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1、Literature Unit3Oliver TwistIntroductionAbout English Literature English literature is produced in England,from the introduction of old English by the Anglo-Saxons in the 5th century to the present.the works of those Irish and Scottish authors who are closely identified with English life and letters

2、 are also considered part of E n g l i s h l i t e r a t u r e.Oliver Twist,it is one of most popular novels of Charles Dickenss.Oliver is a poor orphan boy who lives with other children in a large house called a workhouse.Oliver is the protagonist of the storyOliver is staying with the other orphan

3、sOliver is waiting for having dinner with the other little partners in the workhouseThere are some people trying to seize Oliver,but he runs so fast that anyone cant catch him.Discussion1.Is the neighborhood safe?2.Why dont people try to help Oliver?3.Where does the man take Oliver?英语的正常语序是主语在前,谓语在后

4、。但有时为了语法的需要或为了强调,把全部谓语或谓语的一部分提到主语前面,这种语序在语法称为倒装。除了在疑问句中,句子要用倒装外,还有一些句子要用倒装。英语的倒装一般分成两种,一是把谓语动词全部放在主语前,叫做全倒装。一是把谓语的助动词部分放在主语前,叫做部分倒装。Grammar(1):Inversion Used for Emphasis 全倒装 在there be句型中,如:1)There are some desks in the classroom.2)There used to be a temple on the top of the mountain.在以here,there,ou

5、t,in,up,on,away,off,down等副词开头的句子中,如:v1)There goes the bell.v2)Here comes the train.v3)Out rushed the little girl.v4)Away went the Grandpa.v5)In came a group of policemen但如果主语是人称代词时,不用倒装,如:Here it is.Down it dropped.直接引语的部分或全部放在句首时,如:1)“Who will come here to help you?”asked the teacher.2)“I dont thin

6、k he will come.”said the girl.当介词短语在句首时,如:1)In front of the old house sat an old woman.2)On the top of the mountain stands a tower.部分倒装 only所修饰的副词,介词短语和状语从句放在句首时,如:1)Only then did he know that he was rejected by the boss.2)Only in this way can you collect more stamps.3)Only when her father came back

7、 was she able to go to school.一些含有否定意义的副词或连词如hardly,never,not,not only,little,seldom,no sooner放在句首时,如:v1)Never have I been to the mountain village.v2)Not a single word did he write in the class.v3)Little did the boy know the rules of English grammar.c.用so作简单回答时表明前面说的情况也适用于另一个人,如:He likes swimming in

8、 summer very much.So do I.We saw the football match last week.So did they.The girl can speak fluent English.So can the boy.vd.用neither,nor放在句首,表示前面的否定内容也同样适合另外一个人,v 如:v 1)He has never been to Shanghai.Neither have I.v 2)He didnt find any useful material in the book.Nor did I.Match the definitions wi

9、th the correct words1.a child whose parents are dead2.a Victorian home for poor people3.to happen4.to be extremely hungry and weak5.a very long story6.a person who writes novels(a)novelist(b)take place(c)Orphan(d)workhouse(e)novel(f)starveGrammar(2):Emphatic Sentences It is/was.who/that.句型 这是一个最常见的强

10、调句型。利用这种句型可以强调除谓语动词外的大多数句子成分,所强调的可以是单词、短语,也可以是从句,但结构必须完整。被强调的成分可以是主语、宾语和状语,但不能是定语或谓语。引导词it置于句首,后接动词be(一般是is或was),再加上强调的部分,再接that-/who-从句。如:Jack missed the first lesson yesterday because he was caught in the traffic jam.It was Jack who missed the first lesson yesterday because he was caught in the tr

11、affic jam.(强调主语)It was because Jack was caught in the traffic jam that he missed the first lesson yesterday.(强调状语)It was the first lesson yesterday that Jack missed because he was caught in the traffic jam.(强调宾语)注意:判断It is/was 这样的句型是不是强调句,只须把It is/was和who/that去掉,如果意思是完整的,就是强调句。反之,就不是。就为例,去掉It is/was

12、和who/that,意思没有改变,仍然是一个完整的句子,因为引导词It is/was.和who/that不充当句子成分。如果强调的部分是表示人的名词或人称代词,多数情况下用who,如上面的例句。如果被强调的是人称代词,要用主格形式,非正式文体中多用宾格(如me,him等),但不可取。如:It was I(me)who told the police 若强调否定词,它的结构形式是:It+be not+中心成份+thatwho分句。如:I didnt come back till the day before yesterday.It was not till the day before yes

