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1、 M3unit3.单词荟萃1_n出生地;故乡_n出生2_n小说;长篇故事_n小说家3_n冒险_ n冒险家_ adj.冒险的4_ n商人_n生意;商业5_n耐心_adj.耐心的_ adv.耐心地_n病人6_vi.漫游;漫步;漂泊7_vt. & vi.许可;允许_ n允许 8_vi.凝视;盯着看9._vi.发现;认出_(过去式)_(过去分词)10_vt.寻找;探索_ (过去式)_ (过去分词)11_adj.难以置信的_vt.可信_n信仰_adj.可信的12_adj.粗鲁的;无礼的_n. 粗鲁_adv.粗鲁地 .短语检测1偶然地;意外地_2衣衫褴褛 _3前进;往下说 _ 4盯着看_5导致;做出解_

2、6与此相反,正相反_7冒险 _ 8至于;关于_9.打赌_ 10.养育;抚养_III、完成句子1事实上,当他进入办公室时是偶然被保安发现的。2很多人去大城市追求幸福和成功而我想碰碰运气,在家乡开个公司。3他把大量的时间和金钱花在世界各地的旅游上,因为他酷爱冒险。4.小女孩盯着桌上的甜点,她很想吃。5. 令人惊异的是李华这学期在学习方面取得那么大的进步,尤其自他有了自己的学习方法以后。第一部分阅读理解 AHolding a cell phone against your ear or storing it in your pocket may be dangerous to your health

3、.This explains a warning that cell phone manufacturers include in the small print that is often ignored when a new phone is purchased.Apple,for example,doesnt want iPhones to come closer to you than 1.5 centimeters;Research In Motion,Black Berry,a manufacturer,recommends 2.5 centimeters.If health is

4、sues arise from cell phone use,the possible effects are huge.Voice callsAmericans chat on cell phones 2.26 trillion(万亿)minutes annuallyearn$109 billion for the wireless carriers.Devra Davis,an expert who has worked for the University of Pittsburgh,has published a book about cell phon radiation,“Disc

5、onnect”The book surveys scientific research and concludes the question is not settled.Brain cancer is a concern that Ms.Davis examines. Over all,there has not been an increase in its incidence since cell phones arrived. But the average masks an increase in brain cancer in the 20 to 29 age group and

6、a drop for the older population.“Most cancers have multiple causes,”she says,but she points to laboratory research that suggests lowenergy radiation could damage cells that could possibly lead to cancer.Children are more vulnerable(易受伤的)to radiation than adults,Ms.Davis and other scientists point ou

7、t.Radiation that penetrates only five centimeters into the brain of an adult will reach much deeper into the brains of children because their skulls are thinner and their brains contain more absorptive fluid(易吸收的液体)“No studies have yet been completed on cell phone radiation and children,”she says.He

8、nry Lai,a research professor in the bioengineering department at the University of Washington,began laboratory radiation studies in 1980 and found that rats exposed to radiation had damaged DNA in their brains. Ms.Davis recommends using wired headsets or the phones speaker.Children should text rathe

9、r than call,she said,and pregnant women should keep phones away from the abdomen(腹部)1Why is the warning in the small print?AThey dont want the users to pay attention to it. BThere is not enough space for the warning.CThey think people will not care about it. DThe warning is not important at all.2Acc

10、ording to Ms.Davis,brain cancer increase_Aamong children Bamong old people Cin the twenties Damong pregnant women3Why do children easily be affected by radiation?ABecause they havent grown up. BBecause they are too young to protect themselves.CBecause they use cell phones more often than adults.DBec

11、ause their skulls are thinner and their brains are easily hurt.4. What can we conclude from the last paragraph?APregnant women should keep cell phones away. BPeople should use cell phones in the correct way.CIf you are a child,youd better text than make phone calls. DWhen you use a cell phone,use a

12、wired headset or the phones speaker.CTwenty million kids register each year for youth hockey,football,baseball,soccer,and other competitive sports.The National Alliance for Sports reports that 70 percent of these kids quit playing these league sports by age 13and never play them again.According to M

13、ichael Pfahl,executive director of the National Youth Sports Coaches Association.“The number one reason why they quit is that it has stopped being fun.”With figures like these,its time we rethought how we present youth sports to kids.With that in mind,here are some key points to remember about kids

