1、中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院 FUWAI HOSPITAL CAMS. SHENZHEN冠脉介入并发症中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院冠心病三区曾繁芳123456血管立即闭塞冠脉夹层NHLBI(美国国立心肺血液研究所)分型J Invasive Cardiol. 2004 Sep; 16(9):493-9.7冠脉夹层图像举例8引起冠脉夹层的因素 1.冠脉成角45。 2.弥漫性病变 3.钙化病变 4.偏心病变 5.CTO; 6.导丝穿破、指引导管深插 7. 注射造影剂不当 8. 糖尿病 等J Am Coll Car diol, 1995, 26: 961- 961.9
2、冠脉开口夹层01The incidence has been reported by about 0.07% The best therapeutic strategy depends upon the prompt recognition of this complication, hemodynamic condition of the patient and operative skills. The therapeutic strategy by bail-out stenting should be performed in most cases of severe dissecti
3、on toward good outcomes.American heart journal. 2010;159(6):11471153.Catheter Left Main Dissection Bailout Treatment with Stenting. OAMJMS Internet. 2019Apr.1310单击此处添加文本具体内容,简明扼要的阐述您的观点。0111患者因素:冠脉解剖异常;马凡综合征;囊性中层坏死;左主干病变;高血压;二叶型主动脉瓣;老年患者;主动脉根部粥样硬化等; 冠脉粥样硬化操作因素:未看压力;球囊或者支架 ;强力支撑导管的直接损伤;导管过深或者导管与冠脉同轴差
4、;高速的造影剂流;操作粗暴等;退球囊后者导丝时指引深插The Journal of invasive cardiology. 2005;17(4):233236. 12预防 导管同轴、深度适当 避免导管尖端指向粥样硬化处 正确的造影剂推注方法 轻柔操作13处理原则 尽快使钢丝通过夹层进入真腔,置入支架,恢复血流 血流动力学不稳定或有潜在发生血流动力学障碍者用血管活性药及置入主动脉内球囊反搏(IABP)、临时起搏器等 心脏骤停或无效搏动时应尽快心外按压、辅助通气,同事尽快开通血管 无症状、血流动力学稳定、钢丝无法通过,宜终止操作以避免过度血管损伤14A Case of the LM Dissec
5、tionA 48-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital complaining of chest pain and palpitations. Her family history was positive for coronary artery disease. Physical examination was unremarkable while laboratory data showed no abnormal finding. There was no sign of cardiac ischemia on electrocardio
6、graphy (ECG).Transthoracic echocardiography demon-strated normal left ventricular function without wall motion abnormalities and no valvular disorder.Coronary angiography was performed via the right transradial approach. During angiography to engaged the left coronary artery was used a diagnostic 6
7、Fr left Judkins 4.0 catheter (Medtronic, Inc.) and a diagnostic 6 Fr right Judkins 3.5 catheter (Medtronic, Inc.) for engaging right coronary artery. Angiography of the left coronary artery was normal in the first and last view (LAO caudal and LAO cranial view) Catheter Left Main Dissection Bailout
8、Treatment with Stenting. OAMJMS Internet. 2019Apr.1315A Case of the LM DissectionCatheter Left Main Dissection Bailout Treatment with Stenting. OAMJMS Internet. 2019Apr.13Normal right coronary artery with the presence of contrast in the level of the left main (LM). Normal left the coronary system in
