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1、冠脉分叉病变不同介入治疗冠脉分叉病变不同介入治疗策略评价策略评价 2010-71PPT课件Account for 15-20% of PCIWhy an indivdualized approach? Variations in Anatomy Left main bifurcation disease Plaque burden & location of plaque Angle between MB and SB Dynamic changes in anatomy during treatment Plaque shift DissectionNo two bifurcations a

2、re identicalAn appropriate strategy from the outset saves time and minimizes complicationBifurcation PCI2PPT课件分叉病变分型分叉病变分型Duke ClassificationSanborn ClassificationIakovou I, Ge L, Colombo A. JACC, 2005; 46: 1446-1455.3PPT课件Safian ClassificationIakovou I, Ge L, Colombo A. JACC, 2005; 46: 1446-1455.4P

3、PT课件Lefevre ClassificationIakovou I, Ge L, Colombo A. JACC, 2005; 46: 1446-1455.5PPT课件Medina ClassificationMedina et al. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2006; 59(2): 183-4.6PPT课件分叉病变介入治疗策略分叉病变介入治疗策略单支架单支架 二个支架二个支架7PPT课件单个支架单个支架或或二二个支架个支架? ?A) 如果分支血管的开口部位或其附近有明显的病变,其血管直径足够大,从安全性和PCI的疗效来考虑应该置入两个支架。B) 在其他情况下,应置入一个支架

4、and then evaluate当前,大家公认和使用的分叉病变治疗策略是分支血 管 Provisional支架术。然而仍有许多分支血管其解剖结构(直径较大,病变较为弥漫)需要置入两个支架。 8PPT课件What Type of Bifurcations are Commonly Treated?Majority (65%) are “True” bifurcations Extent of SB disease may determine strategyNon-LM Bifs treated in Milan (n=320). Extent of SB disease: 0 18% 10m

5、m 36%9PPT课件10PPT课件当分支血管开口病变或弥漫性病变,并且分支血管不适合置入支架时(太细小)或者分支血管和临床症状不相关时l主支和分支血管分别放入导引钢丝l如果需要扩张主支血管l主支血管置入支架,分支血管保留导引钢丝l后扩张主支血管,分支血管保留受压的导引钢丝不要再次把导引钢丝放入分支血管或者后扩张不要再次把导引钢丝放入分支血管或者后扩张或预扩张分支血管或预扩张分支血管11PPT课件当分支血管病变程度极轻或者病变仅位于分支血管开口处并且分支血管解剖结构适合置入支架者12PPT课件保保护护分支血管分支血管术前冠脉造影前降支对角支病变前降支置入支架13PPT课件支架术后对角支POBA

6、前降支对角支病变变14PPT课件最终结果15PPT课件Wire both branches and pre-dilate the main and the side branch as required.Step 1:Stent the MB jailing the SB wireIf the result in SB unsatisfactory due to plaque shift or dissection and SB has to be stented, then re-cross into the SB through the MB stent strutsStep 2:The

7、T-stenting with Protrusion Technique (TAP) as a Cross-over from the Provisional Approach16PPT课件Position stent in SB ensuring coverage of ostium with minimal protrusion into MB and place non-compliant balloon in MB stentFinal Result:Inflate the delivery balloon in the SB and the MB balloon simultaneo

8、uslyStep 3:Step 4:The T-stenting with Protrusion Technique (TAP) as a Cross-over from the Provisional Approach17PPT课件1: Rewire side branch and advance a balloon and dilate toward SB2: Position a stent in the SB with minimal protrusion in the MB. Leave a balloon in the MBEVALUATE RESULT: if the resul

9、t is not acceptable thenAReverse Crush Stenting18PPT课件3: Deploy the stent in the SB and remove the wire and the balloon4: Crush the short protruding part of SB stent over the stent in MB by inflating the MB balloonBReverse Crush Stenting19PPT课件5: Rewire the SB and perform high pressure dilatation6:

10、Perform final kissing balloon inflationCReverse Crush Stenting当分支血管的病变比较弥漫,不仅仅局限于分支开口部位,并且分支血管适合置入支架21PPT课件Crush支架术标准标准Crush:7F以上以上指引导管指引导管, 事先对两个支架定位,然后释事先对两个支架定位,然后释放分支血管支架,主支血管支架挤压分支血管支架放分支血管支架,主支血管支架挤压分支血管支架Reverse (Internal)Crush:行行Provisional支架术时需要在支架术时需要在分支血管置入另一个支架时采用。分支血管置入另一个支架时采用。6F指引导管,首

11、先释放主支指引导管,首先释放主支血管支架,通过主支支架的侧孔置入分支血管支架,通过预留血管支架,通过主支支架的侧孔置入分支血管支架,通过预留在主支的球囊对分支血管支架进行挤压在主支的球囊对分支血管支架进行挤压Inverse Crush: 操作过程类似标准操作过程类似标准Crush支架术,但是分支支架术,但是分支血管的支架定位比主支血管更为近端,分支血管的支架去挤压血管的支架定位比主支血管更为近端,分支血管的支架去挤压主支血管支架主支血管支架Step Crush:与标准与标准Crush技术相同,但可在技术相同,但可在6F指引导管进行指引导管进行22PPT课件Stenting Techniques

12、 for the Treatment Bifurcation LesionsLouvard Y, Lefevre T, Morice MC, et al, Heart 2004; 90: 713-22Classic T beginning SBModified TCrush Classic T beginning MBProvision TCullotteTouching stentsTrouser legs and seatKissing stentsSkirt technique23PPT课件真性分叉病变真性分叉病变 (主支和分支血管明显狭窄主支和分支血管明显狭窄)主支血管置入支架,分支血

