写作词汇升级替换表 导学案-2024届高三英语下学期冲刺复习专项一轮复习.docx

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1、写作词汇升级替换表Part 1. 衔接词&过渡词类别普通表达高级表达次序firstlysecondlylast / finallyin the first place / to begin with / initially 首先furthermore / additionally 此外last but not least 最后但同样重要的是递进besidesafterwardsmeanwhilemoreover / in addition 此外at the same time 同时more importantly 更重要的是 worse still 更糟糕的是并列alsoandoras wel

2、l as 也both.and.两者都either.or.不是.就是.neither.nor.既不.也不.转折but howeveryetinsteadwhereas / nevertheless 然而otherwise 否则;不然rather than / instead of 而不是on the contrary 相反因果becausesincethuson account of / due to / owing to 由于therefore / hence 因此as a result / as a consequence / consequently 结果;因此目的to in order

3、towith the aim to do.for the purpose of / that.观点in my opinionfrom my point of view = from my perspectivefrom where I standas far as I am concerned总结in a wordall in allin conclusionto put it briefly (简而言之)举例for examplelike/suchfor instancetake .for example在.期间duringin the course of.关于aboutwith regar

4、d to / concerning只要as long ason condition that尽管,虽然though / althoughdespite / in spite of the fact that.Part 2. 常用名词替换词词义普通表达升级表达方法,途径method / wayapproach问题problemissue幸福happinesswell-being责任dutyresponsibility / obligation缺点shortcomingdrawback影响influenceimpact结果,后果resultconsequence人personindividual机

5、会chance opportunity技巧,技艺skilltechnique选择choicealternativePart 3. 常用动词替换词词义普通表达升级表达要求askrequire购买buypurchase沟通communicateinteract完成finishcomplete / fulfill / accomplish提高,加强improvepromote /enhance /strengthen使.makedrive / enable建议suggest / advisepropose / recommend感谢thankappreciate想要want to dodesire

6、/ long to do应该should ought to / be supposed to保持keepmaintain寻找findseek面对,面临facebe faced with / be confronted with建立buildestablish /set up停止stopput an end to 解决solvedeal with / cope with意识到realizebe aware of相信believebe convinced of导致lead toresult in / bring about / give rise to决定decide to dodetermine

7、 to do / make up ones mind to帮助helplend sb a helping hand开始做某事begin / start to doget down to doing强调stresslay emphasis on理解understandmake sense of不得不have tohave no choice but to由.组成be made up ofconsist of / be composed of忙于be busy withbe buried in吸引某人注意力attract ones attentioncapture ones attention竭尽

8、全力做.try ones best to dospare no effort to do / do sth to the best of sbs ability给某人某物give sb sthoffer sb sth打算做.plan to do intend to do对.感到厌倦be tired ofbe fed up with发表演讲give a speechdeliver a speech擅长be good atbe adept at表达expressconvey获得getgain / obtain / attain考虑consider take.into consideration培养

9、developcultivate / foster经历go throughundergo承担.的责任be responsible forshoulder ones ability to参加join in / take part inparticipate in / be involved in认为thinkhold the view that.Part 4.常用形容词替换词词义普通表达升级表达不同的differentvarious / a variety of困难的difficultchallenging足够的enoughadequate / sufficient兴奋的excitedthril

10、led有空的freeavailable有趣的interestingfascinating吸引人的attractivestriking / appealing幸运的luckyfortunate主要的mainmajor明显的obviousapparent / evident恰当的properappropriate满意的satisfiedcontent疲惫的tiredexhausted / worn out有帮助的,有益的helpfulbeneficial重要的importantsignificant / vital / essential /crucial许多(可数)manya great man

11、y of许多(不可数)mucha great deal of 越来越多more and more an increasing number of著名的famousdistinguished 大多数的most of the majority ofPart 5. 常用副词替换词词义普通表达升级表达非常veryextremely / exceedingly / extraordinarily最后finallyeventually / ultimately几乎不hardlybarely / scarcely当今nowadayscurrently有时sometimesoccasionally / now