9、 the left anterior oblique, caudal projection; B) Normal left the coronary system in the left anterior oblique, cranial projection16A Case of the LM DissectionCatheter Left Main Dissection Bailout Treatment with Stenting. OAMJMS Internet. 2019Apr.13Immediately, the patient complained of severe chest
10、 pain, accompanied by ST-segment elevation on the ECG and hemodynamic condition deteriorated.A right femoral approach was chosen to perform the angiography of the left coronary artery with a 6 Fr 4 JL guiding catheter (Boston Scientific) showing an acute occlusion of the left anterior descending art
11、ery (LAD) (Type F) (LAO caudal view) . A 0.014” choice floppy guidewire was advanced through LMCA into the true lumen of LAD, and a bare metal stent (BMS) 4.5 x 15 mm (Apolo 3, Balton) was placed in left main (LM), re-establishing TIMI 3 flow in LAD.17A Case of the LM DissectionCatheter Left Main Di
12、ssection Bailout Treatment with Stenting. OAMJMS Internet. 2019Apr.1318A Case of the LM DissectionCatheter Left Main Dissection Bailout Treatment with Stenting. OAMJMS Internet. 2019Apr.13Post-dilatation was performed with a non-compliant balloon (NC-Quantum Apex, Boston Scientific) 4.5 x 15 mm (cau
13、dal view). Final angiography showed good results with TIMI 3 flow across the left coronary artery caudal view and D, RAO cranial view).19中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院 FUWAI HOSPITAL CAMS. SHENZHENJR3.5指引冠脉造影引发的夹层造影,冠脉夹层形成过程分析形成原因2021造影引起右冠螺旋形撕裂。在血压稳定的情况下更换指引BMW到真腔,植入支架。点击输入大标题22医源性主动脉-冠脉夹层 wire, ca
14、theter, inflated balloon, or other device and aortic trauma resulting directly from a guide catheter. The reported frequence of AD has been 0.008% to 0.20% of diagnostic catheterizations and PCIs.J Interven Cardiol 2005;18:45480223单击此处添加标题土耳其一个医生报道的一例 24Figure 1. (A) After the contrast imaging of th
15、e right coronar y ar ter y (RCA), aor tocoronar y dissection was apparent and had spread to the ascending aorta. (B, C, D) Stenting the ostium of the RCA and sealing the source of the dissection. (E) Stenting of the mid s e g m e n t of t h e R C A , overlapping w it h t he proximal stent in order t
16、o cover whole dissection line. (F) Control angiogram revealing that there was no contrast leakage to the false lumenAADBCA25医源性主动脉-冠脉夹层(A) Computed tomography (CT) angiography performed just after the procedure showing an in_x0002_tramural hematoma with contrast retention in the ascending aorta near
17、 the coronary orifice with involvement of the descending aorta. (B) CT 24 hours after percutaneous intervention (PCI) demonstrated an intramural hematoma in the ascending aorta. (C) Complete resolution of the false lumen 72 hours after the PCI.26医源性主动脉-冠脉夹层处理 1.A stent may be used if the origin of t
