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1、深圳中考语法填空复习动词语态一 用所给词的正确形式填空。1. Its said that the long bridge _(build) in two months. The workers _(finish) building it as soon as possible.2. Where to have the meeting _( not discuss) yet. They _ it at the moment.3. The children _(feel) hungry and the salad _(eat) up quickly.4. Air should_(keep) fre

2、sh all the time. It is good for our health. We should _ (keep) the doors and windows open.5. Hot water _( supply) in the students flats from 5pm to 7 pm now. Students can _(take) at that time.6. In the old days, they _(make) to work in the factory from morning to evening. That means the boss _ them

3、work for a long time every day at that time.7. You neednt _(tell) him about it. He has already_ (tell).8. Your paper must _(hand) in as soon as the bell _(ring).9. People who _(drink) wine _( not allow) to drive.10. I wont _(leave) my office until my work _( finish)11. The plants need _( water) ever

4、y day. Dont forget _( water) them.12. The mobile phone _( influence) people a lot since it _( invent).13. Anne _( often hear) to sing the English songs in her room . Listen! She _( sing) a pop song.14. The food _( look) bad but _( taste) good.15. The toys _( look) good and _( sell) well. All of them

5、 _(sell) out in half a day.16. -It _(report) that some capsules (胶囊)are really bad for our health. -Sound terrible ! Hopefully, the problem _(solve) as soon as possible.17.Your donation _(appreciate) greatly and the money will _(use) to help the students from poor family.18.Each time tourists _(trav

6、el) to Beijing, they _(show) around the Forbidden City.19. Please _( watch) carefully and you will see how the apple pies_( make).20. _the sick boy _( take) to the hospital at once? Yes, he was.21.Nick _(move) to the city last week because he _(offer) a new job.22.This kind of pen _(write) very smoo

7、thly. So it is well worth _(buy).23.I think robots _(use) in peoples life in the year 2050. They _(help) us a lot.24.Have you read the book _(write) by Mo Yan ? He _(write) it 2 years ago.25.Few students can understand the sentence until it _( explain) twice.26. When you get the paper back, _(pay) s

8、pecial attention to what _(mark).27.- Did you go to Jims birthday party? No. I _(invite). / He didnt _ me.28.It is true that knowledge _( learn) rather than _( teach).29.You _(want) on the phone.30.These stones _(fit) well.31.The book _(belong) to him.32. When _ the accident _( happen)?二 翻译句子。1. 那单意

9、外发生在一个寒冷的下午。_2. 这个玻璃房是用于阻挡热量流失的。_3. 孩子们很饿,所以水果色拉很快被他们吃光了。_4. 铃声一响,你的试卷必须上交。_5. 在过去的年代,他们被迫从早到晚在工厂工作。_6. 喝酒的人绝对不允许开车。(allow)_7. 自从手机被发明以来,我们的生活已深受影响。(influence)_8. 她经常被听见在房间唱歌。_9. 这食物不好看,但味道很好。_10. 这支笔很好写。_11. 我相信更严格的班规很快会被制定出来。_12. 我已经被领着游览紫禁城很多次了。_13. 广州被认为是个美食天堂。(know)_14. Nick 在一家银行获得了一份工作,但令我们惊讶

10、的是, 他没有接受。 (offer)_15. 这本数很值得一读。(worth)_三 语法填空。Chi Li is one of the best known Chinese (1)_(write) in the West. She was (2)_(bear) in 1955. (3)_she loved literature(文学), writing (4) _(choose) as her profession(专业). During the (5) _(1980), she wrote many works (6)_are full of love. Since 2003, she (7

11、)_( reach) a higher level in her works. And one of her novels has (8)_(translate) into many languages. She said: Writers (9)_( not need) to be anyone, (10) _ they should be able to understand everyone. So she often travels alone to get the feel of how the world is and tries to understand people from all social strata.(阶层)。


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