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1、2021 学年第一学期(2022.01)(完卷时间 100 分钟, 满分 140 分)考生注意;本卷有 7 大题, 共 84 小题。试题均采用连续编号, 所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成, 做在试卷上不给分。Part 1 Listening(第一部分听力第一部分听力)1. Listening Comprehension(听力理解听力理解):(共共 25 分分)A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容根据你听到的内容, 选出相应的图片选出相应的图片):(共共 5 分分) Listen to the dialogue

2、and choose the best answer to the question you hear. (根据你听到的对根据你听到的对话和问题话和问题, 选出最恰当的答案选出最恰当的答案):(共共 5 分分)6. A. Windy.B. Snowy.C. Rainy.D. Sunny.7. A. 60 yuan.B. 80 yuan.C. 100 yuanD. 120 yuan.8. A. At the department store.B. At the Xinhua Book StoreC. At the post office.D. At the restaurant9. A. Gre

3、en.B. Yellow.C. OrangeD. Red.10. A. Jenny offered help to Tom.B. Jenny accepted Toms offer.C. Jenny didnt accept Toms offerD. Jenny thanked Tom for his help.C. Listen to the dialogue and tell whether the following statements are true or false. (判断下列判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容句子是否符合你听到的短文内容, 符合的用符合的用“T”表示表示,

4、不符合的用不符合的用“F”表示表示):(共共 5 分分)11. One day Tom asked his father for S50 while his father was doing some work.12. AI first, Toms father didnt give the money and complained about Toms behavior.13. Tom felt sad, went to his room and closed the door.14. Tom took out the $30 he had hidden under his pillow t

5、o buy an hour of his fathers time.15. From then on, Toms father will probably spend more time with Tom.D. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. (根据你听到的内容根据你听到的内容, 完成下列短文完成下列短文, 每空格限填每空格限填一词一词):(共共 10 分分)16. Itsthat chimpanzees(黑猩猩) greetings are also close to ours.17. Some chimpanzees can al

6、sosimple sign language.18. Giraffes necks can reach up to.19. Dolphins greetwith whistles.20. A dolphins whistleabout its age and health.Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分词汇和语法第二部分词汇和语法)II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案选择最恰当的答案)(共共 15 分分)21. It is unhealthy to go to school withoutbreakfast.A. aB.

7、anC. theD. /22. While creating a comic strip, you can add excitementthe picture by using soundeffects.A. intoB. withC. toD. on23. They argued amongand finally drew a conclusion.A. themB. theirC. theirsD. themselves24. “Jack, here are two presents. You can chooseof them. The other is for your elderbr

8、other, Tom.” Mum said.A. bothB. neitherC. noneD. either25. He grewafter waiting at the gate of the cinema for almost half an hour.A. patientB. patientlyC. impatientD. impatiently26. It is reported that Omicron(奥密克戎毒株)can spreadthan Delta(德尔塔毒株).A. quickerB. much quicklyC. more quicklyD. quicklier27.

9、 -will the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games last?-From Feb 4 to Feb 20.A. How oftenB. How soonC. How farD. How long28.he finish this task without any help in two days?A. MayB. CanC. Ought toD. Need29. The government suggests peoplethe Spring festival their working place this year.A. to spendB. spen

10、dC. spendingD. will spend30. Beating Fang Zhendong in the Tokyo Olympics, Ma Long became the first playerback-to-back(连续的) Olympic titles in the mens singles competition.(男子单打头衔)A. to winB. wonC. winningD. to winning31. Chairman Xi said that Chinabillions of shots of vaccine(疫苗) to the developingcou

11、ntries by the end of 2021.A. offeredB. had offeredC. has offeredD. was offering32. After 1028 days, Meng Wanzhou finallyhome on September25, 202l.A. returnedB. has returnedC. will returnD. had returned33. “You mustnt bring your mobile phones to school,you will be against the law,” theteacher said to

12、 the students.A. soB. andC. butD. if not34. I always sleep with the windows openit is really cold.A. unlessB. ifC. as long asD. if not35.bad weather!The strongest tornado(龙卷风) in history hit six states in America lastmonth.A. What aB. WhatC. HowD. How aIII. Complete the following passages with the w

13、ords in the box. Each can only be used once. (将将下列单词填入空格。每空限填一词下列单词填入空格。每空限填一词, 每词只能填一次每词只能填一次)(共共 8 分分)Ji Gong(济公济公) the “Strange” MonkA. LaterB. boredC. NowD. diedE. deeplyHis clothes and hat were worn out. He often had a bottle of wine in one hand, and either afan or his shoe in the other. And he

14、 always looked carefree.36, have you guessed who heis?For more than 800 years, Ji Gong has been a household name in China. The monk(僧侣) hascontinued to be37loved by people for his strange behavior and his warm heart towards thepoor and sick.Ji Gong was born Li Xiuyuan(李修缘) into an officials family i

15、n Zhejiang. When he was 18years old, his parents38. The man then went to a Buddhist(佛教的) temple in Hangzhouand became a monk.Li soon became39with life in the temple. Against the rules of Buddhism, he ate meatand drank wine. He was also often seen walking in the streets in dirty clothes. The other mo