18、he dissection is well defined, and the stent is sufficient to cover the dissection flap.2.Surgical repair.3.CT angiography after 24 hours and 72 hours.1.Chest 2001;119:493501.2.Int J Cardiovasc Imaging 2005;21:3758. 27u 支架边缘夹层是指冠状动脉支架植入后支架边缘(包括支架近端和远端 5 mm 内节段)血管腔表面连续性中断,出现内膜撕裂片(dissection flap )或内膜
19、下血肿(intramural hematoma)。u Biondi 等报道 CAG 下支架 ED 发现率为 1.7%。IVUS对支架 ED 发现率为 9.2%10.7%。 1.Catheter Cardiovasc Interv,2015,86(2):237-246.支架边缘夹层( edge dissection,ED)0328支架边缘夹层 按照夹层的严重性及血管损伤深度在OCT下可进一步将支架边缘夹层分为:内膜型:撕裂局限在斑块/内膜层;中膜型:撕裂延伸到中膜层;外膜型:撕裂延伸通过外弹力膜片(Figure 2)。这三种类型的比例分别为47.2、48.1、4.7。JACC Cardiovas
20、c Interv,2013,6(8):800-813.29支架边缘夹层Radu等将 OCT 下支架 ED 分为 4 类:内膜片(flap)、血 肿(cavity)、双 腔 夹 层(double-lumen dissection)、裂 隙(fissure)(图 1),并对夹层进行精确测量。这 4 种夹层的比例分别为:95.5%、36.4%、31.8%、13.6%。 EuroIntervention,2014,9(9):1085-109430支架边缘夹层的因素 操作因素:介入操作因素如选用相对于参考血管直径过大的支架植入,易使血管受到过分牵张而产生支架 ED,支架与管腔直径、面积比值分别增加1%,
21、支架 ED 发生的风险增加 22%和 12%。在较小的管腔直径及面积的病变处植入支架时,如果支架长度选择过短,未完全覆盖病变,支架过大或扩张压力过高,支架边缘挤压血管壁,易造成内膜撕裂形成夹层。 临床因素:多数研究认为,年龄、性别、危险因素如糖尿病、高血压、高血脂、吸烟等对支架ED发 生率无统计学上的影响。如,Zeglins M等研究认为,女性不是支架边缘夹层的因素。 冠脉病变因素:B2/C病变,严重成角、严重钙化、较小的参考血管直径和较小的管腔直径更加容易出现ED。 支架着落区斑块是支架 ED 较强的预测因素。纤维钙化 斑 块、富 含 脂 质 斑 块比 纤 维 斑 块更易发生支架远端夹层。纤
22、维帽最小厚度80 m 可以作为预测富含脂质斑块基础上发生支架 ED 的最好切值,敏感性、特异性分别为73.9%、72.5%。钙化角度72度是钙化相关支架ED的最佳切值,敏感性、特异性分别 为731.1%、71.2%。1.JACC Cardiovasc Interv,2013,6(8):800-813.2.J Thromb Thrombolysis,2013,36(4):507-5133.JACC Cardiovasc, Interv, 2013,6(8:800-813.31CAG 往往只能发现比较严重的支架 ED。与 CAG 相 比,IVUS 不仅可以观察管腔形态,还可以观察管壁结构,对支架
23、ED 识别率明显提高。由于 OCT 的分辨率是 IVUS的 10 倍,在评价支架 ED 细微结构方面,具有 CAG 和 IVUS无法比拟的优势。在 PCI 治疗过程中,要综合应用 CAG、IVUS、OCT 等影像检查手段评价支架 ED,以提高支架 ED检出率。32支架边缘夹层的处理原则(1)OCT下,支架 ED 厚度0.31 mm和CAG 发现的支架 ED 增加短期 MACE 和支架内血栓发生率。(2)支架植入:对造成症状、影响冠状动脉血流的夹层如 E、F 型和大多数 C、D 型或 OCT 下夹层厚度超过 0.20.31 mm 的患者,应植入新的支架以覆盖内膜片,防止夹层扩展。支架必须确保覆盖
24、夹层全长。(3)冠状动脉旁路移植术:支架 ED 导致缺血症状、血流动力学不稳而无法植入支架时,在药物或辅助循环装置支持下进行紧急冠状动脉旁路移植术。 EuroIntervention,2014,9(9):1085-1094.33举个例子:支架边缘夹层,造影发现,给予植入一枚支架34中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院 FUWAI HOSPITAL CAMS. SHENZHEN冠脉介入并发症支架内血栓形成(Stent Thrombosis, ST)1. ST为支架置入术后罕见而主要的并发症,患者的死亡率高达45%,复发率为20%。2. ST的机制是多因素的,新的危险因素已
25、经确定。3. 设备相关因素、患者相关因素和手术相关因素间的多重相互作用,决定了不同时间内的ST风险。4. 虽然这些概念较为复杂,但我们需要理解这些概念,并应用于常规临床实践,因为这些危险因素的纠正与ST发生率的显著降低有关。Tommaso Gori1, Alberto Polimeni, Ciro Indolfi, et al. Predictors of stent thrombosis and their implications for clinical practice. Nature Reviews Cardiology.35中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医
