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1、第一节:保险专业英语的文体特点第一节:保险专业英语的文体特点一、保险专业英语的语言特色1、经济文体特色 所谓经济文体特色是指保险本身就是一种经济活动,涉及了许多贸易、金融和财务等方面的内容,因此,在保险专业英语中不仅有大量的具有保险专门意义的特殊词汇,而且必然会出现大量的金融、经济词汇和贸易术语。理解、翻译这些专门性文字要求准确并符合行业习惯。n第十四章 n 保险的翻译如:如:security:在经济、金融活动中可以指债券、股票,也可以指抵押品、担保品(如寿险单等)lend money on security:抵押贷款give sth.as(a)security:以某物作担保因此:The me

2、rcantile agent has the authority to sell goods,consign goods for sale,buy goods or raise money on the security of goods.商务代理有权销售货物,托运货物,购买货物以及为了货物的安全保障而筹集一笔资金()应译为:商务代理有权销售货物,委托销售,购买货物以及以货物为担保而筹集资金2、法律文体特色、法律文体特色保险专业英语的法律文体特色是指,有些保险文献往往具有法律约束力,甚至本身就是法律文件。法律文体的特色是用词力求精确、意旨清晰、尊重习惯传统。尊重习惯传统主要是指在行文中保留古体

3、词以及使用一些仍保留原貌的外来词。而通过频繁使用同义、近义词来达到用词精确、意旨清晰的目的。2.1古体词的使用古体词的使用在许多保险合同、保险条款中(特别是英国的,如伦敦保险人协会ABC条款、劳合社雇主责任条款等)尽管内容上发生了不少变化,但仍然保留着许多旧用词。如whereas,hereby,herein,hereunto,hereafter,hereinafter,whereby,wherein等等。请看请看劳合社雇主责任保险劳合社雇主责任保险单单的第一条款的第一条款:Whereas the Assured named in the Schedule herein has made to

4、the Underwriting Members of Lloyds who have hereunto subscribed their Names(hereinafter called the Underwriters)a written proposal and declaration being the date specified in the schedule,which is hereby agreed to the basis of this contract and to be considered as incorporated herein,and has paid to

5、 the Underwriters the provisional premium specified in the schedule based on the estimated amount of wages,salaries and other earnings of employees in the business.鉴于此表中的被保险人已经向在这里签署其会员名的劳合社承保人协会会员(以下简称承保人)在此表规定的日期提交了书面投保申请书,并已经依据雇员的估算工资、薪金和其它收入交纳了次表规定的临时保险费,且同意以其投保申请书所填各项为订立本保险合同的依据并再此作为本保险合同的组成部分。

6、2.2外来词的使用外来词的使用使用外来词是尊重习惯与传统的另一表现。在英文保险文献中经常会出现一些仍保留原貌的外来词。如:The guiding principle here is the contra proferentem rule,which provides that where there is an ambiguity in the clause it will be construed against the party for drafting the clause.(在这里,指导性的原则就是对方优先权规则,它规定,如果条款中有模棱两可的地方,法庭将做出不利于提出要约一方的解释

7、。)If there is no consensus ad idem on some essential term of agreement,a valid contract will not be formed.(如果对一些重要的协议条款没有一致的意见,那么,就不会形成有效合同。)While strictly speaking,this is not covered,insurers may consider such claims favorably or may make an ex gratia payment.(严格地说,这种情形不在承保范围之内,但保险人可以通融考虑这些索赔或进行道

8、义上的赔付。)2.3同义、近义词的使用同义、近义词的使用法律文体用词力求精确、意旨清晰是为了使保险合同和条款准确无误,不出现偏差以防在诉讼过程中因文字的表达模糊而吃官司。因此我们在一个句子中经常会看到同义、近义词同时出现。例如:It is the intention of insurance to cover risks which are accidental or fortuitous to the insured.(保险的目的是向被保险人承包以外或偶然的风险。)Where property is not damaged to the extent but remains in a det

9、eriorated or damaged condition,the question of salvage does arise.(当财产没有全部被损坏,但保持一种恶化或损坏的状态时,施救的问题于是就产生了。)There is in fact a presumption in law that the proposer is applying for a policy in accordance with the insurers usual terms and conditions.(事实上,法律上有一种推断,那就是投保人在申请购买保险时,要与保险人的通常条款和条件相一致。)nIn the

10、 event of any claim by ship owners under the said clause the Assured agree to notify the underwriters who shall have the right,at their own cost and expense,to defend the Assured against such claim.n(如果发生在该条款项下由船主提出索赔,被保险人同意通知承保人,承保人用自己的费用和开支,有权为被保险人对这种索赔进行辩护。)n 以上各例句中黑体部分单词意思相近,但近义词之间也存在着细微的区别。如第一句

