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1、2022年广西河池市中考英语试卷第卷(90分)第一部分 听力 情景反应(每题1分,共10分)1(5分)听句子,选画面。你将听到5个句子,每个句子读一遍。请选出与录音内容相符的画面。(1)_(2)_(3)_(4)_(5)_听句子,选答语。你将听到5个句子,每个句子读一遍。请从备选答案中选出恰当的答语。2(1分)A.Great.B.Thank you.C.Thats all right.3(1分)A.Amy.B.Shes outgoing.C.Amy is Graces sister.4(1分)A.Good idea.B.Never mind.C.With pleasure.5(1分)A.By s

2、ubway.B.I think so.C.By reading aloud.6(1分)A.Go ahead.B.Lets make it 5 p.m.C.Im sorry to hear that.对话理解(每小题1分,共10分)A.听五段短对话,每段对话读两遍。请根据你所听到的对话内容选择正确答案。7(1分)Where is the bank?A.Its next to the hospital.B.Its opposite the hospital.C.Its behind the hospital.8(1分)How does Frank go to school?A.By bus.B.B

3、y bike.C.On foot.9(1分)What color is the boys new schoolbag?A.Red.B.Blue.C.Black.10(1分)What are they going to do?A.Go hiking.B.Fly a kite.C.Have a picnic.11(1分)How much will the girl pay for the school things?A.10 yuan.B.15 yuan.C.25 yuan.12(2分)听第一段长对话,回答问题,对话读两遍。请根据你所听到的对话内容选择正确答案。(1)Whats wrong wit

4、h Tony?A.He has a fever.B.He has a headache.C.He has a toothache.(2)What did the doctor tell him to do?A.Go to bed early.B.Watch TV late.C.Do some reading.13(3分)听第二段长对话,回答问题,对话读两遍。请根据你所听到的对话内容选择正确答案。(1)How long will Frank stay in the village?A.For a week.B.For two weeks.C.For two months.(2)What does

5、 Frank volunteer as in the village?A.A teacher.B.A doctor.C.A farmer.(3)What is Franks new hobby?A.Taking photos.B.Growing vegetables.C.Doing the dishes.短文理解(每题2分,共10分)14(10分)你将听到一篇短文,短文读三遍。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(1)Lazys house was so _ that his neighbors admired him very much.A.newB.cleanC.beautiful(2)One

6、day,an old neighbor told Lazy that _ was in a mess.A.his yardB.his roomC.his kitchen(3)A few days later,_ told Lazy that the windows of his house were dirty.A.a policemanB.a postmanC.a neighbor(4)Weeks passed by,Lazys house fell down because of _ .A.a strong windB.a heavy snowC.a heavy rainstorm(5)T

7、he writer wants to tell us its better to deal with things _ .A.todayB.next monthC.next year第二部分 笔试 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)从各小题所给的四个备选项中选出最佳答案。15(1分)Its a nice day today!Lets go for_walk.()AaBanCtheD/16(1分)Dont read in the sun.Its bad for your_.()AearsBeyesCarmsDhands17(1分)Dad,Im afraid I cant do well in my

8、 math test tomorrow.Dont worry.Believe in_.()AyouByourCyoursDyourself18(1分)Nowadays,_birds fly to the warm south in winter.()AmillionBmillionsCtwo millionsDmillions of19(1分)Youd better get up_,or you will miss the train.()AearlyBslowlyCquietlyDcarefully20(1分)Our classroom wont be clean_we clean it e

9、very day.()AafterBwhileCunlessDbecause21(1分)Katie is_of the three girls in her family.()AyoungByoungerCthe youngerDthe youngest22(1分)Jack is quite different_his twin brother Jeff.()AtoBforCfromDwith23(1分)I usually spend time_in the library on weekends.()AreadBreadingCreadsDto read24(1分)As we know,si

10、xteenyearolds_drive a car in our country.()AmustBcouldCmustntDcouldnt25(1分)Annie,I want to make some soup.Could you_the tomatoes now?Sure,Im coming.()Acut offBcut upCcut downDcut out26(1分)Some new schools_in our city next year.()Aare builtBwere builtCwill buildDwill be built27(1分)David,could you tel

11、l me_?He is tall and has short hair.()Awhat our new P.E.teacher looks likeBWhat our new P.E.teacher likesCwhere our new P.E.teacher comes fromDwhen our new P.E.teacher was born28(1分)When I meet my friends,I always try my best to be on time.()Aset outBturn downCmake a planDmake an effort29(1分)Amy,my

12、class will visit the Birds Nest this afternoon._()AGood luck!BCongratulations!CHave a good time.DThats a good idea.完形填空(每空1分,共10分)阅读下面的短文,从各题所给的四个备选项中选出最佳答案。30(10分)Last Tuesday,I went to school for an English test. (1) my way to school,I saw a woman lying on the ground.No one was around (2) .I got c

13、lose to her and found that she was losing blood.I was sure that she was in a very (3) situation.I had to make a decision:should I move on and go to school for the test(4) help the woman in need?It was hard for me to decide because I believed I could do well in the test.If I could get a good grade,my

14、 teacher and parents would(5) me.However,the woman would probably die if no one helped her. Finally,I decided to help the woman.I called (6) and got in touch with her family.The doctor and her family came soon,and they took the woman to the hospital(7) . When I got to school,it was too late to have

15、the test.Two days later,(8) told me that I could take the test alone.I was very surprised.Later,I knew that the womans family (9) my teacher and told him the truth on the phone.Anyway,I got a good grade on my test(10) and was happy to know I had saved someones life.(1)A.InB.ToC.AtD.On(2)A.sheB.herC.