26、院 FUWAI HOSPITAL CAMS. SHENZHEN冠脉介入并发症 表现:同急性心肌梗死,可从无症状至心脏性猝死,大多数表现为ST段抬高或不抬高型心 肌梗死;非闭塞性者可为不稳定心绞痛。支架内血栓的发生率:相关研究显示, 急性和亚急性支架内血栓发生率为0.91.8,其中亚急性支架内血栓有71发生在术后3.84.1天左右。晚期支架内血栓发生率约为0.60.8,同时晚期支架内血栓有53发生在术后57天左右(即3个月内)。但无论何种支架内血栓,一旦发生,都面临着严重的后果:总体支架内血栓9个月随访时的死亡率为4550。急性和亚急性支架内血栓,有6070发生非致死性心肌梗死,30天随访的死亡
27、率为1548。1.颜红兵, 等. 中华心血管病杂志, 2004(s1).2.JAMA. 2005 May 4;293(17):2126-30.3637支架内血栓分期1 month1 year急性1天1个月1天 - 1个月早期血栓 1 个月晚晚期血栓 1年发生率0.6%发生率0.5-18% 支架内血栓平均发生率约15.8%,可发生于术后任何时间!38如使用氯吡格雷时避免同时使用奥美拉唑等。Nature Reviews Cardiology. 2019 Apr;16(4):243-256.39支架贴壁不良支架扩张不全边缘撕裂常见的支架问题,增加血栓的发生率常见的支架问题,增加血栓的发生率40Kaw
28、asaki T. et al CCI 73:205211 (2009)20 sec. inflation60 sec. inflation4.2 mm270% stent expansion5.5 mm290% stent expansion支架球囊扩张时间的重要性,预防支架内血栓发生支架球囊扩张时间的重要性,预防支架内血栓发生41支架内血栓形成的处理原则支架内血栓形成的处理原则1.评估,临床,造影、IVUS或OCT。2.无条件进行急诊PCI、无溶栓禁忌症情况下,可行静脉溶栓,但血栓几乎全部由血小板组 成,纤维蛋白含量很少,因此,溶栓治疗效果较差。3.急诊介入治疗: 确保支架完全覆盖病变、贴壁
29、良好 静脉使用血小板GP IIb /IIIa受体拮抗剂 血栓负荷重时使用远端血管保护装置/血栓抽吸导管 处理微小血栓阻塞远端灌注血管4.夹层等考虑补支架。5.支架释放不佳给予后扩张等。6.CABG42血栓抽吸血栓抽吸临床目标1 通过更快更完全的再灌注减少梗死范围提高心肌微循环灌注减少微循环损害(提高TIMI血流及心肌灌注分级评分)改善左室功能 (减少心肌损害)提高患者生存率“血栓抽吸导管”的作用是安全、快速、方便、有效地清除血栓性物质,恢复血供n抽吸有效n快速到达病变n通过性和跟踪性好n损伤小n操作简便n术中可随时重复使用43支架内血栓形成的预防支架内血栓形成的预防 术前充分抗血小板、抗凝药物
30、治疗 筛选高危人群、药物抵抗患者 术中药物支架的合理使用 肝素足量,ACT300秒 充分预扩张:球囊口径、长度、压力的选择 支架的选择及释放:支架直径/血管1.1:1或IVUS、OCT指导 支架长度应覆盖病变外12mm 释放压力不小于12atm 后扩张的重要性:高压球囊 IVUS / OCT的应用 44优化PCI,如IVUS指导,保证最小管腔面积5.5mm2Nature Reviews Cardiology. 2019 Apr;16(4):243-256.45如何减少支架内血栓之抗栓药物选择:相比氯吡格雷双倍负荷剂量,如何减少支架内血栓之抗栓药物选择:相比氯吡格雷双倍负荷剂量,替格瑞洛仍进一步
31、降低确定的支架血栓替格瑞洛仍进一步降低确定的支架血栓风险风险PLATO侵入亚组:PLATO研究中13,408进行了侵入治疗,其中10 298 (768%)行PCI,782 (58%)行CABG。1.Cannon CP, et al. Lancet 2010; 375: 2832932.Cutlip DE, et al. Circulation. 2007;115:2344-235130天确定的支架血栓*发生率(%)PCI术后天数*按照美国学术研究联盟(ARC)标准:确定的支架血栓包括造影证实的以及病理学检查证实的支架血栓20510152025302101.411.420.870.96氯吡格雷,
32、 负荷剂量600mg氯吡格雷, 负荷剂量600mg替格瑞洛,600mg负荷剂量氯吡格雷替格瑞洛,600mg负荷剂量氯吡格雷4647中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院 FUWAI HOSPITAL CAMS. SHENZHEN壁内血肿1. 冠状动脉壁内血肿(coronary intramural hematomas,CIH)是由于血液在冠状动脉血管壁中层、中层与外弹力膜之间集聚膨大形成。大部分是由于自发性或医源性内膜破裂,血液进入中膜腔,因无出口或出口较小,内膜向内移位,外膜向外移位形成;还有极少部分由于冠状动脉滋养血管破裂,内膜没有破口,血液聚集形成1。 2. PCI
33、术后发生率可以达到 6.7% 2.3. 发生壁内血肿的患者,1 个月内接受再次靶血管血运重建的风险增加3 倍。4. 46% 发生于病变远端。 1.J Invas Cardiol 2004;16:493499.2.Circulation. 2002 Apr 30; 105(17):2037-42.48中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院 FUWAI HOSPITAL CAMS. SHENZHEN壁内血肿The mid-LCX was directly stented successfully with 3.5 mm 12 mm drug-eluting stent (DE
34、S) Figure 2 and then postdilated with noncompliant balloon at a pressure of 12 atm for 20 s.Next day, Hs-tnT 1572 and ventricular tachycardia. OCT showed edge dissection at the distal end of the stent that created a big intramural hematoma compressing the true lumen of the LCX 1.JACC Cardiovasc Inte