13、terday that I come back.1.warden(a)a person whose job is to control the boys(b)a person whose job is to make sure the boys are happy2.appetite(a)the feeling of wanting to eat(b)the feeling of wanting to drinkLook at the words from the passage and choose the best meaning.3.pick out(a)to pick somethin

14、g up from the ground(b)to choose one person or thing from a group4.nudge(a)to push someone a little with a part of your body(b)to kick someone5.misery(a)great anger(b)great unhappiness6.hang someone(a)to put someone in prison(b)to kill someone by pulling a rope tightly around his/her neckAstonishmen

15、t Companion Courage Desperate Eager EmployReward Seize Support WhisperComplete the sentence with the correct form of the words in the box.1.he tried to find work,but no one wanted to _ him.2.the boy_ the bowl of soup and started to eat it.3.when Mr Bumble returned to the room,the boys started _ to e

16、ach other.4.Oliver and his _ had very little to eat.5.when he told them what had happened,their faces showed_.“I dont believe it!”one man said.seizedemploywhisperingcompanionastonishment6.the child was weak from hunger and almost fell.“help him,he needs _”said an older boy.7.the boys _ wanted to lea

17、ve the workhouse.8.it was very brave of him.He has a lot of _.9.They promised a _ to anyone who could help them.10.the children_ explained what had happened.rewardsupporteagerlycouragedesperatelyMatch the two parts of the sentences1.hardly had the boy begun eating2.not until they had talked for hour

18、s3.no sooner had the warden left4.only after Oliver was locked in the room(a)did the managers decide what to do(b)did he start crying(c)than the boys started whispering to each other(d)when the warden took his bowl away from him.Rewrite the Sentences1.It was the first time a story had been so popula

19、r.Never_2.As soon as he saw the man,the boy tried to run away.No sooner _before had a story been so popular.had he seen the man than the boy tried to run away.3.It took ten days of walking for them to reach London.Only after_4.He had hardly ever known such kindness.Seldom _ten days did they reach Lo

20、ndon.had he known such kindness.5.The boys had just started to sing when the teacher told them to stop.Hardly _6.She didnit know that they had found her child until one year later.Not until _had the boys started to singone year later did she know thatwhen the teacher told them to stop.they had found

21、 her child.Choose the correct meanings.1.she threw her arms round him means that(a)she put her arms round him(b)she threw something at him2.thank goodness means_.(a)thank you(b)Im so glad3.whats going on means _?(a)whats going to happen(b)whats happeningEveryday English4.to break(my)heart means _.(a

22、)to make someone very unhappy(b)to hurt someone in chest5.it will do(him)good means that _.(a)it will be good for him(b)he will be good 6.you rascal means _.(a)you funny boy(b)you had boyCharles Dickens is one of Englands most famous novelists.He described life in the middle of the 19th century,a pe

23、riod that is now called Victorian,as it is when Queen Victoria ruled Britain.Many of Dickens novels take place in London.Cultural CornerQuestions:1.What do you know about Charles Dickens?2.Could you name some of the novels he wrote?Revision Translate the following sentences 1.这个可怜的人有一大家人要养活 The poor

24、 man has/had a large family to feed(=support/provide for)2.我厌倦了和这个经理因为钱的问题而争吵 I am fed up with/tired of quarrelling with the manager over/about money.3.他们已经下定决心要全心全意为人民服务.They have made up their minds to serve the people heart and soul(whole-heartedly)4.所有的高中生都渴望被重点大学录取 All the senior high school st

25、udents are eager to be admitted to key universities.5.I was wandering through the green trees when I heard the whisper of wind in them 我正在林中漫步,风吹过,树木飒飒作响 6.空中有股怪味.一定是什么地方在漏气 There is a strange smell in the air.The gas must have been escaping some whereCultural corner Read and answer 1.What are the m

26、ost famous novels written by Dickens,do you know?(David Copperfield,A Tale of Two Cities,Great Expectation,Oliver Twist)2.What things did Dickens experience?What conclusion can you draw from this?Are hardship and miseries only a bad thing?Father/put in prison/work in a factory,13/work as,political j

27、ournalist as a young man Sometimes hardship and miseries are not a bad thing.Some day they may become your wealth,your fortune if you can make full use of them.3.What contributions did Dickens novels make to the world?He wrote about the problems of poor people and as a result,the lives of the poor w