16、nks inthe temple all looked down on him.A. nearbyB. ceremonyC. callD. justE. makeHowever, Li didnt forget the teachings of the Buddha. Whenever he met poor or sick peoplein the streets. he tried to help them. For this reason, people started to40him “Ji Gong” (“Ji”means “to help” and “Gong” means “an

17、 important man”).As a result of his many years of charity, Ji Gong gained some supernatural(超自然的) powers.One of these powers was the ability to see into the future. In one story, he foresaw that aLandslide(山体滑坡) was about to hit a41village. He tried to warn the villagers, but no onewould believe the

18、 drunk monk. Ji Gong had to think quickly. Just then, he saw a wedding42Ji Gong took away the bride(新娘) and ran out of town. Every villager chased after him. Suddenly,rocks from the top of the mountain rolled down. The village was destroyed in the blink of an eye.Thanks to Ji Gong, no one was killed

19、 in the landslide.So we should not judge people43by their appearance. For ji Gong and many otherpeople, their goodness lies not on the outside but inside of their hearts.IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)(本大题共

20、本大题共 8 题题, 共共 8 分分)44. Nowadays people cant go onduring holidays because of the virus. (journey)45. Although Zhong Nanshang is already in his, he is still very energetic. (eighty)46. Recently a newof Covid-19, Omicron(奥密克毒株), has been reported alaround the world. (various)47. If you want tosomething

21、, you can use the link method. (memory)48. Although we have discussed it for many times, the finalis up to you. (decide)49. Zhang Guimei, now 63, began teaching in Huaping, one of theareas, twentyyears ago. (poor)50. We hope the problems of traffic jams willin the near future. (appear)51. Our class

22、is a model class. We always keep our classroomclean. (spotless)V. Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子。根据所给要求完成句子。52-57 小题每空格限小题每空格限填一词填一词)(本大题共本大题共 7 题题, 每题每题 2 分分, 共共 14 分分)52. Digital money(数字货币)has been used in big cities in China. (改为一般疑问句)digital moneyused in big cities in C

23、hina?53. The captain ordered the soldier to pull the wooden horse into the city. (划线提问)did the captain order the soldier to?54. Double reduction policy(双减政策) has enabled students to have more time to develop theirinterests.(改为反义疑问句)Double reduction policy(双减政策) has enabled students to have more time

24、 to develop theirinterests,?55. Why Facebook was renamed Meta? A lot of people wonder. (两句合并成一句)A lot of people wonderFacebookrenamed Meta.56. The big house cost the Smiths one million dollars. (保持句意不变)The Smithsthe big houseone million dollars.57. Tu Youyou discovered Artemisinin(青蒿素) many years ag

25、o.(改为被动语态)Artemisinin(青蒿素)by Tu Youyou many years ago.58. probably, is, one computer, there, your washing machine, inside(连词成句)Part3 Reading and Writing(第三部分读写第三部分读写)VI. Reading Comprehension(阅读理解阅读理解)(共共 50 分分)A. Choose the best answer(根据文章内容根据文章内容, 选择最恰当的答案选择最恰当的答案)(12 分分)59. If you feel worried o

26、r scary, what should you do?A. Have some exercise.B. Go to the doctor.C. Talk to your family and teachers.D. Take a physical examination60. If someone around you is sick, what should you do?A. Leave then aloneB. Drink hot water and take a napC. Send them awayD. Support and help them61. Which is a ke

27、y time to wash your hands?A. After playing on the playground.B. Before using the toilet.C. Before coughing.D. After eating.62. What action can be correct if you happen to cough in public?A. Coughing into your elbowB. Turning back to coughC. Facing others and coughD. Coughing directly63. Which of the

28、 following action is SAFE when you return to school?A. Doing eye exercise without washing hands.B. Sharing lunch with a school friend.C. Putting used tissues into the pockets.D. Keeping 2-metre distance from others.64. To protect your family, you can.A. go to crowded places with themB. share what yo

29、u know about how to prevent diseasesC. keep used tissues on your deskD. share cups or food with themB. Choose the best answer and complete the passage. (选择最恰当的选项完成短文选择最恰当的选项完成短文)(12 分分)WHO DID SANDYS HOMEWORK?Sandy never did homework. Too boring, he said. He played baseball and basketball65. His tea

30、chers told him, “Sandy! Do your homework or you wont learn a thing.” And its true,sometimes he did feel like a ding-a-ling(怪人).But what could he do? He hated homework.Then on St. Patricks Day, his cat was playing with a little doll and he took hold of it away, Itwasnt a doll at all, but a man of the

31、 tiniest66.He had a little wool shirt in old fashion and ahigh tall hat much like a witchs. He shouted, “Save me! Dont give me back to that cat. Ill grantyou a wish, I promise you that.”Sandy couldnt believe how67he was! Here were the answers to all of his problems. Sohe said, “Only if you do all my

32、 homework till the end of the term, thats 35 days. If you do a goodenough job, I could even get As.” The little man agreed, “Ill doit.”And true to his word, that little elf began to do Patricks homework, except that there was onelittle68. The elf didnt always know what to do and he needed help. “Hel