12、 and then立刻immediatelywithout any delay突然suddenlyall of a sudden经常usuallymore often than not定期regularlyon a regular basis Part 6. 笼统词替换词笼统词细节词askconsult (咨询;请教);inquire/enquire (询问) ;question (正式提问;质问)eatbite (咬) ;chew (咀嚼); taste (品尝);swallow (吞咽)getbuy (购买);catch (抓住);fetch (拿来);acquire (获得) ;rece

13、ive (收到);fetch去拿来sayadmit (承认) ;claim (声称);state (陈述);declare(表明;断言);explain (解释)mention (提到);respond (回答;回应);whisper (低声说);announce (宣布)gossip (闲聊) ;criticize (批评);warn (警告) ;murmur (咕哝着说)stammer(结结巴巴地说) ;sigh(叹息地说);beg(恳求说);stumble(吞吞吐吐地说)seestare (凝视);watch (观看);glance (瞥一眼) ;notice (注意到) ;observ

14、e (观察)witness (目睹);spot (注意到);wink (眨眼示意);glare (怒目而视);gaze (凝视)catch sight of (看到);hitbeat (敲打);strike (撞击); break(打破);crack (裂开);knock (敲;碰)runjog(慢跑);rush/dash/charge (冲);escape (逃离);flee (逃跑);slide (偷偷溜进)giveaward (授予); offer(主动提供);donate (捐赠); deliver(递送;发表);provide(提供)contribute (贡献);hand (递)s

15、houtyell (大喊);scream (尖叫);exclaim(惊叫);cheer(喝彩);roar(咆哮);howl(动物嚎叫)haveown (拥有所有权);enjoy (享有);hold (持有财产或头衔);possess(拥有品质或能力)knowrealize / be aware of (意识到);understand (理解)showteach(教); present (呈现);demonstrate (说明;证明);prove(证明)stopend (终止);pause(暂停); prevent(阻止);forbid/ban/prohibit (禁止)thinkexpect(

16、预期;猜想); imagine(想象);reflect(沉思); suppose(推断;猜想)consider(认为); believe (认为;相信)changego (变得;变为【尤指朝坏的方面】); develop(发展;进步);improve(提高;改善)catchseize(抓住;捉住); grasp(抓紧;抓牢);capture(捕获)walkhurry(朝某方向迅速移动);skip(蹦蹦跳跳地走);step(迈步);head(朝某方向行进)improveenhance(增强); promote(促进);strengthen(加强)encouragemotivate(激发);sti

17、mulate(刺激);inspire(激励)bighuge(巨大的);vast(广阔的);broad(辽阔的);great(伟大的;重大的);large(大的)massive(大规模的);enormous(庞大的);spacious(宽敞的)sadupset(不高兴的;心烦意乱的);depressed(沮丧的);sorrowful(悲伤的)heart-broken(心碎的)读后续写写作技能临门一脚策略1:运用从句,提升表达【用合适的从句合并下列句子】(1) He is a child. He knows a lot._, he knows a lot.(2) He was excited. H

18、e could not say a word._(3) They put off the competition. It rained heavily._(4) The teacher told me a piece of good news. I was admitted into a key college._(5) The view was really breathtaking. It impressed me most during my trip to Guilin._was that the view was really breathtaking.(6) We involved

19、 ourselves in the community activities. We gained experience for growth._策略2:套用特殊句式,改造升级(1) A disaster was avoided because of their help. (强调原因)_(2)I have never seen such a beautiful picture. (部分倒装)_(3)A beautiful lake lies at the foot of the hill.(全部倒装)_(4) He set up a charitable organization and d

20、onated the money he earned.(用not only.but also.并列)_(5) He is very happy to see his friends.(感叹句)_(6) While I was on the street, I came cross a friend of mine.(状语从句的省略)_(7) We cant visit the museum because it was being repaired.(用with复合结构)_(8) I sat in my room for a few minutes. My eyes were fixed on

21、 the ceiling.(用with复合结构)_策略3:无生命主语开头,为文章添彩(无灵主语和it)1. Great changes have happened to Tom in the past ten years. (用witness改写)_2. Students didnt come because of the bad weather. (用prevent改写)_3. I thought of a good idea when I read this article. (用occur改写)_4. People believe that he will win the first p

