people.Thecompany teamed up wit

34、h the yearly Strawberry Music Festival to create the Stay at HomeStrawberry concert series, with a theme of “Hi, Im at home too.” The series was livestreamed free of charge from Feb 4 to Feb 8, on Bilibili.During this period, audiences could participate in the websites bullet chat, sharing commentso

35、nscreen in real time.“Watching online concerts and sharing comments with others can give me a sense ofcommunity and fun of being at a large event while being stuck at home and away fromfriends and coworkers,”Manny, an Bilibili user commented on the website.So if you feel bored, check out these onlin

36、e resources. Great exhibitions and concerts allbelong to you! (改编自 21 世纪英语网站)( )36.Which of the following things CANT you do during a VR visit to the Palace Museum?A.Enjoy the smell of the followers in the gardens.BLearn about the stories behind the exhibits.CVisit some hidden places and view all th

37、e palace decorations in detail.DTake a tour slowly without a time limit.( )37.What does the underlined word “filed” mean in the forth paragraph?A. 田地B 运动场C 以往的D 实地( )38. Which of the following is true?A. The audience can talk to each other while watching the concert on Bilibili.B. You can watch the

38、Strawberry concerts on Feb. 3rdon Bilibili.C. Both the two activities mentioned in the article are totally free.D. The program called the Panoramic Palace Museum is the only online exhibitionprogram.( )39.What can we know about Manny from her comment on Bilibili?A. She doesnt like the Strawberry con

39、cert series.B. She still have to work with her coworkers.C. She didnt participate in the websites bullet chat.D. She think taking part in the online concert is helpful to her.( )40. What is the purpose of the article?A. To advertise about the Palace Museum and the app Bilibili to people.B. To introd

40、uce some fun activities that people can do when stuck at home.C. To show how VR technology and live streamed concert developed.D. To ask people to stay at home when the novel coronavirus pneumonia is going on.DEnglish playwright Arthur Wing Pinero said, “Where theres tea, theres hope.”Similarly, a C

41、hinese saying goes that “Firewood, rice, cooking oil, salt, sauce, vinegar andtea are the seven necessities to begin a day.”Tea is, without doubt, welcomed all over the world.According to Statista, a Germanwebsite for statistics(数据), global tea production reached about 5.8 million tons in 2018.It ha

42、s become the most consumed beverage(饮品) in the world after water, of course.According to the UN, tea is much more than just a hot drink. Its a big part of manycultures around the world. You probably know that people in China use top-grade tea toshow respect when receiving important guests. Meanwhile

43、, the British tradition ofafternoon tea is an important part of that countrys identity. Making Malaysias pulled teahas become a sort of art form, where drinkers take pride in its entertainment aspects.试卷第 6页,总 8 页Apart from its cultural significance (意义) , tea is also a medicine, used from ancientti

44、mes to modern day. “Tea is cold and lowers the fire,” Chinese Ming Dynasty herbalist LiShizhen once said. The health benefits of tea are still being discovered today: preventingheart disease, obesity and cancer have all been linked to drinking green tea, according tothe National Center for Biotechno

45、logy Information in the US.Hot or cold, bagged or loose-leaf, tea is more than a drink its a social custom andalso a magic medicine, a link to the past and a way of life.(改编自 21 世纪英语网站)( )41 .What is the most consumed beverage in the world?A. CoffeeB. TeaC. WaterD.Beer( )42.What do Chinese do to sho

46、w respect when receive important guests according to thepassage?A. Cook a big meal for them.B. Offer them a cup of top-grade tea.C. Send them some great presents.D. Ask them to stay for a longer time.( )43.Which of the following is NOT the benefits of drinking tea?A. It can help your skin become bet

47、ter.B. It can help lower the fire.C. It prevents heart diseases and cancer.D. It helps prevent obesity.( )44.The author use the famous sayings about tea in paragraph 1 to _A. Show the importance of tea in peoples life.B. Show that tea is everywhere in our life.C. Prove that tea has a long history.D.

48、 Prove that tea is more popular in China than in the western countries.( )45.What does the underlined sentence mean in the last paragraph?A. Tea is very important because its a popular drink.B. Tea is important in many ways.C. Everyone drinks tea in their social lives.D. Tea is actually not a drink.

49、第二节第二节阅读填空(共阅读填空(共 5 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 分,满分分,满分 5 分)分)阅读短文及文后 AE 选项,选出可以填入 4550 各题空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Americans buy more bottled water than any other nation in the world. 29 billion bottlesof water are drunk each year. It takes 17 million barrels of crude oil to make these bottles.46So why dont more p

50、eople drink water from the tap in the kitchen?47Butthats not true. In the United States, the government makes sure water from the tap is safe.48But maybe if they understand the problems it makes, they will trydrinking from a glass at home or carrying water in a reusable bottle instead of a plastic o


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