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1、高考专题训练范围介词1The workers will build a new road _ the two villages.()AfromBamongCatDbetween2Your attention should be focused _ your homework rather than TV programs.()AonBintoCtoDfor3He is the tallest _ the three boys.AofBinConDat4Our lives may be changed recognition by 3 D printing in the near future.

2、()AbeyondBatCuponDwithin5These English materials are aimed _ the preschool children.()AofBatConDto6Speeches were limited _ 15 minutes each.()AinBtoCforDas7He was worried, because he lost his bag _ his passport, ID card and a lot of money()AincludedBincludingCcontainedDcontaining8Pub, short _ public

3、house, is a building in Britain where alcohol can be bought and drunk, and meals are often served()AofBinConDfor9Our English teacher is very strict not only _ all his own work, but _ every one of us()Awith; inBin; withCin; toDabout; on10I think my father is a hero He is not only strict _ us but also

4、 strict _ his work()Aon; inBwith; onCin; aboutDwith; in11_ a bed, the room is almost empty.()ABesidesBExceptCApart fromDBut12The study suggests that the cultures we grow up _influence the basic processes by which we see world around us()AonBinCatDabout13I feel very lucky, because what Ive accomplish

5、ed in sports is _my wildest dreams()AoverBbeyondCagainstDwithin14Although Johnson is a foreigner,he lives in harmony _ his neighbors()AfromBwithCforDon15In the terrible traffic accident the bicycle was so badly damaged that it was almost _ repair()AunderBwithoutCbeyondDwithin16The room he has just r

6、ent is about 9 meters length and 3 meters wide()AinBonCtoDat17Sometimes questions in the interview are _ expectation and difficult to answer well()AamongBbetweenCwithinDbeyond18Though the GDP growth in JulySeptember marked the slowest quarterly growth,it was still the reasonable range set by policy

7、makers and in line with market expectation()AwithinBagainstCbeyondDalongside19_ the sight of the police officers,the thief ran off()AInBAtCOnDWith20Based on a true story,the film shows a hero racing _ time to get back the stolen papers()AbehindBagainstCaboutDat21September 30 is the day _ which you m

8、ust pay your bill()AbyBforCwithDin22Do you have any special interests _ your job?()Amore thanBless thanCother thanDrather than23The problem is _ his ability and I dont think he can solve it()AbeyondBtoCagainstDwithin24Your newlybought fur coat is very good _ its colour.()Aexcept forBbesidesCexcept t

9、hatDexcept when25Circumstances are _ human control,but our conduct is in our own power()AwithinBagainstCbeyondDbelow26He has got the job because he has the advantage _ others of knowing many languages()AagainstBbeyondCoverDabove27It is quite me why she gave up such a good chanceYou can go and ask he

10、r yourself()AbeyondBagainstCacrossDthrough28Just keep the books easy reach of your children,and they can read them whenever it is convenient()AbeyondBwithinCnearDaround29It is a pity that there are not enough women _ wellpaid,responsible jobs()AinBbyCtoDabout30How time flies!Summer vocation is just

11、_ the corner()AonBoverCtoDaround31Larry Walters is_the relatively few people who have actually turned their dreams into reality()AatBamongCbetweenDthrough32Im looking for a nearby place for my holidayAny good ideas?How about the Moon Lake?It is _ easy reach of the city()AbyBbeyondCwithinDfrom33_ the

12、 English examination,I would have gone to the concert last Sunday()AIn spite ofBAs forCBecause ofDBut for34Did you like MrGreens lecture?Yes, any descriptionI will come again with my classmates()AoverBinCbeyondDfor35This kind of mistake,strange as it appears,is quite common _young English beginners(

13、)AwithinBaboutCamongDbeyond36Three of the towns factories have closed down the space of a year()AamongBafterCbeyondDwithin37The town has changed so much that it is _ recognition()AbyBwithinCbeyondDunder38_ all the animals Ive ever had,those two dogs are the most sensitive to the spoken word()AFromBO

14、fCForDWith39If you buy more,than ten books,well reduce the cost of each book _ 10 percent()AatBtoCforDby40Taking charge of the big company,Im afraid,is _ his ability()AbeyondBwithinCofDto41My grandfather runs in the park nearby every morning _ it rains()Aexcept thatBexcept whenCexceptDexcept for42Sh

15、anghai is _ the largest cities in Asia()AamongBoverCofDbetween43It is _ any doctors power to confine the drugresistant germ,so many people are infected()AwithinBbeyondCbyDwith44Although my opinion,the old professor didnt come up with his own one()AinBbeyondCagainstDfor45Undoubtedly,life teaches us n

16、ot to regret over yesterday,for it has passed and is _ our control()AagainstBbeyondCamongDin46It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot _ easy reach()AnearBuponCwithinDaround47In other words,he had no access_ many things,such as playing basketball and football.()AforBatCwithDto48The beauty of the city is _ my description.()AaboveBbeyondCoffDby49China lies _Japan.()Athe west ofBon the west ofCto the west ofDin the west of50The song by Taylor Swift is popular _ teenagers across the world.()AbetweenBamongCinDon


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