22、rize in the contest. (用it is + done改写)_5. In January 2017, I started my life in a small city called Mangshi. (用find改写)_6. She felt a little sad.(用seize或flood over 改写)_策略4:用非主语成分开头,增强表现力1. If you keep on working hard, you will make great progress.(用祈使句)_2. Tom, whose nose was red with cold, entered t

23、he room.(用with复合结构开头)_3. Mr.Green was angry at the girls oversleeping and bent down to wake her up.(形容词短语作状语)_4. As soon as I heard the news of his winning, I offered my congratulations to him.(用upon doing.)_策略5:添加状语扩长句子(1)添加非谓语结构1. I opened the letter, _.(现在分词作伴随状语)2. I drooped the vase, _.(现在分词作结果

24、状语)3. Mike was surprised _(动词不定式作原因状语)4. _, the lady returned home.(过去分词作伴随状语)5. We hurried to the station, _(动词不定式作结果状语)6. Tom worked day and night_(动词不定式作目的状语)7. _, the students stopped talking.(现分作时间状语)8. _, the problems were settled at last.(过分作原因状语)9. _, the small town looks more beautiful.(过分作

25、时间状语)10. _, Mary didnt come to school yesterday.(现在分词作原因状语)(2) 添加其他状语1. Bob approached us, _(添加形容词短语)2. _, Jane didnt dare to move.(添加形容词短语)3. The little girl seemed sad and went back home_(添加介词短语)4. The doctors gave her a general checkup_(添加目的状语从句)5. _, our headmaster soon left the meeting room. (添

26、加独立主格结构)策略6:细化动作,构造动作链【例】Lisa朝她父亲走去。 Lisa walked toward her father.Lisa saw her father in the distance, so she jumped up and made her way through the crowd toward him.请通过细化动作,构造动作链,使下列句子更生动:1. They broke into smiles._2. Lily looked out of the widow._3. The mother kissed her baby on the cheek._4. Jer

27、emy去郊外游玩遇到了一只兔子。请设计一个情节,详细描述他遇到兔子的过程。_5. Nina今天参加了学校举办的舞蹈比赛。请设计一个情节,详细描述Nina参加比赛的过程。_策略7:巧用修辞手法1. 树木在风中低语。(拟人)_2. 她没有意识到机会正在敲她的门。(拟人)_3. 运动员像离铉的箭一样向终点线冲去。(比喻)_【常用的比喻搭配】1. as light as a feather (轻如鸿毛)2.as strong as a horse (强壮如马)3.as cool as a cucumber (泰然自若)4.as fast as lightning (快如闪电)5.as busy as

28、a bee (忙忙碌碌)6.as hungry as a wolf (饥肠辘辘)7.as slowly as a snail(像蜗牛一样慢)8.as cold as the ice (像冰一样冰冷)9.like a cat on hot bricks (像热锅上的蚂蚁)10.like a duck to water (如鱼得水)11.like an arrow from the string(如离弦之箭)12.like a bullet (像子弹一样)策略8:把静态写成动态【例1】I was very terrified at the sight of the fierce wolf. (静态

29、) At the sight of fierce wolf, I froze with terror. (动态)【例2】When the host announced that she won the prize, she was excited. (静态)When the host announced that she won the prize, her eyes twinkled with excitement. (动态)【例3】Upon hearing the bad news, she felt very sad. (静态)Upon hearing the bad news, her

30、 heart ached, tears streaming down her cheeks.(动态)1. Hearing the polices voice, the suspect was awfully fearful._2. Walking into the headmasters office, he was terribly nervous._3. At the sight of a stranger approaching the house, the dog became alert._4. After working a long day, I fell asleep quickly._策略9:少用笼统词,多用细节词请用合适的细节词改写下列句子中的黑体部分1. All the facts showed that Bob was right.2. Emily was afraid when she saw that snake.3. The nice lady entertained all the quests.4. I know the importance of the environmental protection.


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