13、管进行球囊扩张 分支血管适合支架术分支血管病变,从开口向远端弥漫超过3mm以上选择性置入两个支架(主支和分支)分支血管Provisional支架术分支血管Provisional 支架术或 KIO24PPT课件25PPT课件BMS era: One stent is better!% TVR26PPT课件End-point at 6 months (%)p=NSNORDIC Bifurcation StudySteigen TK et al. Cir, 2006, 114: 1955-61.27PPT课件MACE at 6 months(%)p=NSNORDIC Bifurcation Stud

14、ySteigen TK et al. Cir, 2006, 114: 1955-61.28PPT课件MI related to the procedure ()p=0.008NORDIC Bifurcation StudySteigen TK et al. Cir, 2006, 114: 1955-61.29PPT课件Stent Thrombosis (%)p=NSNORDIC Bifurcation StudySteigen TK et al. Cir, 2006, 114: 1955-61.30PPT课件Nordic Stent Technique StudyA Randomized St

15、udy of Crush vs. Culotte Stent Techniques with Sirolimus Eluting Stents in Bifurcation LesionsErglis A et al. Circ Cardiovasc Intervent, 2009; 2:27-34Crush(n=209)Culotte(n=215)P value MACE4.3%3.7%0.87 Procedure-related Bio- markers increase15.5%8.8%0.08 In segment Restenosis 12.1%6.6%0.10 In stent R

16、estenosis10.5%4.5%0.046Nordic II:31PPT课件Nordic III:A Prospective Randomized Trial of Side Branch Dilatation Strategies in Patients with Coronary Bifurcation Lesions Undergoing Treatment with a Single StentNO KISSINGKISSING%2.92.9Primary end point MACE (cardiac death, index lesion MI, TLR, stent thro

17、mbosis) after 6 monthsnsNiemela M. TCT 200932PPT课件 PRIMARY ENDPOINTComposite (9months) Death, MI, TVFSimpleComplexP value Death0.4%0.8%- Myocardial infarction3.6%11.2%0.001 Target vessel failure5.6%7.2%0.43 Primary endpoint8.0%15.2%0.009HR 2.02 (1.17 to 3.47)33PPT课件 PROCEDURAL ENDPOINTSimpleComplexP

18、 value Procedure Time,min57780.001 Fluoroscopy Time, min15220.001 Diamentor, cGy-cm2614079000.001 No. of Guidewires Used2.23.10.001 No. of Balloon Used2.34.00.001 No. of Stents Used1.22.20.00134PPT课件*One noncardiac death due to ischemic strokeCACTUS Study (Coronary Bifurcations: Application of the C

19、rushing Technique Using Sirolimus-Eluting Stents)Colombo A, et al.Circulation. 2009;119(1):71-8End pointCrush (%)Provisional T (%)Main-branch binary stenosis4.66.7Side-branch binary restenosis13.214.7MI0.50.5 TLR5.65.8TVR6.26.8Death00.5*Stent thrombosis1.71.1 35PPT课件Influence of Final Kissing in the

20、 CACTUS trialColombo A, et al.Circulation. 2009;119(1):71-8End pointFinal Kissing (163 pts)No Final Kissing (14pts)P valueMain-branch stenosis4.7%16%0.03Side-branch restenosis11.9%36%0.001MI7.5%29%0.001TLR6.3%12.9%0.25Stent thrombosis0.9%6.5%0.0636PPT课件0.60.40.2Main BranchSide Branch0510152025303540

21、15.5% (9/58)8.9% (8/90)37.9% (22/58)11.1% (10/90)0.210.34P = 0.10P 0.05P = 0.33P 0.001Restenosis (%)LLL (mm)0.320.52Important Role of final kissing balloon in Crush TechniqueGe L, et al. JACC,2005;46:613-620.Without FKBFKB37PPT课件Kiss me, Kate! 9 Month Clinical Outcomes After Crush StentingGe L, et a

22、l. JACC,2005;46:613-620.38PPT课件T-stenting (n=61)Crushing stenting (n=121)T-Stenting VS. Crushing Stenting14.0%TLRTVRTLRTVR31.1%16.5%32.8%14.1%11.3%28.9%31.1%ENTIRE COHORT05101520253035KISSING BALLOONP=0.01P=0.02P=0.03P=0.04Ge L, et al. Heart,2006;92:371-376Ge L, et al. Heart,2006;92:371-37639PPT课件Mi

23、ni Crush with Double KissingJIM MH, et al. CCI,2007,69:969-97540PPT课件Non-randomized comparison; 457 patients with bifurcation diseaseGalassi AR, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol Intv. 2009;2:185-194.Mini-Crush vs. T-Provisional Techniques of DES Implantation in Bifurcation Lesions2-StentMini- CrushN=199T-Pr

24、ovisional1 StentN=170T-Provisional2 StentsN=88MI2.0%5.8%26.1%Stent ThrombosisBifurcation TLR8.5%14.5%17.4%MV Restenosis11.7%17.4%18.8%SB Restenosis8.5%18.8%26%Kissing Inflation88.2%83%52.2%41PPT课件Double-Kissing Crush: DKCRUSH-12-year f/uCrushDK CrushpTLR23.4%11.4%0.02MACE29.9%18.1%0.04Chen S et al,

25、J Interv Cardiol 2009RCT in 312 patients at 12 centersKissing inflation in 76% of classical crush and 100% of DK Crush42PPT课件两步法对吻技术的重要性无对吻1步法对吻2步法对吻43PPT课件STEP CRUSH 技术步骤技术步骤 先置入边支血管支架 放置边支支架同时主支内放置球囊,挤压边支支架(可进行第一次Kissing) 置入主支血管支架 导丝再次进入边支 最终完成主支和分支的Kissing扩张44PPT课件STEP CRUSH45PPT课件46PPT课件47PPT课件48PPT课件


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