35、rv,2013,6(8):800-813.49中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院 FUWAI HOSPITAL CAMS. SHENZHEN壁内血肿DISCUSSION:1.Several factors such as the pre- and post-partum periods, trauma, hypertension, vasculitis, and the use of contraceptives or illicit medications are potential risk factors that relate to this phenomen
36、on.2. IVUS and OCT can be valuable in establishing the correct diagnosis and in planning the management procedure1.3.Due to the rarity of this clinical scenario, no randomized controlled trials exist to guide treatment, and no consensus regarding management is available.Currently, treatment strategi
37、es are based on a case by case clinical assessment and experiences. Treatment options for intramural hematomas include conservative medical therapy, close angiographic follow-up, and PCI2.1.Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2011 Apr 1; 4(2):e5-7.2.Case Rep Med. 2013;2013:218389. 50中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳
38、医院 FUWAI HOSPITAL CAMS. SHENZHEN冠脉介入并发症-血肿: case2A:前降支近中段病变;B:前降支3.5支架,16atm释放,C:5分钟后支架远端显影差,冠脉注入地尔硫卓、替罗非班,未改善。5 分钟后重复造影显示支架远端血流完全中断。患者表现为剧烈胸痛、冷汗,血压保持于130/80mmHg,心率稍增快,80 90 次/ 分,床旁心电图显示V2 V5 导联ST 段弓背向上抬高。51中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院 FUWAI HOSPITAL CAMS. SHENZHEN冠脉介入并发症术前术中心电图52中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院中国
39、医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院 FUWAI HOSPITAL CAMS. SHENZHEN冠脉介入并发症IVUS证实血肿,切割球囊处理,再植入支架,最后造影及IVUS提示结果良好。53中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院 FUWAI HOSPITAL CAMS. SHENZHENIVUS冠脉血肿54中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院 FUWAI HOSPITAL CAMS. SHENZHEN冠脉介入并发症CASE 3A 73-year-old woman(A) Coronary angiography before the procedure. (
40、B, C) Two drug-eluting stents were implanted in the proximal and middle segments of the RCA. (D) A new stenosis appeared in the distal segment of the RCA. (E) Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) at the distal edge of the stent revealed hematoma (*) (red arrow in panel D). (F) IVUS at the distal segment
41、of the RCA revealed hematoma (*) compressing the true lumen (white arrow in panel D). (G) A 2.75-mm noncompliant balloon was inflated at thedistal end of the hematoma. (H, I) IVUS at the distal end of the hematoma (red line in H) showed the hematoma (*). The size of the hematoma after balloon inflat
42、ion was equal to orlarger than the size of the hematoma before balloon inflation. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)55we considered 3 options: additional, a larger balloon to create, and management. becaus