14、playing sports.Preschool.Focus on the element of play in any sports activity you introduce to very young kids.Make it fun! Dont burden them or concern them with competition, keeping score,and rules.Get them running,kicking,throwing,catching and laughing.Use equipment that suits their bodies.Adapt ga

15、mes according to their abilities.Always offer encouraging words for all their efforts.Elementary school.Sports psychology expert Rick Wolff,stresses that parents of kids aged 512 need not be concerned with their childrens excellence in such refined sports skills as comer kicks.“Those are unimportant

16、,”Wolff advises.“The key here is having your child develop a sense of passion for the sport.”Many kids lose their passion for youth sports during these years because they cant live up to their parents and coaches expectations.Middle school.Kids start dropping out in big numbers at this stage.Playing

17、 sports loses its enjoyment for them and “fun” takes a back seat to winning.Pickup games and just “playing for fun”should be encouraged.The key at this stage is to keep them playing the sports they enjoyif not on school or youth teams,then informally with friends.Not being on a team does not mean th

18、ey have failed as athletes. It just means that they have to find other pleasurable ways to continue enjoying their sports.9Whats the best title for this passage?AWho should be responsible for kids health BHow to become a successful athleteCWhat should people do when kids quit sports DWhat to remembe

19、r about kids playing sport10Michael Pfahl would probably agree that_Amost kids lose interest in sport because of poor skill Bthe adults shouldnt give kids negative commentsCthe adults should try to make it fun for kids to play sports Dthe adults should spend more time playing with kids11Whats the mo

20、st important thing for elementary school kids when they play sports?AA sense of passion for sports. BParents reasonable expectation. CEncouraging words. DExcellent equipment.12What can we know about kids in middle school?AMost of them are too busy to play sports. BThey start to concentrate on winnin

21、g.CThey can hardly find sports they are good at. DThey intend to play on a team instead of with friends.DWhen did you last receive a sincere apology?When did you last hear a public figure make a convincing apology?When did you last make a sincere apology yourself?The British used to be good at sayin

22、g sorry.But saying sorry in words that sound true is another matter.Listen to Jeremy Clarkson apologizing after he had called Gordon Brown “a oneeyed Scottish idiot” on a visit to Australia:“In the heat of the moment,I made a remark about the Prime Ministers personal appearance, for which I apologiz

23、e.” Do you think he is sincerely sorry? He is just going through the motions(做姿态)Or how about an apology by a Tessa Jowell at the height of the government scandal(丑闻):“If you feel that we,the government, fall short of what you expect, then I say sorry for that.” Ah,so it was all the voters fault,for

24、 expecting politicians to behave themselves. There is not a sign of sincerity here.“Sorry” really is the hardest word, not just because it is difficult to admit you are wrong, but because the word itself is so vague (模糊的). How many people say sorry, but do not actually apologize? Making an apology j

25、ust right takes skills and you need to avoid the several deadly forms of apologizing.Type 1:Avoid apologies that sound like excuses.“Im sorry,darling” is 20 times better than “ Im sorry,darling;I was tired /under pressure”Type 2: Saying sorry should be a pure act,like a declaration of love, so avoid

26、 conditional apologies like “Im sorry if I have upset you”You have upset the other personaccept responsibility for it.Type 3:People tend to cry like a baby when apologizing. But tears wont strengthen your apology; they will undermine it.However pitiful you are,it is not your feelings that are import

27、ant but those of the person you have hurt. So dont turn your apology into a show of sadness.13Whats the function of the first paragraph?ATo introduce the main idea of the passage.BTo make readers think about the topic.CTo give an example of the topic. DTo make the passage fun and easy.14When talking

28、 about Jeremy Clarksons apology, the author was_Athankful Bhopeful Ccritical Danxious15Tessa Jowell thought the fault for the government scandal lies in_Athe government Bher Cthe voters misunderstanding Dthe voters high expectation第二节根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。Cleaning is necessary to enjoy the fe

29、eling after you clean when everything is clean and in order.You feel better about yourself because you were productive and accomplished something that is beneficial to everyone in your household._16_ _17_ To make things easier on you if you have a full day of other activities, clean a little bit at

30、a time.For example, dust all of your furniture one day and then clean your floors the next.Or find something else that needs to be done.Turn on your favorite music(CDs, radios, music videos on TV, etc.)Just let it all out.Dance, sing, and act crazy._18_ Have some fun act silly.You might like it.And