16、hersD.herself(3)A.safeB.excitingC.dangerousD.embarrassing(4)A.orB.asC.andD.but(5)A.be angry withB.be hard onC.be strict withD.be proud of(6)A.114B.119C.120D.121(7)A.widelyB.quicklyC.suddenlyD.terribly(8)A.the doctorB.the womanC.my teacherD.my parents(9)A.metB.calledC.visitedD.promised(10)A.in the en

17、dB.to the endC.once in a whileD.all of a sudden阅读理解(1-10题每题1分,1120每题2分,共30分)31(5分)阅读短文,判断短文后句子的意思是否与短文内容相符。用T表示相符,F表示不相符。 Once in a rich and peaceful country,there lived an unhappy king.He slept badly and didnt feel like eating.He often cried for no reason.This made the queen and his people worried.

18、 One day,a doctor was called in to examine the king.But he found nothing wrong with his body. What he needs is the shirt of a happy person to wear.Thatll make him happy.said the doctor. The prime minister and the kings banker were called to the palace.But they both said they were not happy.The prime

19、 minister was worried about losing his power while the banker was afraid of losing his money. Then,the kings top general was told to go out and find a happy man in three days.He searched and searched,but he couldnt find anyone that was truly happy.Two days passed.Just as he was about to give up,he s

20、aw a poor man eating with his hands and singing happily on the street.The general went up to him and asked, What makes you so happy?You have no power,money or fame. The poor man answered, I have everything I want,and I dont want what I cant have.So Im happy.Then the general asked the man if he could

21、 buy his shirt for the king.The poor man laughed and said he didnt own any shirts at all.(1)Once there lived a happy king in a rich and peaceful country. (2)The doctor said, The king will be happy if he wears the shirt of a happy person. (3)The prime minister was not happy because he worried about l

22、osing his power. (4)The general found a truly happy person on the first day. (5)Though the poor man didnt own any shirts,he was happy. 32(5分)阅读短文,根据短文内容,从下面各小题所给的四个备选项中,选出最佳选项。 Su Bingtian ran into the record books at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games on August 1.He became the first Chinese to enter the

23、mens 100 m final (决赛) at the Olympics.And with 9.83 seconds in the 100 m semifinal (半决赛),he set a new Asian record. Although he finished sixth,Su recorded a time of 9.98 seconds in the final,0.18 seconds behind the winner Lamont Marcell Jacobs of Italy,who clocked 9.80 seconds. Actually,I am very ha

24、ppy to run under 10 seconds twice in such a short time.Making it into the finals,I have already given all I have, Su said after the race. The last Chinese trackandfield athlete(田径运动员)to make history at the Olympics was Liu Xiang.Liu won a gold medal in the mens 110 m hurdles (跨栏赛)in Athens in 2004 a

25、nd brought China its first Olympic gold medal in a mens trackandfield event. If it wasnt for Liu Xiangs achievement,wed never have thought that an Asian would step on the Olympic trackandfield final and even win the race,Su said. I hope my sixth place at the Olympic final will encourage more Chinese

26、 athletes to go forward.(1)Su Bingtian became the Chinese to enter the mens 100 m final at the Olympics.A.firstB.secondC.thirdD.fourth(2)Su finished sixth in the final and its just seconds behind the winner.A.0.15B.0.18C.9.83D.9.98(3)Su was very to run under 10 seconds twice in such a short time.A.t

27、iredB.boredC.worriedD.glad(4) brought China its first Olympic gold medal in a mens trackandfield event.A.Lin DanB.Ma LongC.Liu XiangD.Su Bingtian(5)People mostly think that seldom steps on the Olympic trackandfield final.A.an AsianB.a EuropeanC.an AmericanD.an African33(10分)阅读短文,根据短文内容,从下面各小题所给的四个备选

28、项中,选出最佳选项。 Hubei Provincial Museum is one of the most famous places in Wuhan.Standing by the beautiful East Lake,the museum was opened about 60 years ago. The museum covers an area of 81,909 square meters.It collects,protects,and exhibits(展出)the cultural relics(文物)discovered in the province.Since 19

29、53,the museum has collected over 260,000 cultural relics.Among them,nearly 1,000 are listed as firstclass relics of China,and 16 are considered national treasures. One of the most famous treasures is the Sword (剑) of Goujian.It is named after the King of Yue State.Although this bronze sword (青铜剑) ha