43、e the end of the hematoma was beyond the distal bifurcation of the posterior descending branch and atrioventricular branch, additional stenting toward the atrioventricular branch would block the posterior descending branch. dilatation with a larger balloon might create re-entry, but it also might ex
44、acerbate the hematoma. If we could not create re-entry, the hematoma would expand to the more distal segment. Although the probability of creating re-entry is greater from dilatation with a cutting balloon than a conventional balloon, it would have been difficult to pass the cutting balloon beyond t
45、he stented segment because of the large profile of the cutting balloon. Therefore, we abandoned the option of a larger balloon to create re-entry. Conservative management was the last option. Since her symptoms and ST-segment elevation gradually improved, we inserted an intra-aortic balloon pump (IA
46、BP) and managed her conservatively. We observed the patient in the catheter laboratory for approximately 40 min after the onset of dissection. 56. Follow-up images. (A) Coronary computed tomography did not show any hematoma at the stent distal edge. (B) Coronary angiography showed excellent coronary
47、 flow. (C) IVUS at the stent distal edge (yellow line in B) did not show any hematoma. (D) IVUS at the distal segment (red arrow in B) of the RCA revealed healing of the hematoma. (E, F) Left ventriculography showed good contraction without asynergy. (For interpretation of the references to color in
48、 this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)点击输入大标题57中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院 FUWAI HOSPITAL CAMS. SHENZHEN 壁内血肿在造影下常表现为管腔缩窄或鼠尾状闭塞,早期容易和痉挛相混淆。二者鉴别要点即壁内血肿对扩张血管药物无效。由于壁内血肿常无法显示明确的夹层征象和撕裂内膜片,因此早期在造影下常不易发现。所以,对于怀疑壁内血肿的患者,应尽快行IVU 或者OCT 检查明确诊断,以免贻误最佳处理时机而使病情进一步恶化。
49、 预防和处理:支架normal to normal;完全覆盖血肿;考虑切割球囊或者保守治疗 Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2015;86:23746J Invasive Cardiol 2003;15:21620.58中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院 FUWAI HOSPITAL CAMS. SHENZHEN急性冠状动脉闭塞大多数发生在术中或离开导管室之前,也可发生在术后 24h。可能由主支血管夹层 、壁内血肿、支架内血栓、斑块和或嵴移位及支架结构压迫等因素所致 。主支或大分支闭塞可引起 严重后果,立即出现血压降低、心率减慢、甚至很快导致心室
50、颤动、心室停搏而死亡。上述情况均应及时处理或置入支架,尽快恢复冠状动脉血流。2016中国冠状动脉介入治疗指南急性冠状动脉闭塞59中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院 FUWAI HOSPITAL CAMS. SHENZHEN冠脉介入并发症相关因素p 冠脉开口处(近端)病变p 导管与血管不同轴p 经桡动脉插管(右冠)p 误注空气/血栓60中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院 FUWAI HOSPITAL CAMS. SHENZHEN冠脉介入并发症冠状动脉穿孔(Coronary Artery Perforation)是指造影剂或者血液经冠状动脉撕裂口