31、it makes the tasks more manageable. _19_ Youll feel more organized when you have a list to follow.The feeling of accomplishment of your goals is also rewarding.And when youre done with the list, reward yourself by doing something fun.Cleaning doesnt always have to be drudgery(苦差事)The biggest tip I c

32、an give is not to let things get piled up and disgustingly(讨厌地)dirty._20_ Do the things that need to be done routinely so that you wont have even more work to do when you get down to cleaning.ACleaning doesnt have to be done in full all at one time, unless you want it to.BSo you should enjoy cleanin

33、g your house and make others happy.CWrite down a list of things that are the most important to do for that cleaning session.DAnd contrary to popular belief, cleaning can be made fun.EIn fact, leaving things aside is sometimes a good idea.FYou might feel silly, but try not to take yourself so serious

34、ly.GIn other words, dont put off cleaning.第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Have you ever considered what it would be like if you are not able to smile? I hadnt_21_that, up until a few months ago, when I found that I_22_couldnt. Well, Im exaggerating (夸张) a little bit ._23_I could smile, but only with one sid

35、e of my face!I went to the doctor, and was_24_with Bells Palsya paralysis or weakness of the muscles on one side of the face. As you could_25_, this was quite a shock to me,and made me very_26_Although this was a major bomb that was dropped on my life, my story is not about how_27_life is, but about

36、 how I face the sudden_28_falling on me.Anyway, smiling is a part of everyday_29_for me.“Losing” half my face temporarily caused me to think “What is a smile?”According to the_30_,a smile is a facial expression_31_pleasure, characterized by the turning up of the corners of the mouth,_32_ what about

37、the cause? What is_33_the smile that causes us to show this expression?After thinking about this for a while, I came up with the_34_that a smile is not only characterized by the upturning of the corners of the mouth, but also by what a person does, says and thinks.This gave me hope, as I_35_ that sm

38、iling is not just an outward expression, but an inward_36_With this in mind, I set about_37_how to smile with my life through my_38_, not just with my face._39_,sometimes I send my friends Smile Cards with a chocolate bar or bookmark, letting them_40_a true smile.21A.stuck to Bthought about Cfought

39、for Ddreamed of22A.certainly Bobviously Chardly Dactually23A.Technically BPractically CPersonally DObjectively24A.brought Bequipped Cdiagnosed Dcompared25A.ask Bbehave Cplan Dimagine26A.excited Bupset Cpuzzled Dashamed27A.short Bboring Chard Dinteresting28A.challenge Bfortune Cduty Ddiscipline29A.ob

40、jects Bwork Crisks Dlife30A.doctor Bnewspaper Cdictionary Dtext31A.indicating Bmeaning Cproducing Dmentioning32A.because Bbut Cso Dor33A.towards Bagainst Cbefore Dbehind34A.agreement Bcondition Cannouncement Dconclusion35A.doubted Bhoped Crealized Dinsisted36A.attitude Bdecoration Cpattern Dattracti

41、on37A.predicting Bsuggesting Cconsulting Dlearning38A.speeches Bactions Cpromises Dopinions39A.In fact BAs a result CFor example DBy the way40A.discover Bremove Cconvey Dexperience第二节阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Sports are a basic part of education systems all over the world at each level of s

42、tudies. Whereas education kindles the light of knowledge in the mind, sports help keep the body in good condition.41._ is true that a healthy body helps a student do well in study.At the same time, sports are also an important means of entertainment 42._ long hours of studies and a source of renewed

43、 energy.Some games also require players full attention and concentration 43._ (accompany) by specific skills and techniques. These games are 44._ (help) from the point of view of health of students.Students are always full of energy, which cannot all 45._(spend) on studies only. Sports help consume

44、that extra energy. Otherwise, it could lead students to do wrong or unwanted activities which are harmful 46._ both the health and studies of students. Students enjoy their leisure time more while 47._ (play) sports. They run and jump a lot, which improves their digestive system. Their lungs breathe

45、 fresh air which makes 48._ more active and healthier. Sports relax 49._ body of students so that they are again wellprepared to study 50._ more concentration. Sports provide food for mind in the same way as learning provides knowledge.概要写作(满分25分)阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。Child raising is probably one of the most difficult jobs for people to do all over the world. Since babies do not come with child raising manuals(指南), couples, esp


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