30、s been under the ground for more than 2,500 years,its decorations are still clear. Another treasure in the museum is the Zenghouyi Chime Bells (编钟).It was found in 1978.It is the largest bronze musical instrument ever discovered.With a set of bells of different sizes,it can play many pieces of music

31、,and it sounds quite beautiful.There are over 3,000 ancient Chinese characters (汉字) on the bells,describing the music and the owner of this instrument. If you want to get a taste of the rich history in Hubei,be sure to pay a visit to the Provincial Museum when you are in Wuhan.(1)How long has Hubei

32、Provincial Museum been opened? A.For about sixty years.B.For about forty years.C.For about sixteen years.D.For about seventy years.(2)What can we see in Hubei Provincial Museum? A.Gold.B.Robots.C.Stones.D.Cultural relics.(3)Which period of history did the owner of the Sword of Goujian live? A.In Tan

33、g Dynasty.B.In Han Dynasty.C.In Qin Dynasty.D.During the Spring and Autumn Period.(4)Which of the following is TRUE about the Zenghouyi Chime Bells? A.It was found in 1968.B.There are many English words on it.C.It is the largest bronze musical instrument ever discovered.D.The Zenghouyi Chime Bells w

34、ere made in the same size.(5)What can we know from the passage? A.There are 60 national treasures in the museum.B.We can learn the rich history of Hubei in the museum.C.The museum has collected over 260,000 cultural relics since 1978.D.The Sword of Goujian has been under the ground for 1500 years.34

35、(10分)阅读短文,根据短文内容,从下面各小题所给的四个备选项中,选出最佳选项。 On Dec.9,three Chinese astronauts gave a science lecture 400 kilometers above Earth!Zhai Zhigang,Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu who are working aboard the Tiangong space station,showed our students a glimpse of their life there.They also did some fun science expe

36、riments.Lets take a look at some of them. Use it or lose it The human body grows with the pull of Earths gravity (重力).But in space,our bones and muscles (肌肉) dont need to support our bodys weight.This will cause bone and muscle loss.Its reported that astronauts can lose up to 20% of their muscles af

37、ter just a couple of weeks.That is dangerous for astronauts because they will be too weak to work. Astronauts have different ways to prevent this.During the lecture,Zhai introduced a special uniform Ye was wearing.Its called a penguin suit.There are many elastic bands(弹力带)inside the suit.Wearing it,

38、astronauts use their muscles to stretch(拉伸) the bands.This keeps their muscles strong.Wang also showed students how she walked on a treadmill (跑步机) and rode a bicycle.Astronauts exercise with these tools every day to prevent muscle loss. Space water is different Water in space acts differently from

39、water on Earth in other ways.For example,water will not flow(流动) downward if you try to pour it into a cup.Thats why astronauts usually drink water through straws(吸管)in sealed(密封的)bags.If astronauts cry,the tears will stay on their eyeballs instead of falling down.They have to wipe(擦拭)them away! Dur

40、ing another experiment,Wang made a water film (膜).Then she added more water drops onto the film to make it a water ball.This can never happen on Earth.(1)The astronauts gave a lecture 400 kilometers above Earth on Dec.9.A.scienceB.ChineseC.historyD.geography(2)The astronauts might become weak in the

41、 space because .A.their bodies will stop growingB.they have to work for long hoursC.they might lose some of their musclesD.their muscles have to support more weight(3)Zhai showed to the students during the lecture.A.Earths gravityB.a penguin suitC.a treadmillD.a bicycle(4)Which is NOT TRUE about wat

42、er in space? A.If astronauts cry,the tears will stay on their eyeballs.B.If astronauts pour the water into a cup,it will flow downward.C.If astronauts add more water drops onto the film,it will become a water ball.D.The astronauts usually drink water through straws in sealed bags.(5)The word can bes

43、t describe the lecture in space.A.BoringB.CarelessC.DangerousD.Eyeopening情景交际(每题1分,共5分)根据上下文意思,从方框中选择5个句子补全对话,使其意思完整。35(5分)M:Hi,Gina.Did you watch Hechi News last night?G:(1) Was there anything special?M:Yes.Two young firemen in our city were awarded the title of martyr (被授予烈士称号).G:For what?M:Do you

44、 remember the fire on Lunar New Years Eve(除夕夜)this year?G:Yes.But I knew a little about it.(2) M:Yes.When most people were watching Spring Festival Gala(春晚)happily on TV,the firemen received the message about the fire.(3) G:And then?M:After several hours hard work,the fire was put out and the fireme

45、n saved a family of 7 people from the fire.Unfortunately(不幸地),(4) G:How brave and great they were!M:(5) They are the real heroes!A.Youre right.B.No,I didnt.C.Whats the matter?D.Im sorry to hear that.E.Did it break out in a small toy factory?F.the two young firemen lost their lives.G.And they rushed out to the factory at once.第卷(30分)综合填空(每小题1分,共15分)A.单词拼写 根据中文或首字母提示完成下列单词的拼写,使句意完整与正确。每空一词。36(1分)Linda,could you (传递)me the dictionary,please?37(1分)Uncle Zhang often has some (米饭)and meat for lunch.38(1分)His sister felt (瞌睡的)because she


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