28、ere improved.In a word,his novels are worth reading.They are food to our soul.Oral practice and discussion 1.Retell the story of Oliver Twist 2.Do you like keeping a diary?Do you want to become a novelist?If so,what purposes do you want to attain with your novels?By writing,you can tell you experien

29、ces and share your feelings with others.If possible,you can bring peoples attention to some social problems,make our life much better and more beautiful,and so on.Teachers words Class,excellent novels are food to our soul.If possible,please read some great novels.They will enrich your life and make

30、you wiser and experienced.Also,I hope,if you cant write novels,you can keep a diary to record the valuable days that you spend.When you look back at these days,you will find the flashback(倒流)of time,feeling young and happy.Home work Finish the multiple choice of module 3 in the newspapers 倒装这种语法内容在高

31、考时有所体现。下面就是近倒装这种语法内容在高考时有所体现。下面就是近年来在高考中出现的倒装试题及其解析年来在高考中出现的倒装试题及其解析【考例1】Never before _ in greater need of modern public transport than it is today.A.has this city been B.this city has been C.was this city D.this city was【解析】(上海2019年)因为否定副词never在句首,引出部分倒装,答案是A。【考例2】I finally got the job I dreamed ab

32、out.Never in my life _ so happy.A.did I feel B.I felt C.I had felt D.had I felt【解析】(全国2000年)道理同上,答案是D,部分倒装。【考例3】You forgot your purse when you went out.Good heavens._.A.So did I B.So I did C.I did so D.I so did【解析】(上海2019年)答案是B。so开头的倒装句只限于适合另外一个人的情况。如果是指同一个人,就不能用倒装。这句话的意思是:天哪,我可不是忘了怎的。【考例4】Not only

33、_ interested in football but _beginning to show an interest in it.the teacher himself is;all his students are the teacher himself is;are all his students is the teacher himself;are all his students is the teacher himself;all his students are【解析】(上海2019年春招)not only开头,故要用倒装。答案是D。【考例5】Only when the war

34、 was over _ to his home town.did the young soldier return the young soldier returned returned the young soldier the young soldier did return【解析】(上海2019年春招)only修饰状语从句打头,要用倒装。答案是A。【考例6】The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once _with each other.they had quarreled they have quarreled

35、have they quarreled had they quarreled【解析】(全国2019年)never在并列句的句首,要倒装,答案是C。【考例7】Only when your identity has been checked_.you are allowed in you will be allowed in will you allow in will you be allowed in【解析】(上海2019年)与第五例同理,答案是D。【考例8】Maybe you have been to many countries,but nowhere else _such a beaut

36、iful place.A.can you find B.you could find C.you can find D.could you find【解析】(全国2019年)nowhere是否定副词,要用部分倒装。答案是A。【考例9】I failed in the final examination last term and only then _the importance of studies.A.I realized B.I had realized C.had I realized D.did I realize【解析】(重庆2019年)因有副词only修饰表示时间的副词then,故

37、要用部分倒装。答案是D。1.Dont _ that boring topic to attention at the meeting.A.bring B.take C.carry D.fetch 2.The fishermen _their nets into the sea.A.threw B.drew C.flew D.cast 3.Why must you _me out to a concert on a cold night like this?A.show B.pull C.drag D.pushTest yourself 4._I read the text over again

38、 did I know the main idea.A.Only after B.After only C.Just after D.After just 5.Can it be the monitor _ called on you?A.he B.that C.which D.whom 6._I finished reading the novel _ my desk mate came to ask to borrow it.A.It wasthan B.Hardly had.than C.No sooner had.than D.No sooner hadwhen 7.Not until

39、 last Friday _ he was fired by his boss.A.did he know B.he knew C.he has known D.he did know 8.Hardly had the game begun _ it started raining.A.than B.when C.while D.as 9.It was in the dining room _ I left my bag.A.where B.which C.in which D.that 10._of money was spent on my sons education.A.A numbe

40、r B.A great many C.A huge amount D.Many 11.The woman engineer _ out a warning not to touch the switch of the machine.A.cried up B.shouted at C.screamed D.called 12.Father stared_ astonishment at my letter in which I told him my plan of going to the west.A.in B.with C.of D.for 13.What the young man had done to the girl broke his mothers_.A.mind B.brain C.soul D.heart 14.The girl cried in a frightened _when she saw a snake in the grass.A.sound B.noise C.whisper D.voice 15.Mary _her arms round her boyfriend at the entrance of the station.A.carried B.threw C.put D.heldThank you


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