1、Miodrag MiticEAN InternationalCarcassPrimal cutsRetail cutsINFORMATION FLOWBovine animalsEar-tagRFID transponderLivestock(家畜,)animals are identified by means of either ear-tags(in human readable or bar coded format)or RFID transponders.Bar coded ear-tagDE 2452 552 3452 345Bar coded ear-tagRFID trans
2、ponderBar codes and RFID transponders allow for automated data capture ofeach animals identity at its entry into the abattoir.Data baseEDINational livestock data baseAbattoirs data baseUpon arrival at the abattoir,each animals history data is transferred to its internal data base.This task can be au
3、tomated by down-loading the animal data from the National livestock data base.animals IDanimals historyDE 2452 552 3452 345By means of an UCC/EAN-128 bar code,a primal cut is traced to the individual animal or group of animals it originated from.CarcassAbattoirs data baseEach meat processing batch i
4、s traced back to the identity of the primalcuts used in it,and the history data of the animals they originated from.Primal cutsData baseEach retail pack is traced back to the meat processing batch it originatedfrom,and subsequently to the primal cuts used in it and their animal data.Retail cutsRetai
5、l pack label informationData basesRetail packbatch number.Primal cutsused in the retail batch.Retail cutting data baseCarcasses used in theMeat processing data basemeat processing batch.Abattoirs data baseBovine animalsear-tag numbersthat the primalcuts originate from.Cutting HallRetailerConsumerEDI
6、SlaughterhouseBarcoden2 ear tags with identification number and partly already with barcodenAnimal passport,partly also with barcodeLIVESTOCKLIVESTOCKSLAUGHTERHOUSEnBefore slaughtering:Data capture(scanning or manual)of animal passport information into data base.nAfter slaughtering:Identification of
7、 every piece of carcass with an EAN-128 meat label.(01)04012345123456(251)DE963510362514(422)528(423)276056(7030)528NL410SLAUGHTERHOUSEnAll slaughterhouse pieces are scanned(EAN 128)before truck loading.nThe corresponding provenance data are transmitted from the data base by an EANCOM-message before
8、 shipment.nThe cutting hall receives the data in its internal data base.nAt the goods entry the EAN-128 labels are scanned to verify the match of the delivered goods with the transmitted data.CUTTING HALLnBefore cutting:Barcode scanning of every piece of carcass/primal cut and summing up into cuttin
9、g lots.nAll origin data relate therefore to specific cutting lots.nAfter cutting:The beef products are immediately vacuum packed and again labeled with an EAN-128.nThe labeller may be connected on-line with the Net in order to prevent mistakes during the transmission of lot numbers.CUTTINGnAI 01+AI
10、10 in the EAN 128-barcode are sufficient for identification and traceability.nAll corresponding data are transmitted by EANCOM.MEATFleischermeister EZ 345ORGA INVENT 12345 Kategorie Jungbulle Marktbeteiligter undEU-ZulassungsnummerName undPrfziffer deretikettierendenOrganisationKategorieArtikel-beze
11、ichnung(individuell festlegen)Strichcode EAN 128Herkunfts-angabenLogoMarktbeteiligterLos-/Chargen-NummerKann-Feld Geboren in:HollandGemstet in:Deutschland,BelgienGeschlachtet in:HollandES NL410Zerlegt in:Deutschland EZ DE925,BelgienEZ BE381ArtikelHV-3er Referenz-/Ident-Nr.98500113 EAN:40 54321 00001
12、 6Abgepackt am:6.1.2019Kontrolliert durch:NEUTRAKON AG (7030)528NL410(7031)276DE925(7032)056BE381(01)04012345123456(10)20190543(422)528(423)276056MEATApplication Identifiers for Regulation 1760/2000(EC)n01GTINn10 BATCH/LOTn251 REFERENCE TO SOURCE ENTITY(or another reference code that relates to the
13、animal of which the cut meat is derived)n422 ORIGIN(”origin here does not have the same meaning as stated in the Regulation.Here it means only country of birth-ISO 3166)n423 COUNTRY-INITIAL PROCESS(possibility for 5 ISO country-codes for identifying a maximum of 5 countries of fattening)n426 COUNTRY
14、-FULL PROCESS(if all proceeding steps are taken place in the same country)n7030-7039 PROCESSOR(country name and approval numbers of maximum 10 following cutters in the chain.7030 is always for the slaughter,7031 until 7039 for the cutting halls.)SLAUGHTERINGSELLINGCUTTINGCONSUMINGCarcass ticketProce
15、ssing labelConsumer labelEAN-SYMBOL:EAN 128EAN-SYMBOL:EAN 13EAN-SYMBOL:EAN 1288 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 6Valid passport or health certificateEar tag number*with respect to EU-Reg.1760/2000EANCOM/EAN 128:AI 01EAN Article-No.AI 251Ear tag-No.Additional AIs in EAN 128(without EDI):AI 422Country of BirthA
16、I 423Countries of Fattg.AI 7030Approval No.ofSlaughterhouseEANCOM/EAN 128:AI 01EAN Article-No.AI 251Ear tag-No.ORAI 10Lot-No.Additional AIs in EAN 128(without EDI):AI 422Country of BirthAI 423Countries of Fattg.AI 7030Approval No.ofSlaughterhouse AI 7031-39 Approval No.ofCutting hallsOnly an EAN 13-Article-Code which is the key to the article database during scanning at the till.EAN-SYMBOL:none