33、p me! Help me!”he said. And Sandy would have to help-in whatever way.“I dont know this word,” the elf said while reading Patricks homework. “Get me a dictionary.No, whats even better, look up the word and sound it out by each letter.”When it came to math, Sandy was out of luck. “What are times table

34、s?” the elf asked. “Weelves never need that. What is addition, subtraction, division or fractions? Here, sit down besideme, you simply must69me.”As a matter of fact, every day Sandy was working harder than ever! Finally the last day ofschool arrived and the elf was free to go and Sandy got his As. H

35、is classmates were amazed; histeachers smiled and were70praise. And his parents? They wondered what had happened toSandy. He was now the model kid who had developed a whole new attitude.65. A. indeedB. insteadC. yetD. as well66. A. sizeB. shapeC. weightD. height67. A. successfulB. usefulC. luckyD. c

36、areful68. A. mistakeB. surpriseC. troubleD. job69. A. followB. thankC. trustD. guide70. A. full ofB. fond ofC. proud ofD. harderC. Fill in the blanks with proper words. (在短文的空格内填入适当的词在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺使其内容通顺, 每空格每空格限填一词限填一词, 首字母已给首字母已给)(14 分分)It was a cloudy afternoon. I was walking in the park n

37、ear my neighborhood. The wind wasblowing hard and I knew it was about to rain. Even so, I didnt want to go home. I had a terribleargument with my mom and ran out of the house just 10 minutes earlier.I sat down near a lake. There were many children playing with their parents nearby. I felt alittle l7

38、1.“Shall we play together?” A little girl came toward me with a ball in her hands. I agreed andshe h72me the ball with a sweet smile.When it began to rain, all the children at the lakeside went home with their parents.Where are your parents? I asked the girl. “My mom is selling candied fruit(蜜钱) out

39、side thepark. She hardly takes care of me,” the girl explained “I usually play alone here. Its OK i73you need to go home now. I am old enough to stay here and wait for my mom.”“But its raining.” I said. “Youd better not be here alone when its dark.”“Its no problem. Mom wont leave me alone. She is co

40、ming soon,” the girl replied. “She is mymom, even if she s74cares for her daughter.”A 5-year old girl taught me to love and believe in my mom. Should I listen to her and say s75to my mom?In the end, I took the little girl to her moms vending cart(售货摊) and then ran home quickly.Opening the door, my m

41、om was close to t76: “Where have you been? I looked for youeverywhere! See how wet your coat is! Dont come to my room even if you get a cold tonight!”But I knew she wasnt angry anymore. A77taking a shower, I heard her shoutingoutside my room: “Dinner time! Come out if you feel like eating some fish

42、balls.”D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题根据短文内容回答下列问题)(12 分分)Who can jump the highest at your school? Who has the most skips over a rope? Whos thefastest at solving a Rubiks Cube(魔方)? Everyone can be the best at something. Recently, Beijing101 Middle School held an activity called “Guinness Campus

43、” to help students find theirpotential(潜力).“There are all kinds of projects you can take part in and all kinds of records for you to set,”said ninth-grader Liu. “I chose Domino Tower because I have the most confidence in this.”Students needed to build a tower using dominoes(多米诺骨牌). Whoever built the

44、 tallesttower in one minute won. Liu set the record with 33 levels. “At first I didnt do it well, but afterlearning from other people and trying over and over again. I found some ways to do it faster,” shesaid.“The game requires you to be calm and patient. If you lose your temper(脾气) when thetower f

45、alls. you may lose the chance to win.”Seventh-grader Wang set a record for the longest juggle(颠球) of a soccer ball with one foot.He did it for 4 minutes and 34 seconds. “I started to play soccer at 5 and have been practicingjuggling for three or four years, so Im confident I can do it well,” said Wa

46、ng. “Juggling with onlyone foot needs good balance and stability(稳定性), which Im good at. You also need to train hardfor sure.”When asked if he was afraid that someone else would break his record one day, Wang said hewas expecting that to happen. “The charm(魅力) of Guinness Campus is that we keep reac

47、hinghigher goals. If someone breaks my record next year, Ill be even more encouraged to try harder,finding more potential within me.”78.How many kinds of projects have been mentioned in the passage?79.Why did Beijing 101Middle School hold the “Guinness Campus?80.According to the passage, how can stu

48、dents win in the Domino Tower?81.What helped Wang set a record for the longest juggle? (At least two words)82.In Wangs opinion, what is the charm of Guinness Campus?83.What project would you like to take part in if there is a “Guinness Campus” in your school?Why?VII. Writing(作文作文)(共共20分分)84. Write at least 60 words on the topic “I can be better”【以以“我可以更好我可以更好”为题为题, 写一篇不少于写一篇不少于60词的短文词的短文, 标点符号不占格】标点符号不占格】提示:校园吉尼斯纪录创造者的经历告诉我们:每个人都能够通过努力改变自己, 让自己变得更好。请结合自己的具体经历谈谈你对这一观点的认识。注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其他相关信息, 否则不予评分。照抄语篇不得分)


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