11、中的“accidental”主要指“偶然的”、“意外的”;Their marriage was quite accidental.(他们的结合是偶然的)。“fortuitous”也指偶然发生的,但多用于“吉利事”;A series of fortuitous circumstances advanced her career.(一系列的幸运事使她的事业一帆风顺)。为追求细致、精确和不出现误差,近义词和同义词在这种契约式法律文体中的使用是必要的。3 3、公关文体特色、公关文体特色在英文保险文献中还有一类文字属于公关文体,它们主要是保险产品推介、公司形象推广以及代理人员招聘和培训计划等内容。公关文

12、字的特点通常是要引起公众注意、争取好感,说服读者采取行动。例如保险产品的推介,实际上就是促销,其成败的关键在于读者阅读后是否愿意购买,所载信息固然要尽量中肯客观,不得夸张失实,但也要发挥一定的推介促销作用。试看以下文字:For more than 155 years,New York Life Insurance Companys unwavering financial strength and time-tested investment strategies have provided consistent value and solid financial protection for

13、 our clients and their families.(155年来,纽约人寿保险公司以其稳固的金融实力和久经考验的投资策略为广大客户及其家人提供了稳定的收益和强有力的经济保障。)nCentral to our success are our New York Life agents,who are widely recognized as the best-trained professionals in the industry.Our agents have the ability to understand each customers objectives and draw

14、upon New York Lifes products to best address those objectives.n(纽约人寿成功的关键在于其代理人,他们被公认为是业内最训练有素的专业人员。他们能够了解每一位客户的需求并能把纽约人寿的产品与这些需求最佳地结合起来。)nAs you seek financial security for yourself and your loved ones,you want the best:A strong and vital company with a competitive product line and a superior sales

15、 force that is committed to providing personal attention to your individual needs.n(当你在为你自己和你所爱的人寻求经济保障时,你当然会选择最好的保险公司:一家产品具有竞争力、销售团队优秀,能为你的需求提供个性化服务的,有实力、有生命力的公司。)nSince becoming the first American life insurance company to pay a cash dividend to policyholders in the mid-1800s,New York Life has con

16、tinued to build a history of innovationenhancing our existing product lines,creating new financial products,and maintaining a diversified portfolio to best accommodate our customers changing needs and lifestyles.n(纽约人寿自十九世纪中叶成为首家向投保人派发现金红利的保险公司以来,一直就不断创新提升现有产品的价值,创建新的金融产品并保持业务的多样性以适应客户需求和生活方式的变化。)注:

17、以上文字摘录自纽约人寿保险公司网站上的公司介绍部分,文中的unwavering financial strength and time-tested investment strategies,solid financial protection,a history of innovation,the best-trained professionals,strong and vital,a superior sales force等词显然都带有很重的感情色彩,功用自然是推广公司形象,而且的确起到了好的效果。二、保险英语句法结构的特点二、保险英语句法结构的特点在保险专业英语中不仅有大量的具有保

18、险专门意义的特殊词汇,而且由于规定保险人、被保险人权利和义务的法律、合同、条款等保险文献所表述的内容必须准确、严密、客观和规范,不允许丝毫的引伸、推理;也不需要抒发和表达情感,因而在保险英语中又形成了许多特有的句法结构特点。1 1、陈述句的使用、陈述句的使用根据句子使用目的的不同,英语句子可以分为:陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句四大类。保险文献有许多是用来描述法律关系,制定合同条款,规定人们的权利和义务以及陈述案件事实的专用公文,所以保险英语的基本句式通常是陈述句结构:The primary function of insurance is to act as a risk transfer

19、mechanism.(保险最基本的职能就是充当风险的转移机制。)The subject-matter of insurance can be any form of property,or an event that may result in the loss of a legal right or the creation of a legal liability.(保险标的可以是财产的任何形式,或者是一个能够导致法律权利丧失或法律责任产生的事件。)In all classes of insurance,proposer must disclose previous loss experi

20、ence and all the facts which he could be reasonably expected to know.(在所有的保险种类中,投保人必须公开以前的损失经历和保险人有理由希望了解的所有事实。)2 2、WhereWhere在保险英语中的特殊用法在保险英语中的特殊用法在保险英语中,Where经常引导状语从句,但它不是引导地点状语或者表示转折,而可译为“当时候”,“在.时”,“如果”,它说明的是事物的状况,但又不能完全等同于表时间的when或表条件的if,应理解为“in the or a case/situation respect in which”。如:Where

21、 a principal has insurable interest,his agent can effect insurance on his behalf.(如果委托人有可保利益,他的代理人可以代表他购买保险。)Where the sum payable is expressed in words and also in figures,and there is a discrepancy between the two,the sum denoted by the words is the amount payable.(如应付金额同时用大小写表示而两者有差异时,应以大写所表示的金额为

22、准。)Where the issue is between death by accident and death from natural causes,there is no presumption in favor of accidental death.(在判断是意外死亡还是自然死亡的问题上,赞成意外死亡时,不能以假定来决定。)Where an exclusion clause is ambiguous,the contra proferentem rule will apply and it will be construed against the insurer.(如果排外责任条

23、款模棱两可,则将使用对方优先原则,从而做出不利于保险人的解释。)3 3、综合复杂句的使用、综合复杂句的使用在保险英语中,经常出现由状语分句和关系分句以及其它一些分句构成的综合复杂句,以达到准确、严密和不产生歧义的目的。This may or may not be true,but what can be said with more certainty is that,because insurance is involved,the insured will have access to all the expertise available from insurers,which may

24、improve the risk and thus assist in protecting people.(这种说法有对的一面,也有不对的一面,更确切的说法应该是,一旦保了险,被保险人将接触到来自保险人的所有专业知识,运用这类知识可以减轻风险,从而有助于保护人民。)在本句的but分句中有主语分句、表语分句,表语分句中又有状语分句和which引导的关系分句,增加了该句子的复杂性,反映了保险英语句子结构步步为营、层次分明的特点,从而达到了表述严谨,语意严密的效果。4 4、“It follows that”It follows that”结构结构在保险英语中,为了体现原理和理论的客观,常常采用“I

25、t follows that”结构。It follows that life contracts are not subject to the doctrine or subrogation as they are not contracts of indemnity.(由此可以推论,寿险合同不受代位追偿原则限制,因为他们不是补偿合同。)It follows that where the parties contract face-to-face,the agreement is unlikely to be void for mistake as to identify.(由此可以推论,当双

26、方面对面订立合同时,此协议不太可能因辨别身份造成的错误而无效。)It follows that the agent binds the principal by the contract,without being personally bound by it.(由此可以推论,代理人可以通过合同来约束委托人,而代理人本人不受合同的约束。)5 5、被动结构的使用及其特殊含义、被动结构的使用及其特殊含义在保险英语中,被动结构的使用是非常频繁的,而且有的被动结构形式有时具有特定的含义,如“it was held that”在叙述、分析案例中,通常可以理解为“法庭认为,法庭做出裁决”,了解这一现象对阅

27、读、理解保险英语文章是有帮助的。There was a case in which settlement had been made?72,000 by the insurers,but due to the lapse of time between the claim payment and the recovery from the third party,and due to the fact that the pound sterling had been devalued in the interval,the insurer actually recovered?127,000.

28、It was held that the insurers were only entitled to keep?72,000.(有这样一个案例,保险人支付了72,000英镑的赔偿金。但由于保险人支付的赔款和向第三方追偿存在的时间差,以及英镑在此期间的贬值,保险人实际上获得了127000英镑。根据判决,仅仅有权获得72,000英镑。)In the case of Geismar v.Sun Alliance(1977).The plaintiff smuggled items of jewellery into UK without declaring them and paying the

29、excise duty.This made them liable to forfeiture.The items were subsequently stolen.It was held that the plaintiff could not recover under his insurance,as this would allow him to profit from his criminal act.(在盖斯曼诉太阳联合保险公司一案中,原告走私珠宝进入英国,没有报关,没有交纳所需的关税。据此可以没收这些珠宝。后来这些珠宝被偷。法庭做出裁决,原告不能得到保险赔偿,因为给予赔偿会使他从

30、犯罪行为中获利。)当然,并非所有语境中的“it was held that”都可译为“法庭认为,法庭做出裁决”,还应视其情况而进行理解和翻译,如:In life insurance,it was held that the proposer for a life policy was under a duty to examine it when it was sent to her,and retaining the policy for seven months without objection could be a sufficient act of acceptance of the

31、 insurers offer.(在人寿保险中,按规定,投保人有责任在保单交付她时,对保单进行查验。如果她保留保单七天而不提出反对意见时,则被视为对这分寿险要约的承诺。)被动句在保险英语中的大量使用是保险英语句法结构的一大特点,是实现所述内容客观性的重要手段,其实例不胜枚举,在翻译这类句子时,应采取灵活的方式。下面再举几例:It is usually stipulated that proof is to be satisfactory to the insurer,which means that reasonably satisfactory proof will be sufficien

32、t.(通常规定,证据应该使保险人满意,也就是说应该有充足的令人相当满意的证据。)It is not suggested that insurance alone keeps people in jobs,but it does play a significant role in ensuring that there are not unnecessary economic hardships.(这并不意味着单靠保险就能使人们保住工作,但它确实在保证免受不必要的经济困难方面起着重要的作用。)The vast majority of claims are settled to the sati

33、sfaction of insureds,with very few resulting in any real degree of dispute.(大多数索赔案件处理得令被保险人满意,很少有索赔产生真正的争议。)Because of the link between subrogation and indemnity,an insurer is not entitled to recover more than he has paid out.(由于代位追偿和赔偿有密切的联系,所以,保险人无权获得比支付的赔偿金额还要高的索赔金。)第二节第二节 英语保险文体的翻译原则英语保险文体的翻译原则n

34、三大原则:n准确n通顺n统一n1、“准确”原则。这是保险条款翻译的核心原则。“准确”主要指汉英翻译过程中选词准确,信息传达确切。这需要译者具有较好的英语技能与扎实的保险业务知识。如 underwriter 在寿险中是核保人,而在非寿险中是承保人。The sum insured 是保险金额而不是保证金额。n2、“通顺”原则。“通顺”指用符合汉语习惯的语法和句子结构表达源语信息。国内的保险条款往往将保险责任、免责范围及理赔处理分开,用不同的条目来表示。请看下例:n We will pay in addition to any other amount recoverable under this

35、sectionn(a)if you occupy your home the cost of reasonable,alternative accommodation for you,your family and domestic petsn(b)if your home is lent or let rent you would have received but lose while your home is unfit to live in following damage recoverable under this section nAny claim payment will n

36、ot be more than 20%of the sum insured by this section.n译文:发生本节所述可恢复的损害后,在房子不适于居住期间,除了根据本节应该支付的任何其他金额外,我们将支付n(a)如果房主居住在房子内为房主、房主的家人以及宠物提供适当的变通住所所发生的费用n(b)如果房主将房子出借或出租房主本应得到却未能得到的房租任何索赔款项不得多于本节保证金额之 20%。n从形式上看,译文和原文几乎是一一对应的,也正是这种对应使得译文带有明显的翻译腔,与国内通用的条款格式大相径庭,因而难免让人费解。试改译如下:n在发生本节所述可修复的损害后,在房子不能居住期间,除了

37、根据本节应该支付的其他款项外,(保险人)还将(视房屋使用情况)赔付被保险人。n(a)若房主(本来)居住在房子内,(保险人将支付)房主、房主的家人以及宠物在适当的变更住所所发生的费用。n(b)若房子用来出借或出租,(保险人将支付)房主本应得到却未能得到的房租。任何索赔款项不得超过保险金额之 20%。n3、“统一”原则。所谓“统一”是指在翻译过程中译名、概念、术语前后应一致,甚至在任何时候都应保持统一,以免同一个术语或概念在不同的地方或条款中变换译名而影响条款的权威性。下面是中国大陆和港台在同一术语的翻译上有分歧的一些例子:n见课本P194.第三节英汉保险文本的互译实践第三节英汉保险文本的互译实践

38、n常见的保险术语和固定表达nfree from particular average(F.P.A.)平安险nwith particular average(W.A.)水渍险(基本险)nall risk一切险(综合险)ntotal loss only(T.L.O.)全损险nwar risk战争险ncargo(extended cover)clauses货物(扩展)条款nadditional risk附加险nfrom warehouse to warehouse clauses仓至仓条款ntheft,pilferage and nondelivery(T.P.N.D.)盗窃提货不着险nrain f

39、resh water damage淡水雨淋险nrisk of shortage短量险nrisk of contamination沾污险nrisk of leakage渗漏险nrisk of clashing&breakage碰损破碎险nrisk of odour串味险ndamage caused by sweating and/or heating受潮受热险nhook damage钩损险nloss and/or damage caused by breakage of packing包装破裂险nrisk of rusting锈损险nrisk of mould发霉险nstrike,riots and civil commotion(S.R.C.C.)罢工、暴动、民变险nrisk of spontaneous combustion自燃险ndeterioration risk腐烂变质险ninherent vice risk内在缺陷险n 在翻译专业术语时,要注意专业概念体系中概念范畴和概念关系。不同领域的术语表达不同的事物和概念,但在某一特定的专业以及概念体系中,有其确定的含义和相对单义性的多义术语。一些常用词在保险合同中和普通英语中词义也大不相同。同学们可以研究一下课本中的两个英汉互译实例(第三节贸易合同英译汉与第四节中华人民共和国财产保险条例汉译英)nThank n You!


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